RimWorld Frost and Fire - Plan And Execute // EP77

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to frost and fire last episode we added some additional turrets into the kill box and then we were oddly offered a quest to fight 32 hives offered by the leader of the reapers me it's a very strange quest but one that i intend to accept so what i want to do is i want to prepare a space uh for the insects to spawn to make it easier to get them uh well killed so i am going to uninstall all the lights in here because the lights are just going to get destroyed anyway and then i'm going to remove these steel doors i'm also going to mine this tunnel out to this spot here but no further that is my prep the idea here is to heat this area these two spots here to heat it up so that uh it is an acceptable temperature for an infestation spawn and then to let the bugs spawn in cut the heat and let them freeze leaving their meat and jellies intact for me to profit in order to ensure that they freeze i will leave an ability to mine out this tunnel here and yes that does fundamentally change the way this tunnel system will work as we'll have another exit because the infestation hives in an enclosed space will produce heat and heat themselves up which is maybe not what we want to have happen looks to me like i need to get through the backlog of uh fine meals all right so leth is prepping the freeze trap and then we'll get all of the lights out and all of the heaters in i'm just going to be using the heaters from the kill box area uh for the remainder of the heat and if that's not enough we'll uh we'll go ahead and set it up so that we build more bash is going ahead and uninstalling all of those lights so now this is still an enclosed space as you can see but it's one that is going to be very very easy to expose and therefore get everybody killed all the bugs that is now these two spots here i'm going to be removing the doors and the purpose of that if you're wondering is to replace them with plastic walls to make it harder for the bugs to get out i don't mind them getting out this way because if they get out this way big deal they have an unbelievably long march to mess with me but i don't want them pouring in through my power grid that would be uh sort of a undesired result let's call it bash i don't want you eating without a table given your current moods so no don't eat there and i'm uninstalling all the lights not because bugs won't spawn uh in light they would i'm uninstalling them just because you know those lights are gonna get destroyed if we don't so there's a fair little bit of prep in order to get everything ready for the traps so i'm trying to get all that lovely stuff set up and ready and i'm not really micromanaging them i'm letting them all of my colonists here sort of go about daily business as they work seems like i might need to micromanage a little bit more as most of them are not even really working towards the goal all right jd it's going to be well actually we can leave that id there uh grab a no path oh i'm sure because it's probably already being hauled grab another heater yeah we already have it hauled i'm removing this door uh so that this entire chamber if mined out in this spot can be uh frozen and let's get plastic walls uh up in up in these spots in choke points so that i can more easily super freeze so this cavern here uh will need to be heated up a bit in order to be eligible for the bug spawn but uh we're working on that it'll be a little bit easier to heat when i get the last plastic wall built here and i'm just gonna hope that my calculations are right and that uh no bugs spawn beyond that point because that would be a bit of a problem but it's already looking to be the right temperature yes i do i do think all right i'm going to go ahead and do that i do think we'll be in business once i wall that off there's no real risk to the slag it's not like slags are gonna get destroyed by bugs so now i just wait until that temperature rises above negative 17 celsius and i can accept the quest and i know exactly where the bugs are going to spawn and then i have a way to freeze them to death by mining out this compacted steel so the trap is set it's a very strange quest now i was thinking about the rewards and even though i don't really need the gold i think the gold reward as you can see is the financially the uh the most rewarding and the amount of plastial and uranium from the other two rewards is pretty paltry at best i did receive feedback from uh tomic tomic mentioned that it might be wise for me to have uh sort of separated stockpiles for the clothing so that's exactly what i'm going to do but i'm going to do it in a kind of a strange way so what i'm going to do is here in this spot i'm going to set up like an embedded stockpile call it clothes it's going to be for 95 plus excellent plus apparel make it preferred and that way it's going to be a little bit easier for me to sort through good clothing so that i can find it at a very quick glance oh we are above negative 17c so let's go and hit it well i might want to wait until tomorrow morning that way everybody is ready to repair and resist the bugs i suppose now by oh bye-bye cauterize can no longer haul that's fine now if i just uh set them to haul a little bit we'll get that zone set up and we have cargo pods of nutramine that's kind of a nice thing to have land uh gabe hallelujah touring and while we're out there uh lethal the the jade youtube night owls doing the night owly thing way mast work too so as you can see the really good clothing are being hauled properly to where they belong into this uh good pile and everything else is uh being hauled off and given enough time and priority hauling uh we'll we'll have a stockpile of you know the good stuff that's uh that's an easy way to differentiate without you know doing too much else so we got all of the jade all the new termine nice psychic soothe just ended and bright and early tomorrow i i intend to uh trigger the quest and bring hell upon myself should be a good time instead of mining i'm having gabe and leth oh well left should get warm oh okay uh even less reason to have gold i suppose i could always use it as a crafting material but this is getting ridiculous how much gold i'm being offered why are you oh fibrous mechanites yes get you out of that hospital bed there well i calculated the right amount of heaters clearly as it is uh actually toasty warm well it's not toasty warm but compared to ambient it is toasty warm in there there we go that's what i wanted to do i wanted to uh use up the meat so that we have you know fewer unused stockpiles and these gorilla meats can be merged and this could be hauled and then we're good it all fits uh so let's go ahead and simple meal for everybody but bash bash is going through i don't know a little bit of a rough time so bash is gonna stay on fine meals for a bit because his mood's not great and it's morning time so let's accept for gold as strange as that sounds because i just got offered a lot more gold uh but we'll what i plan on doing is just making a whole lot of money from it so we are the infestation exactly where we hoped it would be and then uh i'm going to send less you are not too cold i'm going to send less to go mine the compacted steel i could have made this a door made it a little bit easier on myself and i have to make sure that uh yeah so here's a good example the ambient temperature is negative 120 celsius and inside there it's negative two celsius and it's warming up actually because the hives themselves produce heat so that's why i needed a way to let in outside air and make this not in close space because they'll just warm themselves uh insect types acts as heaters and uh that can be well deadly if i if we're planning on freezing her to death they won't really freeze if they heat up i also have to keep an eye on the plastic walls they're tough and they should resist a lot of the bug bug damage when these guys start freezing all right at this point the bugs are now completely exposed to frigid air frigid is an understatement and i'm gonna be setting i don't want to do anything in here so i'm going to be setting this area to avoid uh and then once left is clear of it assign a void to everybody we don't want to be getting close to there they're gonna be pissed so void on everybody except for left now uh yeah it is negative it's negative ambient in here and these guys are gonna be freezing the way this will work is that the scarabs that spawned are going to freeze up first and then they will cause all the other bugs to become hostile and the hope is that by the time the mega spiders are starting to become frozen [Music] they are too weakened and too far from the base to really have any sort of an effect that it's basically an easy win gabe why are you moving why is everybody oh uh i'm an idiot okay uh let me go to the avoid zone and invert it yep brilliant me backward zone so we can just watch the hyper hyperthermic slowdown and know roughly when they're all going to go kaputskis we are about to have the mega scarabs pass out and then the mega spiders and the spellopedes are following shortly thereafter looks like bash is not going to be a particularly useful uh combatant for a bit he needed some rnr that's okay all right they are in official pissed mode this was known uh and that's because the mega scarabs have now passed out uh they are gonna take out their aggression on my heaters and there's really no way to avoid heater destruction i knew that this was going to be an acceptable loss there is a valid path to come mess with me and that valve path is well it's this it's all around here and then up and then around i mean they're not going to get to me before they freeze and what's interesting which was just demonstrated all the megascarps just died i think or oh and now the spelipedes their turn to pass out so the the hives don't stay hostile forever they will eventually uh or rather the insects of the hives won't stay hostile forever they will eventually sort of reset and now all the spell feeds are unconscious and then next up the mega spiders and yep all right at this point uh we are good for a bug clearing so that means bash you can stay out of this that means sending everybody in to exterminate because the mega spiders are all boom unconscious everything is unconscious if i go to hunt them 31 mega spiders 35 spellipeds and they will freeze to death eventually uh but insects go into a hypothermic slowdown where they don't freeze very quickly uh bash you can just haul some steel let's have phoenix lead the way here so now it's just a uh just killing them that's all that's really left to do i don't want to set too much on fire so maybe phoenix you back up do your own thing there's genuinely no risk of these bugs getting back up because it's not like it's gonna get warmer or anything so this is a pretty easy bug clear as there is no risk anymore they're just unconscious and they will remain so for the remainder of the winter so we can take our time and clear out the hives the hives are probably the most important thing to kill off so they don't replicate but given the temperature it's not like new bugs are going to be much of a threat anyway there's nothing to really damage here so it's gonna be really easy for us to just clear them out with bullets or even i could um [Music] if they were set to hunt uh have them hunt kill so let's set everyone to hunt a little bit and you two just keep punching because we can easily finish them off sort of simple way it's a lot it's a lot of manual labor but it's for a big reward oh don't shoot leth please we'll focus on the hives first now there is an argument to be made that you could hypothetically farm the bugs this way but uh given how difficult this scenario is i already have enough work to do in that way uh so yeah no i'm not going to be farming in sex you could if you were mad if you were absolutely crazy um i suppose sure you could uh hunt them and farm them for jellies or whatever but uh yeah i won't be doing that a lot of micromanagement but one of the wonderful side effects of this of course is i get to feed my pets for free i also accomplish a quest for gold so it is a lot of benefit not a lot of cost uh and well yeah i mean that's best of both worlds right another thing is that uh these insects now that i'm hunt finishing them off they aren't going to be missing body parts not that it's a big deal um but it means that they will yield like maximum meat because of course if we were shooting at them and we did damage where they you know lost body parts while we shot them they would be worth less to us because if you shoot off a leg well you then can't butcher the creature for that leg but my goodness is this uh labor intensive i don't mind and also uh even an additional benefit that i hadn't mentioned is that uh the storyteller probably counts this i'm not certain but probably counts this as a um a large threat which means i might get a little bit of respite i might not you know there's a fair possibility that uh the storyteller is like hey guess what we're gonna send you a giant raid right now but generally speaking uh the storyteller won't send you so many back-to-back to back-to-back raids and this one was like such a freebie but the storyteller doesn't know that the storyteller only knows that they sent you know hundreds of bugs and i managed to survive i feel like uh we're like factory farming here or something oh leth and raptor getting sensory mega knights which is unfortunate because i already had mechanites in the colony bash had uh fibrous mechanized so now we have just mechs upon mechs upon mechanites brutal another thing i'm going to want to do is to then eventually clean this place up and uh and put everything back to kind of the way it was uh all right let's keep killing them off they didn't get very far i will say this is the furthest they got basically nowhere we're almost done with all the hives still have a fair bit of bugs left there's i don't know three hives left something like that uh raptor and jd are gonna have to turn back soon so i'm gonna have jd hall one of these mega spiders i mean these spiders really aren't going anywhere so i can have sort of everyone turn back so let's have all of them haul big old mega spiders here gabe seems in better spirits and not quite frozen yet so i'm gonna have him finish off more spellipedes and then of course i need to haul in the jelly because the jelly uh is worth stuff let's put the door here so i want to wall this stuff off so that it um the jelly doesn't decay and i can it retains its value and i can sell it haul it keep its uh keep its resale this would have been really unfun to defend without freezing them to death there's quite a few of them even gabe's mood is wavering now all right so if we have sensory mechanics let's just go to herbal with everyone so that uh we don't waste any meds industrial meds to me like uh i don't know seven hives left three spiders left that's an easy cleanup i'm gonna have uh phoenix start coming out here i just didn't initially want phoenix to work on this because uh he would sort of set everything on fire and that'd be a mess another thing i might be able to do is to stockpile my chem fuel get a decent amount of chem fuel uh as a result of processing foul meat so let me turn off my processing meat in any other way jd is heading for that door or maybe actually this one yeah all right so jd you build this door because that one's more important and let's go ahead and remove the roof over the beacon uh so that the gold from completing this quest gets sent where it should be i have you do that okay so this is now indoors which means that the insect jellies won't decay it's not that quick there's still some hives left because i haven't completed the quest yeah there's one here is that the last one now there's one over there too they're not likely to reproduce is that it yep that's it pods arrived and an eclipse so there's my gold build the roof back and uh yeah that is that's the holding quest easy peasy i did lose some heaters uh but one survived one token heater i'm gonna put it uh here make it a little easier for our deep drillers to drill uh leth and raptor are waiting for tending hmm jd i'm going to wake you up i was thinking about putting the harmonizer in a raptor now that he's in a relationship he'd be happier uh but then of course he gets mechanites the moment things start looking up for him kind of funny the cabling uh didn't even get destroyed i can turn on that heater that's kind of funny all right at this point hmm let's go ahead and crank out cloth strange as that sounds and now i have access to this metal here this here does open up the opportunity for it to become a vector for sapping and i'm gonna actually super haul because there's just there's a lot of stuff to process now [Music] and i might want to before it starts to uh [Music] decay all right fella meat is the food of choice for these hoppers barely call it food but let's call it food bash here on a major break risk come on bash uh what i could do for bash just set him to recreation that way he stays a little happier he keeps flirting with leth and what's interesting about that is leth is a night owl so leth is not even scheduled to be near bash all that much but bash just keeps flirting uh and it's getting rough on the mood we have a man hunter pack of beak things well i am going to stay inside uh phoenix you're closest to the door so i'm gonna send you to close that bad boy we're just gonna ignore these big things so the stay fortified zone will allow us to continue hauling the insects the spiders the mega spider spellipeds and uh scarabs uh so there really isn't this manhunter pack really doesn't change anything it's not gonna have any effect whatsoever one way or another 1500 jellies it's quite a lot of jelly oh there's still stuff unroofed here build roof so we don't get pod dropped and now uh with all this follow me we'll be able to replenish our nutrient paste which went from i don't know 400 to 200 or something like that bash has a minor passion for this work so keeping him cranking on the uh the butchering is actually serving to be pretty good for his mood as you can see he just loves killing bugs butchering them up for his pets so these big things here are screw rotted and they have a negative temperature tolerance of negative 140. aka these guys are not going to freeze to death they're gonna be a pain in my behind gabe and length i'm going to take you off the super hauling so that you can start uh deep drilling because we are definitely going to want as much uh steel as we can get our hands on i don't know what the amount of steel that's left there because my well i can turn this on oh there's plenty of steel left there okay in fact i'm gonna install a second uh deep drill the eclipse is ending that will help my batteries recharge all right bash looks to me like you need some rest that's a lot of meat and i'm also going to work on getting more chem fuel so i'm gonna just get a thousand chem feel because i suspect that i'm gonna have so much foul meat that it will be in my best interest for me to process it too uh which means that hippie here is gonna be set to uh crafting and making chem fuel from organics i still have a lot of time left uh before winter subsides we've already hauled i don't know maybe half or so so i'm feeling a little bit of pressure to get more hauling done but i think we've done a pretty good job so far so very glad i don't have to fight those big things myself big things are very very fast movers and they would shred me at least i know it i'll just keep these doors open for ease of speed it's gonna be one very buggy butchery full of foul meat as you can see that's what we got to do tis the cost and another manhunter pack of more big things you know randy you have a style a part of me almost wants to uh trigger the mech cluster and let these big things go to work but i feel like i just be giving myself more work i won't do that maverick gave birth to two little gorillas unfortunately uh i don't think that they're gonna last very long so raptor got sensory mechanites who also got sensory mechanites jd left it was left okay just trying to keep track of uh whose mood is not great uh raptor how about you try your hand at a uh inspirational throne speech oh the yeah that's not gonna work the man hunters count as hostiles and cancel speeches can't forget that sorry pups all right so hippies back at it making chem fuel and soon i will do batch meals wow it is even snowing this is uh a rare occurrence for sure all right let's get bash some medical attention i have the heel root so i don't really mind using it and next one to go for a meal will make a batch if he's grinding away be interesting to see uh the map all snowy again it's been a while since the last snow i think they all heard me that uh next person does the next batch and as you can see here not a single one has uh volunteered to eat since then i mean that's not really true but it feels that way it's pretty pronounced where i have and do not have roof tiles and an imperial trader flying overhead uh well that might be interesting given the amount of silver that i have so raptor would you wake up to trade so the imperial trader will buy insect jelly and leviathan pearls as you can see the leviathan pearls sell for quite a bit i could buy let me really shop around stella crowns i could even sell gold i wish they had better things for sale though they've pursued prestige marine armor but that's not something i particularly want uh they do have oh it's mad muttering they have a mono sword uh which would be stronger than the blade that phoenix has but phoenix's namesake is well phoenix so i'm a little resistant to that as well they really don't have much that i would like to buy but what i will do is buy the advanced components uh just to balance the trade budget here and then sell the gold knowing that there's a lot more jellies to be sold boy i'm a little bit too rich it's odd to say that but it's very true i am uh exceedingly wealthy now which is scary i'm not saying this is a flex i'm saying this is a uh this puts me into a very vulnerable position one in which i don't really like all right raptor i did see that you wanted to eat a simple meal but i'm gonna call it this is all the time i have i hope you appreciated my little um special tactics against the insect hive that's if you have the opportunity to fight them in the winter and that is definitely how to do it if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below thank you so very much for watching i'll catch you next episode farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 2,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Community Challenge, Frost and Fire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 48sec (2748 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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