Who is Valiant Comics' X-O Manowar? The Worthy One | "Thor" meets "Iron Man"

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[Music] hi everybody I hope you're having a great day in this video I'm going to be covering XO Mana War he made his first appearance in the self-titled XO Mana War issue number one that was released in February of 1992 his real name is aric of DEA also going by various aliases such as the worthy one and he's a visigoth warrior that's originally from the Middle Ages who stands 6' 5 in tall without his armor and 7 ft tall with his armor and also weighs 235 lb without armor while he weighs 455 with armor also having blue eyes and long blonde hair aric naturally possesses Peak human conditioning as well as being a master swordsman and hand toand combatant not to mention his exceptional leadership skills and very high moral standards basically being a royal gentleman Warrior but make no mistake he can be a vicious spider now at some point Eric acquires a powerful sentient alien battle suit known as shanara and this transforms our ancient warrior into the XO Mana War the artificial intelligence of his armor actually forms a symbiotic bond with its toast with him being able to communicate with it or conjure it whenever he wants it has so many abilities it's almost ridiculous to try to name them all but I'll try to name as many as I can firstly it gives him vast superhuman strength and moderate superhuman speed reflexes agility and stamina as well as extreme durability that nigh invulnerability and that's not to mention that if the armor or its host are damaged it can repair itself and heal the host as well the armor is also equipped with x-ray vision as well as many different tracking and targeting abilities it can fly at vast speeds including through Interstellar space and it's equipped to absorb various forms of energy not to mention that it can manipulate various forms of energy being able to bend or project various gravity Fields force fields as well as energy constructs with one of aric's favorites being a pure energy sword to go on the suit can also adapt to various hazards in the environment and it has a limited degree of shape shifting it can interface with and manipulate various forms of technology Being Human or alien and it's not just a tank because it also has a stealth mode where it can deploy various counter measures as well as become completely invisible and if all of this wasn't enough it also increases its host intelligence because it's basically a huge repository of information remembering everything it comes across and naturally this allows it to function as a universal translator as well now around 402 ad AR of deia was the brass young heir to the viag god Throne one day he would lead his fellow Warriors into battle against the superior might of the Roman Empire and despite them fighting courageous ly they would be overwhelmed by the might of the Romans Ark would also be emotionally battered when he realized that his father rol had been mortally wounded and his beloved wife Dedra along with some others had been taken captive so with the hope of saving their loved ones Eric and a small group of Warriors would attack a strange transport that they thought held their families but it would turn out that this transport was actually a shuttle operated by an alien race known as the Vine unb anounce to anyone at this point the vine had already been embedded in certain positions of power around the world for hundreds of years it's goes without saying that aric and his troops would be overwhelmed by the advanced weapons of these aliens so he and his best friend named GTI would be captured and taken to a Vine Colony ship in deep space but being a strong willed Warrior Eric wouldn't take this laying down and in his first attempt to escape he and his friend gaffy would observe a Vine ceremony of worship for a suit of armor called shanara but in the middle of watching this they would be recaptured by the commander named Trill then being sent to work his slaves in the Vine's deadly Gardens the years would go by but Eric's ideas to return to his loved ones would never go away even after losing one of his hands and a small Rebellion he had to defend his friend gy but eventually they'd have a sound plan to escape during the Revolt Eric would manage to make his way to the ceremony chamber that he first saw the shanara armor and when he approached this strange alien Tech not knowing that it had killed all those who had tried to wear it before him he would naively reach his hand out to the armor but he would be deemed worthy and the armor would flow around him seeming to accept him as its new host and giving him extraordinary powers firstly restoring his long ago severed hand with his new might Eric would end up decimating the alien leadership in including Commander Trill he would then leave the colony ship and will the armor to fly him to the Roman region of Earth but aric didn't understand relativity and the nature of high-speed deep space travel and he would arrive back on Earth in the modern day he would immediately be disheartened over the fact that he couldn't fight for his people and that everyone he knew was dead not to mention that he also learned the vine had been embedded in Earth for over a millennia at this point infiltrating the highest levels of government including the British MI6 almost 1,600 years had elapsed since he had left so after he escaped some Italian soldiers he would flee to the Amazon rainforest to compose his thoughts but he wouldn't have peace for too long because the vine would immediately dispatch a Strike Team to seek him out of course this would prove to be a problem since the shanara armor was supposedly the most powerful weapon in the universe to counter this the vine controlled MI 6 would end up sending the world's most prominent Weapon Specialist ninj to bring back the armor this would lead to the first of several good battles between ninj and exom Mana War with the two eventually coming to an uneasy Alliance to battle against the vine as well as other threats and once these new adventures led to Eric meeting up with the unity superhero team he would be all in now finding abundant uses for his Newfound powers and no shortage of honorable causes to help the world now for his powers and abilities and his influence on the Valiant Universe for my 1 to 10 rating I'll give Eric of DEA AKA Exo Man of War a rating of nine which is an epic rating I hope everyone enjoyed this video I'll talk to you next time be sure to like subscribe and join the new Sage
Channel: New Sage
Views: 18,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valiant Comics, Valiant Entertainment, Valiant Universe, Valiant, X-O Manowar, XO Manowar, Aric of Dacia, Iron Man analogue, Iron Man vs X-O Manowar, XO Manowar powers, XO Manowar origin, Unity team, alien tech, ai, advanced technology, military tech, armored suit, armor suit, battle armor, battle suit, most powerful weapons, strongest characters, most powerful characters, Vine aliens, XO Manowar vs Ninjak, Harbinger Wars, comic book, comics, rare characters, characters
Id: TdVlC4NdwrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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