r/EntitledPeople - She Was The WORST Nurse

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach in today's subredditizarre entitled people alright this story is called nurse was annoyed by my mom's anxiety this happened in 2019 when my mom experienced a lot of problems with her COPD and anxiety fun fact anxiety can cause your heart rate which in then turn uh cause your heart rate to rise I guess which in turn can set off a COPD exacerbation they work together to create a horrible situation we have since switched which hospital my mother uses because she didn't seem to be getting any better at the previous one and they pulled a lot of crap but the main person I remember who was just a royal pain to deal with is a woman we'll call Susie no offense to anyone called Susie I just feel like Karen is overused my first introduction to Susie was when she was going over my mother's medical charts when the exacerbations first started we'd only been living in our new state for two years and this was our first hospital trip I think Susie might have been the head nurse she was looking over my mom's medication and read off a buspirone her anxiety medication she responds with oh you're one of those my mother and I ignored the comment and just kept talking to the woman explaining my mother's medication if she didn't take certain pills anymore Etc now because of my mom's anxiety when she's feeling anxious she asks a million questions I'm not sure if it's anxiety related or just her so when the nurses would come in to give her treatments my mom would start asking what the medication was what it was for if it had side effects Etc they were trying to find a nebulizer treatment that worked well for her since the albuterol in her older medication was actually causing her heart rate to speed up to dangerous levels one day she actually got to 160. so during this time there was always some sort of treatment being swapped out to find one that would work for her as well as antibiotics to help with an infection in her lungs which was also part of a problem the nurses normally didn't have any problem answering her questions but Susie seemed to she acted as if she was personally insulted my mom was questioning what she was giving her which of course kicked my mom's anxiety into overdrive I was staying in the hospital with her that day and night to keep her calm and help her feel comfortable so I got a front row seat to all of this after the first week Susie eventually would just tell her the name of the medication but if I'm impressed for any more information on it she would say something along the lines of it's to help you just take it which of course my mom would not want to take it cue me trying to talk her into taking it and Susie getting annoyed eventually I just started Googling everything to find out what it was since Susie just for some reason decided her Hill to die on was not letting my mom know the exact information about the medication she was giving her I guess she wanted my mom to trust her but due to her attitude that was never gonna happen I just figured maybe Susie was just tired of my mom's constant questions and I could understand that I sometimes myself get a little annoyed when she asks 10 different questions sometimes repeating the questions over and over but I'd rather be a little annoyed than have her anxious or upset because it makes her breathing worse and increases her heart rate to sometimes dangerous levels we're in the middle of our second week and fun fact about nebulizer treatments they will make your hands shake uncontrollably my mom was getting tired of trying to hold the nebulizer in her hand and to her mouth due to her shaking and at some points I or the nurse on duty at the time had to hold it for her one day one little nurse came in we'll call him Carl and he was a sweet guy he finally suggested to my mom about having her wear a mask so she could be hands-free and take her treatment my mom was happy to hear that there was an alternative and asked if she could try it Carl leaves and while my mom finishes the treatment Susie is the nurse that returns turns and she begins telling my mom that she doesn't need the mask that the masks are for patients that can't hold the nebulizer on their own due to problems like arthritis I tried explaining to her how bad my mom's hands shake and her response was yeah it's the medication it'll do that I tell her I know and I just want my mom to be more comfortable Susie however dismisses this by telling me it's better for my mom to just hold it before saying she had other patients she needed to take care of and left I didn't really understand how making my mom tried to hold on to something while she's struggling just to take a deep breath was helping her but whatever I guess a few hours later about 30 minutes before my mom's next treatment bam she starts having an exacerbation where she's struggling to breathe I had the nurses call lights and in Rush's Carl Carl quickly helps get a treatment ready but my mom is struggling to hold on to the nebulizer I'm trying to keep my mother calm and at one point her hand begins to shake so bad she can barely keep the nebulizer in her mouth I asked Carl if he could please find her a mask so she could properly take her treatment as I held the nebulizer for her I felt like having the mask would ease her a bit Carl seemed to hesitate he said he would look after my mom became a bit more stable halfway through the treatment my mom is finally taking in deep breaths and Carl leaves to find a mask instead Carl returns with Susie and another nurse I hadn't seen before Susie once again tells my mom she doesn't need a mask I tell her to look at my mom saying that she can barely hold on to the nebulizer on her own Carl agrees with me saying it wouldn't hurt to let her just have a mask Susie walks over examines the contents in the nebulizer then says she's almost halfway done anyways there's no point in getting her one now I'm so angry but I'm keeping myself in check because if I get angry it'll only stress my mother out I couldn't believe she was being this stubborn over a non-issue like this but I hadn't seen the worst of Sue yet Susie then goes on a rant about how my mom is making their job more difficult that she can't just have one of her little anxiety attacks when she doesn't get her way that she needs to learn to calm herself down which is hard to do when you can't freaking breathe my mom hearing this woman talk about her anxiety as if it's a child having a tantrum starts getting upset and actually stops taking her treatment to tell her off the best she was able saying that she would love to be able to breathe so she didn't have to be here and wish she could calm down but that Susie was making that nearly impossible for her when she tried to prevent her doing anything that helped her keep calm at every turn Susie said that my mom needs to learn to get over things and then turns to Carl and starts berating him for giving my mom a nebulizer treatment 30 minutes ahead of schedule Carl just sheepishly stares at her and apologizes I really felt bad for him now Susie is not really talking in a calm voice but she's not outright yelling either she kind of had a volume between the two and was doing nothing to hide the annoyance in her tone my mom's heart rate reached to around 140 beats per minute and Susie finally finally relented and allowed Carl to get her the mask attachment my mom was able to go hands-free leaning over and hugging onto her bed pillow as she calmed herself her taking in a deep breath after so long and after such a stressful situation in my top 10 most relieving moments the next morning Susie didn't come in to let my mom know there was a shift change which was odd as they normally do this so you can know who your nurse is instead the nurse on the next shift comes in and goes to give my mom her buspirone my mom stops when she sees the cup and asks why there's so many I stand up and look into the cup my Mom normally took half of abuse Barone sometimes a whole one on her bad days however in the cup there was three whole buspirones the nurse looked on the computer and informed my mom her dosage had been upped and then frowned stating that she didn't know if it was a good idea if she should take that much and if my mom didn't want to she could see about lowering the dosage I asked her who upped the dosage and she told me it must have been whichever nurse was in charge my mother's care before her shift started meaning it was Susie my mom joked about how she wanted to keep her calm by having her lay in bed daydreaming and drooling on herself AKA lay her out but on the inside I was quite angry I know handling someone with anxiety can be a handful at times I have anxiety myself though I'm able to keep mine under control unlike my mother and I've had to keep my mother calm at her worst of times and with the COPD combined with this it isn't always an easy task but this woman was being stubborn at every turn refusing to do little things to help keep my mother's anxiety down but now she was upping her medication because of it no not happening when my mom was finally well enough to be released Carl came to check on her and said goodbye I told Carl I thought he was really sweet but that I wouldn't be bringing my mother back he frowned and asked if it was because of Susie I told him yes Carl Shrugged it off and said yeah she can be pretty nasty to patients that have anxiety I personally think that she thinks it's fake or something Carl's word cemented my choice not to bring my mom back to that hospital while I don't think Susie thought anxiety was fake at least with her being a nurse I would hope not but she did act like dealing with people who had it annoyed her I also doubt that if she didn't believe anxiety was a thing then she wouldn't have upped my mom's medication dosage sadly the next time my mom would have difficulties the ambulance driver was afraid to drive to the other hospital I had chosen as my mom was in bad shape and didn't want to risk the extra 20-minute drive so we returned to that hospital again we did have some trouble with some of the staff as well as a very very unpleasant experience but I didn't see Susie at all during that visit about three days in I saw Carl and asked him about it he said that Susie had quit to work at another hospital and he didn't really know very many details about it we did end up switching hospitals and they helped my mom with her lung issues and went above and beyond they set her up with a physical therapist the amount of time spent laying in bed caused my mother's muscles to atrophy and she couldn't walk and they treated her gently always keeping in mind that my mom's anxiety directly affected her COPD they did whatever they had to in order to keep her calm and since then my mom hasn't needed to return to the hospital the nurses work hard and deal with a lot I know this I also know how difficult it must be dealing with unruly patients and I won't say my mom wasn't annoying them by asking 20 questions about her medication however it was her right to know what she was being given and Susie's reactions to these questions or the insisting my mother didn't need a mask attachment just felt like willful stubbornness now if my mom had been cussing or throwing an actual tantrum I would have maybe understood a little bit of Susie having such an attitude but the only time my mother ever snapped at her was when she was outright refusing her the mask during her exacerbation regardless the only thing I miss from the other hospital is Carl and I hope he's doing all right yeah cool guy Carl we need more of him um less Susie though she sucked sucky Susie vs cool guy Carl the battle of the ages and we're gonna be serving hot dogs with lots of relish and mustard relish not so much actually I'm not that huge of a fan unless it's like a more sour as opposed to sweet relish and like it has a bit of a texture but like mustard is a must mustard is a must I love mustard it's my favorite Honda I'm I'm comfortably saying that now I used to be scared of it I used to be scared of mayo too because you know like ketchup water and mustard water when you don't shake it I used to be terrified that like one day I'd like squirt mayo and like Mayo water would come out but obviously that's not how it works because like you know it's it's literally just like egg and oil Emulsion but anyway Mustard's like the best kind hands down all right this story is called entitled Residence at T5 Medical School wants to send me home right after a neurosurgery then right after I end up back in ER so I went to a local hospital it's the main hospital for a T5 school so it's pretty good all my doctors are incredible now I go in for a normal brain surgery normal yeah of course I have an implant in my skull attached to my brain to control seizures this surgery wasn't to do much besides replace the device in my skull not change the connectors to my brain they did a fine job then wake up and after the anesthesia wears off I'm told you can go home now I was thinking what who are you she responds I'm the doctor under obviously means resident Doctor Who did my neurosurgery we think you can go home now but I've only been off anesthesia for 40 minutes yeah but you're a healthy young man male 22 just take the painkillers and follow the plan we set up you'll be fine my mom gets pissed and argues the resident lies to my neurosurgeon and says my mom was demanding to speak to him he still had like 10 more surgeries he gets mad and my mom is shocked this resident cut the cord from the start they say I agreed to leave but that was because of the pressure from the resident my mom argues that I was rushed while recovering from anesthesia and surgery I get an outpatient bed because of my mom and sent home the next morning then I get screwed up and end up in the ER 20 hours later my mom is pissed he had neurosurgery you should have watched him for a full day and this could have been prevented Well ma'am we did some tests yesterday first day in the ER now we see it's a neurological issue not a neurosurgery so we're sending him home also we need these post-surgery beds for critical cases guess who the same resident my mom is furious like seriously that statement coming from this doctor ignited her she yelled if you determined it's neurological during his first day in the ER why are you discharging him today sent him to neurology or I'll file a complaint on you and we both know what patient neglect complaints can do to a resident's future this doctor gets scared and sends me to neurology for the next four days where I actually get helped but seriously this hospital was fine but this residence who had just finished medical school had such a superiority complex she tried to shove me out regardless of what I said like I don't feel well this way or that way jeez man this is scary like people could just do that like doctors and everything wow both these are medical related that's crazy but like both of these stories are incredibly concerning because you don't know what you're gonna get when you go to a hospital unless it's like some for some sort of like fancy schmancy hospital for like rich kids but like what about the poor kids um they don't have much of a choice especially if you're poor they give less of a crap about you I'm sorry that's just how it is don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 2,213
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: cRZjdQHdwpw
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Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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