Rise of the BABY Ultima Werewolf In Minecraft!

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the ultimate werewolf discovers one of her pack pups in minecraft is a traitor and this person is out to defeat the ultima by turning her into a baby pup now the ultima's powers are nearly gone but now if she has anything to say about it by using her new adorable form she's able to find new ways to make this werewolf trader pay she even learned some new tricks as a baby pup will the ultima lose her pack or will she send the villain flying back remember guys hit that subscribe button thanks god i don't want to do it does does he really need her help with puppy singing today i had other things to do oh my gosh look pierce lightning wolf was in charge of making sure ian was okay and then it for suddenly whatever reason comes back in a panic it's okay lightning don't worry i think something else is going on i i don't know sounds like either lightning wolf isn't doing their job or just you know i think we're all just overreacting i mean yeah come on it can take care of puppies no problem how hard could it be it's just uh uh what huh oh you might want to take a look around to see what's going on yeah let's go let's go take a look oh my god what up why is there so much fire it was uh oh no the cave the cave the cave it crumbles in we gotta gotta get in there oh my god oh my god i gotta i got a pickaxe hold on i'm gonna take it no we gotta do this we gotta do this faster we gotta do this faster one way back to the mining yes here we go okay all right ultimate whatever you say i'm just packing up there we go there we go okay okay okay let's let's get inside let's just do the first place go go go go go wait arose [Music] [Applause] oh uh god here all these arrows are row of hunters look at the puppies oh no no no no stay safe you puppies we're going to get you out of there we can get them out of there right hunters are here you're ultimate you have power all right now is the time all right we need to get the puppies out the safety pierce give me a pick out i can't use my powers because if i do i miss dropping the cage yeah sure here whatever just take it yeah yeah absolutely thank you thank you all right forget it done the puppies see if i can do this okay oh okay all right good job hi puppies don't worry don't worry don't worry oh i wish i had a pickaxe i have a pickaxe don't worry all right right but i was gonna make it a little bit easier for them to get down okay okay come on guys come on come on pierce hold still hold still okay i'm going to toss them to you okay catch all right you got to catch oh gosh i think all right here we go there we go i found it it's over here hold on oh i'm going to get a lead i'm going to get a lead on it there we go yeah you guys take the puppies to safety all right i'll get out all right we're gonna go let's go let's go let's go come on puppies let's go let's get out of here okay okay all right go go go go go go go go what's going on i can't move oh look at what the little wolf drag did yeah quick help me out what can't you tell what's going on right now uh uh uh you you were attacked right um yeah about that oh i get it you're betraying me again aren't you i think betray's a harsh word no it's more like oh in what are you gonna learn that you're just you're just so bad at betraying me so go on tell me your little plan that your little brain thought of what are you going to do this time real plan how appropriate see that is where you're wrong because i have had a big brain from faking the hunters attacking to the rubble at the entry of the cave oh i really got you this time ian throwing me in lava isn't going to be enough oh yeah you're right exactly it won't be enough but this will [Laughter] oh bet you weren't expecting that what are you what oh nothing just a little spell i learned that turns minecraft players into babies oh oh oh no nap time and chubby cheeks you know this really is enough to stop me you know watch watch this oh no oh no oh who's the widow cute baby puppy now your powers aren't strong enough when you're just a widdle baby i can't do anything you won't get away with this apple alcohol i got puppies safety i think they're all hanging out and oh hey it's ah i wasted my time oh pierce pierce why why listen is very important why i'm betraying you you're coming with me what what oh but [Music] all right oh my how gosh puppies can be hey oh listen you too hey since wolf bite you possibly i mean good luck you got baby teeth now listen since wolf pups can't possibly be the leader of the pack i guess i'm just gonna have to take over my cell and since you're both so weak you won't be able to stop me either you won't get away with this i'm gonna do something i can't it's not that's when you're wrong i already have okay it's okay all right here's the okay oh there you are yeah uh it's weird but like what did we wake up with this i had the weirdest dream that we were like babies now and like oh man yeah take a good look at yourself yourself oh oh come on yeah just keep us away from things like that and i tried okay i didn't know he was gonna have a big brain moment but look it's obvious that ian is up to his old tricks again he found a mod or a spell or something that changed us into babies okay but what does that mean i mean we're just like tiny but we still have power yeah but look it means that i'm not fully the ultimate now anymore watch look i'm a pup ultimate okay so small yeah exactly and i can't use a lot of my pow i mean i can use i can use leaf that's about it let me let me try maybe i can do something cool uh oh i'm small too oh come on we know ian is going to try to brainwash noi and hawaii chance to take over the pack oh that's bad that's bad okay uh kiss then he's gonna treat us like babies no he's already done once before i don't want a stupid baby again i'm gonna break this cursed spot thing whatever okay look i'm not sure but we're going to find out what's going on come on let's go okay okay okay uh he's just so cute look at you i am i am not cute i'm handsome come on let's go okay okay let's let's regroup let's get back inside the basement no you can't go that way all right he sees you he's gonna ah look he's got dogs already no okay come on let's go come here follow me this way let's listen he really shut up quick didn't he huh of course he set up quick he took over my face oh all right fellow werewolves i come bringing wonderful news ooh we're gonna eat soon oh or maybe play some more no no no and no none of that i bring you news of the ultima's death oh yeah right look sorry but you kill atmo yeah that would be the day honestly yeah i need to see some kind of proof that you even did that oh proof you say i'm glad you asked well maybe how about a little something like this it's a figure of speech okay yes she's on the server i took her powers away as the ultima therefore ultima now is dead yet dummies no what what about pierce yep he's dead too oh okay that means oh he's lying he's charged now that's right and we're going to mine this entire area of treasure and take over all the houses on the server we have to obey him it's the rules of the server okay now listen up first things first i've read something very interesting about the ultima now uh a temple is dedicated to it so right now let's go and find it shall we everyone get ready pierce come on we gotta go we gotta go there okay follow me i gotta tell you some stuff okay come on i knew he was going to try to do this okay i knew it i just didn't think he tried to do it so soon okay one step ahead one step at a time here what what is he talking about what temple what what why there's a lot dropping here and i'm not entirely sure what's going on we need to go to the temple of the ultimate first before he does what oh my god it's literally in the name it's obvious i don't have my powers as a baby anymore not my full powers but there's a place where i can get them back i hope okay let's go get it we need you at full power exactly but yeah thing i don't know where it is so we're going to have to spend time looking for it but ian and the pack are older and faster those they have longer legs look at your legs all right you're the chunky you have chunk i know your chunky legs all right we're cute but we're also slow so in the meantime i think we need to make sure that they take their time getting to us let's do what babies do best cause some trouble okay so this is the plan all right we can at least transform into worlds that's all we can do right but it's only for a limited time so we have to make this count okay so we're gonna set traps we're gonna spawn things and we're gonna make mayhem okay and that's just to delay them and then we're gonna leave all right we gotta do it fast just do whatever you can to distract them okay i'm gonna get my necklace all right okay okay all right here we go in three two one just walk casually casually no no no no noi i told you you cannot bring mr fluffykins on this epic quest oh come on but he behaves so well he does not behave well he he always pees on everything and i swear i saw him poop on my bed one time he he's got to stay well he can't come up hey he pooped on your bed because he was marking his territory that's what wolves do is territory i am the ultima now it is my territory and when did we get so many new recruits oh they're so cute look at them oh yeah hey guys how how are they in a fight though wait guys what hang on what's going on what's going on where is it was the new one it was the new babies get out of here hey chicken oh no we don't know what we don't want puppies on our team wait hey why are you throwing the puppies shouldn't do that as the ultima wait are these are these chickens chickens are absolutely not allowed on the team hey but think of the bright side fresh chicken nuggets get them out of here wait where'd these spike traps come yeah nice one guys you're going on let's go let's get out of here let's go i don't know this one looks kind of suspicious come on chicken let's go out that and you let's save them with one grand finale i'm gonna fake you and [Music] okay here it is okay okay it looks like no one else is here perfect they haven't found it yet okay uh so you said you could get your power back here yes yes we can get our power backs okay so we need to be very careful all right so so so here's what i'm gonna do here's my secret okay all right i'm gonna hold the necklace here we go put it in this hand and then i'm going to howl you ready okay okay yeah stand back all right here we go three two oh my god okay all right this is perfect this is perfect okay all right it's so nice i don't have to walk into lava today i know i know okay come on let's go oh no all right here you oh why did i spoke too soon didn't i huh there's a skeleton okay skeletons keep coming okay you got that a lot faster than i did i'm the ultimate oh oh oh oh oh oh round two okay but i they have little baby legs and i'm also not normally good at jumping when i'm an adult come on here we go all right you gotta master your baby legs all right i'm naturally short so obviously i have mastery of fat oh that does it does make sense cell phone yeah thank you thank you got it no come on you got this okay okay you know these these falls are very big for someone so smooth yeah okay you could do it come on there you go oh there we go all right come on let's go okay let's go come on come on come on come on come on come on i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming okay it should be here oh there it is there it is there it is oh you found it yeah what do we need to do like jump on it do we need to like smash it i need to ask for my powers back okay oh okay respectful got it so i got my necklace yeah here we go i'm gonna howl okay okay all right come on nick please work please work please work okay i think that worked its eyes blue maybe maybe i don't know okay do you feel any different a little um okay you are a little i should have known oh no you two would be in here you're too late ian oh wow look at the babies hey don't let their cuteness distract you no no no no look at us we are here for a reason stop but but they're just so adorable come on you're in trouble ian yeah you're in trouble what's a puny baby like you going to do bite my ankles oh i won't trust me but but the ultimate spirit will uh it it came back to you a baby [Laughter] i'm not up now aren't you well it doesn't matter if you're still a baby it doesn't matter that means i just need to take over the server and avoid you like this let's go come on come on let's go let's go let's go hold him go to go wait pierce pierce come here come here [Music] where all right if you can take us down you can lead the pack again but no baby can control the ultimate spirit for long [Music] he's right i can't control the ultimate for long but i think we just discovered their secret weakness we just need to smack them down once okay uh okay yeah i i trust you also of course of course absolutely perfect ultimate spirit upstairs come on come on oh the whole place is on fire you're on our team but i still need to set your house on fire it's all about the message yeah i get the message but you still set my house on buyer ian uh see weak ha ha uh what kind of plan did you have um this kind of plan what that's right that's right we've managed to get our ultimate palace i've got my own powers too oh pierce i'm a better alpha than you were an ultimate baby fine pierce you know what i'm trying okay i actually have a secret no kawaii come over here especially if you want to be loyal to ian what is this what is it what is it look at us baby stop looking at the baby in the cuteness distracting my army of walls no because i'm so cute talking to baby boys [Music] fine i'll do it myself [Applause] all right now they're adults so they're not so cute so you can kill them oh never here's the trick i think about it hey hang on you guys tricked me [Music] see now that's a big brain move i'm doomed now aren't i yeah you're kind of really doomed bye ooh that's gotta hurt he deserves it over i still know the spell to change you fat jeez ian you really don't gotta be a baby about losing
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,507,366
Rating: 4.8822799 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft ultima werewolf pranks, pranking my friends as an ultima werewolf in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, pranking my friends as ultima werewolf, pranking my friends as ultima werewolf aphmau, ultima werewolf minecraft, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, werewolf baby minecraft, ultima baby minecraft, ultima baby
Id: HJWG7x0pDco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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