r/idontworkherelady | My Ex-Boss FORGETS that she FIRED me...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some i don't work here ladies stories so let's jump right into our first story of the day by vent account for 2069. nice former boss seems to have forgotten she fired me so some backstory here because it's important i used to work for a tech company based in the us a small startup with a small team from the interview pitch it seemed perfect i get to walk to work it's in an industry i really like music and while the pay is way under my value i get stock options and good benefits within the first month things are okay not amazing but i'm doing my best to make the most of it my tech guy is nice and our hr finance guy is chill the other two well the first warning sign is that they fight childishly i might add if the guy will call him tim doesn't know how to do something he gets flustered and asks for help the first few times i didn't mind it then realized he was asking me to do all of his work for him that's not a great sign second warning sign the chick we'll call her karen because she is one blows up constantly she also asks me to do her work for her did i mention she is the head of the company i had to help her fill out her own w-2 that should have sent alarm bells off but whatever she's young maybe she's only ever worked on 1099 jobs i don't know then the real issues start to rear their ugly heads anytime tim and karen disagree it's a full-scale fight neither of them are actually doing their own work so it's usually down to well why isn't this perfect and whoever is being accused just looks at me while the other goes i'll do it myself then gives it back to me with little to no direction this goes on for months the fighting only gets worse and worse and it's bizarre because it's not dissimilar to a lover's quarrel that's when i realize that's what it is these two are dating they didn't disclose this to anyone not to me not to our staff who is exhausted listening to them fight and most shockingly not to our investors which is a huge no-no eventually after months i request to only work with hr guy and tech guy to their protests hr guy allows it seeing that i'm pretty much going to quit otherwise it starts out okay but karen keeps trying to overload our process with more of work she's supposed to be doing still trying to get me to do it eventually they hire a well he's treated like a glorified intern to do their crap for them i hand over our master list of logins to him delete the logins off my devices since i'm not responsible for the channels associated anymore and get on with my work keep this in mind for later for a brief stint things are okay or at least i think they are because i don't have to deal with karen and tim anymore but oh man was i wrong out of nowhere karen and tim leave town inform all of us that we need to move to this new city and that i'll have to ship their crap to the new place since i'm the only one still in my city hr guy was in vacation and techai is remote i'm furious i less than politely say heck no sure enough i don't have to convince them covet hits everyone had to work remote wherever they are now because flights aren't an option i also refused to move their crap i finally had had it and started looking for a new position but with covet well underway i was screwed it was this or unemployment sure enough karen starts ignoring processes and begins setting up calls at all hours that aren't productive and just waste time for me these calls are sometimes as late as 10 pm it's a mess the final straw was when karen and tim angrily called me to request i do something start fighting forget i'm still on the phone and start cussing each other out i just sit there incredibly uncomfortable while they yell at each other and out of nowhere tim calls her his future wife like what the freak guys hang up now i could have hung up but since i was friends with the other staff i relay what i've overheard and they informed me that they had no idea and that's a big yikes this eventually gets back to one of the investors who freaks the big checks stop coming in i wonder why as kovit rages on the company just burns through money i can tell that things are going downhill and brace for impact sure enough i get terminated everyone does now fast forward to today out of nowhere i get a call from tim they've misplaced several logins for their accounts i direct them to the intern and apparently he doesn't have them i help them recover the logins because i'm not a butt and karen learning nothing asks if i can help with a project for free i don't think i've ever been more happy to say i don't work here lady in my life just to add some revenge salt i give them my contractor rates 50 dollars an hour i haven't heard back but if i do i'll update in the comments i may not work anywhere right now but god am i glad i don't work in that heck hole anymore so perhaps ignoring the result of this story would you say personally that relationships in the workplace never work out or do you think they could work out do you think it's something that people should just never explore let me know in the comments down below our next stories by mabel mann karen gets put down by a soldier so i 25 year old male german soldier was shopping for some food for dinner at the local supermarket usually i stopped there two to four times a week on my way home in full uniform that is why often some elderly persons ask me to help them with some things like getting them something from the top shelf or putting them a six-pack of 1.5 liter water bottles in their cart which is no problem for me at all and often i ask them if they need help with putting it in their car cause it's no big deal for me now to karen it was one day when i helped an old grandma putting some heavy groceries in her car when i heard a lady behind me with that typical karen voice now that you're done you can help me shopping me who is irritated because i'm dressed in full uniform says politely no sorry i can't help you as you can obviously see i don't work here that was not the correct answer she gets ladder and said i pay taxes so you work for me that is somehow true but not and i said that to her and started to move over to my car that is when i felt a very hard grip on my shoulder and out of reflex i grabbed her arm and slammed her on the parking lot which caused her a big bloody nose after a lot of screaming from her in a large conversation with the shop staff and some surrounding people who called the police who looked at the cctv i pressed charges on her for assaulting me and she although got a banned from the shop op definitely wasn't required to help anybody at the supermarket and nobody has the right to walk up and just put their hand on somebody's shoulder no matter who you are this next story is by witch princess 42 nope not a hair stylist wholesome in 2014 my private mobile started ringing with a number i did not recognize i picked up in a quite old sounding voice on the other end told me it was high time to cut her hair again and if i could give her an appointment as i was in no way a hair stylist i kindly told her she had the wrong number she apologized and hung up a minute later my phone started ringing again i told her again sorry but wrong number and hung up just a minute later my phone started ringing again this time she was rather desperate because she just couldn't reach her hairdresser and she didn't understand because it always worked and why didn't it work now and she really didn't want to bother me like that but you know she was 90 years old and just this new technology and everything so i asked her for the number of her hairdresser turned out it had the same digits as my mobile number but it was a landline she always calls her hairdresser from her landline so she doesn't have to dial the area code at least that's how it works here in germany but this time she had called from her new mobile turns out her mobile number has the same prefix as mine as the mobile company couldn't connect to any number without an area code they just connected to mine because it was the same company and the same digits so i explained this to her and that she always has to dial the area code first when on mobile or use the landline she thanked me and hung up ten minutes later she called me again thanked me again and talked a little about her grandkids since then she has called me at least four times a year in varying time intervals because sometimes she forgets and uses her mobile without the area code we always had a laugh and chatted for a minute the calls eventually stopped and i was quite sad but understandably she was already 90 years old in 2014 imagine my surprise when last month my phone rang and she asked me for an appointment she has to be 96 by now i don't think she remembered me who can blame her at that age but still was so sweet apologizing and thanking me for my explanation so no i don't work there lady but thanks for your calls anyway op really had me in the first half they're not gonna lie and it's not a positive thing they're trying to make me feel sad they're pulling at my heartstrings the whole well they were already 90 years old but then they called me again in 96 oh i'm glad that it was wholesome and that it didn't end on a very sad note our next story is by bright translator entitled karen pushes me to the ground over a free drink so i 14 year old female work part-time at a friend's parent's store so i get to hang out with my friend and they get an extra employee i usually love it they are really friendly and i feel like i'm a part of the family almost however today i had my first interaction with a karen she came into the store and for this week they were raising money for charity so whenever you buy a sandwich you get a free drink if you donate anything so karen came in and grabbed a sandwich and a phone cable i scanned both and tried to let her know about our drink deal but she just sighed and the conversation went like this look little girl i'm a regular i think i would know if there was a deal on don't you i trying to be my best to be polite yes ma'am however it is only on for this week so unless you came in yesterday today was tuesday you would be unaware of this offer karen rolling her eyes and hissed how dare you talk back to me give me a manager at this point my friend's mom had heard my situation and came out to help me friend's mom says may i help you ma'am this little girl is trying to tell me about some silly offer you probably don't even do friend's mom says what offer was it i say donate for a free drink if you donate it's not free friends mom says please lower your voice ma'am or i will have to ask you to leave fine keep your sucky sandwich throw a sandwich and charger on the floor i bend down to pick this up karen screams this kid's assaulting me and pushes me to the ground before running out i was fine just a little shaken up but really all i did was offer her a free drink if she donates people are confusing that person is definitely confusing i don't know what's going on with her she sounds like she's tripping i don't even know if i want to know what's going on in her day-to-day life when they're acting like that that's concerning and pushing over a 14 year old at a store something's definitely wrong with this lady i hope she feels lucky that she got out of there so quickly because that easily could have been something where you press charges our next story is by el rizzo64 lady i don't work here best buy edition so this takes place last year so there isn't any social distancing or masks so my girlfriend and i went thrift shopping once and she bought an old best buy uniform shirt she ended up cropping the shirt and basically wearing it all the time one time i had to go into best buy to get something and she was with me so we go into the store and find the speakers i'm kind of just looking trying to find one i like when a woman approached my girlfriend excuse me do you know where the tvs are i don't remember what she said exactly my girlfriend says what uh no don't you work here you should know my girlfriend says what i don't work here the woman then points to my girlfriend's shirt and she noticed she was wearing a cropped best buy uniform shirt i swear the face she made was priceless my girlfriend then had to explain to the woman that she didn't in fact work here she just had a best buy shirt on and surprisingly the woman was super chill about it i still laugh at my girlfriend to this day she does still wear the shirt but not while we are shopping i guess there's just something magical about that blue best buy employee polo or something maybe it's comfortable i don't know i'm just trying to figure out why the girlfriend would want to wear the best buy employee shirt so much because it sounds like what op saying makes it out to be like they wear it kind of frequently enough to really make it stand out as a part of their normal day-to-day ensemble and our final story of the day is by brave 2512 wholesome i don't work here lady story so i had just gotten off from work as a registered nurse on my blue uniform and me and my husband went to the shops to go and get a few things i have a particular grocery store that i usually go to to shop because i used to work there and know where to find most things their uniform is red on this day we were in kind of a hurry because we needed to be at a family event in an hour so i was very confidently wandering the aisles grabbing everything we needed when i nearly ran straight into a very lost looking older man he looked at me in my uniform and asked hesitantly do you work here and i responded with no but i used to can i help you find something and he told me he was looking for the golden syrup and had found maple syrup and honey in different aisles but not the golden syrup i explained that the golden syrup was in the cooking section whereas the maple syrup was with toppings and led him to where the golden syrup was right on the top shelf he was quite appreciative and said i could easily go and ask for my job back and we had a laugh then finished our respective shopping it's not super long or entertaining but i thought it was a pretty good guess for him to pick the ex-employee out of the crowd i find that if you carry yourself with a sense of urgency and a sense of purpose you can very easily fool a lot of people that you work in a place especially in outfits that when people see them immediately in their brains in their subconscious they think this person is working somewhere so maybe in some minds it might easily equate to well maybe they work here even though the outfit clearly doesn't match the color of the uniforms but we'll overlook it for an older gentleman but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comment section down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving the video a like and subscribe if you haven't enter notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video or commenting subscribing whatever you do thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel any single thing you do helps the channel grow that much more and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 42,325
Rating: 4.9087186 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/idontworkherelady, r/i dont work here lady, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, reddit i dont work here lady, Storytime i dont work here lady, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady reddit, top posts reddit, i dont work here lady stories, i dont work here lady video, r/ idontworkherelady, r/ idontworkherelady Storytime, Storytime r/idontworkherelady, funny reddit stories, idontworkherelady posts
Id: KRCGhnPpsVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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