r/IDontWorkHereLady - She REFUSED To Believe Me

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit is our slash I don't work here lady all right this story is called karening in the 70s disclaimer I'm new to Reddit although for years I've listened to our slash Stories being read on YouTube but I never considered contributing anything until now before I begin I'd like to mention that this story didn't actually happen to me but it happened to my parents several years before I was even born they have recounted the story to me many times when I was an adolescent in just the exact same manner as I am retelling it to you now they they told it to you in a Reddit post on I don't work here lady come on be original in the 1970s long and bushy was the trendy fashionable way people wore their hair shoulder length chest length even booty length if you were alive in the 70s you had long or bushy hair even the men wore their hair like this and my father was no exception his hair was extreme extremely bushy and jet black as black as the Ace of Spades with thick sideburns and a beard to match even though he was of Irish heritage he didn't look Irish at all under intense sunlight he would tan very easily as well making his skin appear very dark hey they have dark Irish people in 1972 my parents moved to Tucson that's in Arizona for those of you who slept through your geography course the Desert Sun was extremely intense and my father often had dark tan skin as a result one Sunny Saturday my parents decided to take a driving trip across the border that's the Mexican border for our non-north American readers my mother is a Shopaholic she loves spending money she doesn't have to buy things she doesn't need to impress people she doesn't like on this particular occasion she wanted to purchase some handmade Mexican mune caste small hand woven dolls so they traveled to a tiny Border Town just on the other side of the Rio Grande sorry Rio Grande and found an old-style white adobe brick open front shop which my mother confidently entered now my father not being very fond of tourist shopping opted to wait outside while my mother entered the shop he spotted a small wooden stool that was set outside next to the shop to rest his rear end on and enjoy the scenery a few moments later an American Karen approached my father carrying two colorful guyaberas yeah badass I don't know that word would it be it's the G pronounced because a lot of time the G isn't pronounced so is it like I am at us I don't know I like to Envision in my mind that she was even sporting the signature Karen hairdo years before it had even been invented perdoname she spoken very broken Spanish and terrible American pronunciation Quanto cuestes por favor which means pardon me how much are these please a bit befuddled my father turned to her into perfect American English replied I'm sorry I don't work here to which the Karen stated directly oh my your English is very good have you traveled to the US before at this point she was beginning to sound very racist and condescending but people didn't call out racism back then like they do now my father just Shrugged it off and declared I live in the U.S the Karen again didn't quite put two and two together she was thoroughly under the assumption that my father was Mexican due to his thick black bushy hair and dark tan skin well she said to him again I'm American because I'm from Wisconsin and you're from Mexico that makes me American and you Mexican now I would like to purchase these items but I need to know how much they are first at this point I don't see how my father didn't just slap the sense right into her instead he replied again a bit more agitated this time ma'am I don't work here I'm American just like you are I live in Tucson I'm a college professor there the Karen seemed dumbfounded by this state not sure how to react she inquired about my legal American Father's green card do you realize you need to be an American citizen to live and work in the U.S legally if we were in the states right now I would call Inez ma'am you can call ins all you want my father retorted I am a legal American citizen who lives in America I don't live or work here I don't even have any Mexican heritage at this point my mother hearing all the commotion going on outside the shop decided to walk over to where my father and the Karen were arguing is there a problem here my mother inquired this Mexican man is trying to tell me that he's a legal American citizen the Karen snorted he is a legal American citizen my mother declared he's my husband we've been married for eight months and we both have U.S passports my mother exhumed both hers and my father's passports from the cluttered purse and handed them over to the Karen he's not even Mexican my mother said nearly shouting his grandfather my great-grandfather is from Ireland he doesn't speak a word of Spanish the Karen snatched the passports out of my mother's hand and with pursed lips examined both of them thoroughly before resigning herself that they were legal American citizens and did not work at the store as she handed my parents passports back to my mother she stated very directly well cut that raggedy mop pair then if you don't want people to mistake you for Mexican the Karen walked off without so much as an apology for being a racist air-headed piece of sushi my mother purchased her munecas and both my parents returned to their car to begin their Journey back home as they were exiting the small town they noticed a white car pulled over to the side of the road with smoke billowing out from under the hood at first they slowed down to see if the driver needed any assistance but as they got closer they realized it was the same Karen who had gotten into an argument with him earlier my father stepped on the gas and kept right on driving they didn't stop until they reached Tucson uh what if she died like what if there's some weird twist of fate you'll find out that she ended up dying because she like dying of exposure on the side of that road that'd be messed up oh but Jesus that that's had that had to be embarrassing for her though all right this story is called once a Bookseller always a book seller except to entitled buttholes this story is a few years old but still a solid block of whoever in my brain a little long characters Cameron Bob Karen's poor schmuck of a husband doesn't do much at all Blackbeard manager he was there when I worked there and it's known for and being a no crap taken guy me me backstory I was a Bookseller for almost a decade but left for a high paying MF nine to five I loved my job after I left I still frequented the bookstores in the chain a lot browsing shelves checking out new titles and catching up with old co-workers the story I'm in my old store it's in an area that has access to a number of Posh neighborhoods it's been maybe three or four years since I left the staff has gone through its sixth turnover and only a small handful of employees that I were worked with are still there I'm in my jeans my University sweatshirt had my purse over my shoulder and my cell phone out with earbuds in with bands like Five Finger Death Punch Die Antwoord and In This Moment lined up in for my ears very clearly a customer there is no uniform here just business casual clothes with a lanyard that holds a name tag I'm perusing through the sci-fi fantasy section I have two books selected already and I'm looking for a new one my limit is five books or no more than sixty dollars limits one of the employees one that I don't know comes up to ask if I need any help I say that I do and tell them that I used to work there and am looking for a couple more books I tell them what type of books I like and he recommends a few good titles we end up chatting more about the genre in general about the classic authors Etc I thank him and he goes on his way and I'm two books richer I move on to the mystery section and I picked up an empty basket to put my books in when I feel it the finger that hard few pokes executed by a bony digit tipped with a long acrylic nail than the words excuse me and there she is that dark roots blonde bobbed hair the three-quarters yoga pants matching workout top pristine white sneakers wristlet purse and the latest iPhone her husband is a good looking tired Ken style of a man hands in his pockets taking out an earbud what that's not how you agree to customer so rude Look Who's Talking what did you say to me what do you want and I don't work here by the way Yoto I heard you chatting with that other employee over there I need this book she presented her iPhone that indeed had a picture of a book I don't work here lady back the hell up what did you say to me how dare you you're required to help me I'm a paying customer I'm not required to do anything I turn my back on her and moved further down the aisle hoping she'd take the hint nops instead she grabs the back of my hoodie and Yanks me back what the heck is your problem lady I don't work here I'm in jeans and a sweatshirt I have my purse I was listening to music for F's sake I know you work here I've seen you here before working I used to work here years ago but I don't anymore so back up you're still obligated to help me it's part of your code uh say what you're called you have to help me or I'll speak to your manager and get your band and fine I'm staring now at this bleach blonde lunatic then at her husband with a is she serious with this crap look he can't even look at me thinking about Reddit here fine do it I'll get a manager let's see who gets in trouble I flagged down an employee and ask for a manager when they ask why I tell them we just need a manager the employee shrugs gets on their portable store phone and calls for a manager who comes over we'll call him Blackbeard hi what seems to be the problem Karen of course starts her spewing yammering on about how I insulted her called her names and refused to assist her she plays no tears just rage mom please there is no need for that kind of language or that level of volume he turned to me Miss can you tell me what happened I gave him my version trying to hide my smirk he's staring at Karen now like she's an idiot ma'am she doesn't work here I can help you find your book but you can't go around harassing people be they employee or customer even if they used to work here Karen said some other foul things mom you have three choices one pipe down and I'll help you out two keep going and I'll have you removed in band or three just leave your choice Karen in Blackbeard had a staring match that lasted a good 15 seconds Karen left with a scowl in Blackbeard and I shared a small high five I finished up my shopping Blackbeard letting me use his employee discount I went to a restaurant next eight and red that and as I enjoyed a cheesecake dessert I wonder what kind of code Karen was talking about and where the hell she had heard it the end um the book sellers code duh it's like a sacred thing and as a former Bookseller you should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing about it on a real note though what the hell is her husband up to God damn does she like did she like cut off his balls or something alright this story's called the great museum fight grab a seat ladies and gents I'm gonna tell you the story of how I had two museums fighting over me I'm typing on my phone so apologize if uh this format is a little wanky for a little background I worked as a teacher's aide at a science center from 13 to 17. it was a fun gig and I got kids and adults interested in whatever I was teaching due to the fact that I can be extremely animated when I talk same here like look at my little Avatar guy right next to our Science Center was in natural History Museum hours was free to enter but that one you had to pay for unless you were an employee of one of the museums anyway on this particular summer Friday I was 16 and this was around the time a new dinosaur Hall had just opened up at the Natural History Museum so while I waited for my older brother to finish up his shift we both worked there I figured I'd go to the dinosaur Hall and practice some sketching while there and still in uniform a woman that had to be in her mid-30s came up to me and asked if I could tell her about a specific skeleton she and her kids were looking at still being in work mode and loving to talk about anything prehistoric I happily agreed as I got into my mojo more and more people came up to listen to what I had to say asking questions and laughing at my horrible Dino puns about 20 minutes later I had about 40 people following me around the animal exhibits and having a ball until that is my brother texted me it was time to bounce betting the group A Farewell I left to in enjoy my weekends not knowing what was about to happen the following week turns out a lot of people at the Natural History Museum came up to various managers to say I was an awesome tour guide so much so one of the higher ups had to find out more about me once she found out who I was and where I work she scheduled a meeting with my boss and the CEO of the science center I come in on Tuesday clock in was about to get my day started when I'm called in to see my boss walking into her office I see her the CEO of the science center and a woman wondering whatever is going on I ask what's Happening Here the woman walks up and shakes my hand and said she was a hiring manager from the Natural History Museum she was disgusting with my boss how much someone like me would be perfect for the Natural History Museum my boss Cut Her Off to ask me what this was all about then it hit me last Friday I then explained to my boss and the CEO what happened on Friday and then they all all had a look of clarity on their faces the manager from the Natural History Museum was eager to get me on board however my boss in the calmest slyest manner said that was never gonna happen the manager looked at her with silent rage and asked why she thought that my boss said one we have a contract with him so he can't just join you and two he's only 16. what I later found out is that the Natural History Museum only hires adults the manager looked at me with confusion I look about three years older than I am I think it's the height and mustache ah 16 years old with a mustache come on this next part I will never forget my boss said with the grin that looked like it belonged to the love child and the grin of the Cheshire Cat sorry manager but this one's ours the manager left in a huff clearly upset she lost the fight after we knew she was gone the CEO was pissing himself laughing through tears and gasps he told me try not to do that again my boss said I might want to stay away from the Natural History Museum for a while the manager wasn't the type to give up so easily and that's how he became a sort of Legend amongst the staff in the science center that's badass man ah that must have felt pretty cool because like when I was 16 um I was like doing nothing so it's really cool it's also really cool that she knew so much about dinosaurs what's also crazy is the fact that like in 10 years uh scientists predict that like everything we know about dinosaurs will be flipped on its head um because there's just so much we don't know and with new emerging Technologies we'll inevitably you know learn some things that we never knew before and also uh chicken asaurus it's coming don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 3,208
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 8YNc4qrRGgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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