Baldurs Gate 3 | Honour Mode | Builds Level 1-7

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let's do this so py people last time out we had the Panic of a lifetime it was um incredibly close and I have watched the clip again and we should have lost the save now obviously I learned afterwards that we can move stuff through the inventory for free now the reason why I didn't think we could is because at one point Gail I tried to move something into Gail's infant um inventory when he was on like the rocks and whatnot and it said will provoke an um opportunity of attack so I assumed that meant that he would have to move to go grab it you know to be in a certain era of effect or you know Zone obviously not the case so obviously watching that back and watching so many swords strike at gil and suddenly our dice went well now when I look back at that fight I don't think I misplayed it that bad now I'm not good at the game but I don't think I misplayed it that bad now what I mean by that is we did get unlucky we did get spanked very very hard but I'm afraid this is all we've got left and we're not retreating now there were calls for me to put my druid somewhere else we've picked Druid this is a druid play through we're going to Drew it up now I've moved the gear about these are the four people we're going to take in we're going to Respec we're going to go with a plan there will be no retreating this time there'll be no retreating so we're going to start with my druid I feel like we just needed that chat to get it over and done with because that was scary we're 51 hours in and we were very close to losing the safe fate spins along as it should Dost thou require a new ally uh so let's change class so we'll start with my d and what the plan is so we're keeping Druid this is a druid playthrough we're not going to skip out now because like we said we could just go Monk and go pwow but where would be the fun of that we started as a druid we will for all intensive purposes end as a druid the fact that I've literally got like if you can hear my pieces of paper um thing the fact that I took like loads of notes as I was literally ready to make a Bard in that fight what of tells you anything so um what's going to be best here we'll take Guidance just because I find it hand having it on my main character rather than Shadow heart cuz the amount of times like oh Shadow heart is like just out of like our range and whatnot it's just easier having it like on my person uh perception is actually handy to have so I'll move P perception everything else is fine for Ability so we have got the plus one already from The Hags hair that is worth noting so then we will get to like 18 straight away right we're going to dump strength the only Annoying Thing about dumping strength is obviously is our carry capacity going to go 16 Constitution I think that's a good spread dexterity I like Constitution I like and then our wisdom 17 but obviously we've already got the hags here so that immediately goes up to 18 we've got the band of intellect on not that this bothers us too much that means our intelligence is going to be 17 as well we don't need strength and obviously the most important choice when it comes to the Druid so so far we have run this entire save so far a circle of the Moon which has been good the problem is is I have felt that I am starting to get knocked out of it very very very quickly and it causes us a real big problem that my druid has stood there like a dandelion in a field where a lion is trying to take down a gazelle I had a look at Circle of the land it looks cool but we're not doing circle of the land we're going to go with circle of the spores the description viewing death necrotic fungal growth and spoiler location definitely how to say it as a as just another part of life you can manipulate such spores to argument yourself not the world and harm your foes adid has come back from the dead and we are this netic nightmare that is going to spawn Undead to rain hell upon the enemy we do get wild shaped but we're probably not going to do it outside like doing cat and just messing about we get Halo of spores unleash a cloud of necrotic spores upon a Target this uses a reaction so other reactions one trigger this time 1 D4 necrotic damage symbotic entity gain eight temporary hit points and deal an additional 1 D6 necrotic damage while you have them cast Halo spores with double damage and do we just get this we get this until long rest very interesting so we can just do that automatically ends if we use wild shape I can only have temporary hit points from One Source okay and we do get bone chill which it's not exactly amazing it does have its uses the can trip is important cuz we have a ring with that but they get disadvantage on their attack rolles uh it is what it is prepared spells we don't really have to worry about these we'll do it as we level up but generally what we're going to have is long St Rider speak with animals probably fog but we're going and maybe create water because it's going to have an interesting Synergy with what we're going to do with Shadow heart I love leveling up in this game and yes I've been very indecisive with the leveling up we are sticking with it so level three we get detect fors that's cool we get blindness that's fine we get a load spells heat metal Spike growth which we're going to love we're going to be able to use moon beam which we weren't able to use before hold person which is always good if you got a melee person cast hold person that melee person can go in and just punch face level four we do get an additional can trip um we will just get chal not that it matters too too much in all honesty prepared spells again it doesn't matter like we're going to have the heal just as a gen idea of something that we're probably going to want to run get rid of that bonus action heal because having something good as a bonus um action is always good moon beam because we can hold concentration keep casting that probably Spike growth although obviously on later levels it might just deteriorate uh what else is going to be really really good so we want long Strider we want speak with animals just because there's so many opportunities to talk with animals and to be able to have that as a ritual spell is just I think really really fun then probably just shock wave I know there's some really good but I feel like that would be a very good like start and then you can always like move these out for flaming sphere and stuff like that but can only have one concentration at a time so moon beam is probably going to be our go-to and then feet we're probably just going to get our wisdom do the hack hair not come into to a then accept I'm going to close this quickly I wonder if that already included yeah so wisdom 20 so okay it just didn't show me and that but we are getting the plus one from anti e Boon so we are at 20 wisdom I thought I would just check I thought I was going insane cuz it says 19 there but obviously we are getting the plus one from The Hags here it just doesn't show here that's fine we get call lightning which is amazing lightning strikes all target within range then for 10 turns I can keep calling it down which is absolutely awesome so again a nice little split would be something like fairy fire is always a good one to give everyone advantage and call lightning that's a very good other spells cuz I know some people do ask what spells are good Etc we get alar but again we're not going to be using it at this point get rid of ice knife problem is we do have to keep an eye on concentration cuz obviously we are going to have a lot of concentration [Music] spells lesser restoration so like hold p and we've got a concentration there we've got a concentration there we' got a concentration there so it's just not going to happen probably create water I think create water would be really really good you have a little bit of synergy with Shadow heart and then this is our level seven Druid we get some fun ones we get blight so that's 8 d8 necrotic damage and plants take maximum damage and have disadvantage of saving Pho against it but we get that for free we also get confusion so confuse a group of creatures now I know at one point this weren't working correctly and the AI would still attack we'll see if that's the case or not prepared spells we're going to get rid of ice knife we're going to get rid of Spike growth as well and we're going to bring in conure woodsland being so we can bring a Dr a dryad to fight beside you that lasts until a long rest we're also going to bring in conja minor Elemental so we can cast that in the minute um at the beginning of the day and we've got that that you know until it falls and then we've also got conja Elemental yes we are going for a summoning build we need a little bit of help and I think we've got it so little bit more damage dealing we ain't got the animal form that we had before but I think we we're on to a winner it does mean gear we pick up is a little bit more useful so what are we rocking with we have a staff where we can get bless up and it's an so it's a free bless that we get the bless also gives an additional 1 D4 to saving Frozen weapon attacks and additional 2 D4 to spell attack rolls so whether we're going to use it to too much I'm not really sure we've got absolute warboard cuz we did get the absolute brand so we get plus one to our saving throw not too shabby we've got lots of concentration spells so we're rocking the boots of striding when you cast a spell that requires concentration we gave momentum but more importantly while we are concentrating we can't get knocked prone or moved against our will and we get plus one to Athletics Rings nothing crazy we have got advantage on saving FR bent being Charmed because obviously we've got this Army of nonsense we don't really want to get Charmed and lose them all and we have just got plus one to a and religion it's just something to be there two free heals cuz we're a little bit more supporty uh we have got gloves of dexterity so we get 18 decks which is cool we got spider silk armor not really that great but we haven't got anything else worth putting on at the moment and we have the headband of intellect so stats across the board looking really really good as the face of a party like you could probably dump kisma to eight but because I'm a face of the party I didn't really want minus one should we get to the next parcel should we get to Shadow h cuz I sort of panicked at like the end of last stream respecing her and whatnot have to keep pushing and I just needed to have a think I needed to have a think of what we needed and you know we'll count to threee and then we'll say I'm free what we think I needed the most one two three damage so let's get some damage fate spins along as it should Dost thou require a new Li all may have as thou desire so we are going cleric we don't need to worry about guidance because we've got that on our main character so we're just going to go with sacred flame blade Ward get rid of Blade Ward cuz we definitely won't use that and we'll just do produce flame and we get the dominions off the bat we'll do the abilities because we are going to mix it up from what I did before just because of Shadow heart's job in this party is going to be massively diff um different dexterity I'm actually going to dump to 10 this time and I'm actually going to push strength to 16 so she's a little bit stronger melee weapons how much you can carry not that we're doing it for that Constitution 15 we still want that high intelligence and Charisma we're dumping and then wisdom at 16 that's absolutely fine she doesn't need to be persuasion cuz she's not the face of the party so we started with obviously the life domain which to be fair is amazing and there is an element that obviously I'm not using these to their full potential like like I'm sure of that that and that's fine I can accept that I'm not the best player whatsoever and light does have its uses like because I really was tempted to do like have her in the light domain because she's put in disadvantage then you've got um gaale with um deification and then like they can both like deny as many things as possible however we're going Tempest your faith has made you a ve the very Thunder that Quakes the black ferment the lightning csing through the veins of a terrible storm as a reaction strike back at an attacking creature dealing 2 to 16 lightning damage or 2 to 16 Thunder damage the target takes half damage on a successful saving throw get a free funder wave and fog abilities confirm we're going damage I think we lacked a lot of damage in the last fight and we're going to put that [Music] right so when I roll or when Shadow H rolls a thunder or lightning damage you can use your channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead so awesome that's why on our Druids we've got to create water cuz if she's doing that much damage with lightning then obviously and I think in water they take double lightning damage as well which is obviously brilliant we get shatter which is a good spell we'll hit our own people so we do have to be careful Gus just to throw people off balance as call and off balance that gives them disadvantage on strength and attacks against them have Advantage which is a nice little way to get advantage on them cuz they're prepared spells we don't need to keep doing them at every single level we do get a free can trip which we will just do as light that's absolutely fine and the fee we are going to come down all the way here click resistant and that's going to get us to 16 Constitution which is why we took the 15 and also more importantly gives us Proficiency in concentration saving frow which is awesome so fingers crossed then that means any concentration we're holding up she's going to keep up or gives her the highest chance to keep it up I suppose that's the better way saying that spells we get Co lightning destroy on that yeah that's fine subass features when you deal lightning or thunder damage to a creature that is large or smaller you can also push it up to 3 m handy especially because I believe not going to find it [Music] I thought I could do it as a reaction I'm sure I read that I'm sure I read that when something hurts us we can deal damage to it and then that obviously procs that we can even push it away as well which is Handy just to give us that little bit of a break I'm sure I didn't make that up and I definitely read it spells ice storm freedom of movement's cool so this is our final level so cancel all these because I like to take full credit guiding bolt is always a good one healing word as a bonus action we're not going to get loads of healing out of this as we would in life domain but we've got Shadow heart and our Druid being able to like chip in and especially doing it as bonus actions is really helpful we're still going to have bless just in case a druid isn't an awkward situation we still will have create water because then we've got two sources that can create water so they can overlap uh meaning the other person can do other things Mass healing word is too too strong not to think about spiritual weapon is the best thing to do with our bonus action outside Hill it's such a great thing anyway uh we will do Aid as well heal your allies and increase their maximum hit points by five just handy going into a fight uh spirit Guardians which is one of the best concentration things we can be doing with Shadow heart for sure then we're going to tempted to carry reviv fire around with me just so I don't have to go back to wers seems a bit of a waste especially when I've got Glyph of warding here so I'm going to do Glyph of warding and [Music] then oring bond is sometimes handy oh I forgot these up here oh how can I ignore banishment I'm going to take death W so protect a creature from Death the next time damage would reduce it to zero it remains conscious and with one hit point left so I believe that works the same way as the orc special ability which is obviously very handy for someone on our front line um big shout out to take bless the problem is is if you take too many high level spells you're going to be disappointed could make the argument for dropping something for now but at the moment we'll try this I like the idea we have a lot of survivability we're basically a full support rle obviously banishment would be good but we're a good support role that's also walking around with cool lightning with sleep storm sleet storm is very important to break concentration shatter ice storm shock wave we have a lot and um warding gift of warding is really really good you can pick a number of these so we can do Thunder we can also try and send them to sleep which is really good and we can cast that on top of the enemy as well which is obviously awesome which I think considering we want to be doing lightning and thunder damage with Shadow heart that's going to be really great gear wise we're rocking The Shining staver of skulls it's not the best weapon 6 to 12 damage but it does radiant damage that's important because of these boots when we inflict a condition we also inflict revocation that's definitely how you say it so they have a minus one penalty to strength dexterity and conentration saving fro when the entity has five or more it takes 1 D for Thunder damage and possibly Falls prone why is that important because we're going to be doing radiant shock wave to everyone so whenever we do uh radiant damage we do radiant shock wave radiant shock wve gives radiating orb radiating orb gives them minus one to attack so they're going to get minus one to attack and they're going to have reverve application which is going to give them Thunder damage we're basically our goal here is to get Spirit Guardians up radiant damage we're going to make everyone we hit minus one to attack possibly then hit them with this which then does one D4 Thunder damage which then possibly knocks them prone which then makes it very much easier for Lael to come in there and start laying the smackdown smashing stuff we've got a plan we've gone back to the crown so when you heal she um she'll heal herself 1d6 gloves and when we heal another creature they also get Blade Ward cuz I feel like that's just a freebie we've got the shield here mainly to stop the critical hits but also if anyone hit Shadow heart they will be sent reeling minus one to attack it's probably not the best Synergy since she's doing it elsewhere but I like that it stops Critical Hits can also Shield bash them as well but we're not really probably going to do that necklace so we can maximize the healing points we've got the ring so when we deal acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage using a spell or can trip that then infuses our weapon so then we deal an additional 1 D4 our weapon does radiant damage which then can um which then does um radiant shock wave so we've got a little bit of um a lot of synergy going on with Tempest domain that I really love and this one we restoring additional two ha Health points every time we heal I feel like there's tons of synergy here I'm actually a little bit proud took me a while I'm not going to lie excellent choice hi G Adventure the game for a party people this is important stuff because we can't lose our honor save not 51 hours in F do thou require a new as a lot of gold obviously we're using here but it sort of is what it is that needs to be done and I've planned the builds a little bit I've been very Loosey Goosey up to now being like oh we're going to be really fluid and we're going to bring everyone in and out we need to stop that we need to treat honor mode with a little bit more respect and G is looking F abulous let go straight to abilities we are going to keep him into wizard just because I feel weird not keeping him into wizard um there's some saving throws with Charisma I might just tackle it like this eight in strength because we can dump that so we could do the headband of intellect I don't quite know how that works with Feats if we can do the Headband and still do Feats and whatnot but that's fine uh Insight investigation that's fine four can trips Firebolt Ray of frost just cuz the movement sometimes comes up we have got light elsewhere um shock and grasp is normally sometimes good it stops reactions so it's like a little bit helpful every now and then and spells they don't really matter I won't do this at every level but just a rough idea of what I'm looking for I feel like you need these in Gale especially on the harder difficulties to get that so the minute he wakes up in the day he should be casting major armor on himself to get his AC up and then Shield so he can use that as a reaction on to increase his armor class by five which I feel like he needs just because my placement of him isn't great anyway and I think that saves me a lot of the time uh what else do we normally want magic missiles because he's got a necklace that's that's going to go great with we'll talk about that in a in a bit uh Grace is really good cuz sometimes it procs when you fire uh long stride is normally really good or even feather full when you get used to the game you realize how powerful featherfall is sleep early game is absolutely amazing and then when you get to like level three it Peter's off sadly but we would probably what else would we want at this level orb is really good because you can pick what damage it does which is helpful Thunder Wave is really good as stuff gets close but honestly just slapping fog on people is not probably the better option at early levels cuz wizard gear you sort of can't it's a little bit tougher to come across early game or the variety I should say so you get lots we're going divination I like these dice he rolls two dice in the morning two d2s and with them dice he can change enemy attacks to Misses our hits and no our misses to hits It's brilliant saves to Misses misses to saves gorgeous G came in clutch that last fight right we can learn spells choose and we can also then any a subass we also get a reduced fee to learn uh their spells as well not that it comes up too much but obviously you want to learn as many spells as possible by right clicking spells in your inventory and learning them um I've got some of these though have I not what do we want to learn Ice knife is nice Thunder Wave is also nice burning hands is okay I find it very situational though so let's go shock wve ice knife prepared spells it's probably going to be that hold person this hold person is great if we can hold something for like our melee to just D like smash into just critical hitting something is obviously awesome I did pick the right one don't I yeah so we could get rid of grease for ice knife even not they matter too much we got a few levels of leveling up it's always fun I like leveling up on this game it's very entertaining to say the least get two more spells I really like scorching Ray CU it has a big bur potential we just bur someone cloud of daggers I like but I never seem to use it though blah attackers have disadvantage against you you're like scorching Ray and flaming sphere question mark and we' get Misty step while it's a bonus action it allows Gail to really manipulate the battlefield I think we've lost somewhere we've Respec so we've lost somewhere we've leared some Scrolls but that's fine we need to Respec here cuz we made a few errors yeah I like scorching raid just because if you're like you need to take someone down it's a really good take you down spell obviously you don't want to take too many spells at higher levels otherwise you get in a bit of trouble and the nice thing about Wizards is we can just long rest and change all these so you can sort of see what you want a fine with Wizards while they're as some spells that are clearly better than others you can you normally get to the point where you're like oh I need a bit more damage or all I need a bit like this um we'll get cloud of daggers this time tempted to get gust you [Music] know just seeing if there's anything obvious that I'm missing in large but there's better things to hold our concentration on maybe visibility I'm going take invisibility it's a big get out of jail free card on on aote I'm actually going to take up we've got some other stuff that we should probably take but we've needed a v invisibility once we're going to go resilient and we're going to go Constitution which then gives us Proficiency in our saving throws so hopefully means we can hold concentrations you know well which would be very very nice we'll accept [Music] that two more spells counter spell and Fire counter spell is amazing there's an argument for haste we need some damage and counter spell is the best you can't spell a spell at a higher I believe it's a higher level than what they cast and you just automatically do it otherwise you have to roll for it I believe but don't quote me on that firebell huge AOE damage dealing a counter spell can just lock down enemies counter spell for short you'd probably take invisib out for Fireball or Scorch and Ray at this point but you just got to try and it's it's so hard you want so much as a wizard I haven't really been reading these out get an additional die which is awesome oh when you short rest you receive a prophecy complete it to regain another one list of things to do right what do we want here probably haste Target yourself or allow to become Hast and gain an action become faster plus two to armor class great with a warrior and we will probably go Glyph of warding stinking Cloud's good removes actions however I find the AI doesn't really BG itself down in there hypnotic pattern isn't bad but I think we go glyph warding just because it's utility to do many things probably get haste here so we've got some Synergy with other classes because there's no point building this thinking what's just good for Gail it's got to help everyone else he's got dices that can make us hit he's got dices that can make their Miss he's got counter spell that can stop them he's got haste that can speed us up we've got a lot of options depending what we want ice knife is probably going to come out for scorching Ray at this point just for a big damage magic missiles are really good scorching Ray is a different type of good this is our last level I feel like I have to take banishment banishment is great temporary banish someone to another plane of existence for two turns if they fail confusion I don't know if they properly fixed that so I don't want to do that yet wall of fire is very very good is there anything else that we' missed that we want to pick up on the way right this second again I'm not expert on this game so obviously there are probably spells that I am missing that you are screaming at me but I'm just going like dimension door teleport yourself and one adjacent Ally to a place you can see it could be good to get someone somewhere the only thing I haven't ever used Dimension or if it's a case of it takes Gail's actions the other person doesn't have to use an action that's quite good polymorph transform a creature into a harmless sheep ice storm tempt to take dimension door you know yeah I'll take dimension door we take banishment I don't feel great about not having GPH of warding or Fireball problem is I'm going to kick invisibility out but has to get out of jail free cards though that's the pro that's the problem it's tough there's too many things I want I like both the shields apparently we're not going for much damage dealing with G which I guess will have to be fine no I'm going to take away invisibility for Glyph of warding just because then that can do damage it can send people to sleep it's got a lot of utility as much as I hate not having invisibility appar I was like do I have it for Gail's gear haste Helm so he gets momentum at the start of combat so he can move more I've equipped him this now while we're not going to get any lightning charges so he's not going to get the plus one bonus to armor class and saving froze he does however get a plus one bonus to spell save DC which is co I took these off carlac cuz I realize Gail can use them braces of Defense two plus bonus to Armor class as long as you are not wearing armor or holding Shield uh and the boots I didn't really have anything sorry G um ring the where I can see up to the in the dark great the necklace so we shoot an additional Dart whenever we cast magic Missile that's important that's really really good CU then suddenly like three darts is that's cool and then a staff where we get one plus bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rolls I don't know if they stack I hope they do would be cool if they did attack bonus but yeah that's what we're rocking there and then LEL do I need to change you could get you more Constitution why you in why is your intelligent six don't know what's happening with your spread of stuff but why is your intelligence six from weaken Del light minus two from weakened intelligence ah because you tried to get the elifit removed gotcha gotcha gotcha basically part of the story so we am I going the right way so we are going to change her slightly cuz I want to get her Constitution up I don't want it sitting on 14 in all honesty let us have words F do thou require a new as thou but I feel like fighter is so such a strong class just pretty badass fighting style great weapon fighting it's either great weapon fighting or defense but we're going great weapon fighting sh got ah she must be getting a minus two because of the story but that's fine but that's how we would respect her to be fair 16 14 16 8 12 8 skill proficiencies acrobatics to stop you getting pushed history well we spent the money so we might as well continue it the only things that we would change is what Battle Master stuff we take because yes we will be taking her down Battle Master got our action [Music] Serge Battle Master so we get superiority dies that we can spend to do extra attacks or differing attacks that are much much stronger so we're going to go Precision because I think that's great just to use that straight off the bat we use one of our priority D and we can add that to the attack R especially considering we're getting a minus five because of Battle Master that sort of brings it up so we can make sure we are smashing whatever we need to disarm so we can hopefully drop their weapon which is obviously brilliant because they will have to spend their whole turn to actually pick it up and equipped up and then menacing which we'll use whenever but we can possibly frighten them disadvantage on ability checks attack rolls and cannot move pretty banger [Music] we should have went 17 we should have took 17 strength okay we can't get to 20 strength the way we're doing this sorry fate thou require as yeah I'm wasting all my gold here so great weapon fighting we want to get that so that's going to have to go to 14 for that to go to 17 Charisma can go to 10 I guess there are some Charisma saves right but then we can get her strength to 20 so then she can do more damage so we do the exact same thing sorry about [Music] that but we're going to get it right and then we don't have to this will be the last like Respec we're going to trust the system moving forward Battle Master so we get this priority dies as we're going disarming menacing and precision only nearly an hour in of respecing but feet because we're going to go here affle which gives us one plus strength uh jump distance increase which obviously helps her Jump Around the battlefield get to where she needs to go and if she's prone standing up uses less movement which is obviously a brilliant little combo and gets our strength to 18 cuz at level eight we will then get another feet which we will then take plus two in strength to get to 20 so we're doing a lot more damage except uh level six I thought it was level eight for some reason oh co so then we go ability Improvement 20 I don't know why I thought it was level eight I've lost the plot clearly then we can get 20 [Music] strength which is obviously very strong early on and then level seven we get two more Maneuvers can evade attacks by imposing disadvantage on melee attacks few for a round basically do we do that or do we just trip attack to knock something prone I think we've got enough I think we go repost which we can spend a superiority D to attack if someone misses us which is great to do damage outside our turn and we do evasive footwork in case we're in a really bad situation they get disadvantaged to hit our what do we do trp no we do that and there we have it so we are going to have to um write some [Music] wrongs then wrongs being what happened last stream you know me by now party people I like all this organized we have so many Misty steps it's actually crazy but it is obviously handy we even got a Hunter's Mark we've got a nice weapon that we can do some big big attacks okay there we go we're going to organize this then go lost in thought oh and we get a free mou's acid Arrow as well with the staff which is obviously very nice so yeah so I'm hoping I'm not going to say I'll walk in the park I'm hoping we're going to be able to get along a little bit better in this fight there are two enemies that we took down I know it's not exactly saying much obviously every little helps just accidentally banish can you banish yourself is that a thing right there we go laser sorted G lock you um I've really given Gail all the what's it called spells and stuff off stream so he is ready to go our free Hills can go there speak with their survival Instinct I mean we have no survival Instinct on this save we have got wild shape but it's just going to be used for shenanigans and then it's going to be getting used to using obviously an new spores so not to Spore you with trying to learn it but we're all going to be about getting our minion armies up we do get a Frey animate dead which is awesome it's going to be all about learning what we can do so got to organize this into something that's slightly reminiscent of like something that I understand cor lightning blight and we've got here Shala is never going to be used I've got detect forts speak of animals guidance long Strider god we have a lot create water we have thn whip blindness confusion fog moon beam okay so we'll have a look cuz there's a couple of things that we can do just from like like immediately in the morning with our new Spore Druids we will have to have a good good look so sorry about this but once it's all sort it then we are obviously cooking on gas and it just allows me to see everything then hopefully perform better I mean I'll be honest my per I like I just need to redeem myself okay the performance was not great wasn't shocking but it wasn't great and I need to do better if I want to beat on a mode like can we even like with a straight face say that anymore like I'm not really sure I'll put turn Undead there cuz that's an important skill okay so there we go so everyone's got all the where are you that was weird Shadow heart all the spells all the Spells five superiority Dice and you're missing one level one spell shouldn't have wish to live in more interesting times we're all geared up we nicked everything from all the other people so it's probably a good place to cut it for the YouTube so I'm going to go to the toilet and then we're going to go redeem ourselves
Channel: Tazastical
Views: 681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tazastical, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate let's play, baldurs gate playthrough, baldurs gate 3 let's play, let's play baldurs gate 3, let's play baldurs gate, baldurs gate gameplay, baldurs gate 3 honour mode Builds Level 1-7 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 honour mode part, baldurs gate Builds Level 1-7, baldurs gate 3 honour mode, baldurs gate 3 honour, baldurs gate 3 Builds Level 1-7, bg3 Builds Level 1-7, baldurs gate 3 Builds Level 1-7 honour mode part 1
Id: qiP3qyWUcII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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