r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen SETS A HOUSE ON FIRE When Disobeyed! HUGE MISTAKE!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL entitled people where people truly believe they can do no wrong and can have what they want and in today's episode guys holy moly you're in for a treat a psycho Caren family does something so outrageous guys they burn down a building when they don't get what they want guys the stories today are wild I hope you enjoy them don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's Dive In so this happened last night and because of it I've gotten very little sleep so I may or may not get into more of a rant in some places so for some context my father is one of the most entitled people I know and on top of that he's lazy over the years he's demanded my personal things such as my1 thousand bike and everywhere we go shopping my father doesn't understand what closing means my dad will literally go inside 5 minutes before closing and prevent staff from going home until he gets what he wants but that said flash back to 3:00 a.m. I'm asleep in my room and suddenly my cat comes sprinting into the room and knocks a ton of things over causing me to wake up I'm up and immediately Smell Smoke and I'm very confused but I don't panic because unsurprisingly my father's burnt food at 3:00 a.m. before so I just assume that's what happened and that he took care of it well not this time though because when I sit up and put my glasses on I can see that the smoke in the house is obvious it's so thick that I know something is very very wrong so I rush out to the kitchen and sure enough I see a sauce pot billowing smoke like a smoke stack I immediately shut off the burner and turn on the sto fan and then wake up my father yelling how he left an effing pan on the burner and then I start opening Windows all of them were shut since it's below 60 where I live my father immediately starts cursing at me for waking him up and when I I ask him if he's going to help me air out the house he says I need to do it myself meanwhile he gets up and he goes to take a 20-minute dump in the bathroom which meant I was down to one exhaust fan like this effing idiot almost burns down the house and then immediately refuses to help the conversation with my dad and my screaming was enough to wake up my mom and she runs out of her room panicking because of the smoke in the air I explain the situation and she starts to yell at my father who claims it wasn't his fault because he had meant to come back to the soup he just fell asleep by accident as these two are having an argument I start busting out the window fans turning them to face outwards to get all the smoke out of the house my mom eventually starts to help and all the arguing had awoken my brother who was asleep he didn't notice the smoke since his door was shut and he had his massive Windows wide open so at this point we're all pissed and my brother works first shift so he gets to miss out on an hour of sleep basically while this is going on my father's still in the bathro bathroom refusing to help anyone because he's a piece of crap and the family cats are freaking out so we're trying to get all these windows open and the fans in them while cats are sprinting between potential exits all while my father gets to hide from his mistakes we then get all the fans blowing and me and my mom sit down in the living room both with headaches from the smoke now that brings us to the next point if at this point in the story you're wondering why no smoke detectors went off potentially saving us from having to do all this well then don't worry my stupid stupid father has the answer you see we were wondering the same thing why the heck did no smoke detectors go off our smoke detectors are wired Into The house's electrical with a battery backup in case of power outages so there's no way they should not have been working so I go and twist one off the ceiling and I notice the smoke detector was switched off I then run to the others in the house and they're all switched off as well my mother and I go back and forth discussing why they were shut off that's what when my father comes out he then says in a voice so matter of fact that it was almost like he wasn't just responsible for nearly burning down our house less than 30 minutes ago oh I actually shut them off when I made stake in the skillet because the smoke kept causing them to go off hearing that we were all speechless this dumb mother effer actually shut off the smoke detectors and he didn't turn them back on when he was done this dumb grown man nearly started a fire in a trailer now I don't I know what you may know about trailer homes but they're built out of super flammable and cheap materials so a fire in a trailer is like lighting a fir cracker and the thing is usually what my dad does is at least funny in hindsight but this time he literally almost effing killed us if not from fire then from the potential smoke inhalation and the man just sits there like a child doing nothing honestly I'm still pissed because I couldn't sleep for hours and the house still smells like smoke okay so I'm a upset and I'm just reading this post like I feel so bad for what op mom and brother had to go through and for Dad to just sit on the toilet and not help is absolutely ridiculous like what are you doing sir like I couldn't imagine being responsible for the house almost being burned down and then acting like a complete a-hole over it like what in the world and honestly op and family were lucky it was just a smoking pot because that could have ended horribly all thanks to Dad turning off the smoke detectors oh I'm still shaking my head at this post okay so many many years ago I worked in a group home this happened in the year 2000 and it was a lot more traumatic than it sounds and I don't like to talk about it much for the privacy of all residence in the group home we had a set visitation room with visitation hours by appointment only it was appointment only so that two families weren't trying to visit at the same time as the house wasn't that big the visitation room had a separate entrance and a door that shut it off from the rest of the house it had a half bath a TV cable hookup gaming console DVD player board and card games along with nice comfy seating and a small four-person table visitors were not allowed anywhere but that room if any other residents were home it didn't matter if Bill wanted to show off his new betting sets or if Jack's mom wanted to see if he needed new clothes if other residents were home that's a big no the families of the five residents were fine with it however one resident named Kyle was another story his mother and grandmother were not fine with it they firmly believed that they were well within their rights to enter the rest of the house and inspect it and his housemates he was their baby and they had rights by God actually no the residents of this home were 30 to 40y old men with Developmental and physical disabilities they were all actually Wards of the state the fact that they were even allowed to know where he was let alone visits was a huge privilege our agency had many other homes where the families of the residents had no idea where they were and they weren't allowed to see them the families were only allowed to contact the case manager and inquire about them so back to Kyle's mom and grandma it was a constant battle to keep them out of the rest of the house it got to the point that we had to have an extra staff member during their visits as they would try to wander off and Snoop around the house the extra staff member had to sit outside the connection door while the visits were going on and physically stand blocking their way when they would attempt to enter I lost loost track of how many times we ended up calling the police to have them removed from the main part of the house before that happened and that's when they started calling the police on us so after the third time of them calling the police to demand entrance to the rest of the house they lost their privilege of visiting Kyle was then moved to another home where they weren't allowed to know the address as you can guess this did not go over well to put it nicely they were adamant that Kyle was still in our home that we were essentially hiding him from them and they threaten threed us several times with lawsuits and more police and said that we would pay for keeping their baby from them a restraining order was granted against them keeping them 800 ft from the house staff residents and no calls to the house it all came to a head one night around midnight I was locking up the house for the night all the windows and doors had to be checked and the alarm set another staff was doing bedtime medicine the other two were helping out with bedtime routines and getting laundry going I kept telling the other staff that I smelled smoke like a campfire just faint whiffs of it and they said I was crazy I had just walked the entire house and nothing was burning I thought to myself it must be a neighbor having a small backyard fire or something and I probably just got a whiff of it while closing the windows and it was still stuck in my nose not too long after that the smoke smell was finally strong enough for the others to smell so in pairs we split up and we checked the house again we found nothing but the smell's getting stronger and stronger by the minute we met back in the living room and that's when we decided to call the fire department when we realized that we could see smoke in the living room we immediately woke the residents and we had them put on shoes and jackets the smoke in the living room was now clearly visible and it was starting to make its way towards the bedrooms and it triggered the fire alarms finally the protocol was to evacuate and get the residents to the van the living room was the exact center of the house with an open floor plan with the kitchen on one side and the laundry room on the other down the hall we shuffled to our office because the van was parked to that outside and the keys were in the office as we come around the corner of the house we see the source of the smoke our front porch was on fire the house was brick which is what was preventing it from spreading outwards but it was spreading upwards towards the roof the police and fire departments arrived just as we reached the van the fire department went to work on the house and the police head towards us we're all fine except four people came running up to us it was Kyle's mother and grandmother along with two unknown men the two women start screaming for Kyle and that they were were here to rescue him that we had endangered him by allowing him to live in that fire trap they suddenly realized that there was no Kyle in the group and they were now screaming that we had left him in the house on purpose for him to burn cue the hysterical crying screaming saying that they were suing us that they would shut us down and have us all jailed for murder the police quickly asked if we had left someone behind to which we answered no we have all six men but for their safety we had to get them in the van and then we would sort this out at this point Kyle's mom and grandmother were trying to get to me and the staff probably to do harm but the police held mother and grandmother back while they continued to shriek about Kyle and that we had left him to die two of the staff loaded them while me and my cooworker talked to police starting with the fact that these two women had a restraining order and for his safety and hours Kyle had been moved to a location unknown to them hearing that they were cuffed immediately and told to pipe down we then proceeded to explain what had transpired that evening the fir was DS quickly while we did this one of the firemen then came over to talk to the officers and we heard him say that there was evidence that this fire was set deliberately that there would be a formal investigation in the end Kyle's mother and grandmother were arrested for violating the restraining order and suspicion of arson the two men were also arrested on suspicion of arson the results of the investigation determined a clear case of arson there was also a deliberate rigging of a device to the door leading out to the visitation room that would have been f to the person opening the door and if anyone was close by debilitating if not fatal the four were indicted on vandalism arson eight accounts of attempted homicide and two counts of attempted murder it came out that they were unaware of the side door which saved lives they got a plea deal and they got 7 to 10 years each wow guys so I thought the last post I read where Karen tried to set fire to a building was wild but oh boy this one like it's not quite as intense as the other story but it's pretty up there like I have no idea what the four were thinking like seriously if the mother and grandmother were convinced that Kyle their precious baby was still in the house you'd think the last thing they'd want to do is to Scorch the place putting Kyle in danger right and really this post is a prime example of how screwed up some people can be like I don't know how the four of them all sat down and in the end they agreed oh yeah let's just set the place on fire that'll teach [Music] them so I've worked as a freelance cosmet ologist for 5 years now I love my job and I can't imagine doing anything else however when I first started I didn't think that way one of my first clients was a young spoiled 17-year-old who lived in one of the richest neighborhoods in the city at the time I would usually do someone's makeup either at their house or mine during this particular time a family friend allowed me to use her hair salon as a home base since my family dog just had six puppies and the house was chaotic so for most Freelancers prom season equals money I was no exception on this day alone I had nine clients most from the same school that's when Karen walks in with her mom and she greets me semi- poit we already had a consultation to determine the time it would take what kind of look she wanted and pricing so with that Karen sits down in the salon chair she crosses her legs with this annoyed sigh and she begins texting on her phone the mom then says that she'll be back in 30 minutes or so since she didn't want to sit in the salon doing nothing everything was mostly fine until the end up until that point she had not been Cooperative AKA not wanting to get off her phone while I did her makeup normally I talk to my clients while working it tends to make things less awkward since I have to be so close to another person and I'm literally touching their face at times I also like to tell them what I'm doing so they don't get surprised when a black liner pencil comes towards their eye when doing so I always say what product I'm using Karen did not pay attention the entire time until I start doing her lips now here's a quick note note nothing against the brand but I don't care for Mac products I never have I don't think the quality is worth the price this is a fact that I told the girl up front now during the consultation she again spent most of her time on her phone anyway I start lining her lip with some lip liner I forgot which one she sat still thankfully until I pull out the lipstick and that's when the hissy fit began Karen basically says what's that I say to her oh it's some color by Urban Decay she then screams at me and says well that's the wrong color now the color I picked was the exact shade used in the reference picture I did my research beforehand and found the reference picture on Urban decay's website I basically say to her uh this is the exact color used in the reference picture to what she says no it's not that is not Mac Q her mother entering her mom says what seems to be wrong sweetheart Karen then says this is trying to do the wrong look on me she's not even using the right lipstick her mom takes a look at her and says but sweetheart your makeup looks exactly like the picture Karen says no she's not using the brand I want she's supposed to be using Mac everyone uses Mac her mom then says I know you like mac sweetheart but she did say she didn't use Mac when we talked to her before cue the eye roll and she says fine whatever going back to texting so I finish her makeup set it and then turn her towards the mirror the mother instantly lights up and she starts to praise my work the girl however gets up glares into the mirror grabs her mom's hand and then starts storming out of the salon with a final I'm telling my friends to never use you you hood rat now I may not have lived in the nicest part of town and I regularly was stopped by cops on my way home from school but when I was working I always looked professional I then say excuse me but you haven't paid I can't allow you to leave without paying at this this point the husband owner walks in heard me saying that and he blocked the door the daughter after sighing and trying to get around the man says you don't deserve payment in fact you should pay me for sitting there while you did a terrible job like what am I your first time doing makeup that's when her mom chimes in and says sweetheart we can't leave without paying her Q the let me speak to your manager screaming the daughter loses it and says you are not paying her she's a stupid who obviously doesn't know anything about makeup I mean look at this dump she's in at this point I was ready to let her leave since I could see the owner's hair clients getting bothered and annoyed the owner and her husband were getting upset and that's when the mother did something completely unexpected she screams at her daughter and says enough all day you've acted like an entitled brat not another word out of your mouth first you're going to apologize to her because she did a fantastic job and then you're going to apologize to everyone else in here for your behavior daughter then apologizes begrudgingly and Mom says now go sit in the car and give me your phone she then turns to me and says I'm sorry about that dear I hope the rest of your clients are not as rude as my daughter she then proceeds to give me a $50 tip doubling what I would have made off this appointment and gave the owner $100 as an apology for disturbing her clients to summarize not every entitled brat falls close to the tree honestly guys I can't say I expected that way to go mom for putting her bratty daughter in her place right and really with how sweet her mom sounded I bet the daughter was hanging out with some entitled friends and guys I know nothing about makeup but if the end result looks identical to the reference picture do you really need to complain about brands with all that said this was one of op's first clients 5 years ago I hope her business is thriving [Music] now I'm a 32-year-old female and I got married 4 years ago and my husband 35 and his family are many times over millionaires my family is middle class our wedding cost around $700,000 paid by him and his parents my parents gave me a flat fee of $110,000 for a dress which they're giving to my sister too so my sister who's 25 years old and her fiance 26 are lower class she has $170,000 in debt and him $110,000 in debt from student loans along with $188,000 in medical debt and $35,000 credit card debt well last night was my sister's birthday dinner and she announced that she was engaged and that she wanted help paying for her wedding she then hands me a spreadsheet of how much she was going to need for her dream wedding and it was ridiculous the spreadsheet clearly outlined a dream wedding that was to cost $100,000 she then said to me that as her only sister I need to step up and help pay for the wedding since our parents only gave her $10 ,000 she then said that she needs me to give her at least $70,000 because I'm rich because I'm married wealthy when I told her I'm not giving her $70,000 she cried and she said it's not fair that I get what I want when she realized that I wasn't going to budge she broke down how I'm just using motherhood to be greedy and lazy I have twins 2 years old I eventually told her that I wasn't going to be cered into giving her $70,000 she's 15 weeks pregnant hence why she's in a rush to be married right away when I tried to leave she just snapped saying I'm a bad mother my brother who usually stays neutral says I should forgive her since she's stressed from crippling dads has two kids and a third on the way her 8-year-old's dad doesn't pay child support and her four-year-old's dad pays almost nothing in child support the families don't help either she then claimed that I'm jealous of her since she's younger and that since I'm over 30 my husband's probably cheating on me with the housekeeper since I'm never home she also thinks that I should have let her and her family move into my condo since it's a three-bedroom Six B they live in a small two-bedroom two B apartment my husband is completely done with her he said I can forgive her but he won't our parents want to forget so would I be the a-hole for not giving my sister the money guys I can't even think of any reason why op would be the a-hole for not giving her sister $70,000 and holy heck was that ever entitled like I know it's her birthday but handing out a spreadsheet outlining a $100,000 wedding saying that people need to pitch is wild and also is anybody else wondering what the heck a $700,000 wedding is like and this person's comment basically says it all this person says you are not the a-hole and oh my your sister is a hot mess three baby daddies lives in a shoe box with her parents crippling education debts crippling credit card debts medical debts yet she thinks she's entitled to a $100,000 wedding she's so Green With Envy that she went all vomit mouth and spewed all over you I'm with husband call it a day and cut her off seriously some of the things she said to you cannot be unsa totally agree but guys let me know what you think who's giving their sister $770,000 for a wedding leave a comment down below and that my friends brings us to another n of/ entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where a Karen family trespasses on Opie land and then yells at her when she tells them to get off it's a wild story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 100,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: EgzmS2YcByc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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