Punisher Becomes War Machine

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we're diving into marvel's 2017 legacy series with the punisher issue 218 where we saw the punisher become war machine it's one of those things that once you see it you realize it's exactly what you wanted i mean come on we're talking about frank castle inside the war machine armor that's just glorious and something worth revisiting so let's not waste any time and jump right in the issue opens up in red hook brooklyn at some warehouse where we see two gangs meeting with someone saying here's your money good the person responds yeah it looks good your man doom ain't gonna come after us for trading with you all right as we see the punisher sneak up behind one of the men on guard slitting his throat we then see the two guards we're making some sort of exchange where the leader answers saying doom is la varian we're from chennai the other leader then says same thing right the man replies no it's not would it be the same if i were to say you were from canada he answers man i'm from east new york ain't nobody ever gonna get that mixed up with canada no matter my chennai and friend let me show you what i brought to the party which starts to make him nervous he then says trey go get the crates and find out where the hell andre went the chernayan says relax my friend when you are nervous i am nervous what can you be afraid of i thought i was dealing with the most dangerous man in brooklyn no he replies yeah but there's always something more dangerous as they look in the dark walkway between all the shipping containers sheridan comes back with the creative weapons that chennai's are buying from them and when they open it up they see andre severed head with a grenade in his mouth and when it goes off we see good old frank castle come out guns blazing firing at both gangs the warehouse is now on fire and castle is shooting at everyone which is causing the gains to desperately try to get out of there but they realize the punisher has padlocked the doors from the outside and they're trapped castle then sees a group of men say anybody see where he went and as they walk under a shipping container he then shoots a control to the forklift that's holding it up causing it to land on top of them crushing them like bugs punisher then continues to do what he does best and that's punishing these two gangs some of the chenins are eventually able to get out of the warehouse that's on fire and head to their getaway boat with the weapons they purchased but of course the punisher just comes looking for them all mike meyer's style the chennai irons then make their way to their cargo ship that's waiting for them and say when we get back we're going to tell everyone about the punisher and then come for him with an army but little do they know that punisher rigged an explosive on their ship and detonated it as they're about to climb up sinking it and killing them all so it looks like they won't be telling anybody about the punisher we then see the punisher head back to his van and he senses that there's someone inside it so he takes out his gun and opens the doors only to find it's nick fury fury then says do you live here frank where do you go to the bathroom castle asks what do you want fury as he points a gun at his head fury replies we need to talk i got files and files on you big man if you were gonna use that thing on me you would have done it long before i implied that you were just another gun loving homeless vet frank says that's a lot of trust to put in a file and after a little more back and forth fury invites punisher to some dim sum soup we then see fury bring him to his favorite soup place with a private table for them in the back frank asks is this where you bring your dates fury tells them no this is where i get the best egg drop soup in brooklyn without being disturbed sit castle then says you've got 10 seconds till i stop being nice fury he replies you have no friends you live in a van will you please just try the soup i bought you castle then replies three two one and fury says i have a job offer i think you'll be interested in but castle stands up saying no fury then lifts up his eye patch and uses the projector in his eye to show castle pictures of kids saying you still care about kids right or am i still trusting those files too much he then continues to tell him the democratic republic of trinidad can now be classified as a failed state in the last 72 hours a military coup ousted president zowatski seized power and began to settle some old grudges some of those settlements happen to be little girls and boys those guys you went after today that freighter you put at the bottom of the harbor they were smugglers working for the chernan army castle asks and fury says maybe it's time you stopped playing with the tail and you went for the head castle then says why come to me fury says i've got a situation and you're my best solution my previous option shield has been taken off the board i've got no authority my agents on the ground are compromised and i can't so much as take a crap without some oversight committee asking me who approved it castle then looks at them while sipping some soup saying you're right it is good soup fury then shows in production images again saying general petrov trained by the soviets rose through the ranks the old-fashioned way this coop is his idea so are the dead kids if you put him in the ground we bury this whole thing with him but he won't go down easy he's paranoid to the point of delusion and the muscle he's got at his disposal well that's my other problem shield pulled from the best in the world the elite but every once in a while a bad apple gets through it seems our situation over there went rotten as soon as those shield checks stopped coming my boys in shania they are patrobes boys now long story short fury tells castle i'm offering you a shot of the genocidal maniac with an army you just need to light the fuse castle asks and what's the bomb fury then looks at him with a smirk saying oh i've got that covered frank all you have to do is get it we then see the punisher getting this bomb as we get narration from fury saying when they disbanded shield the powers that be did some real nasty stuff they took all of our assets all of our amazing little toys and they just divided them up and my absolute favorite toy this hurt me i was an army man frank but as a former marine i'm sure you could appreciate this insult they gave it to the air force i know where it is but i can't help you get it if you could get it yourself let's just say i think you could level the playing field with anything petrov might throw at you as we see the punisher break into an unknown location to get said asset eventually punisher makes his way to the armory of this place walking up to a vault and when he opens it he just smiles with all the guards saying we need a power cut to the armory room c11 now another soldier says only way to get out of this room is through us lock and load boys but then a massive explosion goes off with the soldier saying you're trash there's no other way out you need to come out slowly with your hands up right now but they then see glowing eyes in the smoke with the soldiers saying oh we're screwed and on the next page we see this asset or bomb fury sent castle to retrieve was the war machine armor which the punisher is currently wearing as we get captures of fury sane and remember when this mission is over that suit goes right back to me as castle flies out of the armory saying yeah right and with that the punisher becomes the new war machine after this he would fly to chennai where he would go after the people fury brought to his attention which gives us some brutally epic fight scenes with him in the armor like in punisher 219 where he literally punches someone's head off it's fantastic and brutal anyway from here frank uses his new armor to take out the country's fascist military including their leader and dictator petrov after he brought down their military killed betrothed and killed rogue shield agents working for betrov he returned to new york where he would continue to use the war machine armor to fight his war on crime who would have thought he wasn't going to return the fury to armor like he asked crazy but running around killing people in the war machine armor isn't exactly low key which catches the attention of captain marvel who is not happy that castle is dishonoring james rhodes legacy by using the armor to kill people needless to say frank doesn't care which leads to a confrontation with him and the avengers where castle barely makes it out alive at this point frank decides to go after baron zemo and supreme hydra which brings him face to face with the man responsible for the war machine armor existing in the first place iron man in the end castle's rampage comes to a close because of an intervention with the resurrected james rogues who was able to talk frank castle down frank even surrenders the war machine armor to rhodes out of respect and is taken into custody but come on you can't keep the punisher down he's soon freed by black widow and the winter soldier at which point he continues his war of crime on hydra and that wraps up our look at how punisher got the war machine armor and a little summary of his time in it it was one of the coolest overall stories involving the war machine armor and incredibly fitting to put frank castle in control of it but what do you guys think of punisher's time as war machine let us know down in the comments and that's going to bring today's episode of rant to a close but if you like today's video check out this one right here and if you like all of our content subscribe like and comment it always helps the channel grow but other than that i'll see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 214,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Punisher, War Machine, Frank Castle, James Rhodes, marvel, marvel comics, mcu, spider-man, comics, comic books, variant comics, no way home, kingpin, king pin
Id: jNgq_H0RU_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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