r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Couple STALKS ME For Refusing to Serve Them! I'm a CUSTOMER!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash I Zone to work here lady where people confuse regular customers as employees and today Opie teaches an elderly couple a lesson when they get a little bit too aggressive and entitled I hope you enjoy the stories today don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can share or link your post to this email right here we're diving in so for some reason I have the retail drone look no matter where I go I always get the whole do you know where I can find or where are your restrooms but the one today took the cake so I went to the grocery store to pick up some grub and because of the sheer amount of people that had the same idea the cart Pusher was having a really hard time keeping up I finished emptying my cards and I'm Wheeling it back towards the front of the store stopping on the way to grab another loose card on the way as I'm nearing the end of the aisle I hear off to my left hey you catch and I look over to see a Karen pushing her card at me full speed I stopped the two carts I'm pushing and watch as the one she shoved at me cruises by and slams into the truck to my right nearly hitting the owner who was loading his groceries at the time the Karen who threw her card at Miguel's you idiot why didn't you catch it meanwhile the truck owners walking over to me I tell the woman hey I don't work here and she asked then why are you pushing carts before she can react the truck's owner steps in fuming because all he saw was a cart ramming full speed into his truck and at this point she's got more important things to deal with than respond to me because she just put a dent into the side of this guy's shiny truck I just put the two cards back inside got in my car and left it's not my problem as I don't work there guys I love this post so much this is another reason why you should never assume people are employees and that you should always return your cards yourselves and I just gotta say I would have had so much fun watching that unfold like Karen having to explain to that man why she pushed the cards at his truck would have made my day guys so I've been a long time lurker on this sub but I've never had and I don't work your experience myself due to the fact that I'm a six foot four guy weigh 250 pounds and have a severe case of resting face I did come across an I don't work your situation recently while going through my local Walmart on this day I was on my way to a wedding and had to stop and pick up some snacks as it was a potluck style reception I was wearing the standard wedding attire white long sleeve button-up shirts black slacks black shoes and a blue tie to match the bridal party so I guess I could have been mistaken for a manager to get to the food section in Walmart you have to pass the cosmetics and on my way past I happen to overhear a very heated one-sided conversation being the nosy type I naturally decided to check it out and what I find makes me a little more than upset as I'm turning into the aisle I see a middle-aged woman hereby dubbed Karen about three inches away from a young lady who couldn't not have been more than 25 years old Karen screaming at this poor girl demanding she be shown proper respect that the woman do her job properly Etc typical Karen rant now the part that made me angry was I could see that she was a few seconds away from having a panic attack my girlfriend suffers from a fairly severe Panic anxiety disorder and I've had to help her through more than one panic attack and I'm intimately familiar with the signs that a panic attack is coming this poor girl that's getting yelled at who's wearing nothing remotely close to a Walmart uniform is about 30 seconds away from a meltdown she's hyperventilating her eyes are widened and she's darting around looking for an out seeing the girl in the state definitely made me angry and I felt I had to intervene so I walk up to Karen very gently place the tips of my fingers on her shoulders and say excuse me ma'am what seems to be the problem Karen sees my outfits and apparently thinks I'm a manager and she says good you're in employee is being unbelievably lazy and rude I demand you fire her immediately at this point I realize she thinks I'm a manager and I say to her oh I apologize ma'am you have my word that I will deal with this matter right away but before I do is there's something I can help you with Karen says ugh finally some help you need to tell me where you keep the dog food I say to her again I apologize for the inconvenience our dog food is kept on aisle 62 in the far right corner pointing to the other side of the store I tell her to keep walking that way and you can't miss it Karen replies it's about effing time someone did their job glaring at the poor girl she was yelling at and then she storms off without another word I then turn to the young woman take a small step back and tell her in a soft voice that she's gonna be okay and that woman's gone the girl seems to have calmed down enough that she's not in immediate danger of a panic attack so I just kind of smile and say hey you might want to grab what you need and go when she finds out that aisle 62 doesn't exist and that I'm not actually the manager she's gonna have a bit more to say to me and it would probably be best if you weren't around to catch anything in the crossfire hearing me say that she looks at me confused at first but when realization comes she lets out a little laugh and she nods saying she was on her way out I give a friendly wave grab my snacks and check out right away thankfully I leave before Karen finds me again oh man Opie was a freaking hero that day guys and let me tell you trolling the Karen just made it so much better with that said though she probably exploded when she found out aisle 62 didn't exist and I would have hated to be the real manager working that day just having to deal with that aftermath I worked as a director of security at a resort in Southern Arizona many years ago my attire was usually business casual one day I decided to wear a red shirt and khaki pants I run to Target to buy some power strips for some new equipment we had gotten that day while trying to find the best fitting products I hear Hey excuse me engrossed in my thoughts about power straps I just moved forward a few inches thinking someone was trying to get behind me it's at that point I got grabbed by my arm by a small trollish looking woman and she says hey I'm talking to you and that I respond F off lady don't touch me and the woman says well I thought you worked here after staring at my shirt that clearly says a name other than targets I say to her regardless if I do or not that doesn't give you the right to grab people now I do want to note that I'm an easy going person but people who treat retail workers restaurant workers Etc like crap app just because they can trigger Hulk smash mode I have no patience for those sorts at that the woman Huffs off and I think that's the end of it I make my purchase and head to the door when out of nowhere some Gerald McRaney looking dude comes up to me and he sticks a finger in my chest and doesn't quite make eye contact the guy then starts telling me about how Furious he is that I treated his wife like that and I won't have a job much longer once he's done here I can see the troll woman who has no Knack standing by smugly watching and I say get your finger out of my chest before I slap the Dentures out of your mouth now the town I lived in was Notorious for snowbirds and their entitled bad behavior the guy smutters and I continue walking to my car when I open my car door he tried to shut it and I'm thinking okay calm down try to resolve this without escalation what would I prove as a 24 year old man beating up a miss guided and possibly confused senior citizen so that's when I say hey you need to get back to the nursing home before they realize you're missing man this will not end well for you the guy then walks to the back of my car I'm assuming he was getting my plate number and as I drive off he begins following me in the car as I head back to work that's when I called the police and told them he was following me and said where I was heading and they said they would send someone I get to my work and I tell the guy at the gates to not let the car in under any circumstances I'm in my offices setting up the equipment about seven minutes later when I get a call on the radio that there's an issue at the gates and wow I didn't see this coming so I head up there agitated telling myself to remain professional the idiot and his wife are shouting at my guard to let them in as they're after a criminal Etc and he was telling them that when the police get there they can make that determination so that's when a police cruiser finally pulls up after taking everyone on a side and getting statements the old couple actually told the truth that's when the officer was like okay so by your own admission you grabbed him you waited outside for him and you stuck your finger in his chest and tried preventing him from leaving and then followed him all the way here do you not see something wrong with this that's when the officer asked if I wanted to file a report I just shook my head no and asked for them to be trespassed they got told to leave and I never saw them again yeah I think if I were op I wouldn't have let them off so easily guys and I just want to say that the way Opie dealt with that couple was absolutely Savage like the Dentures line though guys I was always taught to be respectful when it comes to dealing with older folk but not when they're that rude and what the heck were they looking to accomplish by following op to his work like that sounds a little bit crazy to me my fiance and I recently moved into a one-bedroom apartment above a shop which happens to be a tailor shop of some kind it's a small place but we turn this place into our perfect home anyway after a few months of settling in I was walking home from work I work in a gas station as a part of a supermarket so we have uniforms that clearly state that we work there anyway I unlocked the big tour that gets us into the main sort of building since this huge door was the door we go through first and it happened to be right next to the tailor shop I'm minding my own business as usual trying to get myself home ready to chill out when out of nowhere I hear a lady call to me as I was about to shut the door unlock it I opened the door thinking it's probably one of our neighbors who forgot a key or any neighbor's guess as soon as I opened the door a giant quilt was dumped into my arms followed by the woman saying hello my dear I was wondering if you could patch up this hole in the corner of this for me and I also heard from a friend that you can make blankets out of old clothes like as in memory of people right I clocked on pretty quick the lady thinks I'm the owner of the tailor shop which was closed so I say to her oh I'm sorry I don't work at the store I live upstairs the door to that shop is right there pointing to the door saying to her and it's closed the lady then says to me but you are the tailor shop aren't you I say to her uh I'm not I'm afraid I don't own it and I don't work there either the lady then points at my keys to the door which I've just opened and she says well then what's this place then you have to be the tailors are you trying to get out of helping me I explained to her that this is the door I go through to enter my home you know where I live I do in fact live above the Taylor shop but that doesn't mean I own it too at this point the lady screams at me and says that's just ridiculous look stop messing around when can you sort out this quilt now in my head I thought I could easily sew and if I had to sell I would have done this for her just for a bit of extra cash but I didn't I then hand back her quilt and say look I don't work or own the tailors I work over there pointing to my uniform and the logo on my jacket I even opened my jacket and showed her my name badge and uniform to really prove to her that I work somewhere else other than the tailors the lady then says to me well do you know what time the shop will open I tell her I haven't had the slightest clue but I can guess maybe tomorrow if you write down that number it's best to try to call them to find out to save you traveling all the way here for possibly nothing the lady then storms off without a thank you for at least helping her oh how many of you would have taken her quilt that day guys okay ma'am since you keep insisting that I'm the tailor and you aren't listening to a word I'm saying come back a week from now and it'll all be done so it's been a long day with no coffee and little sleep I usually take the bus home but they were shut down for some reason this time I wasn't mad it would just take an extra 20 minutes to walk home and I've been trying to be more healthy on my way home I pass a Home Depot that's about 10 minutes from my house and I remembered I needed some screws for a shelf that I'm repairing so I would just stop in grab it then go but how wrong was I the store I work for has an orange shirt and khakis as the uniform but I didn't expect anyone to mistake me much less two different people much less a customer and a manager I walked in and I'm starting to go for the screws I needed which were about halfway down aisle at the front of the aisle a 60-something-year-old woman clears her throats and I thought nothing of it I kept walking and she starts snapping once again I thought she was just being rude to someone else but then she yells hey you in the orange shirt it's at this point I finally realized she was talking to me and I was simply appalled like how do people talk like this I'll be me and she'll be rude lady the rude lady says finally I got your attention these stars are just going downhill they're hiring autists like you here now tell me where the 10 by 20 boards are or I'll get you reprimanded by the manager hearing her say that to me I respond what the hell did you just say to me what the hell are you even talking about the rude lady says I should expect no less where the hell are the 10 by 20 boards I'm the manager's wife and I could have you fired I say to her I do not work here even if you are the manager's wife I feel sorry for that guy calling random people autistic is very rude and insensitive the lady responds you're just being incredibly lazy no one in their right mind would wear a shirt like that if they had a choice you can f right off at this point I just stopped responding I walk off to get my screws the woman finishes around cursing me off as I walk away and that's when I meet the manager I have my screws and I'm starting to head to the checkout lanes and a man in black pants and a button-down approaches me with a very angry look I'll call him crazy manager and I'll be me he comes up to me screaming hey you you stop right there come talk to me right now I'm thinking oh my goodness what now and I respond yes sir he says to me my wife told me that you were very very disrespectful to her you know that's not how we treat customers here at this point I just decide to have fun with this and I say oh I'm so sorry sir I've just had a really rough day first I lose my name tag and then a rude customer called me a I'll be better next time I promise the manager says you know the rules here the customer is always right especially if it's my wife don't even bother coming in tomorrow you're fired I just keep playing and say I'm sorry sir I swear what can I do to keep my job the manager says to me nothing now get out of my store after this I walk away pretending to be sad the manager walks away triumphantly while I go off to pay the clerk is very confused and I explain everything to him the guy laughs really hard and tells me how this manager has always been a problem but the second one has never been overall a very good first I don't work here lady experience yeah I think I would have caused the scene right there at that point guys like I've read enough stories and I have enough knowledge to deal with crappy managers like this and honestly that might have been his last day on the job if I were in Opie shoes I would have said to him come come let's go to your office here's my identification let's go try to find my name on the list of employees at this Home Depot but guys let me know what you would do if you were in OP shoes in this situation I'm a touch artist at one point I had a studio in an otherwise empty building in a primarily residential area it was an anti-squat arrangement it was cheap but the building was in crappy condition with leaks and mold our studio was in the least crappy part of the building and the owners did air fall to improve the conditions nonetheless there was a for sale slash rent sign on the front and the anti-squad company had posters in the window with their contact information on it our studio also only had two windows that could be opened and I had to open the door for ventilation when I used fixative or varnish on large drawings so the fumes wouldn't kill me so one midweek afternoon I'm waiting for a layer of varnish to dry and I'm talking to my husband in the office when we hear a loud banging coming from the entrance it's a woman shouting kids yelping and confused we went over to see it's a woman and she's carrying a clunky plastic kid scooter that she's banging into the door frame frame the door the walls into a table that had a security camera on it almost toppling it keep in mind my hands and face are smudged with charcoal I had a tight deadline to finish something so I looked generally disheveled and Scruffy I shouted the woman excuse me trying to interrupt the screaming of the woman arguing with her kid who wants his scooter back even as his sister rides hers into our studio and starts crashing into stuff I asked her what are you doing here and I want to note that at this point we're blocking the hallway to keep her daughter from entering any further to where we keep the chemicals sharp things and the expensive fragile things eventually she looks up and says I want to rent here she demands I tell her you can't rent this place this place is rented out to us we're the renters if you want a different space in the building you need to call the number on the poster on the window which you can see from the outside mind you this was a mostly empty hallway except for the table and the camera there were no signs any anything or advertising in the studio because we didn't need to advertise it the women of course ignores what I say and she says I want to rent this how do I rent this the woman shouts at me more angry at first I thought maybe she didn't understand because Dutch wasn't her first language but she did have a noteworthy accent the woman is still arguing with her kid however and she's swinging the scooter about as she swivels I say to her you have to call the number on the poster out front pointing in its direction hopefully she'd get it and leave the woman keeps screaming how do I rant what does it cost it took us several minutes before we could get her to leave repeatedly telling her this is private we're renters you are trespassing and you need to leave call this number all the while keeping her daughter from going through the pockets of the coats we have in the hallway the woman finally laughed understanding she had to call the number on the poster if she wanted to rant an ambled off screaming at her kids and banging the plastic scooter into everything as she went sadly she wasn't the only person who thought they could walk in and demand to know our business but after this encounter we started blocking the door with a wooden pallet covered in bells to deter casual invasions and even with that we still caught people leaning in to gawk or even fumble at the palate to gain entrance demanding service I never found out what kind of service they expected like who sees a building with no signs no posters no advertisements and things they can wander into demand stuff from employees entitled people or thieves that's you guys and I love this comment right here this person says have you ever tried using a line like you can't be here we're removing asbestos I'd hope that would get people to clear out faster only of those people were smart enough to know it as best as is so after years of being an employee I finally opened my own little business in Key West it was a kiosk right on Duval Street and I sat outside in a director's chair and enjoyed the laid-back Vibe and the parade of tourists now most tourists were nice many coming off cruise ships I sold a variety of ceramic and paper mache birds and fish and other trinkets it's amazing the crap that people will buy just because they're on vacation anyways there's me this lead Karen and a pack of Karen's involved in this so the pack of Karen's and Lead Karen approaches my kiosk and they start looking at my display the lead Karen innocently asked how much a certain cockatoo on a wire cost I got up and replied they're all marked with a price this one says 22 dollars at that she sneers and says huh this isn't worth half of that this craftsmanship is worth way less than half now it was obvious she wasn't interested and she just wanted an excuse to bad mouth my product and show off to her pack so in a dead voice I say if you don't like it there's the sidewalk at that the lead Karen says how rude does your manager know you speak to potential customers like that I want to speak to the manager at this point going full care and outrage I calmly say to her I am the manager Karen says well you are a rude manager I want to speak to the owner and this is when my years of having to put up with the rude customers because fears of consequences kicked in I'd worked in retail restaurants and as a flight attendant and I had years of pants up abuse heaped upon me the woman just kept yelling at me and that's when I snapped I'm the owner I'm also the sales guy the manager and we all agree that you need to get your ass on the sidewalk and out of my face before the three of us do something we'll all regret that's when the lead Karen and the horrified pack of Karen's hastily made their exits the guy who ran the store next door had watched The Exchange and he looked at me and shock as I'm usually so easy going and polite as what just happened began to set in I began to howl with laughter until I couldn't breathe the looks on their faces as they ran off was priceless it was so freeing to be able to tell them off without worrying about answering to anyone ain't that the dream guys telling off rude customers without the fear of getting reprimanded I've said this before stores need to hire someone to deal with people like this someone that just sits on a chair and when Karen's go off on employees they come in and Destroy them and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed the stories today I hope you didn't shake your heads too much and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r slash entitled people episode where a rude Karen thinks they can park wherever they want and firefighters teach them a lesson they'll never forget guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you [Music]
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 154,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, reddit i dont work here lady, i dont work here, mistaken for employee, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, mistaken employee, darkfluff idwhl, darkfluff, entitled women, karma stories, instant karma, entitled people reddit, entitled karen, entitled people, karen freakout, karen story, funny karen stories, reddit funny stories, entitled, instant karma on karen, i dont work here lady stories, karen store freakout, owner stories, karen store
Id: b2h_6PY4KaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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