r/FatPeopleStories - She accidentally the WHOLE thing...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host who's ultra instinct will fuel me and guide the way Zak in today subreddit is our slash fat people stories by the way if you know the song I just referenced and you probably do if you're below the age of 45 um just like freakin put the comments down below just like freaking celebrate how good that song is with me so - so god Oh Dragonball alright this story is called hypocrite ham greetings first-person shooters it's been a while I have mentioned in stories prior that I am to get married in April this is a bit of an old story so like a lot of women in several men I am working super hard to look as perfect as I can on the big day I have cut out sugar completely eat carbs for only one meal a day and have recently joined a spin class five times a week the happily engaged phase brought with it some extra pounds and the festive period added some more I was at 138 pounds at five foot six entering 2020 and wants to be around 125 to 130 by my wedding date in India we use the metric system but I will use pounds to be consistent with my previous stories however I will retain the usage of kilograms when I quote other people I love the sheer energy in the spin classes and the activity has already started to make a difference the people here are lovely too and I made a few new friends one of them was the ham tagging estava stale whom I shall call neon lycra lucre Lika she is around five foot five and may weigh around 210 to 220 pounds I usually tried to be in one of the two front rows for every classes that's where the energy and whole vibe seems to be off the charts the other women I have a friend did do the same neon okra however sticks to the back of the class I'm just gonna call her neon I think that's where the slower people exercise and I never asked her to join us up front as I thought she may just be feeling self-conscious now neon has a habit of turning up to class fifteen to twenty minutes early in this duration she frequently goes right to the front of the class and takes pictures for her Instagram and snapchat stories once she even asked me to take a video of her spinning furiously ride to the front row for thirty seconds before returning to her usual spot in the back when the rest of the class shuffles in by the way she uploaded this video on her Instagram with the caption real Fitness comes from the front lines I mentally judged her but only mildly most of us opted for some deception on social media also she makes it a point to attend class three to four times a week without fail a few days ago the five of us spin class friends made a plan to have an early dinner at the health food cafe near the gym I will use names to avoid confusion henceforth so there's me neon strawberry tic-tac and butterfly is this some kind of Powerpuff Girls ripoff tic-tac is the fittest of all of us she has a dynamite body because not only does she spin she also regularly practices Muay Thai and swims four times a week she gives the best fitness tips and the four of us barring me on absolutely love her we're at the cafe and order mostly salads and a juicer a soup each strawberry two is due to get married soon so she and I are extra careful I have a simple green salad and a chickpea lentil soup while strawberry has a cherry tomato cucumber salad and a detox juice tic-tac works out a lot so she eats a fair bit more than us she ordered a very hearty salad with greens grilled chicken beans mushroom tomatoes and corn along with the salad she also ordered a banana cinnamon smoothie and a small portion of oats with Chia Mian had a watermelon feta salad and a berry muesli plus a slice of banana bread because it's my cheat day once the food came she stared goggle eyed at Tic Tacs order but didn't say anything we were generally having a great time nattering away on the tip female topics of celebrity gossip workout trends relationships and so on everyone except neon is in a relationship although she does claim to have a few friends with benefits tic-tacs boyfriend is an investment banker she does not talk much about him as a rule but this day she was unusually chatty she was telling us about an upcoming glamorous work event of his to which she was invited and showed us pictures of the outfit she planned to wear it was a beautiful rose gold fit-and-flare silk dress with a back tie-up at this point neon piped up oh what a pretty dress will you manage to fit into it though the table goes quiet we are totally nonplussed like what in the world is she talking about tic-tac has the perfect figure yes I tried it on before buying it it fits very well why did you think it won't Oh does it now but the event is like a week away if you keep eating the way you are there's no way you'll fit in that Tic Tacs face goes pale we are pretty shocked in general but try to defuse the situation darling she doesn't eat all that much you know how much she works out one Muay Thai session and the calories will get knocked right off yeah she knows what she's doing I mean just look at her she's the one who should be giving us diet tips yes this was a not-so-veiled jab at neon and she understood just because she's a size zero does not be cheese perfect what do you weigh tic-tac fifty kilograms using kilograms now as we are in India and I'm quoting her verbatim I do your height that is pretty low strawberry laughing but you just said she eats so much she won't fit in the dress someone underweight should have no problems fitting into a perfectly normal-sized dress even if they gain some weight in a week tic-tac is a bit uncomfortable but it's also trying to brush off the comment no no neon my weight is 59 kilograms and is actually in the normal range for my height she is five foot eight neon does not look convinced she's like wait let me calculate your BMI she does and take max BMI is 18.8 which is normal even though on the lower side I see you are so close under weight that I don't think the normal range even applies to you the rest of us chimed in with different versions of we don't think that's how it works etc etc so are you eating so much to gain weight then no neon this is what I normally eat I log my calories in the app and this easily fits in my 2,000 calorie limit I usually have a light lunch Wow you eat so much and manage to be so thin it is an unfair world i restrict myself so much work out almost as much as you do and still haven't managed to shake off more than 5 kilograms since I joined the spin class and it's been three months life is unfair wait a minutes you do not work out almost as much as her have you forgotten Tic Tac does muy Thai thrice a week and swims to also she just said she has a light lunch what do you normally have for lunch Tic Tac a veggie sandwich in a bowl of soup or maybe do it are these flat breads with a green subsea vegetable preparation well what that is all this is such a weird way to eat is this because you want to be sticks in for your Richie Rich boyfriend he must meet a lot of beautiful women so is that what makes you afraid and starve yourself so you don't lose him Tic Tac now visibly annoyed no neon he has nothing to do with it I had been very vigilant about my fitness in seven to eight years he and I only started dating a year ago huh maybe you just have an eating disorder then I date too you know but nothing quite like you you're supposed to lose weight slow and steady and I will stick to that strawberry who is a blunt person but weren't you just saying how you were frustrated that you only lost 5 kilograms so far now how is the Farley established at Tic Tac it's so thin because of her eating disorder now I am totally ok with my weight before anyone could say anything else she directed her tirade at me and strawberry and you too losing weight for your weddings I thought you were body positive feminists quinoa you used to be fat what upon a time aren't you slim enough now why do you want to become anorexic believe me Langa's do not look good on stick thin women you honestly should not spin as often as you are your weight quite frankly is perfect and strawberry I don't even understand why you bother your fiance is no Greek god you already look ten times better than him just stop working so hard the entire monologue is quite the shocker as me on has never been offensive to us before we argue about wanting to look good for ourselves become as fit as we possibly can Mian is not convinced and continues to spout pseudo feministic arguments tic-tac is also arguing but butterfly is just quiet I understand that you may be a bit insecure can rod up because your fiance is so handsome but you're a looker too stop hating on yourself so much just because you were fat earlier just chill at home enjoy your mom's food every day while you still can sleep relax you know better than to fall into this trap it was then that butterfly spoke up nyan I don't understand you just the other day you were telling me how you thought kinvaras size are a bit too chunky for her frame now you're telling her to stop spinning what the hell is that everyone falls silent my cheeks are flaming my thighs have always been my sore point and they are indeed a bit big for my build I was so embarrassed strawberry quickly tries to reassure me while tic-tac and neon just get into a really heated argument about double standards and inconsistent arguments yeah okay I did say your thighs are a bit chunky but I told butterfly and did not say it to your face to spare your feelings no I am never a person to instigate fights or say cruel things first but when people talk crap about me I have this tendency to lash out at them pretty viciously once I recover from the initial embarrassment and/or shock yeah okay that was nice of you now in the spirit of this discussion and all the honest opinions you've given me let me tell you something your workout clothes are so damn tight they seem to be sewn onto your skin and to make things even better all the neon shades you wear remind me of those balloon animals you see the Hawker selling outside I just never said it to your face to spare your feelings neon gasped the others audibly gulped accept strawberry who snort left me on then told me to go screw myself through money on the table and stormed out she hasn't come to his spin class since I feel guilty that my comments may have stopped her from exercising regularly but not so much that I will go apologize to her the other girls don't think I am at fault at all and are fully supportive and that's all folks I will say this my favorite character in the story is strawberry by far because she seems to be the only one not going the passive-aggressive route it's just all passive-aggressiveness does is cause more conflict because you're referencing an issue but you're not bringing it to light really and so it's just it's all negativity there and it's just bad and I wouldn't consider what strawberry did to be blunt that's just honestly I'm gonna sound kind of mean but that's just being I feel like mature when you say what you mean but you don't necessarily have to be a jerk about it it's just the dynamic Illustrated here is just not a very good one not a very healthy one to be around like neons obviously got some horrible image issues that she needs to talk about with someone like my philosophy is if you have something I guess negative to say you want to talk about it what the person it's about it's regarding and if you want to talk about someone when they're not present make it nice or just don't say anything at all because that's just not just poor character obvious caveats and like if your parents discussing your child or or just being concerned about someone in general and not just talking crap all right this one's called stuck in the tub are slash tales from security in the tub years ago in the 90s I was a security officer in a busy downtown hotel I was radio dispatched by the switchboard operator one evening I got a call there was a loud knocking and screaming coming from the top floor of the hotel I went to the floor in question and Lloyd at around for a bits but didn't hear anything and reported back as such about 20 minutes later same call same response same outcome an hour later I got the same call and a second complaint of sobbing on the same floor I responded to the floor determined to get to the bottom of it it took me literally putting my ear to each door for a couple of minutes at a time carefully listening the floor had only one vacant room so the process took a while I did one whole side of the floor and was about halfway back to the other side I was listening at a door and was just about to move on when I thought I heard a very quiet whimper than nothing then I heard it again the shower was running in the room masking most sounds maybe it was the TV I knocked and identified myself as hotel security the floodgates opened then and a woman's voice called loudly for help I opened her door to find the safety latch was thrown I told her I'd be right back and I went to get the breaker bar we keep in each floors housekeeping area I also called for my backup not another security officer but the engineer on duty the engineer had arrived at the door a few seconds after I returned and together we snapped the security latch and entered the room I called out that I was hotel security and the woman said from the bathroom I'm in here and I need help now we pushed open the bathroom door and peered cautiously inside the woman was a big girl quite overweight Who am I kidding she was jogging normos 500 pounds easy she was lying down in the tub with the shower spray hitting her right in the face she had slipped and fallen backwards somehow trapping her arms behind her and because of her weight and girth she couldn't get back up she could only move one and could kinda kick the side of the shower making the knocking sound she had been that way for about 90 minutes and had exhausted the hot-water tank for that floor so she was getting ice-cold water right in the face and was shivering violently when a woman of those dimensions shivers things well shake disconcertingly so that which has been seen cannot be unseen my colleague took a vowel and laid it on her in an attempt to give her some dignity it took all the towels to do that my colleague and I tried for several minutes to lift her out but couldn't get a good grip either too flabby or too wet or too wets and flabby we decided we needed major reinforcements and called the fire department they arrived in under five minutes covered her with a comforter from her bed and gave her heated oxygen we thought they would get her out in short order but they had the same flabby slippy issues we did for a while there was talk of cutting the side of the tub off but eventually they were able to get some straps behind her and four burly men pulled her out I was in the guest room but not the bathroom but I swear I heard a soft when she was finally extricated from her porcelain prison the EMTs put her on a gurney and she was taken to hospital where she spent the night she called the hotel the next day asking us to bring her some clothes which Amade picked out for me from the belongings in her room and I offered her a ride back in the hotel car she was very embarrassed mortified actually and would not make eye contact with me the whole trip back to the hotel she tried to tip me $50 when we arrived but I politely refused she checked out later that day and we never heard from her again until a couple of months later we found out she had written a letter to corporate singing praises of the maintenance man and I about our professionalism the general manager was so appreciative he gave each of us an all-expense-paid weekend at the hotel and a $250 bonus I was single at the time so I never used my guests pass but 250 bucks was a lot in those days I think I spent it on hash rum and pizza okay this story is definitely a bit iffy I'll know guys this one just kind of seemed just mean for the sake of being mean I thought the subreddit was supposed to be stories about mean people that happened to be fat and I feel like this was just unnecessarily kind of mean this one was just making fun of her weights and she was actually really nice she appreciated everything she was about to leave a big tip and hotels are not cheap especially if it's a hotel with security there and she was trying to give him a good tip and she praised them and got them bonuses personally this one was in poor taste but it was still interesting nonetheless all right this story's called friends ate pizzas I bought for a group of people before I tell this story I just want to note that this happened way before the Modelo virus pandemic so don't worry I'm not breaking social distancing to have pizza parties so I once had a group of girlfriends over one of which is obese I love this girl she was a great friend we have lost touch I was just frustrated at the time that I spent $100 on a pizza order and then this happened it didn't affect our friendship at all of course I never said anything but I figure some of you on the sub might enjoy the story so I bought three large pizzas the night I had these girls over the pizzas had 12 slices each there were five girls total after the order came in I set the pizzas on a table in the kitchen and we put about two or three slices on our plates and went to the living room while we were eating our pizza in the living room this girl walked past the kitchen to go to the bathroom a few times and came back each time she had a couple more slices on her plate which is just fine not a big deal none of the rest of us have gotten up yet to get any more pizza I go into the kitchen after finishing my three pieces all three pizzas are gone this leads me to one conclusion she had been eating pizza in the bathroom that whole time and then bringing even more into the living room with her after that in total she made about two full large pizzas Sapir the rest of us ate about one of the pizzas between the four of us and we were full enough to keep us going for the night from having two to three pieces each I wish I had known that whatever else I bought above one large pizza would disappear or I probably would have just bought two I also wonder to this day if any of the other girls noticed this happened I'm sure they did but we were also drinking so who knows wait a second $100 for three large pizzas who how why someone teach this person how to use coupons or shop for deals okay and you honestly should have talked to her about that I'm not saying like come in mad at her just feel like and obviously one-on-one because with other people who would just be embarrassing and I get it could be awkward but it's only awkward if you make it awkward be nice about it don't be mad just you know ask her to be more considerate of other people when you know you you spend a ridiculous amount of money and that was just that was a bit dumb on opiez part for spending a hundred bucks on three pizzas that's 33 bucks on each pizza you're supposed to get discounts when you buy in bulk or whatever like what what kind of pizza was that don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 37,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/FatPeopleStories, She accidentally the WHOLE thing...
Id: wVi65D5EXbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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