Brothers in Arms

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Brothers in Arms Colonel greybeard plucked a green apple from a low hanging branch and bit into it the mouthful was more acidic than the ones supplied to them by sector command the tree had probably metabolized some of the pall's base waste products the aliens next step in their Conquest would probably be to terraform the Earth to their species oh well he thought just a little more work for his upgraded liver than usual as he took another bite there was a burst of static from their radio operator and then Sergeant Pepper's electronic voice sounded off on his headgear we have confirmation on strike orders sir she said at least the engineers had given her a female's tone all armies are moving in on their targets finally after 15 years of occupation Earth was going to be reclaimed relay Advance orders to all quadrants and regiments greybeard told her and then opened his own intercom to communicate at with his regiment move into deployment Zone in forced radio silence he Advanced through the Deep vegetation of sagal's forest the advanced Scouts had already marked all pagal traps and sensors with smell warnings he took a last bite off the green apple and threw it on the jungle ground pungent smell reached his nostrils and he veered to the left following the line of soldiers in front of him as they zigzagged their way inside the pagal Outer Perimeter the pagal loved moist humid zones the winter weather on their home planet was like being in our Amazon during the summer all Gates were built close to the equator with the exception of the two placed each poles the pogal were crafty creatures they had played on Humanity's need for clean energy to infiltrate the world first they sent as much as they could about themselves in an open-ended message seti and other people searching the skies believed that the pagal message wasn't aimed at Earth or any other specific Planet it was an open presentation of a sentient civilization to anyone who could listen a message that included the gifts of advanced mathematics and Technology there was no way to answer back any communication was prohibited by distance and the scientists took that as a sign of good faith that the pagal weren't interested in Invasion or destruction only in altruistic contact after the initial message came other things their history philosophy and even religions which some decided had many convergence points with our own religions the pagal had supposedly already United their world into a cohesive government they had already passed the stage where their civilization could be wiped out by any planetary disaster and were now looking for similar intelligent life forms in the Galaxy they hoped the universe was not a dark Forest full of fearful civilizations but a neighborhood of friends Brothers in sentience was how the scientists had translated the message the signals kept coming advanced math then cheap energy generation new materials and Fabrication processes new technology that could be applied from medicine to Computing and engineering and Robotics all of it beneficial if used under control everything free of charge because even though Humanity had sent a message towards the point of origin of pagal signal thousands of years would pass before it would reach reach them the world changed and civilization flourished Humanity stripped down its country boundaries and United in a true world government in 60 short years Humanity had been transformed by the signal from our brothers from space the Pinnacle came when scientists revealed the creation of the first human AI interface using some pagal schematics but mostly human Ingenuity now Humanity had the chance of Eternal existence if not life through computers some joked that the only thing missing from our space Ben n factors was the old how to serve man cookbook they couldn't have been closer to the truth the last part of the signal called for a starbridge scientists on Earth theorized that it was an instrument a wormhole that could transverse the space between the pagal home world and Earth after much consideration Humanity decided to build a small one-way version of the bridge and send explorers and a thank you message to the pagal and it was the last thing they did as a civilization because of the magnetic and gravity requirements six Gates had been built two anchors in the poles and another four along the Equator and then after much consideration and what could be accounted as an almost unanimous vote cast by the whole population the bridge had been activated Colonel greybeard stopped cold a pagal guardian orb approached his position the scouts couldn't predict when or where this flying sentries would appear once the armies of Earth were positioned around their targets it wouldn't matter that one or a thousand gave the alarm but it wasn't yet the moment to strike greybeard kept his gaze locked on the orb and the orb approached him it had surely detected him so there was only one thing to do the colonel screamed at it and jumped as if trying to grab it those soldiers closest to him did the same arms flailing Wild ly at the orb the orb flew up distancing itself from the Army and then just as the colonel expected an artillery barrage to come from the pagle's base it turned around and flew towards another sector skirmishers in position pepper reported through the intercom awaiting confirmation from all strike forces tus 3 minutes Colonel greybeard settled down just outside the nal's base awaiting for the confirmation the smug bastards had known all along what would happen once their Bridge signal was decoded and they also knew what Humanity would do and how would they try to use the bridge to thank their benefactors their one-way Bridge was a ruse as effective as the Trojan Horse history had been in the training gry beard and the soldiers at his command had received a pagal walked out from the building closest to the bridge it was wearing a simple suit that fitted completely to its body they were bipeds with long arms and even long legs but not strong as it would befit the image of a race of world conquerors Moore walked about the compound secure in the knowledge that there was no one to challenge their Supremacy over Earth the bridge hummed and then there was a flash as more pagal aliens colonists and Equipment came through the gate Colonel greybeard felt just a little pin prick in his brain when the gate had activated it was a pin prick he knew his soldiers felt too that pin prick had been the key to conquering Earth one of the pagal approached his hiding place maybe they could see in a different Spectrum maybe they heard better or sensed his mind greybeard didn't care he waited for the pagal to approach him soon the all clear signal would come and he would die along the others of his treacherous race the transport Bridge had been calibrated for humans and it was humans that were killed the moment the bridge had been activated a wave of energy had covered the world world and immediately fried the brains of every man woman and child in the planet it had then expanded outwards and fried all humans in space as far as Mars newly formed Colony only those shielded by planetary bodies or those inside asteroids had been spared human population went from 13 billion to less than 30,000 in less than 3 seconds all because of pagal treachery and human Goodwill the base on the Dark Side of the Moon became the center of the resistance and the main human settlement in the solar system insertion Pepper's voice said on the con and the skirmishers broke through the jungle lines dogs and cats led the charge followed by lions tigers and wolves they were the skirmishers the fast soldiers but they would be followed by the heavy foot soldiers Bears monkeys horses those that could break doors and infiltrate those buildings the pagal had flimsily built in the hubris of the Conqueror it was poetic that the downfall for the pagal would be caused by themselves almost at the same time that Humanity had found a kinship to its space Brothers it had developed the same for its Earth Brothers thanks to pagal technology men had given the gift of sentience through their AI to many of the animals that shared the world with him animals became Guardians of the wild Partners in Fisheries friends in conservation consultants in in the wild pets had always considered themselves family with their families dead the pets friends and partners of humanity became the new soldiers of Earth and they fell on top of the pagal with all the ferocity humans had bred out from them unnatural screams filled the compound as the pgal were attacked and dismembered by The Warriors the one closest to greybeard looked around trying to understand what was happening when the colonel jumped over him and broke both his arms as easily as he could do a twig on the forest the pogal screamed and greybeard sat on top of him looking around at the chaos in that base and listening to the reports of similar attacks on all pagal outposts he smiled and leared at this would be conqueror we know that you come through a one-way Bridge he told the pagal not caring if the alien understood him or not we will leave it open and we kill all those that come through and then when we are ready we will go back and kill your world then the colonel screamed and hooted and the closest soldiers joined in with him and deep in his brain a memory of when they had been simple chimpanzees awoke for just a second
Channel: HFY Galaxy Guardians
Views: 8,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HFY, HFY Sci-fi, Scifi Shorts, Sci fi stories, Military Sci Fi, War Sci, fi, Earth destroyed, Aliens attack earth, Alien stories, Humans fight back, Human soldiers, Alien soldiers, Starships, Alien starships, battle stories, war stories, star wars, wars in space, War in space, Space wars, Starship Sci-fi, Space survival, Humans are space orcs, Sci-fi stories for sleep, Aliens fear humans, Aliens cower, Human fighting aliens, Solar system attacked, HFY War, Reddit Sci-fi
Id: uIRIw5EmRjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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