r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Manager KIDNAPS Me! Thinks I'm His EMPLOYEE!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash i don't work here lady where people continue to be mistaken as employees when they're just regular joe schmoes trying to do some shopping guys the lineup of stories today is absolutely wacky so get ready i hope you enjoy them today and do remember to hit that subscribe button if you aren't already so a few months back i worked as a police dispatcher now i do want to note that i am not a police officer i was a civilian employee of the department a dispatcher we were required to dress in business casual so khakis and a button-down shirt or polo so after work one day the girlfriend and i stopped by target on the way home to grab a few things i'm wearing you guessed it a red polo and khaki pants i also have an id badge on my belt denoting communicator joe schmo police department so the girlfriend and i split up to finish shopping quicker i end up grabbing olive oil when i remembered that my girlfriend had grabbed some a few days ago so i go back to where i got it and put it back a lady then comes up to me and asked where she can find some dog food now i just thought that she was asking for my opinion so i told her where i thought it would be she then goes off and five minutes later i'm looking at some razors and i feel someone poke me on my shoulder saying hey you i then turn around to find the lady standing there looking displeased she says hey so uh that dog food wasn't where you said it was i told her well i have no idea then maybe go find an employee to ask she then looks at me and says is this some kind of joke i told her no i don't work here please go find an employee she says yes you do you were stalking the shelves why would you stock the shelves if you're not an employee at this point the lady grabs my arm and pulls me to face her now you ever get a sudden flare of anger i did when she touched me she says young man i'm a customer and you'd better i told her don't touch me if you touch me again you and i are gonna have a problem now she was obviously taken aback clearly she thought it was an employee who's talking back to her and she starts screaming about getting me fired and she scurries away to find a manager i then find my girlfriend and we go to check out now at this point it still hadn't really clicked that she thought i worked there i just thought she was being rude so we get to the self checkouts and i see the lady with a target manager she comes up to me and says that's him that's your stock boy who threatened me i then said to her what are you talking about i don't work here the manager then looks at me and says yeah he doesn't work here the lady then says you were stalking shelves and you told me where to get dog food how about i call the police and tell them how you've threatened me now at this point i've had enough i pulled out my id badge and told her that i work with the police and i dare her to as we'll see how it works out for her the manager then takes the opportunity and says have a nice evening and then motions the woman away and she follows now she just sort of stared at me when she saw that i was in fact not an employee of target but of the police department that she was gonna call on me guys it still baffles me when some people don't believe when a person says they aren't an employee like what does an employee gain by lying guys i'm gonna start wearing red polos and khakis to target because i want to see if this really happens i'll definitely report back to you guys now i'm not sure if this fits but wasn't sure where else it would now this story takes place at the beginning of lockdown when they were limiting people in the stores etc i was standing in line to get into the supermarket and a person just before me was an older gentleman who wasn't wearing a mask or facial covering the store has someone at the door usually a teenager or an elderly greeter to ensure everybody entering the store has a face covering since we have a nationwide mask mandate as the man arrived at the greeter who couldn't have been a date under 65 she said excuse me sir but you need a face covering to enter he then said to the old woman in this macho authoritative voice no i don't it's okay and then he tried to walk into the store the old woman goes actually sir you do it's not just palsy anymore it's the law he then starts spouting off about how it's unconstitutional law and how the greeter isn't in a position to enforce laws so about a minute or two pass and the people further back who can't see what's happening at the front of the line are getting restless they begin to try to see what's happening the guy is saying look you're holding the line if masks really do work then everybody who's wearing one is safe right and if they don't then why do you care now the lady was getting kind of desperate at this point and she says well sir because i could lose my job if i let you in here so that's where i come in i hadn't spoken up before because this was a big guy and i'm just a student who's no good at confrontation i figured adding myself to the mix would only make the situation worse so i took out my phone and start recording i figured he would be less likely to do something violent to the creator or escalate further if he knew he was on camera now here's what i've forgotten i was wearing a shirt from a 5k that was sponsored by our local news so i had channel x eyewitness news in huge prints across the front of my chest the guy's wife goes good lord howie the news is filming what if my work sees this what are you doing so the guy then turns to me and starts getting aggressive telling me that he doesn't consent to be on tv he then starts making a speech how we're all treading on the constitution not respecting people's rights to bodily autonomy or privacy i'm trying to tell him that i'm not with the news and he's like i don't care if you're on the clock or not i hate reporters like you i don't want to be on camera and i won't be forced to wear anything i don't want to wear when did we forget that this is america now this is where it gets kinda crazy the line stretched all the way around the building and people towards the end were realizing that it hadn't moved in a while and we're coming up to investigate and then an even bigger more macho guy comes lumbering up and asked what the problem is he sees the guy going off on the terrified woman me shaking holding my phone and he's like sir sir what is the problem right now people are trying to shop the massless guy steps up to this macho guy clearly wanting to start something he gets right in his face points a finger at his chest and says i quote get away from me this here isn't your business and may god help you if you make it your business now at this the whole crowd is thinking that there might be a fight going down but here's the crazy part the more macho guy then proceeds to whip out a police badge and identifies himself as an off-duty police officer and he says sir the law is in fact my business and i'll do my best to make this my business at this the biker man first tries to have the cop arrest me for putting him on the news without his consent but i just played dumb at this point the biker guy is now getting more and more aggressive and he's not backing down he then says to the off-duty officer listen you're not stopping bad guys you're forcing regular people to go against their beliefs and their freedoms the cop then said no one is forcing you to do anything sir you are free to make your own choices you can put on a mask or you can go home decide what you'd like to do because there's a line here and masks are required in the store at this the biker guy keeps saying that he isn't doing anything illegal and he has the right to shop in a public business and the cop just shakes his head and repeats again that there's a mask mandate going on at the moment the biker guy continues talking over him at this point and the cop realizes that he's not getting anywhere so the cop says look i don't want to escalate this but you're not giving me a choice in this situation if you won't leave out of your own volition you're trespassing and then he starts explaining what's going to happen now the biker guy is ready to stand firm and he says he knows he's in the right when his wife blurts out dammit howie are you insane this man is a police officer she then apologizes to the officer and she forces her husband to leave with various threats it took nearly 15 minutes to get into the store it caused a major backlog of shoppers and made a poor elderly woman fear for her safety just wear a mask guys i would have loved to have seen that video that op recorded i love the fact that the tough biker guy puffed out his chest and an off-duty cop guys how awesome was that honestly if he didn't want his face shown and recorded maybe he should have worn his mask while causing the little scene i love this person's comment right here this person says how dare you document what an unreasonable harassing piece of crap i am i don't want people seeing that now this story happened about six years ago i was getting off work and walked into a store whose name rhymes with small tart and was confronted by a senile angry manager who we'll call sam now sam was easily pushing 70 and could have retired as he was completely off his rocker but i digress so on this afternoon i went with a short list of high ticket items a laptop a drill and about two dozen various cables with my cart loaded with drills and cables i approached the electronic service desk and request my laptop when i was very rudely spun forcefully around by sam who scowled menacingly at me and said son why the heck are you on the floor without a uniform get back to the break room change and be ready in five minutes now me with my brain still spinning in my head it took about six seconds to reply and said i'm sorry what sam says get back to work he then starts screaming some more while moving his face into myspace so far that i was forced to lean back onto the counter and replied with sir i don't work for you i'm an admin for a completely unrelated company now this set sam off and oh boy did this set sam off the guy then grabs me and literally frog marches me back into the employees area to the lockers and shouts in my ear which one is yours and before i could answer he says never mind i'll find out myself he then snatches my wallet out of my pocket sat me down and went off to the office i assumed he was gonna look up my name i sat there scared and confused in the break room for what felt like an eternity eventually a security guard comes by and sat by me and starts her usual what did you steal i replied nothing miss the manager sam believes i worked here he dragged me back here sat me down and ran off with my wallet now miss security did not believe me stating the obvious that's ridiculous sam knows everyone who works here you're obviously a thief if you're back here sweating bullets a few seconds later sam screams in frustration and miss security hops up telling me to stay put and runs over to the office sam can clearly be heard saying this stupid machine it's broken again so sam and security come back and at the door security asked sam so what did this guy try to take sam then turns to her with a look like he wanted to yell at her too and said are you daft woman he then blurts out time security shakes her head looks at me and then looks at sam and then back to me and she says wait you're not joking are you she then tells sam i don't think he works here boss now this upsets sam moore who is now turning beat red and he screams i will get to the bottom of this and you pointing at me says i'll make sure you never work in retail again so now that i've had a moment to process the absurdity of all this i say fine so sam then stares daggers before huffing and stomping off to his office yet again security sat with me again and shakes her head and she says holy sam's really off the deep end maybe you should just leave i'll escort you out now at this point i would have happily taken the offer and hightailed it for the hills however i had just been robbed of my wallet and i told security as much i have never actually seen someone's eye twitch shut in real life before she then said he took your wallet now i nodded my affirmation and before she could say anything else sam walks out smug and as crotchety has ever said i just called the district manager you will be fired and you will never ever work here again you hear me i opened my mouth but security spoke first and said sam he doesn't work here you're about to get fired sam was now fully focused on security and he says now listen here i'm writing you up too because you're supposed to be out on the floor making sure that people aren't robbing my store blind not socializing with my ex employees security shut up and we sat for about an hour until the district manager shows up so the guy walks in and says okay sam what's this about an employee not doing their job and saying they don't work here why are you wasting my time sam explains with a huge smile while he also mentions that he wants me blacklisted the manager comes and sits by me opens up his laptop and says okay man give me your wallet i tell him i can't serve and he says why's that i told him sam took my wallet and hasn't given it back the manager then tells me alright hold on he then stands up taking sam back to the manager's office then me and the security guard heard him say you what sam had put my wallet in the ledger save that was on a six hour timer i then sat there and i heard you're done you're fired sam i have to call corporates and get an override on the save that's a customer sam you kidnapped a customer and you stole his wallet like i can't even fathom what got you thinking no actually don't don't open your mouth pack up you're out now sam about 15 minutes later the district manager returns with my wallet and he apologizes asking me if there's anything he can do to make it right i ended up walking out of that walmart with a free laptop and cables and to this day i only hoped sam didn't die alone and broke i felt really bad but he dug his own hole my friends i definitely would have not had the patience that op had if a manager forcefully pulled me into the back room told me to sit down for like an hour and stole my wallet i'd be calling the police so fast what a crazy situation to be in though and i hope sam's doing okay so this happened about five years ago now i had worked at this exact store previously so i was familiar with how their system worked i was waiting in line at a well-known bookstore in my local mall buying a gift card and gift wrap now karen was in front of me arguing with a boy at the register because she wanted to know if they had a book in stock the book was in stock but only available when ordered from the online store as it was old and no longer being sold in store so karen would need to purchase it herself online when ordering from this company's online store it'll be shipped to the address of your choice and of course this comes with additional shipping costs karen however seemed to think that this meant that he could order the book in and she would be able to pick it up the next day this is not the case as the stores while operating under the same company name are completely different thus the argument begins karen says well can't you just order it in the guy tells her sorry our system doesn't allow us to do that she says yes it does i've done it before he tells her sorry since the company is under new ownership all stores are separate now including the online store karen says it's the same company you're just being lazy he then tells her that she'll need to order it herself online they then went back and forth a couple of times before i spoke up and said he's right that's not how the system works karen then turns and glares at me and says do you work here i told her no but i did work here a year ago that's how i know how the system works she then proceeds to look over my clothes for a name tag or uniform logo i told her nope nice try though as i unzip my jacket so she can get a better look at my clothes karen says well where do you work i told her that's literally none of her business she says yes it is your employer should know how you behave in public now at this i was kind of surprised and i said actually that's not how the world works lady at this point you could see the rage building inside her as she realized that she had no power over me karen with a smug look on her face then says well you probably don't even have a job she was obviously trying to bait me into telling her and i said you can think what you want lady but at the end of the day i'm not a pathetic person whose only sense of control in the world is threatening a person's livelihood to get what they want i then tell her you know you're a crappy person right now at this karen is absolutely fuming and she storms off i then proceed to pay for my card and gift wrap while having a laugh with the guy at the register about what just happened now you would think that this is the end of my encounter with karen but oh no she still thinks i work in the mall so as i leave the store i stop and get a coffee from the small kiosk cafe just outside i noticed that karen was watching and i kid you not this psycho continued to follow me through every single story i entered and asked the person behind the register if i worked there at this point i was thinking that i can't go back to my car because she'll get my license plate numbers and she'll be able to look up my information i think and then she'll facebook stalk me or something i ended up calling a taxi and going to see my dad who lived about 10 minutes up the road and got him to take me back to my car an hour later wow guys i can't believe she basically stalked opie while they were shopping around in a mall some people clearly have nothing better to do with their days and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash i don't work here lady guys i hope you enjoyed the stories today and thanks for popping by to hang out with myself and stevie boy if you missed yesterday's episode on the channel i will link it right here a random man pretends to be opie's dad so he can get upgraded to first class on an airplane it's such a crazy story so check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 298,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, reddit, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, racist karen, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, crazy karen
Id: o1pVlWrkIeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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