Rise of the Iron God

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we're jumping back into the current cosmic iron man story arc with issues 14 through 16 in the 2020 iron man title for those of you who aren't up to speed iron man was recently infused with the power cosmic at the end of issue 13 effectively making him a god we also posted a recap episode and summary of the major events so far in our iron man ghost cosmic episode which you could find right here but before we get started we want to thank keeps for sponsoring today's episode so here's a fun fact two out of three guys will experience hair loss by the time they reach 35. this did not come as a shock to me in fact one might say i sensed it in the force but whether you're looking to prevent your hair from taking a permanent vacation or you just want to take care of the hair you have keeps has you covered because they offer a simple clinically proven research backed process to stop hair loss and improve hair growth just go to keeps.com forward slash 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loss prevention all you have to remember is hair loss stops with keeps just go to keeps.com forward slash variant comics or click our link in the description to get 50 off your first order of hair loss treatment again that's keeps.com forward slash variant comics you can thank us later with that said let's see what goes down in issues 14 through 16 of iron man and see how he's dealing with becoming a god let's start things off with issue 14. i'm going to recap issue 14 very quickly because not much happens that pushes the story forward meaning we don't need to spend much time on it essentially after the end of issue 13 where iron man was imbued with the power cosmic issue 14 picks up with iron man drifting in space tucked in a bed iron man then says boss begin recording the power cosmic from what i understand scientifically it's a primary substance of omniscience and omnipresence the collapse of space and time into a singular energy matter manipulation the removal of boundaries between dimensions anything and everything essentially we see tony coming to grips with him now being imbued with the power cosmic becoming a god and with his newfound god-like powers he visits himself in the past and even works out scenarios in his head of what's gonna happen now that he has the power cosmic at one point he says to himself maybe this is my chance maybe i could finally be different maybe everything can be different of course folks will freak out if i try to take that too far won't they they'll try to stop me they'll think this is just another one of my bad ideas as we see visions of the avengers all banding together to stop tony and as they rally against him he says but you know what it's time for me to be in charge for a while as he uses his now cosmic repulsor blast to literally disintegrate the avengers x-men and the fantastic four but remember this is all just possible outcomes not really happening tony continues to say but this is my time i have so many ideas i could fix everything starting with myself but that's just the beginning i promise you it will be all so beautiful as we literally see the inner workings of his head with muscle tissue and bone and mathematical equations inside of his mind it looks really cool but kind of trippy he then says i can't wait to begin the cosmic transformation process must be nearly complete i could feel it when i wake up it'll be a new day a brand new day elsewhere we see korvac has also been imbued with the power cosmic saying i am a god once again a god he goes on to monologue saying to himself at last i've returned i will admit at the 11th hour i had my doubts even my faith was shaken but now i won't waste one moment in delay the work is vast even for me but the healing can begin almost immediately my role as savior begins now at this point iron man shows up saying about that and korvax says you iron man replies yes me good morning as we see iron man in his cosmic god form for the first time which looks kind of like an amalgamation between ultron and blue beetle but with that issue 14 comes to an end so let's jump into issue 15. issue 15 starts off with an alien world that's just been destroyed with one of its survivors saying my people are dead i am all that remains and i will not remain long i narrowly escaped in a flight drone the cosmic entities i must document the fate of my world suffered at the hands of korvak and the iron god we are then taken back to earlier where we see this alien walking on his world when all of a sudden in the sky there's a massive explosion as captions say something to the effect of we were warriors assassins if need be but also artists scholars engineers healers but all of that changed when our mother star was violently extinguished in a single instant they had been battling across the galaxy locked in lethal combat for some time and on the next page we get a double page spread of the iron god fighting korvak now for the most part the rest of this issue is these two now god like beings fighting in space and only the way two gods can i'm talking about throwing moons and planets at one another as we see korvak do just this to iron man with the alien from the beginning of the issue narrating against zayn that was the moment my world ended we only had minutes to evacuate since the collapse of our star minutes i barely made it to a drone with a single copy of our great history no one knew what was happening no one knew how fast the absolute end would come not me not anyone that's when i saw them the cause of the destruction as we see the drone escape the planet with the massive iron god and korvak fighting each other iron man eventually getting fed up uses his newfound powers to blast korvac to a dead universe saying this is the only place you deserve to be master of enjoy the company of ghosts corvid asks what is this place iron man replies i never enjoyed the power cosmic before never understood it now my entire being is a vessel for it mechanical suits were just the beginning now i am the power and the power is me my link to the cosmos shows me a multitude of realities and this one match the stench of death that you're covered in nothing lives here not one molecule korvak asks what happened what made it this way iron man tells him i could hear the story of this universe if i listen to its whispers and gasps can't you korvac this entire existence was murdered by yet another egomaniac a colleague of mine it seems victor what did you do referring to victor von doom but obviously korvak isn't just gonna stay there without a fight so he starts attacking iron man again but tony just uses this cosmic-powered arc reactor to blast them away iron man then sees the earth of this universe and says just like everything else here snuffed out by hate and bad ideas it could happen to my earth too it's always been on the brink always threatened but now now i am more than a man in a mechanical suit it will be more so much more i will help my entire universe everything i will make it so much more i'm sorry korvak it's my turn now as he smashes the dead earth over korvax head this is crazy they are literally chucking planets at each other like they're snowballs nuts as we see the alien escaping in his flight drone he says but what i saw next i'm a holy man but never did i believe i would encounter so many gods in a single day on our doomsday as we see just that several gods appear with the living tribunal saying this battle ceases now but like i said he's not the only god that showed up he's accompanied by death eternity infinity the in-betweener lord chaos master order and oblivion iron man then says to the living tribunal i see you brought some friends with you this time as korvak cowers in fear the living tribunal and the in-betweener then says korvak you have disturbed the universal balance you will come with us iron man then says i thought he'd be safe as here contained in this graveyard of a prison infinity then tells him he is safe from nowhere that is not under our immediate watchful eye with master order and lord chaos replying but what of him what of iron man and iron man imbued with the cosmos itself as the gods go over what to do with this cosmic iron man tony speaks up saying i don't want to fight you but i will if i have to oblivion then speaks up saying it matters not what we give or do not give him the path has been set so says oblivion then between her then says iron man what you do next with your power will determine your fate and perhaps the fate of existence the living tribunal then speaks up saying presently it is clouded but the ultimate outcome may be satisfactory to us inbetweener then says go live your destiny with affinity saying we'll be watching always as they take korvac away he says i have a new project you you are now my sole focus tony stark the alien then lands on a nearby planet nearly escaping saying the entities then vanished with korvac i came here to satania my drone spent a fuel even now i feel my last breaths as i write these final words in our great history what will the iron god bring to his home world i know only what he and korvac brought to mind death as the alien dies before finishing writing in a journal and with that issue 15 comes to an end so let's move on to issue 16. issue 16 starts off with the space friends as they were dubbed a few issues ago sitting and talking about tony stark at gargoyle's restaurant the team consists of gargoyle the original human torch war machine hellcat and frogman they're talking about how they're worried about tony since he's now been imbued with the power cosmic and don't know how that's going to change him or how he's going to act since he now will have the ability to do anything war machine then says i informed the avengers when we got back and put them on alert about tony hellcat asks what did they say he responds captain america just sighed for a really long time with the original human torch saying seems about right what about reed richards he has a personal history with the power cosmic or at least some deeper understanding of it war machine then responds saying i say we go big here so the guardians of the galaxy the nova corps silver surfer my grandma everybody truth is tony could be anywhere in the universe right now finger painting with reality and after war machine finishes his sentence the entire city starts shaking with people looking up in the sky as we see a galactic-sized cosmic iron man hovering over the city he then starts shrinking himself down to normal size telling the citizens don't be afraid as the space friends come in saying hey boss you're scaring some of the nice people out there 20 replies guys long time no see huh i take your point roadie how about this as he finally shrinks to his normal size tony then says better i gotta say it's really great to see my space friends again glad you made it back at this point war machine and hellcat say tony we need to talk but a voice from behind them says stand back cosmic one are you friend or foe and on the next page we see it's thor saying that with the avengers of the fantastic four joining the party as well captain america says tony it's good to see you you look shiny tony that says i come in peace everybody let's all chill out mr fantastic asks where is korvac is he still a threat tony tells him korvak is taken care of and reid asks what does that mean did you kill him tony replies no but he's not going anywhere for a long time captain america then asks what about you are you a threat tony says well that sounds awfully loaded steve steve then answers i'm very concerned tony iron man then says can you relax we've all dealt with gods before look at thor it's the same vibe though replies verily it is not tony then says i mean you're right the power cosmic is a bit different i can do pretty much anything stephen asks so what are you gonna do tony then breaks down his plans saying i thought of solutions and ideas i've had in the past that have gone awry and i realized something they didn't work because they were trapped in here but now what's in here doesn't have to be trapped inside it could be shared as a gift he goes on to say he's going to share his mind his genius with everyone in the city saying my gift is now in all of you captain marvel asks what gift he tells her my intellect my level of aptitude it's yours congratulations you're now all stark level geniuses all of them are like wait a minute tony stop don't do that but he tells them it's too late it's done you're all now as brilliant as i am and so is every living person in the city i figured we'd start with a small sample size to see how it goes we are then taken to several different civilians all over the city like a couple in queens who are having an argument but then resolve it with their new intellect we see a guy in a mechanic shop getting his car fixed when he realizes a way to make his car run on a pure hydrogen fuel system we even see a kid on a little league team in the outfield talking about background radiation patterns then lastly we see a man in the hospital bed saying i just had the most incredible idea i must pursue it at once jumping out of the bed running out of the hospital we then see tony stark and hellcat talking with her clearly concerned about tony but their conversation is interrupted when the villain big wheel comes blazing down the city street saying yes it's working so they suit up and stop him and tony now with the power cosmic literally just says that's enough and captures him and saves hellcat in a giant bubble he also puts big wheel in a bubble too then hellcat says tony wait i could see his thoughts i know what he's trying to do she then talks the big wheels saying you're ordering the vehicles into a supercomputed algorithm one your wheel's cpu is capable of processing he replies exactly she says you saw how to solve traffic jams once and for all with quantum physics he tells her yep amazing huh iron man then comes flying down back in his normal clothes saying well that's actually a great idea but hellcats like but you didn't think to ask permission or anything bigwheel whose intellect does that remind you of as she looks at tony then the two start arguing and tony turns into an iron god again saying even with the incredible capacities of my mind you whimper with small minded doubt i will fix this entire world just watch me she then tells tony do you know who you remind me of now korvac then on the last page of the issue hours later we see hellcat saying to someone i appreciate you coming the world's suddenly very short on geniuses who don't think exactly like him i'm sure you understand why i don't feel good about this but i'm fairly certain a cosmic iron man is a really bad idea for everyone especially tony stark himself i hate that i'm saying this but i and tony need your help the person responds saying it's a shame when so much power is wasted on one with such a limited vision of stark she replies i don't want to hurt him i want to save him the voice then says i make no promises or guarantees only that i will devote this iron god back down to an iron man one way or another as we see she's talking to doctor doom and with that issue 16 comes to an end guys this is shaping up to be a very good iron man story i for one am enjoying it thoroughly and think it's headed in an awesome direction it's essentially though with great powers comes great responsibility message but with iron man and now that dr doom is in play i can't wait to see where things go but what do you guys think we want to know your thoughts let us know in the comments [Music] first up for the week of the 16th we have shadow man issue six punk mambo returns when the horrors from the dead side spill into the world of the living leaving shadow man in need of backup next in line we have fantastic four issue 40. the opening shot of the reckoning war has left the earth in complete and utter chaos and it turns out we're not alone the entire universe is on fire the enemy has had eons to prepare for this attack reed richards has had two hours to mount a defense johnny storm has gone full supernova sue storm has become completely invisible and even the watchers can't see her and colonel ben grimm for the first time in a long time is ready to go to war third on our list we have hulk issue 4 as the mystery behind the hulk shocking new status quo deepens banner has piloted the starship hulk to an alternate earth one where thunderbolt ross is president and he has an army of gamma-powered monsters under his command next we have hellboy the bones of giants issue four cowboy and the others make their way to the ghost city of garg in search of thrim but there's more than one giant standing between the bprd and saving the world dwarves valkyries and the norse god of thunder himself come together for the ultimate confrontation to close out this crazy series and lastly we have thor 22 god of hammers part 4. to stop the deadly path of the mule near wielding god of hammers all of the marvel universe must come together the final battle is here but will thor's allies survive the hammer's blows thor turns to an unexpected source to help ensure victory and that brings today's episode of variant to a close but if you like today's iron man video check out this one right here and if you like all of our videos be sure to subscribe like and comment it always helps the channel out but other than that i'll see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 345,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man, iron god, avengers, korvac, captain america, spider-man, spectre, variant comics, comics, marvel, power cosmic, cosmic iron man, marvel comics, geek, entertainment, mcu, movies, reaction, review
Id: n9aROBn_xj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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