Iron Man Creates a New God!

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we've got issues two and three of marvel's judgment day event on deck and let me tell you things are getting crazy real quick if you haven't read issue 1 of the series you can watch our episode covering it right here to get up to speed otherwise let's get into it the issue starts off with captions of a mysterious person or being breaking down the lives of six individuals from all around the world captions basically say how they're dealing with hexes causing mayhem across the world as they try to kill mutants if you don't know what hexes are they are giant kaiju looking things that the eternal druid unleashed in the last issue with the sole purpose to kill mutants in any case the last caption says that the six normal civilians are very important don't worry we find out why later after this we are brought back to krakowa where we see the mutants exodus and jean grey fighting one of these giant kaiju eternals exodus says avon eternal beast jean just tells them i don't think he's going to listen exodus but exodus being exodus says it's only right to issue a challenge before a duel i'm not a barbarian gene meanwhile cyclops wolverine and several other mutants are fighting another hex eternal with cyclops telling gene they're doing badly after she asks he continues to say should have written protocols for a skyscraper-sized centaur that generates its own attack fauna at this point we see captain america's shield come out of nowhere hitting a giant kaiju eternal as we see on the next page the avengers arrive with captain america saying how can we help exodus then tells jean tell them to leave or die we need not a people untouched by the grace of god jean says interesting take but the war captains are in charge magic magic replies the avengers want to help kill these bastards the more the merrier gene tells exodus if you want to assemble the quiet council and have a vote feel free exodus until then krakowa welcomes the avengers captain america then shakes the hand of cyclops who says welcome aboard things are bleak captain america then says we've both seemed leaker we'll get through this and the whole world will see us standing together plus iron man's working on a peaceful solution then back at avengers mountain we see tony stark makari and ajak working on their plans to create a new god in their own image out of avengers mountain which is the fallen celestial eresham the judge to combat the eternals ajax tells iron man i have plans but we need a great many things including luck and a penitent who has transgressed against the celestials and stolen knowledge from the gods at which point the kidnapping tied up mr sinister says ah penance oh woe is me now i understand why you kidnapped me i feel so responsible and guilty telling us why ajac and makari arrived with a kidnap mr sinister meanwhile back in krakowa the avengers and mutants are still battling off the hexes with captain marvel saying something this big shouldn't be intangible half of the time that's actively rude gene then says to them through telepathy hey this is jean grey with neymar's help we've immobilized the fiery minotaur at the bottom of the sea it's primed for a coup de gras at which point captain marvel and several of the avengers come down to take it out with a massive energy blast which annoys neymar saying that was mine you dare touch what his name arts but this massive blast causes earthquakes in tidal waves with gene saying oh hell cries for help we've done serious damage to the mantle earthquakes tidal waves thousands are going to die philippines papua new guinea tsunami is heading toward the west coast of the usa australia japan and more at this point cyclops says to captain america go if you deal with the fallout that's one less problem for us to worry about captain looks at him saying thank you scott you're heroes one day people will see you as you really are as cap and the avengers go off to save the civilians from fallout but exodus and the other mutants didn't hear the conversation cap had with cyclops so exodus just says see this council it is good to have a reminder they abandoned us with nightcrawler looking up at them leaving saying that's unfair destiny then comes in saying that is accurate child i see the future and i remember the past we stand alone we always did but they really weren't leaving them they were going to help with the fallout per cyclops order anyway we then get a huge spread seeing tony stark ajak and makari looking for all the pieces they need to create their god and combat the eternals with more captions we finally realize it's the voice of the god celestial they're currently trying to create saying that they are entirely successful in their efforts i will be a god in their image sometimes literally the man known as tony stark has been recently possessed by the power cosmic he piloted a dead celestial when a king wreathed in black ruled the earth his body still remembers he will be a blueprint for my nervous system like hank and ultron right he said and he laughed as he often does if i have a father it is tony stark so yes they fight to give me life and elsewhere the mutants fight to bring death to the eternal as we see exodus make the ultimate sacrifice flying inside the eternal and detonating himself like a bomb killing the eternal but remember it's not really the ultimate sacrifice because mutants can't die anymore so he's just prioritized the resurrection protocol to be brought back to life asap because he's needed in the fight but this next bit is crazy as we see the six humans from the first page of the issue again but this time one of them is just found dead in the street the celestial god that tony ajak and makari were working on then says his life force has been taken by the machine to resurrect sin the memo tar this is the eternal secret a life randomly taken to make them live again no one else knows how about that crap the eternals are eternal because they take a random life of a human when they die so the six humans they showed us at the beginning of the issue turned out to be important because they are the six lives or life forces that will be taken when one of these giant eternals dies so they can be brought back to life ain't that some bull crap long story short we see that tony ajak and makari are able to get all the pieces and things they need to bring the dead celestial body back to life creating their god to combat the eternals meanwhile back in krakowa mutants see that the sin eternal exodus just killed has been brought back to life and it is back in krakowa ready to do some more godzilla size damage we see a look of worry and fear come upon several of the mutants faces including nightcrawler who grabs destiny embracing her praying saying please deliver us at this point aresham the judge says the mutant prayed for a god he should be relieved a god is coming i live therefore i judge as he rises up and puts his hand out saying cease to all of the giant hex eternals and they obey him he then continues to say people of earth listen you are bickering children this planet is ruined you have acted with unrelenting unkindness to one another you leave me no option this is your judgment day you have 24 hours to justify yourselves you will be judged individually you will be judged as a collective if there is more that is just than wicked you will live but if you are found lacking there will be no tomorrow see you are all important every single one of you and with that the issue ends literally kicking off judgment day how crazy is that guys this is all around nuts but we're not done yet let's jump into issue three issue three starts off exactly where issue two left off with us seeing the celestial judge getting ready to do just that to the marvel universe as ajax says perhaps this is a test too to judge people individually and then let the total tally decide the world's fate to drag the good down with the sinners our god would not be so unjust as the judge narrates saying i see my first priest is confused by the desires of their new god while referring to ajack air hashem then refers to murkari as a second priest makari asked ajak are you sure and ajak answers our god could be so unjust it would not be the first time perhaps we shouldn't have used the failing human as an element at which point tony stark says you can't blame me for this only i could blame me for this captain america then says blame can wait blame is no use we made this mess what are we going to do to tidy it up at which point their new god starts to judge captain america saying to him once more he seeks to inspire he thinks himself a leader one who sets the drumbeat for the world i judge him first you are a dream of a better country you have tried to inspire it for a century this country is the world leader and the world is what it is it is worse every day you are a failure and he's saying this through a construct he's made of captain america while putting his thumb down iron man then says if it judges cap by that standard what chance do the rest of us have captain america that speaks up we're not going to play its game not unless there is no other option you find a way out of this i'll try to keep the world calm as he goes to address the world we then get glimpses of what the remaining civilians are doing as captain america makes his speech to the world meanwhile in the exclusion we see the prime eternal druid ask for uranus's advice on what to do about the celestial god that was just made yorano says it judged this captain america as a failure for not fulfilling his aims and duty we eternals have failed hours it's not too late to make demands any deviation is excess deviation drug says you're right this is the prime eternal to all prepare the hex once more renew the psychic siege for a people of eternity to have such a short deadline is unseemly but we will not fail our gods urano says if you are serious let me out but druid refuses basically saying things haven't gotten that bad yet meanwhile back to tony stark ajack and the others stark says fastos i think i've got something we could hit this eternal node hard enough and the whole thing will break apart no more judgment day but ajax says what we can't turn it off it's our god we can't treat it like a science experiment gone or i we must work to understand it fastosten says look mr stark follow the system it could cause a cascade in its first day of life a celestial has unimaginable power we'd be risking an explosion after ajak and makarili fastos tells stark ajak is a believer and bukhari is nearly as bad we eternal should make a sacrifice for you all this is our fault and the world has outgrown us however you should know that if you start this plan we will have to act to stop it our principles will force us if you do it do it safely and do it secretly mr sinister then says i love secrets make it safe and make it get the hell off the stage got it as he shared this information telepathically with his fellow mutants in krakowa it's also kind of cool that fastos being an eternal himself is still like yeah we gotta kill this thing no matter what ajak and makari say anyway with this new information on how to kill the celestial god the quiet council in krakowa take a vote on if they should proceed and kill it to stop judgment day they all vote and the motion is passed but nightcrawler is like can we even send a strike force we move our best away from krakowa and eternals will overwhelm us the white queen then says well i also have a little secret i have taken making a few diplomatic overtures of my own as we see she's invited the deviants in krakowa to help defend it while the mutants send a strike team to defeat the judge the deviants of course are willing to help the mutants because they have a mutual hatred for the eternals then back at stark and gang's headquarters ajax says the divine boundary has been breached infiltrators do you think we would trust your technology stark never trust technology less than 40 thousand years old an army of mutants coming in secret tony stark then says sinister do you know something about this what are you doing as sinister says oops and opens the way to the node stark then says millions could die and sinister says but billions will definitely live they won't thank us but we're mutants and we're used to that you could say please and thank you later well maybe you can as if it goes wrong you'll be dead and i'll resurrect so toodles maybe i gotta say i'm loving mr sinister in this series anyway at this point the eternals genetic protocols in ajac makari infastos engage as their eyes glow with energy sane protect celestials with the judge narrating saying the principles engage they could no sooner not do this than stop breathing as elsewhere we see jean and wolverine ready to attack the judge but when they do they are met with a bunch of eternals trying to stop them including icarus but gene says i need help to get past icarus can anyone clear me a path at which point exodus comes in doing just that knocking icarus down and dragging him away gene then says i'm clear taking my run but iron man comes flying in last moment saying gene stop don't gene stop now but she says i'm sorry tony it's done stark basically says this node goes and there's a chance this whole celestial blows up the shock wave could hit cities gene apologizes saying i didn't know oh hell i should have known she asks is it going to go off as he looks at the node he says i'm not sure i'm checking the readings i think it's going to be all and then on the next page we see the celestial explode killing everyone and everything in a several mile radius with us seeing nothing but death and carnage in the fallout including the skeleton of wolverine the visor of cyclops and more but wouldn't you know it gods are tricky as we see on the page after that this wasn't real as gene says we were all inside its mind this whole time i should have known the judge then says the annihilation did not happen i merely let everyone taste the experience some die of heart attacks but it is only a smattering the world did not understand i must explain listen people of earth your heroes think themselves gods above judgment now you all see you are mistaken your day ticks away justify yourself ajac is pissed at mr sinister for doing this but he says oh don't be peeved it was worth a try it didn't work what's next and tony says we have no choice it's going to judge us all there's nothing we could do about it as captain america video calls in saying there is we make sure we pass this will have scared a lot of people they're going to be doing things they regret but the only way to get through it is with this world pulling together meanwhile cersei who is listening to this heads out to the exclusion where we see she hired jack to help her break out mother freaking star fox she then asks for help and tells him perhaps it's time for a little of the old avengers assemble star fox he replies oh i love the idea the world will have to realize all you need is love and with that issue three comes to an end man guys this series has been nuts thus far so much is happening and it seems like nothing is going to stop the judge very curious to see what the writers come up with so that the heroes pull out some sort of win but what is this going to mean in the end for the eternals the x-men and avengers we just gotta keep reading but don't worry we'll be keeping you up to date as these issues drop with that said are you guys digging this event let us know in the comments and that's going to bring today's episode to a close but if you like this video check out this one right here and if you like all of our content like subscribe and comment it helps the algorithm but other than that i'll see you next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 177,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iron Man, eternals, avengers, x-men, judgment day, marvel axe judgment day, judgment day comic, captain america, cosmic iron man, who are the celestials, celestials, marvel comics, varient comics
Id: uMBhE-gZ_js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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