Riding Shotgun in a Fighter Jet

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[Music] you're in the cockpit of an l-39 see albatross a tandem two-seater jet aircraft look around you're riding with the Baltic bees a stunt flying team stunts require precision at the controls to execute a series of midair maneuvers like loops and spins and formations like the wedge and rocket you're cleared for takeoff [Applause] the goal is to fly in perfect harmony alongside five other airplanes all while going nearly five hundred miles an hour while flying you need to balance the four major external forces of flight thrust lift weight and drag here comes the first loop flying like this is dangerous because at any moment you could lose consciousness extreme g-forces are acting on your body causing the blood to rush from your brain so as a pilot you not only have to tighten your thigh and stomach muscles but you also have to wear a compression g-suit so you don't pass out the planes are maneuvering so close that their wings almost appear to be touching spatial orientation like this is key for a good flag you need to be aware of your position and velocity in three-dimensional space check your altimeter it's spinning wildly the smoke you see is called a flare it reveals the flight patterns from an aerobatic maneuver pilots certainly make it look easy but this is a dangerous sport and you need the right stuff to fly like this [Music]
Channel: Seeker VR
Views: 286,212
Rating: 4.7209301 out of 5
Keywords: airplanes, jet aircraft, aerobatics, aviation, jet maneuvers, aircraft industry, albatross plane, baltic bees, loops and spins aircraft, VR, science, current events, Seeker, seeker daily, seeker stories, dnews, education, educational, discovery news
Id: zUhtZI8bkJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 18sec (138 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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