r/JustNoFamily - Mom used my photos as DATING bait...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host that just ate some of his birthday pie Zac and today subreddit is a new one it's called our slash just no family or just no family don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode dad hit a little brother 17 from me 23 mail my brothers 28 and 30 and the entire family I disowned my dad after he hid a half-brother that me my two older brothers and family had no idea existed okay the story goes like this I got a message on facebook from this teenage boy from up in Scotland who said hello my name is Jordan and I think we may share the same dad I know this sounds extremely weird and if we don't want to talk I understand but I'd appreciate if you would I wasn't sure what to think at first I'd have thought my dad would have told us about a baby brother when we were younger or something after all he and my mom have been separated for the past 20 years since I was 3 I messaged back he said he thinks we have the same dad so he could be wrong I said hello until Tim my name and asked him why he thought he was my brother to which he then proceeded that his whole life he thought his dad's name was David insert fake last name here and that's not my dad's name and said that my father's name was John real last name here to which he said he knows my dad's name and then he sent me photos of him as a baby and a child with a man who was in fact my dad my world at this point was now starting to spiral turns out when my dad was traveling for work he started sleeping with this woman in Scotland and had given her a fake name so she couldn't try and find him as he was seeing my now stepmother for about a couple of weeks at the time after a couple weeks going back and forth from London to Scotland he had gotten this woman pregnant and from then on he took business trips there regularly for a few weeks for the next 15 years until one day he dropped contact with Jordan it wasn't until Jordan got his own phone and got my dad's number from his mom and saw my dad's Facebook profile under people you may know after his phone synced his contacts to his apps he saw our dad with a name he didn't recognize and look through his profile to see the family he missed out on his whole life he saw me tagged in a photo with my dad and brothers that said me and my boys he saw me and saw that I was the youngest and figured I'd be easier to talk to I was dumbfounded absolutely dumbfounded he asked if it could be possible to meet and that he would be visiting London within the next few weeks and I said sure and we met up and I got to know him a little and sort some things out I saw him in person and he looked like a mix between my brother dad and cousin he was for sure my brother we got talking about the family his who he grew up with and about the family that he missed out on I felt horrible for him that he missed out on everything from the birthday parties to the nieces and nephews that he hasn't met that are a huge part of my life he met my partner and they got along very well and we met up several more times that week he was in London and got along extremely well and showed him pictures of the family and showed him texts from the family group chat but now was the time to confront our dad I let my dad know that I was coming to see him my stepmother was in France at the time with her own daughter so I wasn't going to upset her by showing up with my secret half-brother he opens the door to see me standing there with Jordan and his face just dropped instantly I ripped into him about how he could keep Jordan a secret and Jordan tore into him about how he could just grow up not knowing his real name and that he was excluded from a family he had no idea existed this wasn't the first time I dad disappointed me but it was the worst time he had and for Jordan did worse Jordan is now back in Scotland and I've gone to see him a few times and he'll come back so I can reveal everything to the family and have to meet them all in person all his aunts uncles cousins grandparents nieces nephews and finally my brothers his brothers sure I'll warn them first to get over the initial shock of it all and come around but Jordan deserves to know his family to know where he comes from he is the little brother I've always wanted and he said he was so glad to have met me proud to say I have a little brother who I'm definitely going to make sure is in my life and a part of the family turns out the reason my dad cut contact with Jordan was because a couple of years ago my stepmother got pregnant nobody in the family knew this and she knew of Jordans existence and told my dad to abandon him or else he wouldn't see his new baby so he did just that and stayed with my stepmother however she ended up having a stillbirth that to this day nobody in the family knew about he decided to just not get back in contact with Jordan figured it would be easier financially for him to not look after son that nobody knew about Jordan won't forgive him and I don't blame him when my Nana and granddad found out about Jordans existence and how he was excluded they were absolutely furious at my dad they would have loved and spoiled him growing up like they do with all their grandchildren and now great-grandchildren my brother's kids they want to take him shopping for 17 years worth of birthday presents when he begins to visit much more regularly I myself do want to take him to get things he's a comic book nerd like me so I got him a few graphic novels when I last saw him I'm happy he's my brother oh that's incredibly nice very wholesome your dad is an irresponsible poo hammer and you're a great brother and your grandparents are great grandparent I guess technically they are great grandparents but you get what I mean do you guys are having no problem making this guy feel welcome and his family this story's called I found out that my mom is using my photos on dating websites hi I've never posted here before I was directed to hear from our slaw relationships some background information I'm twenty-one female my mom is 53 female I live with my mom while I go to college throughout my whole life she has never dated or had a relationship she's never even really shown an interest in dating this changed about half a year ago she signed up for a couple of online dating sites she talks to me about the guys she chats with a lot and she spends a lot of time talking to them like she's on her phone all day messaging them and she literally loses sleep because she stays up all night talking to them it's something I've been worried about with her that her talking to these guys is negatively affecting her life she's literally missed work and appointments because of losing sleep are getting distracted and being late on to the situation at hand I was using her phone yesterday to take pictures as her camera is a lot better than mine while I was using it she got a message from one of these guys it said something like wow the red hair looks amazing I had dyed my hair red that day so I thought she sent the guy a picture of it the thought made me uncomfortable as I don't want her to be sending pictures of me to people I don't know and I get paranoid about that stuff so I looked at her messages I know it's a violation of privacy to snoop but I needed to see what and how much she sent of me the message she sent to him was a picture I had posted on Facebook of my new hair and the caption she used was this quarantine is making me feel creative what do you think about my new look that confused the hell out of me obviously the idea that she was pretending to be me didn't even cross my mind because of how ridiculous it seemed so I kept reading back in her messages he referred to her as Marie which is my middle name I looked in the sent pictures and none of them were of her there were dozens of me I'm a makeup enthusiast so I post pictures of my makeup looks on Instagram and Facebook almost every day and almost all of the ones I posted from the past a month or sent there were even pictures me in swimsuits from beach trips I immediately felt sick and couldn't stop digging through the messages some of the messages were extremely sexual in nature full-on sexting pictures of the guys Richard there were naked pictures of a girl - obviously not mine but she was claiming they were of me Mia her whatever it made me so freaking nauseous to read the things the guy said about me and even more nauseous to read the stuff my mom said about me like talking about my red lipstick and wanting to stain his Richard with it sending a full-body picture of me and asking him what he would want to do to it asking him to love my 21 year old cat I looked through more of the people she was messaging and there were four other guys she was sending my pictures to I just put her phone back and went to my room I feel so freakin sick and angry and scared my mother has never been inappropriate like this to me in my entire life I was raised really conservative in Christian so she's barely even mentioned sexual things to me when she first started using these sites she would complain to me about how no one was interested in her and that she wasn't pretty enough to get attention she's morbidly obese and middle aged and disabled and doesn't really take care of her appearance and she has really high standards for guys like thirties tall muscular I'm not gorgeous or anything but I take pride in making myself look good and taking care of myself I don't know what the Frick to do I haven't talked to anyone about this because this is so insane and I'm embarrassed and disgusted to mention it to my friends and have them know I've been avoiding my mom and haven't let on that I know I told her I was feeling sick so I could stay in my room and stay away from her I don't have any idea what to do about this how to confront her or even if I should I'm so scared of how she'll react into I just feel so embarrassed these guys could freaking find me online they could be crazy and one could get upset with her and might even look for me in real life I don't know what to do I'm so confused and scared please someone give me advice if you have any I'm desperate thank you so much for taking the time to read all right there's a Nadder Oni editor Oni and cheese hi everyone thank you so much for all the advice in support I'm definitely going to try and do some of the things suggested my current plan is temporarily disable all social media she has me on get her phone and screenshot messages and delete all photos of me she's definitely not tech savvy and would buy me telling her it was a virus reverse image search the photos I know she's using and try to find her online dating profiles and report them for catfishing tell her a friend found a dating profile using photos of me and that I'm in contact with the website to find out the IP address of who is using it again she's technologically illiterate hopefully that scares her into stopping if not I'll confront her with the proof I have freaking move out ASAP I don't feel safe here anymore so once the state of Modelo virus isn't better I think I'm going to cut down on school and just do part-time so I can also get a part-time job and save up enough money to move out again thank you so much for all the kindness I definitely did not expect this big of a response so I'm sorry for not responding to every comment but I read and took them all to heart if I have an update I'll be sure to post it thank you okay thankfully uh um they got the advice they needed and holy crap that is terrifyingly creepy that woman needs to get out and have get a social life because holy crap the level of depravity a person descends to once they choose to live a life alone and without actual contact and just you know normal human interaction for instance I a person whose example everyone should live by went out to get key lime pie this makes me a social individual and Opie's mom should get on my level obviously I'm joking it's a joke this story's called the day I found out my mother-in-law has bought I don't usually post but I have a story that y'all would really appreciate grab your drama llamas and sit around ladies and gents the show is just beginning some details have been changed for privacy reasons my daughter a four year old girl and I are staying with my husband's family father-in-law 62 is a massive psychopath and narcissist and my mother-in-law 60 is sweet timid and couldn't hurt a fly she is disabled and needs a walker at all times so she stays at home and laws have been married for 39 years they are both religious though my father-in-law recently stopped going to church my husband is their only child and is 35 setting mother-in-law asked to spend some time with father-in-law over the weekend to chill out and relax father-in-law suggests they go for a drive out on the back roads mother-in-law agrees happily they get in the car and father-in-law starts talking what the butthole father-in-law did father-in-law quite casually confesses how he's been unhappy for a long time and how he actually hasn't loved her in a while actually four years actually he never loved her actually it was a mistake to ever marry her and have a kid with her actually he married her to get away from his mother actually he only stayed with her because she felt so obligated to take care of her and then later on their child and too he cheated on her 20 years ago once and one year ago twice but he's not seeing anyone else right now he just thinks it's not fair for her to not have someone who loves her and she deserves better and oh if she wants they can still be friends and she can come round and visit sometime now father-in-law wants not only mother-in-law but also my little family bundle to move out of his house ASAP so like I'm kind of freaked out a bit because we cannot move out right now the winds changed after a bit of thinking about it and talking to her mother-in-law decided she was not going to roll over and be suddenly thrown away in discarded she's a human being and deserves better than to be kicked out of her own home after being lied to for nearly 40 years setting father-in-law gets home from work and his telling mother-in-law about what he's going to do to their vacant old's rundown and in horrible condition Victorian plantation home very minimal changes and fixes to make it more comfortable for her mother-in-law shows her teeth y'all this lady didn't miss a beat she told him actually no I'm not moving to the other house I'm staying right here you can go stay at the other house or if you want build you a shed out back to live in I'm going to be staying right here and you will pay for my expenses well maybe mother-in-law stands firm no I'm telling you what will happen what's he gonna do though call the cops because his 5-foot handicapped wife won't move out of their house so he can live the life he's always dreamed of without her he's not gonna do crap he's too worried about his public image ironically to do that I am absolutely blown away by this woman she's amazing she's got a good lawyer too already father-in-law doesn't know what to think this backfired on him so bad it's absolutely beautiful I hate his guts for my own reasons so I'm loving watching him get pulverized under her monstrous balls of steel she's already talking about changing her last name back to her maiden name like this woman is standing tall marching gone and talking about freakin travelin balls of steel yo first off about the father-in-law what he did is bad okay he cheated on her and he lied to her about her feelings for a long time also before I play devil's advocate I must say I'm not excusing his cheating that's the part where he 100% did wrong however the whole not saying anything not leaving even though he does love her and all that stuff can you imagine being in that position do you want to be the guy that leaves his wife because she becomes disabled obviously shouldn't get mayor in the first place if you can't handle you know your spouse being disabled but a lot of people don't understand that and that just sounds like a difficult situation for everyone however he shouldn't have cheated so he lost all sympathy points that he could have gotten so go mother-in-law you baller baller individual don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 18,203
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, r/JustNoFamily, Mom used my photos as DATING bait..., mom, used, my, photos, as, dating, bait
Id: zWSOmfMuLhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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