Best Armor & Why | Rimworld Ideology

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what is the best armor in rimworld to answer this you have to understand how damage calculations work and how quality and materials can alter these values in this video we're going to take a look at the mechanics of armor and help you choose the best armor for each scenario let's get started the armor mechanic is easily understood as a percentage value that is associated with the damage type these damage types are sharp blunt and heat when you get hit with damage it rolls a dice to determine if that armor layer stops the damage or not this dice has values between 1 to 100 and if the dice value is less than half the armor percentage it does zero damage if the number is more than half but less than the full armor percentage it does half damage if the number is more than the percentage the armor has no effect on the damage this is better understood as an example in this scenario i get shot in the torso and have a button down shirt on it is human leather and normal quality giving me 12.8 percent sharp 4.8 percent blunt and 30 heat resistance bullets are treated as sharp damage so the damage rolls against the 12.8 percent sharp resistance it rolls a 100-sided die and gets 12. this is less than a total value 12.8 but more than half so it does half damage to the torso if you have multiple layers it will roll against each layer independently of the other from outer to inner any damage that remains will roll against the next layer an example is if you have a duster flak vest and shirt it rolls against the duster first then the flak vest than the shirt this is why larian is so critical one more thing to note is if sharp damage is reduced at all it turns into blunt damage it still rolls against the sharp damage value but will output blunt damage armor penetration works through reducing the percent value of each layer it hits this is additive so 50 armor penetration only reduces armor by a flat 50 percent not 50 percent of the total even if armor blocks some damage the armor penetration applies to each layer this means that having good armor is critical at preventing high armor penetration weapons from guaranteeing damage on hit flame damage uses the same system as the others but if it deals any damage at all it has a chance to set a pawn on fire now we understand how damage is calculated and how armor can block damage the next question is how to maximize the percent resistance on each armor piece this comes down to understanding the impact of materials and quality on armor value quality is very simple the higher the quality the higher the armor value this goes from 60 of the armor value at awful and 180 percent of the armor value at legendary shown on screen are the material values for metal and wood armor plastil followed by uranium is best for sharp and blunt armor values and on a budget steel is best for sharp while wood is best for blunt for clothing it is much more complex as you are comparing many different types of materials with small differences the king of sharp is not surprisingly thrombo fur and the best blunt is hyperweave devil strand offers top tier bonuses and is reasonable to acquire making it the best mid game armor choice for dusters the one takeaway i want to stress is cloth is very poor armor if you do not have access to high tier materials to make your dusters make sure you use leather instead of cloth to maximize your armor values on dusters and clothing body coverage of gear is important but you don't need to understand the specifics to be efficient the torso is the most likely to get hit and while helmets are useful the chance of a head shot is actually relatively low this does not mean that you should ignore head slot armor but you should use your best materials in areas that are more likely to get shot such as the torso durability is very easy to understand each item has hit points and a durability value as a percentage of the total hit points every 4 damage taken causes 1 hp loss on the armor and worn apparel has a 40 chance of losing 1 hp a day damage to armor is calculated using the raw damage so even if you deflect the damage source it still causes armor damage if your outer layer deflects the damage anything worn under would receive no durability damage so what gear should you make at what stage while every scenario is different there are some general gear loadouts to aim for keep in mind that these will vary significantly based off your bio and insulation that your biome requires for early game you want to get your pawns into leather dusters button-down shirts and pants i stress leather as cloth does not provide good armor values the goal mid-game is to acquire black vests and upgrade your dusters shirts and pants a devil strand or the best leather available you should be aiming to maximize the quality of armor pieces via training your crafter as this will strongly increase your armor values late game comes down to marine armor for ranged colonists and recon armor with a shield belt for melee colonists royal pawns also have the choice of prestige armor which gives some side casting benefits and satisfies the apparel requirements of nobles if you found this video useful consider subscribing thank you for watching and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: OneHunchMan
Views: 45,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld, Rimworld Ideology, Rimworld Armor, rimworld armor guide, rimworld damage, rimworld damage types, rimworld damage calculation, rimworld damage and armor, armor rimworld, damage rimworld, resistance rimworld, rimworld resistances, rimworld defense, rimworld defense guide, rimworld early game, rimworld mid game, rimworld late game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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