r/IDontWorkHereLady - Insane Karen Is CONVINCED I'm an Employee! Destroys a Store When I'm Not!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ I don't to work here lady where Karens keep making the mistake of thinking people or employees when they're not and in this episode Karens are getting embarrassed left and right guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in so this is more of a yes I work here just not what you think story first off I'm a 34-year-old female and I work as a school crossing guard you know the look I have a bright yellow vest and a big red sign even better I want a matching yellow reflective hat when I embarrassed myself during my first training demo thus I'm all kitted out so just remember the key color here is yellow now recently some big companies started installing fiber optics beneath the ground near the school and by near I mean Drilling and destroying the sidewalks like the ones I cross at like the ones I'm literally posted on and I have to dance around cones to not fall into holes so naturally there's a lot of reflective cones blocked off areas and most importantly dudes in orange vest and hard hats anyways it's a hot mess the kids are confused the parents are I raid and I'm running my butt off but we're getting through it the rush was hectic but we found our Rhythm and the crowd start to thin then this one Karen parks in the bike lane and halfway in one of my crosswalks and right where the dudes are digging up up the crosswalk I.E the worst place possible now thinking she's just a mom trying to pick up her kids I rushed over hoping I looked friendly and I say afternoon ma'am I'm afraid I have to ask you to and before I could even finish my sentence Karen starts screaming in my face saying you are seriously bad at your job that catches me off guard and I say um come again ma'am Karen says I've been watching you and you are doing it wrong people get hit because of you now at this point I'm beginning to panic because I'm very alert but maybe I'm off my game I start reviewing the few minutes that had passed wondering if I made any mistakes I've been covering my three corners fine I let cars go fine and I managed watching cars go into a turning lane that was now used for oncoming traffic without anyone dying but I'm not allowed to direct traffic so I'm thoroughly confused so that's when I say to Karen I'm so sorry but could you elaborate and before I could finish my sentence Karen says I don't want excuses I want you to do your job you're supposed to let a certain amount of cars go at a time and you're not even trying to keep the kids off the road then I see my late stragglers approaching and by this time I just wanted to ignore the lady because she's not making any sense so I begin to move away so I can cross my kids and this Karen this scrawny Bean pole of a lady grabs my sign and she rips it out of my hands and I'm thinking no one grabs my sign Karen then screams at me saying I'll direct traffic myself since you're useless I then start to catch on and I tell her ma'am please give me back my stop sign I'm just trying to cross my kids I'm not part of the construction crew somehow Karen heard that and by now a group of grade fives who are sweet kids come running over to see if I'm okay even parents are starting to call over to see what's going on turns whes and she lets go of my sign Karen then says to me you work for the school not the construction company and then clutch my sign saying yes ma'am I work for the school at that Karen says oh well you shouldn't wear the same vest how was I supposed to know I'll have to go have a word with the principal about this it's very confusing you know again I'm in bright yellow the cruise in construction orange I then look at my vest then at the two workers and then back at my vest the whole time I was trying to be subtle and then I forgot that grade five kids are not and one of my favorites Matthews scoffs at the lady he then says uh lady she's in yellow are you blind they're an orange even 5-year-olds can tell them apart and yes I love this kid at that Karen blinks once just once and then she turns around and runs for her car that's it she just basically runs from a sassy kid who told her straight guys that is one great thing about kids is they don't have a care in the world they will tell you straight but that does have me thinking guys like what if Karen was color blind and the whole time to her they were all wearing the same colored vest but even if she was guys and she didn't admit it there's no reason to be rude to the point where you just rip a stop sign aggressively out of someone's hands yesterday after finishing up a grueling shift at a restaurant I worked at I just remembered that I had to swing by a store for some items before going home I did contemplate on going home to change out of my uniform but I figured if I went home I would be too lazy to leave again my uniform consisted of a polo or button-down shirt with khakis and a name tag pin to my shirt I drove to the store and as I was walking in the store I take off my name tag and put it in my pocket so people wouldn't see a name tag and think I work there my name tag also said the name of the restaurant so I'm browsing the store for the particular items I wanted and this lady's just staring at me I was looking at her through my peripheral the whole time and she wasn't moving at all just staring at me I then got weirded it out so I turned towards her so I could walk past her and as I was walking past her she gives me a disgusted look and she says excuse me do you know why I'm looking at you I'm looking at you because I need help and you just walk right past me am I seeing things how dare you now being absolutely tired from all the stress from my own job I just reply uh the reason I walked right past you is because I don't work here ma'am but the woman was obviously too infuriated to believe me at all she then says to me I don't need you to make up excuses now tell me if you have some more tuna I was tired hungry and ready to take a nice SNP at home so I wasn't going to let this lady impede me from doing so I just snap at her and say look lady I already told you I don't work here even if I did you should not just stare at someone expecting them to help you and then get offended if they don't I then remembered that I had my name tag in my pocket so I take it out and I show her and say look I work at this restaurant not here now please let me get the things I want and I'll leave as soon as I showed her my name tag she became quiet but you could still see the anger and rage in her eyes I check out and go home all this happened yesterday fast forward to today because it doesn't stop there this morning I was a few hours into my shift I was serving customers near the front and my manager just happened to be with me at the time all of a sudden the lady walks in the same lady who was yelling at me yesterday immediately I think this is a coincidence she must be here to eat because there's no way she'd actually follow me here then I remembered showing her my name tag which also had the restaurant's name on it so I'm praying she didn't come here looking for me the woman walks to the front desk and she looks at my manager and says are you the the manager he replies yes I am she then says well I want to talk to you about your employee here she says that pointing at me she then goes on to say how much of an inconsiderate and rude person I am and she told him what happened at the store she then said to my manager that he shouldn't have an employee like me working here because I started swearing at her dropping F bombs left and right at her my manager replies I'm sorry you had that experience but I'm not responsible for anything she does outside of working hours he then gives me a look of I got your back and the lady just yells at both of us saying well I'll have you know I've never been here but I've always heard good things about this place I was going to make a reservation here for my 60th birthday but I'm never eating at this place that lets people like her pointing at me again work here she then storms out of the building hopefully never to be seen or heard from again guys it's always funny how people think they have more power than they really do like really going to someone's work to complain about them being rude to you when you saw them outside of their workplace is so stupid and the fact that she just lied and was like your employee was dropping F bombs left and right Obie's manager should have told her well you're coming here to stalk my employee now get out before I call the cops but lesson learned right never let a Karen know your real place of employment if you're in a situation like this because this might happen so I kind of forgot this happened a couple of years ago but it all came back the other day when I was talking with some friends the backstory is I'd quit working to attend school I used to work at the small yet very popular restaurant where I was working full-time for about a year and just to set the scene there's a nice public park right in front of the University I attend I was taking a break from studying and I was having a yogurt and some sort of unhealthy pastry when this old man sits right next to me like soose close our thighs were grazing in a park with plenty of benches I mean really there was plenty of space on the bench we were sitting on but the guy just smushes right up close to me my instinct was immediately like yep I got to go this is creepy so I stand up to leave but he grabs my forearm and he gently but strongly pulls me back down on the seats as I'm getting up just staring at me in the face my half-eaten pastry falls to the ground Which F you dude and now I'm beginning to get scared scared but not too scared since there was no shortage of people around as it's University campus he then says to me hey you're Jen from the restaurant the guy knew my name and all which at that moment I don't know if that was a good or bad thing I say to him yep that's me and I immediately recognize him as this Rich dag regular who kept people waiting in line to tell me and other employees about his fishing trips and how big his catches were and about his fancy cars and home homes in the Hamptons and I remember it's the Hamptons because he never let us forget it he then says to me hey so what are you doing taking a break from work the restaurant was a couple of blocks away I say to him no actually I quit 6 months ago school and stuff you know he then says no no no no I saw you 2 days ago I talked to you about my recent fishing trip I say to him well that wasn't me I haven't stepped foot in that place in ages he says to me no I saw you 2 days ago you took my order and then we talked about my fishing trip I just say to him dude I don't know what to tell you maybe there's a new employee who looks like me he says to me no I saw what I saw are you trying to tell me what I saw I talked to you in my mind I'm thinking no you didn't and what poor employee have you been calling my name and refusing to learn theirs I say to him you know what I really got to go now but it was nice talking to you I then stand up to leave and he grabs my arm and he pulls me down again and now I'm fuming inside because one I was just reminded about my pastry that was on the ground and two because this a-hole thinks that he can put his hands on me twice now and thinks he knows better than me where in space and time I was existing last week he then says to me you're not going until you give me that damn napkin you spilled yogurt on me and that really really did me in I just pulled away from his grip let the napkin drop to the ground because I'm a vengeful a-hole in situations like this he then says to me excuse you I said for you to give me that damn napkin did I tell you to drop it at this point I'm pissed off and I say to him I don't need to effing give you napkins you're not my customer and even if you still were I would be off duty being here now get your damn hands off me and yeah he's genuinely shocked that I'm speaking to him this way the guy's eyebrows go way up high and everything in retrospect it was kind of funny how out of touch this person was he then says to me Jen I'm going to have a word with Mary the owner about this I won't be disrespected by minimum wage employees now you will apologize or I'm not going back to that place again I just say to him yeah cuz you're keeping that place afloat all by your lonesome right and yes I do get wordy and snarky went angry anyways I'm ashamed to say that after a few more minutes of talking to a wall and me trying to convince him that I haven't worked there in 6 months and him calling me a liar I got out of that situation I think it was a day or two later that Mary the owner sends me an email trying to laugh it off along the lines of rich people you know what I mean she then told me that she would be delighted if I came back to work because that idiot keeps asking about me and the guy really did go to the restaurant and Shout I need to speak with the owner get me the owner your 21-year-old employee was rude to me so yeah the post ends right there guys and that was a weird creepy encounter right and really there was no reason for op to have kept entertaining that guy for as long as he did like pull away throw the yogurt at him and start walking you owe him absolutely none of your time a few months ago I was in my local pub I work there for a few hours most days so I always have a table reserved for me also where I live miners are allowed in pubs before 5:00 p.m. after 5:00 p.m. it turns into an adult only kind of deal for the evening having been a regular for more than 5 years I'm quite friendly with the staff and regulars and often customers do mistake me for the manager I actually have a few other good stories which happened in there that I'll try to post up so it's about 4:30 and I'm typing away writing a new story when one of the regulars asks me what I'm working on there's only like seven customers in the pub and we chat back and forth for a few minutes it's not too loud and it's not shouting one of the bar staff was joining in as it wasn't busy the next thing I know there's a woman standing in front of me a Karen as I come to find out the woman says to me can you please stop shouting in a very Snappy manner I say to her I'm sorry what she then screams at me saying you are shouting it's disturbing my sleeping baby I just say to her uh I wasn't shouting and there's no need to shout because it's not even that loud she then says well in that case you're talking too loud my baby's trying to sleep and you shouting keeps waking him up move somewhere else I'm just confused and Karen keeps going on and she says move somewhere else or you should leave I tell her look you realize that this is a pub right and Karen says I don't think you understand what I'm saying you need to leave or get me the manager I tell her I don't have a manager and at this point I'm getting annoyed because I need to get this written by 5:00 p.m. and her ton becoming more and more I rate also the baby's now wailing about four tables away from us and nobody's tending to it I then say to Karen I think your baby wants you it's crying he then says to me don't you tell me how to parent first of all you did this by screaming he's crying because of you and secondly don't you dare call my baby an it you are an it a staff member says I think you need to calm down now Karen asked if they're the manager and the staff person says no the manager's not here Karen then points at me and says I want to speak to his manager now so make it happen at this point everyone's getting loud that's when a customer chimes in and says we weren't shouting and Karen says nobody asked you everyone shouting is upsetting my baby so everyone needs to shut up shut up the staff member says I think he's more upset by you being loud ma'am and Karen basically screams and says I'm not being loud the woman then says that she's going to complain about this on Google reviews and that she's going to tell my boss to fire me now I'm about to lose my lid and I say look lady first of all I don't have an effing boss I'm a freelance journalist and at the moment the only story I have is that you are crazy and secondly I don't care if your baby trying to sleep I don't come to his daycare or whatever to drink so why would you bring your baby to a pub where it's loud and have him sleep here she then screams F you go to hell meanwhile the staff tells her that she has to leave and the woman did leave she didn't complain on trip advisor Google reviews or on any other review site that I could see I only wish I hadn't gotten annoyed as I did with her because I understand being a new parent can be hard but also F her the staff told me she sat there for hours and she only had a soda water entitled Karens are the worst right like no common sense whatsoever to take your sleeping baby away from loud noises but instead starts screaming louder than everyone in the place that others should be quiet and this person comments my wife one time told me to watch my language because there was a few children nearby we were in a brewery that had a large tap room and some parents decided to go have a few pints and bring their kids with them I responded much as you did op something to the effect of if they don't want their kids exposed to cursing maybe taking them to a place where Everyone's an adult and drinking is not the best plan exactly but we all know how entitled people are right they do what they want and expect everyone to cater to them all right so last week I finally made up my mind to dress nice I wore brown khakis and a button-up shirt my hair was a little unruly but I managed to get it mostly under wrapped I'm also able to drive again after 5 weeks out of surgery so that's nice I drove the 20 minutes to town to spend a Safeway gift card I got for Christmas so I go in and I had this compulsion for something salty but without being soft my taste buds wouldn't accept chips crackers or anything else that turns to Mush and that's when I see it beef effing jerky this stuff is so stupidly overpriced it's like $15 for a 230 G bag but I'm not spending out of pocket money so it's all good what else was I going to spend it on I take three packages since said gift card was 50 bucks and I'm in this almost Primal state of hunger so I'm ignoring the world outside this jerky as I walked away I looked down and apparently I grabbed a flavored variety and I'm thinking no original or not at all I then turn around put them back looking for the right bags at this point I'm basically tidying up the whole damn section which is all mismatched to Hellen back by the time I get it sorted and and do find what I wanted and stand back up I accidentally bump into a very irate woman I jump a little and I say oh sorry it's just a little ridiculous trying to get what a guy's got to get hey the woman immediately blasts back are you effing Stoned on the job just because it's legal now I've been trying to get your attention but you ignored me because you have the effing Munchies what's the policy for workplace drug use the woman's hollering to anyone who might overhear her that she needs the manager and that employees are doing drugs while at work she then rips my beef jerky out of my hands continuing to berate me I'm just more in shock at this moment but I finally settle on this expression that basically says okay stupid let's see where you take this that's when one of the higher ups I'm assuming the manager or supervisor comes power walking down the aisle and before she could even finish asking what the problem is she's already being interrupted by a verbal assault Karen starts calling her to fire me from being Stoned on the job and she's being a the supervisor or whatever is totally befuddled by what she's hearing and trying to make some sense of it I finally tell Karen to shut up for 10 seconds and I say look long story short I'm buying food and she thinks I'm a pothead employee here I then try to be dramatic and yank my jerky back but Karen's got a death grip on it all I then continue saying and she won't let me have the jerky I wanted to buy the manager basically tells her ma'am give him him the food Karen then says why so he can take it to the back and share it with you other pothead employees you're all losers you know that manager again tells her he doesn't work here just because he's not wearing sweatpants and a dirty t-shirt doesn't mean he works for us Karen just loses it and she says don't you cover for him you pothead he was putting everything away on that shelf manager tells her you know what I think I'm just going to tell you to please leave you're making a scene and harassing other Shoppers now get out Karen screams I'm not getting out until you fire him right now manager replies with don't make me call police because I will Karen then starts marching out of the aisle now I wish he tripped as she was in heels but I'm being petty with this thought the woman was still clenching my jerky in her hands when she laugh swiping things off the shelves as she was going at that point security grabs her and they called the police I didn't stick around long after that I just grabbed my stuff and laugh there was no free jerky no discount and nobody even apologized that I had to go through that with her it does make me happy though at the thought of knowing that she was going to leave in handcuffs and the thing is like the woman knows she could have left without being arrested right it just boggles my mind when some people go throwing a tantrum and start destroying things when they don't get what they want like just leave quietly move on with your life why make things so complicated and for the record just because someone's looking to buy food doesn't mean they're high and have Munchies Karen but we all know Karen logic right and that my friends brings us to another end of our SL I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where a Karen decides to destroy op's home just because op doesn't obey her orders it's such a wild story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 92,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: 3Z01MSKieD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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