r/maliciouscompliance | "Guilt Trip me into FREE FOOD? You get NOTHING!"

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hey everybody welcome back to the storytime channel my name is Stephen and let's get into our stories of the day this is a multi-barreled case of malicious compliance a few years back my son was in an under 16s water polo team the club's pool had just been closed by the City Council so this was the last season these kids would play together for that Club the national under-16 tournament for that year was being held in our city so I pitched to the parents and club that we take them to the Nationals age championships for the experience I was coaching them there were three entitled parents kids were going to the Olympics type but this story only refers to two of them I'll call them Fred and Barney primarily because of the physical resemblances Fred's boy was an under 14s goalie and quite good Barney's boy was a driver small fast and an ego that was way bigger than his size Barney's under 14 boy was his friend they often worked as a pair Fred and Barney asked the club to let them play under 16s for development as they had been selected for the state squad my son played field instead of goalie for the rest of the season to make that possible come nationals the team won and ranked dead last about 40 teams Fred pulled a shifty on the player roster at the start of the first match so Barney's kid could have his favorite number seven that my son had worn all year my son had to wear a cap with a red 13 the reserve goalie cap they were placed in a pool with two teams that would go on to come second in third they lost these matches by massive margins more than one goal per minute in 32-minute games I was abused by Fred and Barney because the kids lost and apparently it was all my fault the kids just beat the remaining teams in their pool by playing the best team play they had ever played this meant they had jumped up to a ranking range of somewhere between 17th and 23rd they went through the next stage of the tournament and wound up playing in the 1920 ranking match against one of the top regional teams in the country in the manager is meant to track all of the stats in the match major fouls and goals being the important ones our best kid got rolled three major fouls in a third quarter he had only received two and I tried to challenge the match official asked for our records from Fred so he could compare to the game sheet Fred had nothing but a blank sheet a second kid on two majors also got rolled from there the boys went from four one up to four all at full time penalty shootouts to decide ranking here comes the compliance Fred and Barney insisted we put our best kids forward to win the shootout I said yes and they exclaimed about freaking time I picked four of our best remaining shooters I switched my son into goals two years older than Fred's kid and also made reps squads I could only do this because of Fred's switching of caps without that switch my son couldn't have gone on goals I had to have Fred skid in the shooting lineup to replace him in goals I replaced Barney's kid with Fred's kid Fred swore and stormed off Barney also swore and joined him my son led zero goals in during the penalty shootout and the kids won the match Fred's boy wasn't great at saving penalties and turned out he wasn't good at shooting them either and missed so Fred and Barney made this win possible by switching caps and insisting we play to win personally I have a lot of sympathy for Opie because this is a very difficult situation to have Fred and Barney hovering around trying to promote their kids to the top of the line is there even any good way of dealing with this how would you deal with it let me know in the comments below all the comforts Germany in the 80s there was a yearly recurring nightmare called reforge where in NATO brought reinforcements into Germany from all over the globe to demonstrate how bad but we were it was six weeks of smelly armpits gray undergarments and mud I was in a small aviation company and was their de-facto liaison officer and aviator extraordinaire for these affairs because of my intimate knowledge of the local culture and ability to arrange military affairs I was responsible for site improvements which meant finding and arranging better field sites a major part of this was to coordinate with the local porta-potti purveyors so that adequate facilities were available one fine day our battalion commander visited and observed how well setup our location was he was particularly interested in our toilet facilities one night he had returned to HQ it was announced that we would be locating that night to a completely unimproved mud hole and that HQ would be moving to our location we dutifully packed up issued chalk numbers to all vehicles and at 2 a.m. drove out to the new site as the colonel smilingly watched us pass by his smile completely disappeared when he saw that in our midst happily convoying along was the local port-a-potty purveyor with his honey wagon septic truck and all for potties on the back good luck with your army-issued toilet paper sir I guess they assumed that because it was an overnight thing they wouldn't have time to take the porta-potties with them but the best kind of planning is one that can cover in any situation which Opie did enjoy your hand sanitizer this story contains entitlement and I may post it on entitle parent slash kids to just to by the way so we have this friend sorta let's call her Karen even though she's the same age as me a teenager when we were younger I cut her a few times having stolen stuff from me and her friends and was generally a stealing lying witch but we sometimes got along and our relationship is complicated and she thinks we are fantastic friends so I don't tell her otherwise she also set me up with my current gf but that's a different story I also have really good peripheral vision and people often got mad when I could see them do stuff out of the corner of my eye that they thought I couldn't so I went shopping with my friends late last year and my friend not Karen drags me into a certain shop for body products as it was one of the last shops we could go to and I still had a decent amount of money left about a lip balm and two small scented expensive as heck bottles of hand sanitizer I never used them so the size of them didn't bother me it was just for random occasions when I needed them or one of my hands to smell nice I got home put them on my desk and used them about three times the rest of the year then in about March Karen came over and asked hey can I have one of these bottles of hand sanitizer and I tell her no I bought them myself and they are very expensive she looks at me fake smiling and says oh okay then and I swear I can see her grab one off the desk very obviously as soon as I turn back to my PC without looking at her I say put that bottle the freak back I said no Karen his surprise then quickly puts it back looking at me innocently saying what do you mean at this point I look up and say you know I have good vision don't try to take my stuff when I've told you no I then reached over and put the bottles in my desk drawer and go back to what I was doing the next day she comes over again and her mom is with her the mother starts getting mad at me saying Karen told her I stole her hand sanitizer and that I locked it in my desk I told her I don't have a lock on my desk and that I bought that hand sanitizer last year she was still mad and shouting at me to give her the hand sanitizer no one else was home as my family were all shopping or at school I go to online school and Karen is homeschooled so no one could back me up or save me from her I finally get fed up go inside and grab one of the bottles of hand sanitizer in an old lotion tube I never threw away cuz I'm messy I screw off the cap of the lotion lid and squeeze the sanitizer into the bottle sealing it back up and putting it in my desk I put the bottle in my pocket and walk back to the door this will just take a moment I forgot to put it in the kitchen she nods still mad and Karen is smiling in success as I walk off again I reached the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of ketchup mixing it with chunky aloe vera gel and awkwardly shoving it into the hand sanitizer bottle this makes a sort of translucent pink gel that looks like a strawberry hand sanitizer as that was the scent for this one the smell of the original hand sanitizer is very strong and it overpowers the ketchup making it seem convincing I come back and hand her the tiny bottle of ketchup and aloe vera looking directly at the Carin and saying I'm so sorry I stole I don't know what came over me they both look smug and turned to leave her parents saying she won't be returning a gun I don't want you stealing more of her stuff and you're lucky we don't press charges on you because you're a kid I put on a sad face and say that's a shame before slamming the door in her stuck-up face I hope she enjoys her hand sanitizer although ketchup is pretty good there's a lot of things that you could have put into there that would have been pretty good as well like some of that liquid glue or something that would really mess with them I told her to stop talking she did my fiance and I begun exercising together she has a workout plan she's doing and I agreed to do it as well the problem is that I am pretty out of shape so I was struggling when I started the workout plan doesn't have sound just a 30-second timer and some text telling you when to rest and what to do next if you're just concentrating on working out you can sometimes miss your cue to take a break easy solution each of us will watch the time for the other person this all leads up to me on the second day of exercises absolutely dying while doing split jumps my fiance is sitting on the sidelines with helpful comments like go down lower and you need to jump higher I'm tired in a little grumpy so I have jokingly told her to stop talking she immediately goes silent and I'm briefly worried I may have upset her I'll check with her as soon as my break comes along I continue to do my split jumps and I keep going and going and going thirty seconds seems like an eternity when you're trying to exercise I can't look at the screen because my fiance has it I continue to do those evil split jumps I stop she busts up laughing and shows me the time I'm 20 seconds into my break that's what I get for telling her not to talk now I use my phone timer that beeps every 30 seconds and we do the sets together honestly with half of the stories I hear between couples I'm glad that this was a light-hearted thing and not something to turn into some domestic try to guilt trip me into giving you free food you get nothing instead okay so to preface I used to work as a pizza delivery driver several years ago and my boss was pretty cool we still hang out sometimes even to this day but things can get stressful when busy as it was a small shop with only me and him working weekends with me delivering in him cooking and Saturdays were by far our busiest shifts so I was working a Saturday in the middle of another hectic shift I had to drop off deliveries for three different houses this is nothing new as I'd often have to make multiple deliveries in the same trip but one of the houses the last one had already called up several times to ask where their order was as it was already late for whatever reason my boss never told them the truth and would always palm them off by saying it was nearly ready when in truth he hadn't started it so I was expecting them to be a little pissed off when I arrived unfortunately on my way to the last house I get a phone call from my boss saying item 8 an error with the first two deliveries by accidentally giving them each other's food and to go pick them up and swap them immediately I asked him if I should drop off the last order first but he said no so this meant house number three would be waiting even longer for their food I finally arrived at house number three admittedly a good hour or so after they should have had their food originally so I was fully expecting a tongue-lashing off the occupants however what happened surprised even me I'm paraphrasing the conversation as was a few years ago but I remember most of it pretty well and it went roughly like this me knocks on the door you're late I can only apologize that's not good enough you were meant to be here an hour ago again I'm sorry but I can't control when the orders are made I just deliver them when I'm told to now normally this is where the customer would have felt they've aired their grievance pay for the food and go back in not Karen I don't care you've ruined our anniversary night what are you going to do to make it better well again I can only apologise but I'm here now I've got children through here who are having to have sandwiches now because you're so late so what are you going to do to make it right I finally catch on to what she's insinuating that I should hand over the food for free and take the financial hit myself well all I can do is say sorry for it being late but that will be total please well we've already phoned up and cancelled the order so how are you going to make things right as soon as she said that a light bulb went off in my head well unfortunately if you've cancelled the order then I'm afraid I can't hand over the food and I should return it to the shop straight away have a good night with that and without another word I turned away climbed back into my car with all the food and took it back to the shop I told my boss what had happened and he blacklisted them from ordering again he was also able to sell the pizzas off half price to some regulars who came in drunk looking for something quick I had a handful of incidents working there but that one will always stick in my mind I heard from my boss that they tried ordering again a few years later after I stopped working there and he informed them they were blacklisted to their total surprise no I'm not sure I could be wrong here and obviously it's not the drivers right to authorize any free pizza so opie specifically is not in the wrong here but considering the mix-up in the great delay in time I don't think that Karen was super outlandish trying to expect some kind of free food what do you think more cream you got it I was a waitress at a brunch restaurant it was Sunday which is the worst and busiest day of the week guests were usually nightmares I had a group of middle-aged women at one of my tables and they were the kind of people who would pretend you didn't exist when you approached them anyways finally got a drink order out of them after 20 minutes of them just not responding every time I touched the table if you're really busy / trying to flip tables during rush you know how frustrating this is they all wanted coffees with cream cool brought them their coffees and cream we served cream on the side of coffee in these cute tiny metal pitchers anyways after I said all that on the table I asked to take their orders which was also hard to get out of them they finally focused and start placing orders and then as I'm asking the final woman what she would like as a side one of the women interrupted me saying and you better bring my cream for this coffee to my table rolled her eyes and went back to her conversation okay more cream got it I complain to my co-workers about this table when I was putting their order in and we got the idea to fill a shot glass with an unholy amount of cream to give to her took the shot glass back to the table said here's your cream gave her my fake server smile we watched her try to pour it into her coffee from a distance and saw it pour down the side of the shot glass down her arm and onto the table and cuff of her shirt I ignored them until they were finished with their food hope she enjoyed her cream they actually tipped me extra because I think they realized they were being turns well hey you get to kind of disrespect them back for their disrespect and you still got tipped well out of it that's a win in my book but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 38,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: L_gUrE_R7kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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