r/IDontWorkHereLady - She DEMANDED I Clean The LOO

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit is our slash I don't work here lady alright this story is called I don't work here too Electric Boogaloo so this is my second I don't work here moment in the last 30 days incidentally at the same grocery store wood guys the last time this happened I was wearing something vaguely that could be misconstrued as like the uniform of the workers this time I wasn't wearing anything that could be mistaken for a wood guy's uniform what I was doing was running my mouth I got some things going on in my life and was looking for comfort food that wasn't gonna exacerbate certain health issues I have I decided I needed crap so I went to find it at wood guys of course I was asked to pick up some Ramen and other things while I was there I've been taking my cousin Paris through the Gambit of how to be an instant Ramen connoisseur her so I'm in the ramen Isle and this guy sees me grab the duck Ramen and he asked me about it I tell him a bit and I happen to point out that I have had literally every flavor here from every different brand he seems intrigued so I answer his questions I tell him which pork tastes most like pork which ones have a stronger flavor or which one's noodles aren't all that tasty I strongly suggest marushan in Mama Brands I offer some tips on how to prepare some things like adding a bit of red pepper paste ground beef 80 20 cooked with finely diced onions mushrooms and carrots and crushed garlic with your tomato Ramen or how shrimp ramen comes alive if you cook some fake crab meat with it get you some butter shallots a little garlic cook that together add your fake crab meat crumble it add a little white wine if you got it cook it good finish with tarragon I was explaining how sometimes you want a soup and sometimes times you want something thicker so like with chicken ramen everything but the creamy kind which I despise roast chicken marushan and chicken mama are way good for this boil the water first add your noodles then let it cook till it's mostly done drain two thirds of the water then add your oil and packets cook it constantly stirring the starchy water and all that will emulsify giving you a different consistency add you some hot sauce to that mix top it with some finely cut green onions and thin sliced kielbasa sausage you want to pan fry the sausage anyway I'm giving a clinic and I've got a few people listening after I get my thanks I make some specific suggestions and all is good then someone grabs Me Softly by my elbow I look back and it's this elderly Mong lady I don't know what that is who was just standing there listening to me for a bit I asked if she has a robin question kind not believing I could tell her or anything about it she says something like you have me now with a very strong accent she points out of the aisle and tries to lead me away but I don't move I apologize and tell her I'm just a Ramen Enthusiast though I can't have Ramen right now and that I did not work here she gives me a confused look and apologizes are you busy I'm so sorry she's so polite so I'm like maybe I can help I do shop here a lot I look around for a worker but there is none so I let the Lady lead me over to the drinks and she's asking about the sugar I think she can't seem to read what's on the packages her glasses are thick as hell so probably sight isn't the best for her so I spent no lie 10 minutes reading things to this lady drinks soaps Meats just reading the contents she thanks me and I think it's over but she Flags down another older Hmong lady oh oh oh that's like um that's like an ethnic group right this one takes me by the elbow again and leads me somewhere I explained I don't work there I was just being friendly but she who speaks perfect language and since that she just needs a big strapping guide to grab some things for her this woman had two carts and only wanted things on the top shelf I spent a good while helping her before her daughter came and asked me to help her with something she acknowledged that she knew I didn't work there but apparently had caught my seminar in ramen and asked if I knew anything about sausages and if I was a cook I am not a cook not trained anyway but I can throw down but I know a little bit about sausages she was making pizza and she had like Johnsonville which okay is serviceable I use it from time to time but I told her that she should hunt down some pernells if they got it and gave her a little tip that she should saute the vegetables before trapping them under the cheese cook the sausage first saute the vegetables in the sausage strippings and not bake in the bitter taste of the vegetables we'll change the balance of the pizza I was then asked to help carry some stuff up to their carts up front by the oldest of them who is very polite and handed me a five dollar bill looking around like she was giving me drugs she closed it in my hand and was looking like she was super Sly she goes for your troubles and I walk away kinda dumbfounded because I'd been there for like an hour for a simple snatch and grab later in line I see them talking to a manager and pointing at me they seem very happy he comes to me and thanks me for helping them acknowledging that I do not work here but is happy that wood guys is that kind of environment ah said if you had any openings he'd asked me to fill out an application I just smiled and told Tim I love the store and selection it was pretty nice anyway I know it doesn't have all the conflict and humor of a typical I don't work here but this made me feel good about myself and my fellow man I love wood guys I'm gonna miss it when I go back down south anyway my hunt for crab will continue elsewhere that was such a sweet story I was expecting some uh as he said conflict but I'm glad it was not to be found just a bunch of pleasant interactions of a dude helping out some ladies and I guess in turn some employees but yeah it sounds like um like a video game store but instead of video games it's Ramen in case that got a little lost on you um in video game stores typically people are like uh willing to help you out with video game selections or like if you have any questions about a specific game that you're playing uh there might be someone there that knows a lot about the game and they could give you some cool tips and it feels less dirty than looking them up online alright this story is called the gentle giant doesn't work here this happened to my husband I call him the gentle giant because he is six foot four and I am five foot five my gentle Giants at first glance you would get a feeling of intimidation I was afraid of him when we first met at a backyard birthday party but it turns out he was hired as a magician for the party he started his performance in a group of 15 or so screaming eight-year-old children to calm them down he talks softly there's always a few kids who will tell the others to be quiet and it works they all quieted down and he went on with his routine it never fails smirk but on with the incident we were in a major Superstore shopping and I have to admit the way he was dressed he did look like he may have worked there we were in the kitchenware section because I needed a new slow cooker as he pulled it off the top shelf a very angry woman came speed walking toward us with a scowl on her face that would scare a marine shrill Sergeant she came walking full speed at us walked up to him and said in a very loud near-screaming voice it's about time I found someone working yo I want you to come and help me she actually startled my gentle Giants and he said ma'am in a puzzled voice I have been trying to find someone for five minutes to help me when you are done with her I need your help getting an item I tried to tell her he didn't work there but she acted as if I said nothing my gentle Giants knew what to do and set in a very soft voice ma'am you're mistaken I don't wanna hear it just come with me and help me and once again he said in a soft voice ma'am I am not an employee here speak up I can't hear you and he continued in his soft voice ma'am please calm down I am not employed here what I said speak up this went on several times until she lowered her voice even though she was very angry my gentle giant spoke up a little more ma'am you are mistaken I do not work here oh don't give me that Beaver sausage you have the store uniform on now come with me she began yelling again my gentle giant said oh I could see how I could be mistaken for an employee but look my shirt does not have the store logo embroidered on my shirt I don't have an employee ID or anything else this is just my everyday show dirt Bay for sausage quit flooding with her and help me my gentle giant continued in a soft calm voice ma'am please calm down just look people are staring at us I really don't work here the angry woman looked around at the other customers who immediately turned around as if they weren't watching I love that then a real employee pushing a cart filled with various products walked by us the woman looked at my gentle giant then looked at my gentle giant doing a double take she noticed several customers staring at us she stopped screaming and was clearly embarrassed her bottom lip began to quiver as she apologized profusely tears began welling up in her eyes my gentle giant saw she was clearly upset and on the verge of breaking down Ma'am why don't we go sit down in the sandwich shop she nodded and my gentle giant put his huge hand on her back leading her we all sat down at a table and he said ma'am clearly there is more to this is something bothering you and that's when the woman broke down crying I could see in his eyes he was truly concerned would you like something to drink let me buy you a soft drink the woman said coffee please my gentle giant said how about a lemonade lemonade makes everything better I watched as he handed the woman a few napkins from the dispenser she took them and wiped her eyes now tell me what's wrong the woman began to tell her how her boss had been on her back chewing her out for anything and everything on the way to the store she got an offender bender she called her husband who had yelled at her about getting into an accident this had all been boiling inside her and yelled at her because she was late we sat there listening and my gentle giant comforted her he told her it was really okay everything is fine no hard feelings no ill will it took everything I had inside me not to cry I felt so bad for her my gentle giant reassured her things will be okay when she stopped crying and collected herself my gentle giant said okay now let's go get what you needed we walked to the aisle my husband retrieved what she needed and once again she apologized my gentle giant said his famous words over done with God I promise the woman smiled a bit and thanked us for listening my gentle giant nodded and smiled as she looked back at us as she walked off I look at him almost crying myself and he said oh don't you start not every Angry person is just naturally rude it was a case of misdirected anger emotions building up she needed a release and a near to bed for some people it's just a really bad day I'm sure she is really a nice person I put my arm around him as we walked back to our shopping cart and finished our shopping all the while I kept asking myself how did I get so lucky with this man as we continued his voice return to his normal speaking voice a very deep bass that could be heard by most anyone in his very deep voice he said honey I love you but promise me if I screw up in any way today don't yell at me I don't think I could handle the second round I laughed and said ah sure thing babe I promise my gentle giant is right there is some good in everyone not every person is truly uh rotten to the core Karen sometimes life deals you a crappy hand for a day or week or whatever anyway that's our I don't work your story thanks for reading and have a blessed day God damn that dude is like freaking patient really made me think of uh my Arthur Morgan because when I played through red dead he was a a nice guy mcsweety heart alright this guy's a nice guy mcsweety Hearts it's a very pleasant thing to to read thank you for sharing and I don't know why I just every time I was imagining him as like the Green Giant from that vegetable brand I think it's called a green giant that's what I was imagining the Green Giant plus Cowboy somehow at the same time like um concurrently not like a green Cowboy but Green Giant plus a a gentle Cowboy at the same time it was weird alright this story is called a Karen demanded that I clean the toilet I visited my mother at work today my mom works in an office that gives out documents for truck drivers before the pandemic I used to go with her often to work to help her the work there is hard I was usually handing over documents for the drivers photocopying documents or other things like every employee my mother has keys to the office staff toilets where the drivers don't have them and have to use another paid toilet in order to not lose money my mother would give me these Keys as it was today my mother always told me that the women in her work were terribly messy when you went to the toilet there was water spilled over the sink paper was all over the floor around the toilets and sometimes the women didn't flush the water after using the toilet there was once a situation where a woman didn't flush after she had poofed but instead stuffed the toilet with paper when I went to the toilet the first thing I saw were pizza boxes standing on the sink just left by some woman I asked myself how can you be such a person to leave something like that I hate mess it's just that when I see something being messed up I can't walk past it and I just clean it up so I took those pizza boxes folded them up and threw them in the trash and then I saw that there was a big puddle of water on the floor great I took the paper started wiping it up then a woman came into the toilet she walked past me ignoring it I had not even finished wiping the floor when the woman shouted there's no paper I knew what a problem it was when you went to the bathroom and there was no paper hold on I took the roll of toilet paper and threw it into the toilet cubicle where it was and went back to mopping the floor when the woman came out she immediately approached me start doing your job seriously excuse me you should make sure that there is toilet paper in every cubicle I don't work here you do otherwise why would she be wiping the floor because there was a puddle of water her and why are you wiping it because women like you make a mess and leave it for the cleaners to clean up later that's what cleaners like you are for by the way a wipe around the toilet it's dirty there I looked at her I was mad I don't work here and even if I do it doesn't give you the right to humiliate me or anyone else you'd be walking around with a poo covered ass I threw the paper in the bin and left I felt the woman grab my jacket I turned rapidly towards her don't touch me with your dirty hands I didn't hear you flush the toilet you are disgusting the woman was shocked I fixed my jacket and left the toilet later I told it to my mother what had happened she was proud of me for doing that ladies please respect the work of others yeah I've heard some freaking horror stories from like the women's restroom or I guess girls restroom at my old high school it's either like a hundred million times cleaner than the guys and it's like this paradise on Earth or it's just disgusting don't ask me how I know I'm just kidding I'm not I'm not gross however one time uh when I was in Chipotle I accidentally did go into the girl's bathroom and I used it I didn't even realize it and then I came out my uncle was like about to piss himself from laughing so hard I'm like what he's like you know I've tried so many times to make you act to freaking make you use the girl's bathroom and the one time I don't try anything you do it and I was like what and I turned around and looked at the bathroom sign I was like oh no and I thought like the police were hunting me down I didn't really but felt like it oh also op good on you for cleaning up a mess that was not really yours to clean up I'm sure I'm sure a lot of someone appreciated that not that lady of course don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 5,524
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: wUhVffH4E3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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