Rimworld: Desert Doom - Part 15: Fancy Hacking, There

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[Music] hey folks this is decohere - and welcome back to rim world so a couple things as we get started so if you remember we had a raid a little bit ago and some Raiders ran away hence the blood trail and apparently they dropped some beer and there's the sequani and this is the only food on the map and so it's drinking all the beer that's really really funny we're gonna come kill it but still it's pretty funny oh let's see here so we do need to build a refinery because I need to get this spine made for a poor researcher he's just in a bad way like this is just ruining his manipulation which is ruining his research speed as well although actually actually that's really the muscle parasites isn't it hmm well I don't know we'll have to think about that um something else I'm thinking about is we have this refugee that's not that far away this guy we've got nine days to go get lumpy there's only one enemy in two turrets I'll bet that I could send sky with just a sniper rifle and take care of them so I'm gonna think about that I'm not sure maybe I mean if we're gonna do that the thing to do would be to switch to pods it's only a thousand research you know what let's do it let's do that and also let's see here I'm moving some things around and then I need to get these EMP grenades done sparkles is gonna be working on that so I'm just gonna wait until morning and then kind of force sparkles into it unfortunately because I need that done sooner rather than later we need to get the rest of these mechanoids taken apart I had this screwed up donut yeah we've got a few to shut down we're gonna try to save one cipher just because reasons so that's something else we'll work on um yeah things are looking good is this an oil spill oh that got all the way into here we should probably fix that let's let's clean that clean oil spill oh wow okay yeah let me just take care of that huh well that'll be interesting oh yeah if we're gonna run the refinery we need more food so let's throw in two more hydroponics basins we can put one here and one here correct no not here one here yes so let's get those made as well okay it looks good yes okay good carry on did you hear that what was that besides scary uh I have no idea okay let's hope that just never happens again sparkles how are you doing you're doing a good job talking about backgammon well it's interesting looks like you're still in an okay mood and you're almost done with the EMP rifles or EMP grenades I'm sorry EMP rifle would be awesome but alas that is not a thing that is available to us why don't you guys come haul some of the steel or something please I know you're all busy doing other things but that would be nice and we're done with the EMP grenades good okay good that's excellent all right carry on with that and then yeah I don't know just do your thing we got to get some stuff made and making another door here just to like leave it propped open so they have access to these to the storage room a little more quickly so there we go that's a little more convenient and we just need these extra power lines taken out okay let's check out these bills so we need 300 nutrient solution how many does this make I don't know let's make one of those and let's make one of these and then we'll find out what the yield is so yeah there's just no I I don't know how else to do it we'll just look at it quick it won't take long all right we're gonna move some rooms around here in a little bit let's see here um I'd like to move this up here I can put that over there and I can put the multi analyser here and then I can put the chair here and then I can section this room off and turn it into I don't know a dining room or something whatever what are you guys up to anyway moving things around yeah I'm sure communiqué loves that and you took the chair out from underneath communique like wow just move here why don't you move it yourself Oh a siege oh that's not great especially because I never found or other damn mortar so okay so vely has our sniper rifle and is actually not in a bad position yeah everybody else come back to the base firk oh you're right here when it's you man this mortar I'm gonna hold fire on that for a second I just want to have it ready and vely why don't you come over here yeah this is actually you're in a good position here okay that's a lot of baddies did some of them just drop in injured Oh their pods crashed oh that's so funny that hasn't happened yet haha that's all I have to say to that wait does that mean you guys are not gonna set up for a siege what's your plan okay right there okay fercho we're gonna set a forest target just right here I think and go hide and hold your and unhold your fire rather belly where did I leave you you're over here so come move on up here and take some potshots hey that's not a good first shot but you're trying okay that that wasn't very good either nice shot that actually was thank you I'm coming up to move up just a little bit yeah that wasn't a great shot I don't really want to be like you know within return fire range let's see if you can nail this guy he's a little closer okay well the answer is no shoot at this group of guys then if there's a few of them standing next to each other okay oh here comes our next mortar that looks good okay well done well done fercho okay let's stop the first attack and why don't all of you guys come over here actually think that undid Skye but whatever just you guys are all moving Oh Feli who's not gonna have a proper gun but that's okay I think all their shells blew up that's unfortunate oh well and this should be fine like there's no way this is not gonna be just our route so come on in something's throwing errors again I see I knowing but whatever come on and that's the end of that all right um sneakily sparkles can you come up here I don't want you to like get shot by that guy but I also don't really want him to knock down our door so let's take a look here and what's going on so there's this guy no you're not in very good health how about you guys don't want to rescue work I'm sorry capture interview you're from this faction oh actually you may be worth catch and releasing mmm maybe maybe what we'd have to do is we'd have to turn all of these into prisoner beds we could we could try that though yeah let's give it a try capture um fercho go ahead and come capture nothing else we can take their stuff right Who am I gonna have doctor then when they get here sky okay will fear come capture to have someone capturing up here the wait okay what whatever I think I've got them all set we'll come get them and then hopefully sparkles conduct this guy down no okay well that's one way to take care of him all right unrestricted carry-on those are my favorite kind of raids where nobody gets injured that I care about you might fall down I love to see major break risk yeah I know it's alright we'll take care of him all right so we've got four people out one two three four yeah okay good meet well that went well good job us I actually should have left her oh she in the base given that we're like we have a desperate need of food quite frankly that's really actually becoming quite a problem I think actually I need F grooming is your number one priority so let's turn that around and well it's unforgotten out that haha I'm just kidding I think we got anything good out of that either but it's alright let's hold the store open and sky are you in the base no you're not let me actually put you in the base once you finish dropping that guy off because I want to make sure that you're around in order to ten people like this guy come ten do any gear I want yeah totally I want all this stuff that's nice and I can have communiqué take care of the next guy yeah if we're just gonna catch and release them we should definitely do that now are you gonna die before we have a chance to attend to you three hours maybe not we'll see Miller three hours who else wants to play doctor ah that did not come out the way I expected it to Valley yeah sure where are you at belly come over here come ten to this guy and bleeding out in 12 hours no problem and let's take your gear anyway even if we decide out on a recruit here or something we should still take your gear you know okay that was a pretty successful raid I think I think that went well what do you guys have whoa an SMG that's manufactured by Grail defense really damaged eight eight by four as compared to let's say this which is six by nine oh wow those are good guns well thanks guys all to be taking those infection yeah whenever your sparkles if you're in here why don't you hold these weapons and then I'll have to actually take a look at these and see what it is I want to do with them okay good so you made the nutrients and stuff we'll check that out in a second here Skye you're tending to the next person okay rusting how much you haul this instead I just want to get these weapons out of here now you know what like I don't want them in there that seems like a bad idea right okay her oh she's cleaning her oh she wanted to take all their clothes away yes do that and then once we've got other stuff then we can look at maybe you know I don't know cleaning their affordable room and stuff let's go all the stuff out of here I don't want them to pick it up when they wake up all urgently I'll urge intelligently and I think I missed you yep and holler gently I don't even know if it's any good I'll look through it a little bit later I just don't want them to have it you know extreme break risk sky yep sky what's up anybody hungry serious pain now visitors I'm sorry you'll have to come back in a little bit we're busy okay so I took a look at these guys overnight and they're terrible they're just incredibly worthless so we're just gonna release them as soon as possible we'll just go for the wrap so whatever they're like pyromaniacs and stuff like that so yeah nope just go ahead and get out of here think I missed one of you yep release said it yep and please haul this stuff - they don't need it I don't want them to have it good well that'll get us some wrap so that's kind of cool I'm happy about that okay so what else needs to be done in the meantime here see you guys chatting are you talking about I think it's interesting I just haven't had time to like really look at them you know that's a nice duster you got from somewhere huh I wonder who donated that to you as we released like a bunch of naked people oh that's funny and away they go so long guys alright alright that's pretty funny alright so there's some regular weapons up here how about you actually yeah it's gonna say haul the corpses then we can come set them on fire and get rid of that break risk oh that's really funny so we just need this guy out and then we can have visitors again yeah look at that suddenly this group of like naked Raiders shows back up at their base and they're happy with that they're like OMG this is so amazing I can't believe that they spared our people let's say Wow nicely done okay so one thing of nutrient solution is 35 so let me write that down here so that's 35 times okay and we don't know about the protein yet so that's fine so we're almost done with pods - I've certainly got the chem fuel to spare you know okay did you get that last body you did all right who's got let's see here oh you need a better gun actually why don't you come grab one of those cool new guns let me find them here I seriously don't know I don't know if I went back and looked at the recording yet I'm adding a zone in here that's only weapons at critical priority on to hopefully find them because I have no idea what they did with them I'm so confused can remember when I said I couldn't find those guns yeah I found him yeah whoops I'm not an idiot hahahahaha okay so in the morning why don't you go equip that and let's delete this zone yeah I hope I trim that out if you're hearing this that means I didn't all right carry on guys sorry about that man I wish I could make this guy happy I feel bad about sky like sky is just continuously miserable and it's so tragic the sky has no reason to be sad all the time but yet here we are so it's it's sad anyway never mind do we have anything else interesting to carry no just some loose steel and stuff they'll get to it have you got the bodies burning away and this dude what are you doing here still buddy can you not walk oh no you can't well all right whatever you can hang out there for a while I guess I don't really care Oh transport pods are done well that was quick all right well let's go back and let's get Cynthia done and then um actually we have enough parts that I can try hacking this mechanoid I think let's move this inside I changed my mind by the way haha just kidding let's put this here and I need to expand my storage zone obviously bring that inside and actually let's bring all our steel outside of all this steel and it's just taking up space indoors so let's just go ahead let's just put this here raw resources just just steel is fine and set that is preferred okay good carry on yeah this could be interesting and communally we can make that zone bigger yay and we need some floors too by the way I haven't forgotten about floors okay good so now these can be for guests no we're not that one that's Skye's bed there we go now we have guest beds all right sorry about that Skye just kidding okay we ready to try hacking a mechanoid I think we are how many parts we have a 52 parts you know what let's do this hack mechanoid hack it right in its artificial brain I hope I hope I'm not gonna regret this we can always take it apart I suppose all right here we go sparkles is bringing it down come on sparkles that's a nice coat what are you wearing a hyper weave duster nice way to grab the good stuff all right and now this needs what steel it looks like yes no oh it's not you that's doing it who's doing it Oh either vely or sparkles okay looks like Valley is okay getting some parts here we go guess no longer available hey there no neutral whoa hold on hold on hold on hacking failed managed to activate a security mechanism prepare for more flesh machines that's not good oh great remember we were gonna go get that person and now we can't cuz they're gone okay so now we're gonna get a raid soon huh all right um preemptively let's just keep everyone in the base yeah let's just do that there's other things I can have you do inside for the moment crap well well done way to like totally screw us there mechanoid raid eminent yeah should i let's see here let's build another trap even though we don't have a ton of Steel I guess we can restrict you guys to home actually just just to have a few more defenses on the way in oh yeah who's gonna rock those EMP grenades someone who is always in a good mood firk Oh actually sparkles equip it as a sidearm yep yep and here comes our mechanoids whoa okay this should be interesting well this is gonna be the sparkles show basically okay ah I guess the Lancers are better than better than some options but not by much no Sky's gonna go crazy aren't you yeah um honestly just I'll get up here and you know what I don't even think I'm gonna bother using any defense's we're just gonna kind of all get right up in their face yeah that's that's my plan it's not a good plan it is not a good plan but at short range we hold a serious advantage relatively speaking so yeah let's get right up to where they're gonna be and then just blast away at them it almost but not quite point-blank range except for sparkles who's gonna stand just back and EMP grenade them because we've got all SMGs and LMGs and stuff like that oh this is gonna be okay sparkles ready go ahead and just start tossing EMPs just start doing it okay here we come get good mate this man should not be a bad idea I guess we're about to find out aren't we hey you guys this guy's trying to shoot you in the back don't let him do that okay they're spreading out that's actually a good idea um sparkles did you drop an EMP grenade over here perfect god you're good at this sparkles just keep this going yep looking great they're gonna adapt it's really unfortunate that someone had that stupid smoke pop belt it looks like why don't you guys focus just a little bit oh and now they're gonna stop being stunned yeah they're all gonna adapt hey you're doing great guys I mean things were going fine right up until they adapted okay and now we are out of stun grenades so that wasn't so bad that wasn't so bad at all Kamin okay is not in great shape oh damn it sparkles is missing a hand okay that's unfortunate okay well let's rescue obviously because sparkles was totally the MVP here like unquestionable like you just you absolutely saved our colony and I need to make you a hand okay let's cancel this by the way okay it is canceled okay okay well let's get you guys ten to chew right away who do I want to tend to who I guess sky and then valley skies start moving over here where are you you're tending to yourself yeah but get over here you need to tend to sparkles well hold on hold on hold on don't do that tending the sparkles okay sorry never mind three hours you'll actually be fine but vali why don't you come tend over here anyway vali come to end this will just give you some practice it'll be good for you well that was exciting mister you got a bunch of mechanoid bodies out of it right actually I think I'd rather have a Lancer if I'm gonna have a tame mechanoid yeah you said some bruises yeah you're fine and then obviously your whole spine thing this is not so great Skye you're gonna tend a little faster right right right okay there we go I was gonna say he's gonna like bleed out while you're patching him up all right thank you and you're tending to yourself why don't you come clean this place up first you just have muscle parasites a tantrum okay well whatever fercho come clean this place up thank you whatever you do you all right it's exciting depend upon that hand oh we're out of food we're like out of food out of food okay let's open up some survival meals um okay that's not good how did we run completely out of food I don't know but I know how I'm gonna solve it and I'm gonna solve it by making a bunch more hydroponic spaces like three more of them okay huh maybe I need to have someone else help grow I think I do I think it's gonna be Valli obnoxiously yeah that's what it's gonna be it's gonna be Valli you suck at it but we need the manpower yeah see harvest botch but we need the manpower please don't screw this up this is so important that you not screw this up I know you're not very good at it yeah you're at a three but at least at least you like it I guess getting your weapons again good they'll get to him yeah all right pork people I tell ya you did a great job though against overwhelming odds you actually did a great job overwhelming odds and sort of subpar strategy although I'm not gonna lie I'm rather pleased with how that worked out rather pleased indeed um I don't know why don't just set this to do forever and then just drop on the floor and just set out halfway decent radius I mean they're already broken right so let's turn them into spare parts right exactly okay so Kuna cage just has muscle parasites and some bruises I think I set people to not rest and I'm not sure if that's the best idea but I don't know that's what I did and what do these things look like are they in bad shape yeah you're in really bad shape no these guys are in terrible condition now these are all in just terrible shape let's at least shut these two down and then I'll think about I don't know I'll think about if we want to deal with those cargo pods huh bunch is silver okay should I let you guys out again yeah go ahead and go be free sure why not visitors hi visitors that's fine we don't need visitors but it's okay to have visitors we still need to come get that steel I know you guys are preferring to mine but cake unike is fully healed pink sparkles is the only one left that's got ya real problems so we could make you an arm our arms cheaper oh we don't have we didn't research limbs let's do that it's research limbs also these should probably not be sitting outside I don't know what they are but they look cool what are you guys hauling around oh there's some steel up here okay yeah good idea thank you yeah bring all that in yeah yeah cool and they have some stuff to trade for color you're hereby are you nearby in any way shape or form uh no but when you get up here why don't you come trade with them or their trader go you're right here what do you guys talking about talking about a cooking with onions wouldn't be great if you guys had onions but you don't someone's name is an anarchist that's funny okay oh look you'll buy all this crap okay good hold on okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna buy their package travel meals and medicine I'm gonna sell them a lot of low quality weapons bows and just crummy stuff like that then we have a bunch of extra clothes too and I'm just gonna go ahead and sell this as well and that's fine that's not not a bad trade yeah I probably could have done better there but that's good enough I just want to get some space clear it up look at all that space at left oh it's amazing but these parts we have we have ninety-four mechanoid parts nice and apparently no one has broken down this one oh this is just downed tree try it again yeah let's do it now who's hacking this time I want to make sure it's someone that's really really good at it nine eleven thirteen so that just became valleys job so Valley can you please not screw it up this time okay please please don't screw it up this is so important we needed to tame mechanoid not a mechanoid that's gonna kill us okay here we go ready success the mechanoid is now hacked the job isn't well done use it at its own risk or discard it Oh neat do we have to repair it or something targeting hacked poorly well it doesn't matter you're a male a whole body no power okay does it just need to be rescued or something rescue site there oh there we go Oh neat so it's gonna charge up on its own oh cool Frenchy are you researching that's weird your name is fancy running a backup battery yep because they can't use the reactors is the lore because otherwise it'll attract more baddies oh this is cool that's really cool yeah I mean it's stupid and it's gonna be really bad at everything but still we have our own site there come on how can I say no to that even if it's not a good idea how can I say no to that okay and actually on that note we should go ahead and take a break so things are looking up I gasps on as always thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 59,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Rimworld, 1.0, Desert
Id: yfnliPyG5OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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