Miles Morales Fights The Avengers (Comics Explained)

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okay so we are covering probably the most important Miles Morales story in the history of Marvel Comics but also one of the more controversial stories that Marvel had done in the history of Marvel in recent years which is Ultimate end now a little bit of backstory because this does tie into Secret Wars and it's a part of Secret Wars so for those of you guys who are unfamiliar with how Secret Wars unfolded in 2015 which seems to be the version that we're going to be getting when it comes to the secret Wars film in the MCU that this all started with a variety of things right you'll find a link to the entire playlist in the comments section but what this did is it basically gave us the collapse of the Multiverse now I'm not going to go into detail in terms of how all that happened check out the video for that but what is important here is that with the collapse of the Multiverse Dr Doom had basically seized the power of the beyonders for himself which effectively made him God and in doing so what he ended up basically doing was pulling together different pieces of alternate realities across the Multiverse and combining them into a kind of Patchwork called battle world and so you literally have all these different alternate realities just kind of sitting side by side so you have like the Marvel Zombies universe and then like right next to it is the Age of Ultron Universe where Ultron conquered everything right it's just this small isolated pocket and you can go from one place to the next although you're not supposed to right like they're not supposed to cross from what's called a domain so you're not supposed to leave your domain and go to a different one and so what matters here and what's important here is that this entire story takes place within the confines of battle World itself but there are going to be things that people who are familiar with Secret Wars are going to be asking about I will clarify all that stuff by the time we get to the end of the video but what this does is it initially opens up with the Ultimate Universe and the main Marvel Universe meeting and talking now this is kind of cool because what had happened here at the very beginning of Secret Wars in issue number zero is you had the Ultimate Universe and the main Marvel universe as the last two universes in existence everything else had basically been wiped out they were on a collision course it was the final incursion they were all fighting each other and then everything blinked right because of Doctor Doom and all that stuff everything basically collided it blinked and then battle world came into existence so one one thing that I do want to establish here is that like most people across the entirety of the battle World Secret Wars event most people don't actually know the truth of what Dr Doom did all they know is the life that Dr Doom gave them and the fact that Docker Doom rules from on high and that's it that's really all they know and so what's kind of crazy here is Bendis sort of takes his own turn and again what makes sense of all of this he establishes that there was basically a kind of dimensional Rift that had been established in the ultimate universe that it effectively combined the Ultimate Universe and the main Marvel universe together into one single domain that they used to be separate now this is where things get a little murky because what ends up happening here is we're visited or at least we see the arrival of Peter Parker at this giant Gathering now there's also familiar faces here right like Scott Summers Emma Frost so on and so forth but Peter Parker showing up here and meeting with everybody initially he's just kind of obsessed about the fact that everybody seems to know his identity the bigger concern here that they have is that because the main Marvel Universe and because the Ultimate Universe were at one point two different domains but but their dimensional tampering led to the domains combining that Dr Doom may very well become aware of what it is that they've done and that if he does there's only one of two possibilities either he allows it to sort of continue on and just sort of do its thing which presents a dangerous precedent because it means that other people in other domains can start experimenting with dimensional Rifts and potentially discover the truth of what Dr Doom did or Dr Doom will intervene in some capacity and so this kind of splits the group in half those who say that they need to report their findings to doom and others who say they don't and in fact this really seems to be a stark contrast no pun intended between both versions of Tony Stark and so this is where we get this kind of cool explanation because we actually learn the basis behind this portal now if you've been reading the Ultimate Universe or at least you were at this point in time you know all of this right so just bear with me for people who don't so what happened here at a distant point in the past is that when Peter Parker in the Ultimate Universe died Miles Morales became the new Spider-Man and initially fans weren't overly receptive to it and so in order to just kind of put the kibosh on that and to establish that Miles wasn't going anywhere Brian Michael Bendis who was riding miles at the time wrote a story called Spider-Man and this involved the opening of a portal which I want to say was by the vulture but I'm not going to swear to that that basically saw Peter Parker from The main Marvel Universe crossing over into the Ultimate Universe and that's how he and Miles met for the very first time they had a kind of adventure together and then when miles told Peter that the Peter Parker and his reality had died the main Marvel Universe Spider-Man gave miles his Blessing and said you now have my blessing to become a Spider-Man in this universe carry on the legacy of your reality's version of Peter Parker go go forth and be a superhero and it was basically been just telling all the people who were not fans of miles to shut up and he wasn't going anywhere and it worked but what this story establishes is that the portal never actually was shut down and so what ended up happening is the portal effectively exploded outward and then merged the Ultimate Universe and the main Marvel Universe into one single reality and they've been here ever since right now this is where things are kind of cool and I think this is a good chance to explain this the way that secret Wars on initially unfolded is that when it came to the collapse of the Multiverse there was no main Marvel Universe anymore and there was no Ultimate Universe anymore right like there was nothing it was simply just those superheroes who survived and those superheroes who were plucked from what few realities remained by Doctor Doom and thrown onto battle world what Brian Michael Bendis is establishing here is that within battle World itself is a main Marvel Universe and an Ultimate Universe it was basically vendus trying to do his own thing and sort of wrap up the entirety of the Marvel Multiverse in his own way but the thing about this is that once the groups separate and they go their own ways this leads to the arrival of the Thor Court they are by extension the law of Doom right so whenever they come down and they say this is going to happen everybody in battle World treats it as Doom's work because the alternative is to be killed by the Thor court and in fact that's exactly what happens that when they're told by the Thor core itself do not mess with this dimensional gate leave it alone right have no involvement here whatsoever so says the the word of Doom Hawkeye challenges it right and Hawkeye says no that's not gonna happen right we're going to do whatever it is that we need to do and the Thor core shows him on the spot literally just eradicates him on the spot now that's one thing to understand is under any normal circumstance Thor could be rivaled by any number of of heroes or villains who are out there given varying degrees of power the Thor core's power was elevated by Dr Doom to allow them to overcome virtually any foe out there the exception to this was when they met Thanos when Thanos survived the collapse of the Multiverse and he showed up with like the the col obsidian right like the black order and like the different villains and just demolish the Thor core which was amazing apocalypse did it too this is why I tell you guys you need to check out the playlist in the comments section after this video is done because Avengers New Avengers Secret Wars The Greatest Story Ever Told in the history of Marvel Comics it's phenomenal but of course with Hawkeye being killed and the groups coming to the realization that at least for the moment if they are gonna mess with this portal they have to keep it Hush Hush they can't just go out there and just sort of do it brazenly you end up having main Marvel Universe Iron Man and Ultimate Iron Man meeting with each other and kind of having a bit of a sit down right in a bit of a conversation and in fact it's one of these things where they sort of come to terms on how in the world could we possibly fix this get things back to the way that they're supposed to be so we have our domain you have your domain and that's effectively it the other part of this is we get one of the coolest moments when it comes to like ultimate Hulk fighting main Marvel Universe Hulk and that's one of the cool things that did come out of ultimate into a degree was that it was sort of a love letter for like all the different little battles and things that we'd wanted to see over the years but never really saw like who would win in a fight ultimate Hulk main Marvel Hulk which one of the two is the strongest that kind of a thing the way this kind of played out though is that you ended up having main Marvel Universe Bruce Banner who was just kind of continuing his experiments and Research into like dimensional riffs and so on and so forth kind of uh the other half of the equation from what both Tony Starks were doing but the ultimate Banner showed up to meet him and as the two of them were talking you actually had this kind of disagreement between the two which was surface level at best and it was just reason for Benders to have these guys start fighting each other which was awesome like it was really cool for what it was but the entire basis behind their disagreement is sort of an argument of futility right that Ultimate Universe Bruce Banner is very very just cynical right and he is in a lot of ways a nihilist just by virtue of him seeing the Incredible Hulk Persona is more of a curse than anything else he just kind of believes life is meaningless right there's no point in continuing on and really even no point in anything at all the difference here though is that Banner from the main Marvel universe is a lot more hopeful now a lot of this is because of what was going on with the character of The Incredible Hulk at this point in time specifically Jason Aaron's run which gave us a kind of reworked version of Professor Hulk and so it was kind of uh more powerful but also equally intelligent version of the professor Hulk that we'd seen in years past which was basically a Hulk with the mind of Bruce Banner right this that kind of a thing but with the two of these guys having totally different viewpoints that ultimately the cynicism of Bruce Banner from the Ultimate Universe just gets the better of literally main model a universe banner and it refers to Ultimate Banner as a coward and that leads to like tempers flaring the two of them fighting and then literally like main Marvel Universe Hulk just like sends ultimate Hulk flying through the raft prison right Riker's prison where like all the super powered beings in that area are being held it literally just causes a riot and one of the people who just starts inciting their wrath on everybody around there is the Punisher which is amazing because this Earth 616 Punisher right the main Marvel Universe Punisher this guy survives this guy made it out which is awesome honestly I'm not 100 sure how I agree with that because during like the secret Wars or maybe it was The Punisher last days I want to say it was Secret Wars though Secret Wars issue number zero when the world was ending The Punisher like shows up in a bar where you have all these villains and he's just like he's like Such a Pity it's the end of the world and I have all these bullets what am I gonna do with them and he kills every villain in the bar he just sprays them all down mercilessly but the thing about this is that he actually ends up meeting his Ultimate Universe counterpart which is kind of a funny thing because there's a bit of a fight between the two of them and then main Marvel Universe Punisher just seemingly comes out on top which is cool right it's just one of these these cool little moments here but again like what you have here in a lot of ways is that with tempers flaring with a lot of anger and resentment and rage and just frustration with this sort of overcrowded environment right these two realities cram together it was only a matter of time before things went to pot exceedingly fast and so what this does pretty quickly actually is it leads to just like an all-out almost kind of like a mini Civil War among like the heroes and villains within this reality itself now those individuals who are focusing more on the dimensional Rift and so on and so forth they're kind of hands off right they're kind of doing their own thing but this massive Calamity and this massive battle does not go unnoticed and in fact there's a point where effectively Valeria ends up approaching Doctor Doom now the thing about this and the reason why it's so important is because within the realm of Secret Wars itself and as far as Dr Doom goes one of the things that he had done is he had found an alternate reality version of Susan storm Franklin Richards and Valeria Richards and then adopted them as his own in effect he stole the life of Reed Richards Mr Fantastic that was kind of his thing and that actually becomes a major focal point towards the end of Secret Wars and the reason why it ends the way it does but Valeria being the head of the Science Foundation right the Future Foundation effectively approaches him and says given our intelligence some kind of a dimensional Rift was activated within the Ultimate Universe domain and that led to the Ultimate Universe domain and the main Marvel Universe domain combining into one and they're continuing to experiment with this despite being expressly told by your Thor core to stop doing it now we don't know exactly what's going to happen we don't know what's on the other side of this dimensional Rift there may be nothing there could potentially be everything that could reach a realm beyond anything that we've ever discovered the realm of gods right the one above all who really even knows right no one knows for sure and she says but even within the group itself they're split one half of the group believes they should report their findings to you the other half believes they should continue operating in secret all the while blissfully unaware that we know everything that they're doing and so she asked him what was even the point right Valeria asked him like what was even the point of allowing this to happen in the first place of putting two realities so close together knowing that at some future point in time they were going to end up combining by whatever Manner and whatever means and then just kind of sitting back and allowing complete and total pandemonium to unfold now there's a reason for this and we'll talk about why this reason exists in the first place because what it does is it ties into the original version of battle world that Dr Duma created before he had wiped everything out and started over again and so if Valeria asked like where Doctor Doom doesn't answer her and Valeria asks do you want us to step in do you want us to do anything like you know doctor Doom's response is no right like do not do anything let things unfold as they will and she asked the question but what happens if something takes place that we can't foresee something that happens that changes everything enter Miles Morales now this is one of the most important parts of the story and the reason for this is again when the Multiverse ended in Secret Wars issue number zero that what you had were these two kind of like life wrath really one for what were effectively the villains if you want to call them that right the Ultimate Universe version of Mr Fantastic along with Thanos his coal obsidian and then in turn you had the other raft for what were basically the good guys Peter Parker Spider-Man Miles Morales the goodread richers from the main Marvel Universe and a handful of others that what had taken place here is that when the Multiverse collapsed those wraths actually just kind of existed out there in The Ether and then ultimately arrived on Battle world now there was some time displacement hijinks and things like that that we're not going to get into the point being Miles Morales showing up here he knows exactly what's going on he understands exactly what's happening here he knows everything that's taking place and he's about to spill the beans but not necessarily in the most direct way in fact he fires his webbing over everybody and just says stop now initially he goes to explain everything but Emma Frost basically steps up and says look as a psychic I can tell you right now if you tell them everything you know none of them are going to believe you they're all going to think you're crazy the only way for them to know is to be shown and so Emma Frost uses her telepathic ability to basically combine the minds or at least to project the mind of miles into the mind of everybody else here and that's when they come into the realization of what's going on now this is the explanation I'm sure a lot of you guys have been waiting for hopefully you guys find it interesting so when everything was going on with the multiversal collapse right the beyonders and the molecule men and all that kind of stuff that there was basically a last-ditch effort by Dr Doom and the molecule man Owen Reese and Doctor Strange to defeat the beyonders they did this by taking all the molecule men that will remain from across the Multiverse who were like these Universe sized bombs literally when a molecule man dies it blows up the whole universe that what happened is all these molecule men were basically just thrown at the beyonders and blew all the beyonders up and then eradicated basically all of the Multiverse except for the main Marvel Universe and the ultimate universe itself and so that's what set these two worlds on a collision course assuming we ignore everything this bindis has been doing with regards to the portal in the dimensional Rift and all that kind of stuff and so what happen here is that once Dr Doom had seen the beyonders defeated he took the entirety of their power then he created the first version of battle world now it's not directly mentioned here in the story but the original version of battle world as it was shown and disgust in secret Wars from 2015 was that it was a place of suffering right it was just Only the Strong deserve to survive those individuals who were too weak were perished it was like Warfare almost 100 of the time there was no light because there was no sun and then Dr Doom started to realize that this world was destined to fail it was destined to fall apart and So what had happened is that he had completely reworked the entirety of battle world just re-established everything when Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four tried to fight him he basically took away Johnny Storm's own ability to control himself sent him out into what you could call space kind of the area orbiting battle world and turned him into the Sun and so he lights battle world now and battle world is had basically become what it is now but all this information is spilled directly to everyone body here by Miles Morales that God King Doom is not some being who has always existed and he's always been God and he's all-powerful and you always have to listen to him at one point he was just a dude and then a team just an insane level of power and used it to recreate the entirety of the Multiverse and sees absolute control over everything and so once they all start to realize what's going on then they all realize okay now their main enemy is Doctor Doom and so what ends up happening is they join basically everybody else in the final fight against Doom over a doom stat now that's actually covered in the main secret War Story itself but the funny thing about this is that with everything going on what ends up happening is that all these different characters kind of start blinking out of existence where they kind of start disappearing the reason behind this is because what's going on behind the scenes is the conclusion of the story where Reed Richards and Doctor Doom are fighting and the molecule man takes the power from Doom gives it to read and Reed recreates everything so in effect it's a reset right to a degree I mean Marvel should have rebooted but they didn't because they were recovered so basically everybody kind of vanishes and things sort of go back to normal the way that they were supposed to but the reason why this is so important for Miles Morales right it's one of the most important things for his character when he gets back to the Ultimate Universe when he's sleeping he wakes up to his mom now this is why this is so important because his mom's dead right now there's a whole reason why this happens and it's the reason that you would least expect right but Miles Morales gets his mom back this sets everything going forward into the future of the Ultimate Universe miles in the main Marvel universe is part of all new all different Marvel so for the guys who are always curious how it is that Miles mom came back to life this was it right this is how she came back it was a gift from the molecule man Owen Reese for one of the coolest things that Miles Morales ever could have done it was phenomenal but again we're gonna bring this video to an end make sure you guys check out the link in the comments section for like the entirety of the Avengers New Avengers secret War story because it's phenomenal thank you all for watching and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 319,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel, Hulk, DC, Comics Explained, Comics, Marvel Studios, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, superheroes, Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-Man, Spiderman, Miles Morales Spider-Man, Earth 1610, Peter Parker, Spider-Men, Spiderverse, Spider-Verse, Enter The Spiderverse, Across The Spiderverse, Spider-Man Vs Venom, Ultimate Venom, Spider-Man 2099, Who Is Miles Morales?, Spider-Gwen, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Earth 616, MCU, Film, Movie, Secret Wars, Kang, Kang The Conqueror
Id: U5xyOEBhX7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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