Rimworld Ideology | Cowboy Playthrough! - Part 1

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as you can see pi people where this series has come from is every series i've ever played i basically killed every animal like even if i've tried not to kill them i've ended up killing them and it's just it's time to change how are you doing and how have you been my name's tashastikal this is rimworld and of course we are back today with a new rimworld series we're going to do a cowboy series in particular now normally we don't do service announcements at the beginning of the episodes however i feel the need to just thank everyone for their time anyone that's interested in watching this it just makes me that little bit closer to my dream to be able to do this full-time and any support i get is always appreciated a little bit about me and how i like to play just so you're aware is i do like the story of room world whilst i like to be as efficient as possible i do like the fun of getting to know everyone getting the story so i do try and to the best of my ability be true to the ideology the story that we're making and sometimes in games behind the efficiency we can lose what is most important and that is the story behind games and getting to know people and the journey of where we've come from rather than just the end goal so while not every series hits a completion in the game's eyes we have to look at it as completion in our eyes in our heart and now i'm just yabbering on let's get to it party people hope you enjoy stick with me cowboy nation so we're going to jump straight in for new colony we're going to start with um tribes people um i think it's a little bit funner to be honest um i have been really enjoying that i normally always use the crash landed but tribe it is today we're gonna go cassandra losing his fun and reload anytime i do prefer cassandra um when you start with like tribe and crash landed uh just because i find randy sometimes just doesn't attack you for like years on end and i think cassandra gradually getting tougher and tougher just gives us challenges and helps so you guys don't get bored watching uh we're gonna go with the only seeds that we are allowed to use and i mean i mean anyone can type it but let's just pretend you can't because it sounds a bit more badass we'll go 50 just because it gives us a bit more options i don't want to do anything too crazy with that just in case the pc struggles although hopefully it doesn't let's generate and see where our cowboys are gonna giddy up to i'm sorry i'm sorry so here we go party people this is our world and we have 50 coverage it's very very busy i've selected an area in the arab shrub land as that's where i'd like this colony to be as we're doing a cowboy let's play with lots of animals i think that will go really really nicely having a deeper look of where we've gone and why we've gone here so we're right next to a road which is really handy for when we get events although the first event we'll get is over here and it'll make that totally redundant but it means we can get around a little bit more now obviously it'd be nicer if the empire are people and closer to us but i think i'm happy with this spot year-round growing because we're cowboys and let's make our life a little bit easy right last thing we're going to go advance we're going to go one more just because bigger is better and we're going to go next so so here we go now we're going to create our ideology i am going to be back in two seconds so here we go the creed of animalism and we've gone through stuff that basically all buffs it instead of trying to do a playthrough that's like super super hard we're gonna go with something that buffs everything so everything is around helping the rancher because rancher is basically central to what we do as you can see here so having more animals and lots of animals gives us lots of mood boosts and stuff like that which is really really good also gives us lots of bonuses as you can see down here so butcher efficiency 120 animal gathering yield 120 tame chance 120 so it's really really good for keeping animals drug use medical only which is a bit negative but it is what it is a work drive tripled so the leader can then use his work drive ability and that's the duration is tripled by 300 which is just going to like buff what we're already doing other than that there's nothing too much to note down here i've put the rolls so the leader will wear a cowboy hat just because the leader just wants to be down with the people everyone else will be wearing capes we have rituals so we have animal boreal we have collective fiesta and we have slaughtering just sacrifice uh buildings nothing new there haven't really touched anything relics are the same i have put us preferred apparel cowboy hats i wasn't sure whether to do this or not because as i as i show you here if it's well basically strong gives a plus two permanent mood boost and you can change it to relaxed which just gives plus one um because we're doing this gameplay i'm gonna do cowboy hat on strong or should i just remove it no let's keep it like that because that's the playthrough that we're gonna do we just basically make an ideology that all buffs each other and we want to be cowboys for appearances i've literally just clicked on so everything is rural so we look like as much cowboys as possible and that's that next we're going to the colonists so i won't take too long here i'll get the colonists sorted and then we'll come back and talk over the people that i've selected and why i've selected them so here we have it party people we've got our five colonists so let's walk through them very quickly and what i've aimed to do so health-wise i've tried to get them down to obviously as little health conditions as possible and first we have seedlings so welcome to the group i love his double passion especially melee and shooting he's probably going to go into melee great memory which is really really good means unused skills will lose half their rate which is cool and you'll learn quicker as well and you've got passions with plants mining cooking so while you're not going to get the big mood boosts through the double passions of doing it you will get a little mood boost and then you can sort of like go between three of them depending what we need next we have almost so we're not almost there but we're up to almost work that out you're basically going to be our constructor body purists so no burning parts for you steadfast which basically means you're not going to break as quick and jogger which means you're going to move quicker so might look to see if he can haul and clean incapable of caring though so let's make sure we don't get two more colonists like that although i've already done them but you know we can pretend next is julius so julius is super immune and gaul command so basically plus four cooking but basically means his hunger rate is um times by 150 as it shows again nothing too great another melee person which i've learned my lesson on rimworld let's get some more melee people and you're going to be artistic a crafter a plant cutter you're going to live the dream next we've got hands keep your hands off this colonist physically dull so physical sensitivity is minus 50 and nimble so you're gonna be another melee person we're gonna have to work out how we're gonna do this melee but it's basically melee dodge chances plus 15 which is really good the trap chance isn't really going to impact us too much but it is what it is uh cooking double passion so you're probably going to do that and love the dr light cooking double passion so you're probably going to do that and love life you do have an old gun shock wound which is a beer negative but i'm relatively happy with this colonist so next we've got arctic careful shooter again hunger rate is up which is a bit of a pain and jogger so you run quicker you're animals because we're going to do a cowboy let's play we need to yeehaw and giddy up in gear so we make sure our animals um skill is quite good although as we saw in the ideology we do get bonuses through taming anyway and a minor because it was the only thing that we were really missing again an old gunshot wound which is a bit negative but i really did like the colonist i do have the prepare carefully mod it's the only model i have up however i did not use it here with that being said party people i've rambled on too much let's get to it let's start the gods were very angry the blood machines came at night they swept through your village cutting and burning your people with their blades and devil fire only a few of you'd survived only a few of you escaped now after a harrowing journey with no friends to turn to you must build a new home in the wilderness like your ancestors did let's go party people so the first things that we want to do here is not only to be fair let's scout the map out so the first thing we want to look for is this bad boy as it's just really good in just like producing psychic fighters all the way through so we'll probably build a base close to that now we have got a nice little room here that already tickles my fancy where we've got a steam guys there steam guys are there so we could just wall ourselves in this bit we will have a look around just to see if there's anything else of interest in the map lots of berry bushes and stuff like that however i do believe we do get a negative i think don't we have to like eat meat only or am i mistakened yeah so i just sit in here so it says at the bottom so sowned human food plant we will get a minus four now i did think there was something else where it was like we only eat meat but i think it's just we're gonna get a penalty if we start harvesting um like rice and stuff like that so we have to keep that in mind okay so let's have another look around lots of steam geysers and stuff a big bit of mountain there however i think i'm done with infestations for a lifetime okay so i think we're going to set up in here i think it's actually a really good spot now i want to keep the cowboy sort of theme as we're sort of going through so i want it to feel like a cowboy base but the first thing i want to do is just outline here because i don't want to build in the green radius and then we're basically going to plan our base we're going to do sort of the regular thing that i think most people do when we start and where we're going to put them all in a garrison and then sort of expand from there as i think that's going to work really really nicely we are going to have to like start hunting pretty much immediately or as quick as we can um just because that is going to be how we're going to do this play-through all right there we go so we've got the plan outline so i don't have to keep clicking on that so the first thing we're going to do now arab shrub land as you can see we don't have tons of trees and whatnot wildlife wise i'm already excited to see donkeys and stuff like that but we potentially have these rhinos that i can manually equip our people to take down early so firstly let's equip everyone with all our weaponry jade knife hands we start with a horse a horse a guinea pig and a husky that's not too shabby and you're melee as well you're going for the bow you're going for the bow so we have actually a lot of melee people which i mean is fine worries oh arctic i nearly forgot about you my man no you're melee as well that's actually quite funny i've never had as many melee people as this so work schedules the fun thing something actually no so work schedules the fun thing i think what we want to do is just something really a basic to begin with so all of the things to the left we want to set on one this is the sexy stuff as you're just coming into a new game right handling we've got two people that are okay at handling and then what i want to do just for the time being is remove all these i have to admit there's stuff about base builders and room worlds specifically like when you're starting for the first time like it's so much fun right and then all i want to do so double passions you can get a one saying yeah almost is getting a bow and then seedlings are you getting a bow as well yeah so we're taking this careful this time like before i would like rush into a save really quickly now i'm not the best at rimworld i can hear you in the comments no yes you are you're amaze i know pie people i know i try my best one i know i know no one ripped that the one person's like no one ripped that i i know words can hurt it's okay one and two uh i do need a minus we'll go one two three one two so i'm basically just setting everyone up on their passions anything other than that i'm not too um like bothered about i'll set up the crafting and stuff but again like we're probably not going to get there this episode so i won't worry too much but this basically just sets up everyone on their passions because then they get mood boosts because of because of a as i trip over my own words so we're going to cut a few trees but nothing crazy because nothing really crazy too cut day one the priority for us is to get like a garrison up so i really want to build on this sand because we haven't got a lot of soil in here that's the only negative we've got some really good ones there but i don't really want to set up our base there i think it's pretty perfect near this tree so i want to make sure the buildings we're setting up are going to be on the sand so they don't impact the grass because that's pretty much where we're going to want to put our um animals and stuff so the first garrison we'll do something like a 10 by 10 and we will chuck that here and we will just build wooden walls around it i'll miss out the corners just to save that extra bit of resource and we'll go adore that and all that that would be fine for the moment so let's i think we can kick off actually we're going to put a stockpile next to this anyway um i want the planning i love planning in room world it's actually so fun so i'm going to go stockpile here 10 by 10 and then i'll put like the next wooden walls that are gonna go down but then what i'll do is i'll highlight it no highlight all the walls but then i won't allow because i want all this in the first because i think it's going to be more important that we get housing and stuff like that early on look at me pie people all right let's um pause here we go party people have got our animals so we'll sort out animal beds all that sort of stuff taming all that sort of stuff early doors priority for me to begin with is going to be getting obviously the five sleeping spots we want to get the two research benches table chairs hoop ring torches and that's going to be in the main room we're then going to pretty much live the dream the only problem is is where we've chucked this down we're not going to be able to grow any plants in here so i've been learning pie people because garrisons in the past have been doing it just sort of made everyone super miserable so what we really wanted to do was put some dandelions or sorry some roses or day lilies in there but we can always expand this up a little bit when we do the workshop and then double this room and then we'll have this growing space here to do that just for the time being before we can do like individual housing or however we're going to do it so we're on speed three just seeing everyone go about their day got lots of wood let me open up the stuff on the top left hand just so i can see our resources i probably want a dumping stockpile so i will just pause this just for slightly that wasn't even a word just a dumping stockpile that just so we can haul them out of there just to move them out of the way move that out the way the door lovely lovely early room world easy easy mode so let's allow this one here and i will actually order because i can see the wood shortages happening already i mean when we run out of wood we will just go to making stuff out of steel so we want to prioritize stone blocking pretty quickly but i think we'll go complex furniture into stone um block and then what we want to do is get our sleeping spots down one two three that's going to bother me being slightly off center for five and we'll get a torch and we'll just put it there for the time being that will be absolutely fine we also want to go recreation hops hop hop stone ring i need to call it hopscotch so there we go nice nice start obviously we want to have a strong start to the episode that sort of sort of shows our plans moving forward then we're gonna i want to click on all these allow that woodwise 400 we're fine we get the light then we can get the table and the chairs so we'll go bang one two three four five perfect we probably get some plant pots yeah i suppose let's get like four plant pots up just to start us off hopefully that will make amends for the beauty i mean how much beauty will they actually give i imagine it's a case of nothing until um actually grows so the garrison is up basically i've got some notes in front of myself because i'm terrible for games like rimworld just like going off on a tandem and then not actually um doing what we want we need to cut some more trees down now we are getting a bit further away from our colony so when we have to start mining steel we will do so there we go but we might just do wood with this and then swap over pretty quickly but so far i'm happy i mean it's you know there's not much to go wrong here but i feel like day one it sort of sets up how your colony is going to be how efficient or not that you are so i am happy that happy that we're doing this we do need to get traps up that is something we need to do sooner rather than later we have lots of colonists but one bad like accident so what beauty do these plants give oh 15 so you hit the beauty tool down at the bottom right hand corner and then you can see how beautiful everything is and how ugly everything is so desert is actually really really ugly so that's one thing don't sell on desert pie people you should i shouldn't have done that shouldn't have done that i mean you'll be fine we'll put some wood flooring down because apparently we have ample amounts of wood so there we go our stockpile is under roofed so that goes to the next things that we want to do because we are butcher happy we need to get our butchers table do we want to start mining some steel because wood is getting sparse already we are wasting our time i mean we're going to waste our time mining aren't we steel is here okay i think for the initial buildings let's go wood so we're going to go butcher station there and then i want to go to where is the campfire where is the campfire i can never remember temperature it's because it's in temperature they're always like weirds me and then we'll put the campfire i guess there it doesn't really matter and then that is the stockpile dump lovely so we can add a bill i will just put like make simple meal times by four we're gonna do just something really simple just to start us out on so i'll do there's five of us so i'll do 25 that's five meals each and pause it like i don't know ten i mean i'll select everything but you're only going to really do out of meat anyway because it's the only thing that we're gonna do um we could do pelican early let me have a look at this i know we need vegetables to do that so we're not going to be doing that early that sort of sums that up for us quite nicely then we're going to set up a single meal we set up a single meal afterwards just in case they don't have um any resources to do times for they will have resources to do just one hopefully with that being said we are going to have to start hunting animals sooner rather than later let's set our animals here we have got a horse that we need to set a zone for otherwise is going to wander off however i just want to get the base sorted first and then we'll probably do that day two day one has been fairly productive i mean we're 1800 hours and it's actually being been going giddy up goods no like the cowboy the cowboy jokes are never gonna stop pie people they're only gonna get worse from here like you've heard the best ones i've got anything else it's just gonna be tragic that's let's assuming they're not tragic at the moment let's cut a few more trees down we're getting some few more pots and plants down if it's really ugly in here then we'll look to get even more in that's absolutely fine but a strong day one day two we'll be getting the butcher station we'll start hunting making sure we get that um food then we're gonna be getting the research stations i think we're gonna start with two and then see how we go from there um because i used to always just get one but since playing it more and more i just realized how efficient it is to start off with like as many as possible so we'll probably do that in the work schedule so what i'll do is we haven't got anyone that's really passionate for it which is a shame so what i'll probably do is almost that's gonna be weird his name being almost it's just gonna be so confusing so almost in hands basically i want you to get hands on and almost no this is terrible this is terrible and they'll be our researchers so they'll do that before the hauling and cleaning so that will be perfect i'm going to take seedlings off of plant cutting just because no no not seedlings i might take hands off of growing and plant cutting because otherwise we have three people on it so i think i'm more happy with that uh we do need to worry about the kill box and whatnot i'm going to a butcher creature we will just do do forever get it in meals because the only good thing about the this food so is anyone getting a mood loss from doing this no i wonder if we won't make that to start with because this stores in a free fridge like for a year so maybe we go to the campfire and the first thing we do is the times for because we can harvest the berry bushes the problem is it might stack because then so let me let's do an experiment this bush here harvest who is a so seedlings can you come down and harvest this because i want to see the mood penalty right so you've harvested that no we didn't get a mood so let me just look at ranching sod human flu so okay so we only get a negative for sowing a plant not for actually harvesting so that changes the game because as we can see we've actually got as we can see and there's none on here we've got a lot of berry bushes is this berry bushes yeah yeah yeah but they're not all fully grown so because we don't have a fridge for the moment i'm going to suspend these two simple meals so basically they're not going to be worked and we're going to make a pelican i cannot say the words the dyslexic just will not allow her so do until you have i don't know how much is a good amount but let's say 250 might be a bit too much let's say 70 say one two five and we'll go from there i'm pause at five five five put the plus four over the top how much did i say one two five one two five five five and again it does the same thing where it will prioritize the times four meal if they don't have enough to do times four they will just make the one so everyone is bored because actually we've been ultra efficient let me look at my notes and what else we need to get done so kill box is probably going to be the next thing is this the next morning oh my god it's shooting through party people i'm trying to do as much as possible because i am a nightmare for recording this game and then just failing at little things then starvation hits in so there we go got berry bushes down here lots to harvest so the people that are hunting are they also harvesting so you will so one so okay okay so the animals that we're going to hunt so what i really want to keep the donkeys however i think because it's early on we're going to harvest them how far away are they from us they're not miles away wait wait don't they have a chance to attack i thought donkeys did how weird okay so we'll set them up to hunt the donkeys so then we can get some early me do we want to hunt all the donkeys i think we do because pella can actually last for like a year so i think i'm happy with hunting all three um yeah i think i'm happy with that so we'll go like that next thing we will worry about is the kill box so let's just haul these stones out the way and we'll just add the kill box on the front of this base uh 170 free wood is there any wood because i would like problem is is we're being unefficient with us like because we're running further and further away to cut down the tree so let's cut down the trees here and then i think we're pretty much ready to start making stuff out of steel because i don't want to be running too too far away with our tree here can we set up some meditation spots there we go and we'll build something nice around here like eventually right there we go so we're holding them stones out the way because we will get an early attack with cassandra we sort of have a day one attack and then we want to sort out our animal pen because we do have a horse and we don't want to lose it straight away however i just want to make sure the base is nice and sorted beforehand to have some a good grow zone there but i think where we are we have a natural like plop here a natural plop i'm such a child and that we can like wall in here and that will create um interesting stuff so food situation is slow so hopefully seedlings can take this donkey out sooner rather than later i hope he's not a donkey about it and can actually do it see donkeys do have a quite a bit of health like seedlings i trust you i trust you can do this there we go so the donkey's down lovely there we go so we're harvesting let's make some meat make some meat cook some meat so let's make sure this is working as intended i imagine everyone's got awful barracks um sleep awful barracks okay let's try i can never remember the you know furniture so we can get some more wooden pots so let's do so uh we have got some wood so what we would like to do is get two research benches up one that one there perfect um don't build that and then we'll build that one there cool and then we'll build some chairs perfect we'll build some more wooden pots there we go there we go and then we can start research which will be really really good like i said we're going to prioritize going through complex uh furniture then straight into um stone cutting i always um go straight to mortars i always think that's the way we're gonna try something different we're gonna try and smash this series out of the floor which is a weird phrase like no one's ever said that phrase and party people as you can tell i am treating you to a hour-long episode we're going to start off this episode with a bang with a wallop hour long of cowboy actions which is just weird if we go to needs we've still got awful barracks slept on the floor but we do have the wearing cowboy hat the the two luckily there's no negatives um through not wearing the cowboy hat because what i wanted was an incentive to wear it but not a negative if we don't now a lot of people are idle which is very very good so i would actually like to start mining some steel ever so slowly or we didn't do need some more wood tree there yeah we're getting to the point where we need to avoid doing woods yeah i still do i know cactuses don't really give us much yield but we could have went for another volume that gives us more wood and stuff but i wanted to try to buy them that i don't really use very often and we're going to go for wood traps early on now i normally go for steel traps um just because but wood traps give you more of a chance to actually just maim people right the pelican situation we might actually be needing to make more than what we're actually doing because i think actually we're running out pretty quickly of it so i might make even more so let's go to the campfire even though it's just not being made 250 on pause at 200 250 200. because we've got the meat so we have to keep an eye on the food situation the berries and stuff isn't a massive problem i wonder if the animals are eating it so if i go to the campfire i want to click on the campfire bills come on camp file if i go details and i go take to just drop on the floor straight away okay so all that pelican will be made around there then what i can do is i'll make a zone for the animals zone allowed and we'll go expand animals down here so they can eat the berries i've got no problem with that but i don't really want them eating like the meat and stuff like that so we'll create a space where they're close in the base i don't really want them in the garrison because they're just going to make it all filthy but let's keep them around here pro era primarily that's going to be the husky and the guinea pig as you can see pi people where this series has come from is every series i've ever played i basically killed every animal like even if i've tried not to kill them i've ended up killing them and it's just it's time to change there we go so we're going straight into complex furnituring two research benches almost as starting already i love that his name is almost just just for pure confusion would be nice if we get some wooden flooring in here just offset all the negatives but i don't think that's particularly going to happen so we've got pelican in here i assume no one's like starving or anything like that doesn't seem like it and even the game is warning us we need defenses so let's do that now so i'm just going to do the normal defense that i always do we don't need anything massive for the start and then what we'll do is we'll build like a wooden door there so we can get out quickly we'll go to security one two three so we probably want a few more traps like than that to start off with and we'll go wooden basically it's going to give us the chance of taking prisoners early i keep saying we're done with wood we're done with wood as we literally keep making more stuff out of wood there we go i think that's quite nice it works quite nice i'm gonna have to swap that door down here i could just flip the kill box but i can't be bothered uh almost can you do that straight away please because then i can deconstruct that and then that's just going to be much better not to keep bossing you about but i just want i just want the stuff that i want done done right visitors well good luck to you i'm waiting for that first attack from cassandra we haven't got it yet all right all right some trees down here so let's get to cutting them i'm always just anti i really want to just keep with wood until we get to stone cutting and stuff because i don't want to start wasting steel on anything because then we're gonna have to replace the wood with steel then the steel with the cut blocks have we got enough berries in here so we have to be a little bit micro managing in the way we look after berries and stuff we're actually getting a stockpile of food now which is really good and it doesn't spoil until like a year so that's really good mood wise how is everyone so slept in ground awful barracks yeah if we could get enough wood to put on the floor that could actually be quite ideal um oh no no the floor isn't ugly anymore maybe it was just dirty and hadn't been cleaned very nice so okay i want to get off this now because i am right and saying that we can't grow on here right yeah okay i was just making sure so kill box is going in we've got some traps we've got stockpile food situation sorted two research benches sleeping so complex furniture will then lead us into beds well everyone's busy which is nice uh we could probably do with harvesting some more berries so let's get that underway we don't have negatives through harvesting but we have negatives through growing luckily we have quite a lot of like berry bushes and stuff nearby let's harvest all them there we go research is getting done but obviously when almost is uh building and stuff then he stops researching the other researcher what do you do you mine and cook so that's going to be a bit problematic so i'm going to take you off research and because you're cooking you're gonna be cooking quite a wh quite a long time until we find out a way to do this in such a way that it's not gonna bog everything up we've got an attack but i just want to do this quickly so what i'm gonna do is julius i'm going to take you off growing and plant cutting no i'm going to keep you on but then i'm going to because you're not crafting or anything yet so we'll put you on research so then we're definitely going to get two people on research so that would be nice we do have a mad rat i don't know why it's mad maybe someone told her your mama's joke yeah mama's a rat no i don't i don't know let's pause this draft everyone we could just lead it to go for our kill box but with our short supply of wood i don't really want to do that okay just making sure this is a melee weapon as i know yeah so we have the range people here the melee people here i would prefer or the rats oh the rat was about to attack the husky that would have been a that would have been a funny way to start the episode i'm looking after my animals this time party people and then yeah okay and then you just run the melee people around there we go nice and easy and we've got rap meet food is back on the menu boys like yeah perhaps a bit asking no i think we're really good and then it sets us up really nicely probably next episode to then start on our animal enclosure so we can get some tasty animal so everyone is bored got some animals down here that need butchering though so the people that are bored are seedlings so i might put you on a two on the mining then to give you something to do and the other person that is bored is arctic so you just mine so without mining you're not really doing much right so we're doing complex furnituring next there's no trees in the immediate area so let's start mining steel i don't want to do steel i'm going to be too stubborn about this right let's cut some more trees i know i'm being stubborn about this i don't want to waste the resources i know we can deconstruct like the buildings around but you only get like you don't get enough back out of it i find like especially in short doses but i feel like that actually might be what we have to do and about so the first attack we done so hurrah for us hooray for us there we go so we'll get all that wood go back on speed three gives everyone stuff to do almost as researching so that's really really nice we'll get our kill box done a very strong opening i feel moods aren't great though moods aren't great though i think because hans is stuck in this room his mood is quite low oh he was insulted as well slept in oh it is quite hot actually so let's go temperature let's get two passive coolers and hopefully that can then help out but yeah that's not good if people are just sleeping in heat getting negative be nice to avoid like early breakdowns and continue our start a strong start and continue our start yeah that would be good yeah we'll get two callers in there that will be fine then that sort of just leads us then to just power through research uh food wise looking good looking good uh wildlife to hunt ah we've got loads of camels again an animal that we're probably going to want to um keep down the line but we will set up two for hunting set up free for hunting treat ourselves yeah at the moment we just want to get our food situation sorted but we basically want animals so we can slaughter them so we can uh milk them not in a bad way in a good way and then but food situation sort of sorts itself everything's going to just produce and because we have lots of animals we will get a mood boost from that as well needs a lot of slept on ground a lot of uh slept in heat awful barracks uh we have got the wood so what is almost doing he's hunting nice yeah okay he does hunt over construct i might get him to build these parts of coolers because i feel like we're gonna get a couple of early breakdowns just because people are sleeping in the heat so if we can sort that out oh there we go should we be the confederacy like what are we going to be we are like cowboy nation that is yeah that's what we are we're cow boy nation baby and then seedlings also thinks we should give our settlement a name i mean we could be really like pathetic and just call it name purple rock i love some of these names the randomization for the names in this game is actually quite good the creek i know this this means nothing to the game but it always makes me want a good name you know what i mean like valley are we in a valley could be called minokura oasis yeah we are an oasis aren't we uh so how the temperature is doing in here it's dropped drastically so it's like 38 degrees outside obviously that will improve once we get better clothing and stuff like that but yeah it's like 25 degrees inside it's a bit more water a bit more cooler so that would be nice and we have got heat waves that's probably perfect scenario getting that in we're probably going to have some breakdowns a combination of that but that's not too too bad and we've got our two people on research which is the most important we are getting some lever now which is really good for when we start clove making and stuff like that so that's really good what's the temperature in here quite hot okay let's go for another pause moods wise going down again slept on ground sweaty might need another one of these i feel like the slept in heat is going to go away though some donkey meat has already rotted in storage god we didn't even get through that so that's a note for the future don't don't hunt too much okay yeah and it's just a case of getting through getting beds up that's the next negative we can get rid of i feel like we're gonna hit two negative two breakdowns here uncomfortable okay i hope that we don't get the debuff tonight yeah major break risk but we shouldn't get slept in heat though so i'm hoping we avoid that it slips in the heat it spies in five hours that should go insulted who insulted you awful environment i mean we can try and get some more plant pots but i think it might be a case of like awful environment i know the floor has got the negatives again so i wonder if we need to be putting our wooden flooring down because if we put wooden flooring down i don't think it gives us any beauty per se but then it will offset that how much wood will we need to actually do all this 300 i mean we could do it and start to offset some of the negatives so maybe that's our next mood move so we could go furniture get some more pots some more bonuses because otherwise we're just going to have tons of breakdowns and we're going to go through that cycle so let's go floor wooden flooring get rid of all them because i'm assuming so someone that so they all clean if i cancel this there's not it's not just the floor is dirty right no i think it is because the floor is sand so the sand is giving us that negative so wooden flooring a couple more plant pots and then i think and i hope that might sort out the problem at least until we get beds because now they're getting the slept on floor like negative they should not there we go so the slept in heat modifier is gone so we're we're fine with that so that's going to help a little bit very low expectations awful barracks slept on ground okay we might need to expand this i wonder if we expand it up here and then we can grow the the roses or day lilies as well like just straight away on the floor because they don't actually need that much light yeah inside is a lovely temperature outside is 41 degrees inside is 22 so it's actually quite nice but yeah some more plant pots because they actually give 15 a pot get it plant pot they give 15 a pot brilliant brilliant okay and we have got recreation we will need some cloth at some point i feel like that helped so they don't sleep in the heat that's going to be quite nice let's get the flooring in i think that's going to be a good upgrade flooring is going almost too fast it's it's never going to get old his name is uh well it probably will someone's already like yep yep yep it's too old it's fine by people yeah just want to start off with an hour not only to treat you guys for supporting me and being lovely human beings for people that here for the first time and just graciously give me um you know your attention for however long just want to say thank you this is my way of doing it instead of keep doing speeches about thanking you i just try and make the the stuff i am giving out just better you know what i mean i try and improve my quality and in that show how much i appreciate anyone that gives the time to watch me even if you don't like me which is a bit weird but it's fine i don't like myself so it's got a few more trees this is the episode where i just keep cutting trees um saying that we are running out how we doing food wise we're okay i think the cook's just getting a bit fed up uh we probably need more berries that's the problem okay so how we feeling about here so there we go so all the negative freeze have gone which is perfect we've got some more plant pots in here uh we have got our first raids well let me get rid of this beauty modifier and let's have a look what we got so then we'll prepare for a while just one person ah if only we had the the prison up so i think next episode may be prison and the stable because then the stable will allow us to obviously get the animals but that's priority because the more animals we oh that's disappointing there's a donkey there that didn't get butchered that's actually vastly disappointing okay so we're cutting the trees down let's get more wood we've got more plants so the room is the room getting nice at least no spacious interior so we get plus five i think the two from wearing a cowboy hat is sort of saving us all right they're harvesting there the wooden flooring goes down as almost does a runner i think he's going to collect woods let's trust him got no reason not not to trust them uh the only other thing i would like to do is go zone expand let's make another zone because i do like my zones as you party people go and i'll just put a hide in here and hyde will literally be you know hide inside because not every attack we're going to want to deal with it a lot of traps we're just going to want to lead it straight onto our kill box and be done with it okay is that guy still down here he is oh here we go so let's deal with this um i feel like we can deal it with the group i'll wait for julius to join us because actually i don't want him killing any of our animals or anything like that and i don't want the animals eating our foods because the cycle continues okay he's just got a melee weapon here just got a dagger so we'll get the melee people in front julius can be there protect our hands as well and arctic don't go for the husky don't go for the husky i knew you're going to go for the husky all right melee people rush him he'll die before that i don't want the bows to accidentally hit them so i might just move the bows a bit closer because the melee people should be able to do this yes what i didn't want was a silly like injury that like arctic has got now death in 20 hours because we don't actually have any hill route okay so we can't take prisoners because we don't have a prisoner to be fair i'm not going to rush um to do that we've got five people so i suppose the next question is do we get hill root on this volume like i haven't seen it as i've been like looking around so i'm going to assume we don't so then we're going to have to make a little space to do some hill route yeah can't see anything so i imagine we don't so that's important i think that's the only thing we really didn't like we really missed on so i think actually i'm quite as someone that hasn't even got like tons of experience playing rimworld i'm happy that our only little mistake is um we just missed a bit of hill route not too bad if i say so myself we have got a little space here where we could grow so i might actually go like grow zone i know we don't but is that desert soil dark okay so how are we feeling about this room now pie people still awful not only was it awful i had to share it okay i mean there's no pleasing some people is there well it's not tragic it'll be better when we obviously can get the beds up and stuff like that which next episode we're all decent for actually complete and like it's not actually that bad so thank you for joining me on our first new room world series the cowboys series you know what to do now party people you know what's coming if you got this part of the video leave a like clip or something leave a comment and i'll catch you next time bye people bye
Channel: Tazastical
Views: 17,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld ideology, rimworld 1.3, rimworld let's play, rimworld playthrough, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld Cowboy, rimworld Cowboy ideology, rimworld ideology let's play, let's play rimworld, let's play rimworld ideology, rimworld 2021, Cowboy rimworld ideology, rimworld Cowboy guide, rimworld ideology Cowboy gameplay, tazastical, rimworld ideology Cowboy part 1, rimworld ideology cassandra classic part 1, Cowboy, rimworld ideology losing is fun part 1
Id: xIZLqzlY3FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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