Rimworld: Desert Doom - Part 4: The Labours Of Hercules

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[Music] hey folks this is to go here too and welcome back to rim world so a couple things to touch on quick before we get started I shuffled my jobs around just a little bit because nobody was ever getting to cleaning so I decided to kind of keep Hiroshi inside the base so you know he can well I guess halt if he needs to but warden and cook and grow and then do some cleaning at the end so this place is turning into kind of a pit so we want to get that taken care of um secondly I don't think I'd ever noticed this underneath furniture there is also an animal sleeping box how adorable is that so let's go ahead and let's make one we can just put that here and that can be for Sandy so that'll be nice who is currently not on the right level of light but it's totally unrestricted so she should be able to go ahead and do whatever it is she wants um let's see here we need some more steel there actually is some steel structure over here so I've flagged that to be taken apart and then I've got some remaining flagged up here Hercules our repeated visitor is ever so slowly trying to leave again I'm sure we'll rescue him again in just a few moments and Valley who we were gonna try to recruit had his arm ripped off more correctly fercho ripped his arm off so that's frustrating cuz the whole point of him was the 17 crafting but yeah I don't know we'll figure out it'll be fine all right so excellent quality well done it's not art but you know it's alright spoke about something with sparrows that's a little weird alright come on Hercules let's see how far you get I still haven't moved these wind turbines enough that they can actually get through there but oh I'll get there all you guys do is gossip incredible just incredible do you have enough light now yes okay good we're just putting in some more embrasures here I do need to put some turrets up I do have access to turrets now I just haven't I don't know done it so I'm sure we'll get to it at some point what's the worst that could happen if I keep stalling right now this is not a bad amount of Steel it's kind of a pleasant tinking sound it makes - isn't it all right good come on Hercules you can do it come on buddy please don't walk over the trap what why did you walk over the trap well I wish you hadn't done that I'll bet he doesn't make it past the corpses let's find out herbal suppliers Andes in days you guys I tell ya all right talked about using sickles that can't be right is someone gonna come clean this place by the way this place is just like awful inside and out I really wish you guys would clean up thank you get some rest fine and here's our traitor they probably do not have anything to trade with us but we'll give it a try maybe another bandit camp I'd love to have a vibe restored whatever that is but alas a light extremely sharp this is the close combat weapon of this other private army I don't meet okay Hey look our guys down again I'm gonna rescue in the morning idiot whatever man all right let's go get him does anything else need to be done at the moment not really fercho needs to come get everything smooth inside here but that's okay man otherwise now things are looking pretty good talked about the community talked about walruses described eating pumpkins bad news no pumpkins heartfelt story about using rockets dah we'll use a rocket someday probably if we live that long oh yeah we're gonna come trade with you here you're all bad at trading just where are you come here maybe they'll buy a shirt you never know um no here have some Go juice I don't want anyone to go on a binge medicinal cacti pine T these quills are powerful anesthetic huh me we're not gonna buy any but it's cool oh wait no it's 15 is 15 silver yeah no sorry okay so one guys thanks for stopping by how are things going down here looking fine I no longer have any place for guests to stay unfortunately but I don't know it kind of is what it is thank you that was really bothering me that it was so dirty in here and in fact it's still dirty is Hiroshi really not doing anything except for like growing rice I mean that's okay we've got a level of we got a sunlamp in there for you I can train Sandee to do a few things but not anything interesting like halt or attack so she can just do whatever she wants it's okay now one of her she's ever gonna even get to cleaning there's no cooking and warning doesn't take that much time asked about his loyalty think about joining the colony common ground for sweet foods no all right you're really not gonna clean anything are you all right well we'll deal with that at some point dealing with rice and hydroponics is rather a lot of labor it just requires constant attention actually I'm wondering if I should maybe have somebody else also work on that I could have like Kunik a work on that a little bit it's probably not a great idea and I will have to see maybe I should put something out here that grows longer actually I could put some corn out that's asking for trouble in the middle of the desert but I could it's not a great plan maybe we'll see we're down to ten components - there is a ship chunk way up here that we get a two components from but I think I think we'll just wait on that for a little bit we don't need it at this exact moment I'm yeah cleaning is never gonna get attended to hmm well I tell you what temporarily let's turn it up here on count okay as well which again is not a great plan because I really need that research done but we do need to get some of this cleaned up it is pretty awful up there go ahead and chop up some components - while you're at it you're getting okay at mining right for no but all right there goes Hercules the weakest Hercules I've ever seen is it the malnutrition that's dropping him let's find out do you have a log you apologized apologized for what and now he's gone berserk okay whatever it let's just ignore him he's not gonna go that berserk or else really bad things are gonna happen to him so why was there blood up there that's weird all right there we go thank you now the place is cleaned up at least much appreciated sandy you have a place to sleep why are you in there you know what actually that makes perfect sense you're sleeping box should be inside the greenhouse because that's most appropriate for you talked about practicing blackjack describe to dinner [Laughter] ixnay on the inners day you really don't want to talk to them about that I really annoyed that we ripped off your arm there now you can get up now you should be much happier ate off a meal extremely comfortable excellent visitors a shoot um come back in a bit I only have room for like one visitor bed and it would not be a good use of my time are you guys talking about about taming elk elk the head news buddy there's not gonna be a lot of elk in our colony I can I can assure you our only pets so far is the semi-sentient cactus all right when you're done with that come rescue him again I think this is hilarious that we have to constantly rescue him it's mildly annoying but it is kind of funny in its own way how's your addiction going 53 so not good there we go now resistance is looking good that's much better I mean you're still eating terrible meals but it could be worse that catharsis is helping quite a bit from when he went crazy he from when he went crazy I'm pretty bad at genders so I'm gonna do my best to try to keep those straight in my defense everyone kind of looks the same in a cowboy hat and no I'm not gonna hide hats or anything I think they look cool you don't maybe we could do some cooking we are really building up a pretty big surplus of rice hmm well nah well what should we be doing in the meantime we're working on micro electronics right yeah yeah welcome back Hercules 54 oh man all right well carry on Olek Hercules has been downed again this guy owes us he doesn't know it B he owes us why should I should take your stuff synth red pants a flak jacket a double-strand jacket that's pretty good stuff unfortunately it'll make him really upset so we'll just let him have his stuff it's okay we don't need it we're smart enough we're clever enough and gosh darn it people like us a psychic drone that's not as good oh I don't really need that but well oh well actually know what maybe I should just strip Hercules the next time he's down it's pretty good gear I could try to give him eka cloth t-shirt unfortunately you can't give him gear back which is too bad because that would be really really funny but it is what it is Furcal how are you doing - twelve communicate told lies about me mmm-hmm oh my gosh and you're getting married right now in front of what used to be the nutrient paste dispenser firk oh you better get over here they're planning and getting married hey this is so cool apologize did not receive I accept the apology but it's okay and yay I can't believe my colonists got married already talked about cooking with zucchinis Oh zucchinis bell peppers we remember those things although we have now is mush specifically paste oh that's super cool oh you accepted the apology well that's nice hold on let me look at the log here yep apologized and accepted the apology shared a secret huh cool well I'm glad everybody's friends again and now they're going to be super happy oh you guys are hilarious all right well carry on oh here goes Hercules again he's gonna step on that damn trap and Sandy won't sleep in her bed and I don't know why maybe she just doesn't like beds all right you know what we're gonna take your gear this time buddy that's gonna be the cost of being continuously rescued by us okay now rescue Oh Anna raid tribes people huh um okay okay that's fine um why don't I keep all of you in the home zone and the same with actually you know what let me let me fix the zone for Sandy here hold on okay here's kind of a non-combat zone for sandy I like that plan yep just stay in here safely out of the way and we need to close the store look at me you remembering to close the door I'm Hershey why don't you go ahead and come close it I don't like steal any of our gear that would be pretty annoying I just got back here okay thank you Hiroshi go ahead and close the door and one of the three of you all come to your defensive positions there's no reason not to someone's got a knife I wouldn't mind having a knife that means I don't have to bother with making one all right come on in we're gonna lose some materials to new traps but oh well one two and okay ah see that's kind of nice though because then I don't have to deal with anybody like getting injuries or anything so cool thank you carry on lets out a couple more graves mmm delicious now you're gonna get yeah I have minus six for naked but you know what honestly it's your fault I've just decided let's move this stuff out of the way by the way please those things are pretty valuable and I'd like them inside alright you're trying to convince him to join again till the funny story about sympathy said something about his jawline huh well point six is pretty good an odds trader I like these new trader types I don't care if they're actually useful or interesting in any way I just think they're cool yeah build the traps but then come build these graves we need to get rid of these corpses I know you're all happy right now cuz the whole wedding bit but that won't last so I do need someone to come deal with it um Hiroshi why don't you come trade with him see what they have to say I don't know what an odds trader is alright oh it is kind of odds in that doesn't it is there anything I want to sell you I'm not gonna buy anything here buy this crummy shirt and these crummy pants and this awful quality hat and the bowler hat because I hate bowler hats I just think they're ugly okay sure and actually when you're done with that why don't you get rid of these guys all and ha perfect heard you guys getting in a fight or something like that yep you did I was hoping you'd fall over and give me some free stuff but that's okay all right Hercules let's see how far he gets I find this whole thing incredibly funny visitors a shoot I keep forgetting about visitors we should make some more beds do I have enough stone to make anything nice I could make some beds out of yeah we could make some beds out of slate I guess that's a little dumb but it's not the dumbest thing I've done today which is not exactly high praise I forgot to watch Hercules let's keep an eye on him isn't the malnutrition yeah it must be the malnutrition that's knocking him down ah this guy I tell ya if I should let him stay on the ground longer because that way he'd spend less time getting on malnourished and less time walking I'm not sure that sentence came out the way I wanted it to but let's not worry about that right now so long caravan I decided to let's see here I turn the zone off because I am gonna go ahead and just put heal right there it'll take forever to grow but oh well it'll be out of the way and I definitely don't to deal with rice there we're just having way too much rice at the moment no great Hercules gonna walk again alright awesome bellies got this delicious mush to wake up in the morning ah everything you need and completely disgusting you're at eleven point nine okay this actually won't take long talk about changing teams talk about his brainpower no all right meeting new people camaraderie asked him to join he said no but he's getting there if he knows what's good for him all right look here goes Hercules again oh this idiot I tell ya you know what let's actually let's move this inside here it's actually a good spot for its it's kind of out of the way and then I can put these other beds inside once someone's move that actually can't okay can you go do that really quick thank you and let's go ahead let's put these beds inside and then I can set these up actually know what I could put the visitors in here that's actually kind of a funny idea they won't like it necessarily but it's better nothing right now let's do that I like that plan I'm excited to be a part of it Hercules I need you to fall down somewhere fairly safe so I can just leave you because I don't feel like dealing with you okay got the money done here should I go ahead and go do this ship chunk I met as well you've got some time we just had a raid we should be safe for a little bit right maybe oh hello hold on a boulder MIT or Boulder might may be a large genetically engineered crab that uses a boulder for a shell it's alternatively known as the Atlas crab throughout various colonized planets oh of course those these massive creatures sport incredible strength and are commonly seen carrying giant boulders that would normally crush living things in machinery 'like legends tell of one such creature that's grown so large and so powerful that it had entire mountains for a home despite first impressions it's quite peaceful preferring to ignore any form of assault his predators are more likely to die of old age I'm gonna try to tame it I'm on it Oh 20% chance new and then we also have a fox and unfortunately probably enough to kill the Fox but maybe the Boulder mite will do it for us want to see [Music] zap that's okay although I prefer you guys can deal with it sooner rather than later thank you there's some wind but actually just gonna say it let's turn that off yeah this is the ancient danger up here yeah yeah we knew that though that was expected that's really obviously a trap up look how far Hercules got you know that's actually kind of bad cuz that Fox might go kill him and I might not notice sometime you know what we should probably come kill the Fox um yeah why don't you guys come down here and kill it too of you'll be enough I'd like to keep that research going that's sad the Fox isn't exactly doing anything to us I just I can't afford to leave it around alright go ahead and kill it let me do your best come on there we go well done and let's on for bed and why don't you go ahead and haul this back thank you good enough and I'm just gonna leave him here for a while because if I pick him up right away he's gonna promptly get fed and then get back up and do the same damn thing so he can lay there for a while until he's a little more malnourished yeah that's a good plan oh when I put the beds in here and set them for visitors hello visitors you're not the right kind of visitors but Oh actually you are you're the right kind of visitors and I am short a bed you know what I can make one more okay that's interesting it doesn't have a make copy what whatever noon out of the wooden one there we go we'd better start chopping up some stone - lets get some more slate in here and maybe marble yeah that's okay the guests are here and they're like hey what's up with that guy laying in the sand outside that Nicky guy and we're like don't worry about it you know just just don't worry about it man everything's fine Hercules collapsed again he already collapsed how much more collapse gonna get hey it's up in Euro hello hey have some bows good I don't want those hold onto the rest of this thank you though yeah no nutrition moderate these at 70% oh yeah how's vely doing whoa that is a love spam gabbed about fat animals but did not join but he's down to eight point nine cool and her she's got a sweet jacket check that out nice a double-strand jacket very nice looking good buddy okay so a couple things in the morning um I had wanted to make another bench and steel is fine let's put that in there and our buddy Hercules is now up to severe malnutrition so now we'll go ahead and rescue him again as soon as you're done cutting that stone block which is probably more important Melly how's your mood going ravenously hungry well good news buddy I got some nutrient paste right there for you is I mean you're helping us plant Wow thanks buddy that's really nice of you these guys take up our chairs that's why I wanted to add at least a few more ok this rice is basically done so let's flip this over and put sewing back on there it'll grow eventually I realize I can just add another hydroponics mention put it in there but Matt it doesn't matter it's disappointing Oh work frenzy oh that's nice it's disappointing that um sandy won't sleep in there as is a work frenzy that'll be very nice okay cool yeah we'll get a lot done then yes I mean I don't I don't know what but definitely things things will happen maybe I should set some of this to halt urgently it's you guys haul it all in you know that's not a bad idea go ahead and do that now look at this our freezers almost full ridiculous I didn't expect to get this much food built up they're amazed by my hospitality really well thank you kindly let's flip that over we don't need all this rice obviously even keeping Hercules fat is no big deal Heys at 75% belly hurry up it's time to join the winning team okay more correctly it's time to join my team it remains to be seen if it's the winning team all right that may not have been the most efficient use of your time but I do want that stuff in here so thank you for taking care of it yeah I need to flip some of these hydroponics over to other stuff this is this is plenty of rice for the moment it's okay it's fine I wonder do you reproduce asexually I don't know wouldn't that be cool though I honestly don't know it's a plant it should maybe I don't know I guess we'll find out well I guess let's keep working on steel we can do a little bit of mining here um do need any components not as such we could start working on some of this over here let's probably steel as well yeah we'll keep things working a bit at a time more visitors hi alright I suppose you're amazed with us so how's your health by the way you might starve you seem okay now great Hercules can walk again oh yeah high-diver nope thanks for coming by though it's pretty great that they don't mind just sleeping in there you know what I should build since I've got some slate I know this takes absolutely forever but we should go ahead and build like I don't know a chess table maybe that could be kind of fun the metal ones take a really really long time but that's alright and let's go ahead let's make let's just make everything out of slate right now wouldn't that be cool I think so and let's put some lights over here too then you can see what you're doing when you play ma'am I like that plan three-point-nine getting closer now well they brought survival meals and they're not sharing disappointing are these good quality beds is that why you're so happy with us yeah now did that change this room yeah now this became a barracks and I don't want that so let's build a door just a slave door or something but then we'll keep it open yeah I like that plan and you know what we should probably have to put a vent and if I'm gonna do that and I can just close that if I decide to take the ceiling out inspired surgery well hopefully that doesn't come up for eyes really all right carry on so that fur coat was gonna come build those really quick well you should do a great job on oh no you won't do a different job you'll just do it more quickly and that's good enough an open door is not always necessarily enough to kind of make um temperature flow which is why I'm putting in the vent as well what's getting cold okay well maybe I should fix that too let's put in some heaters we can throw a heater here and maybe here just so there's one in each area yeah you soo much work this takes 500 well you're already partway there Matt as well so that wasn't a great plan but no I can't believe that what one two three four five six seven hydroponics Bay's of rice is enough this is better turn out to be a really really nice chess table that's funny Hercules actually has this bed like specifically denoted for him Oh actually I'll bet it's that that's turning this into a barracks good yeah okay all right well reinstall this in here where is he anyway to have to go get him yet now he's fine I worry about him later micro electronics okay so time to build a micro electronics workbench let's go ahead let's do that right away we should be able to afford it um maybe I should make this area a little bigger inside first let's do that let's take all that out and let's take that out and let's see what we've got space for yeah let's do that hurry up look how fast she is oh you're the best okay so I can't really go back any further here so I'm gonna have to fill this in with the wall to make it look nice to me because that's very important orco I know you're sleeping can I just have you finished this really quick this won't take long not for you at least distances down to two yeah I'll just wall this and quick and then up at the bench here it's a little misshapen ah crap well I guess not looks like I'm gonna mine a little more alright alright alright you can do in the morning though thank you you're tired everybody's tired hey you enjoy being here and you left us the medicine thank you see this is what's so great about that mod is that should give you free stuff and you can never go wrong with free stuff free stuff is awesome I love it all right so let's put in some walls just to fill this area back in and then I'll build the workbench it should just take a few moments Hercules how are you doing buddy severe alright we'll rescue again um Hiroshi just go get him a help trader oh that's interesting wall that in okay we may need some more solar hmm well we'll see had a heartfelt talk about loved ones okay so I should be able to afford to put it in a micro electronics workbench yeah yeah that's okay although I need to run some power up as well let's do that as well while I'm at it I'd rather run it around the perimeter can I go through here yes looks like I can't if I don't mind smoothing some walls on the way I just want it to look nice oh yeah trader um Hiroshi why don't you come chat with them come chat with stinkbug all right hmm I don't really see anything we might need these t-shirts which is why I don't want to sell them you never know when something like that will be important you know oh you're gonna mine this and not smooth it oh wait hold on hold on I don't want you doing that time back crap now I've got this stupid area back here ah stop it stop mining it crap and have to make these dumb walls back here alright alright alright and now I have to make it out of marble to are also to look bad out crap back to dig you guys I tell ya it's my fault I should have smoothed it first but even so ass your resistance has been broken excellent and take this apart quick since you're here just go ahead and do it and let's go ahead let's get the walls smooth then oh that's so annoying that I did that wrong because it's entirely my fault frankly for not paying enough attention alright fercho are you building you sure are thank you and build one more copy here or you're not fercho fercho come build this is the perfect time for you to be building when you're in this like frenzy why don't you do this really quick thank you actually do Hiroshi's too then well this is super great with this work frenzy maybe I should have her do the entire indoor area it's not a bad idea last one then we can run some power over there we go oh if this seems mysterious you can run power lines through smooth walls which is super nice I don't you may just not have encountered that I don't know all right let's see how the recruitment goes think about strength your hopes and dreams teak trees we remember trees Wow first try nice nice oh that's so good don't be a gathering spot we need to make you an arm but beyond that oh man Smith Taylor art go ahead and mine yeah yeah we don't have the ability to make any prosthetics Dewey no let's do that first that's only 600 let's let him run this power line really quick and then I'll stir that up okay there we go it's turned on so let's go and let's reinstall this chair I need to change the zone just a little bit I know it's super ugly at the moment and I'm sorry about that but nothing about that's gonna change so it's just too convenient having this inside there we go and now our research should kick off again right yes and now this should go a lot quicker how could it research are you anyway amazing just amazing how fast is this going oh this is so great okay but at this point let's go ahead let's take a break so as always thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 178,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, 1.0, Desert
Id: r2HvQuZ8WVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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