Jumping From Space! - Red Bull Space Dive - BBC
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Channel: BBC Studios
Views: 78,390,173
Rating: 4.8703699 out of 5
Keywords: brit, bbc brit, bbc worldwide (publisher), unmissable, meaningful, meaningless, Felix Baumgartner, Space, Space Dive, Jump, Space Diving, NASA, Earth, Surface, Sound, Barrier, Spacesuit, Space man, Suit, Man, Leap, Fall, Sky, Atmosphere, Red Bull (Consumer Product), World Record (Literature Subject), red bull stratos, British Broadcasting Corporation (Production Company), danger, flying, falling, drop, Jumping, Mission Control, Dive
Id: E9oKEJ1pXPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I just wanna point out a crazy thing.
Humans literally shoot themselves with guns that police use as crowd controll just because its fun. AKA Paintball.
Those who play paintball for long time do know just how much it can hurt, such as even the ability to knock you out if you get headshot.
Alien POV:
A human friend of mine once showed me a video of humans doing dangerous activities, he called them stunts, and I thought 'at least they're not jumping from outer orbit into their home planet.'
Alien after watching the video: Human... what the fuck did I just watch?
H: A guy with too much time and money on his hands decided to make the longest possible drop he could without leaving orbit.
A: And he did this for.... fun?
H: More like he was bored and wanted to set a record that would be nearly impossible to beat.
A: And he trusted his life to a thin sheet of fabric?
H: A parachute, yeah.
H: People do this stuff all the time, just not from such a large height. To him it was just another jump.
A: He broke the sound barrier!
H: I know right! That was awesome. I can't wait to try it myself.
A - What is this recording that you're showing me, human.
H - Just watch it, you will like it.
A - I swear if it's another of those silly... Ohh no, his ship must have been damaged just before re-entry, but where is his scape pod?
H - Scape pod? He wasn't in any danger, he was trying to break a record.
A - A record? What could a silly competition have anything to do with falling from a perfectly fine ship?
H - The longest free fall in history. Of course.
A - You mean to tell me that humans willingly throw themselves from high altitudes to get a record?
H - Nah, we do it for fun.
A - For fun? He just broke the sound barrier on your atmosphere and is spinning out of control! What is the fun part of that?
H - Well, the spinning part wasn't planed, but look! He just stopped spinning.
A - He's still going at the speed of sound. I just did the maths and your body mass, constitution, plus your distributed area shouldn't let you survive from falls over 10 meters! How do you survive if you do it "for fun"
H - Well, we use parachutes, it's a cloth that increases the drag of the air, but we need to open it up 300 meter above ground to let it deploy correctly.
A - Aren't you scared that the only thing preventing your death is a piece of cloth that could fail at any moment?
H - It's a part of the adventure, but people has survived even when they hit the ground without any protection, I think the record is like 10Km.
A - ... How??!! You know what? Enough of your human insanity for today. I will never know how you managed to evolve without a sense of self preservation.
HALO jump go brrr
A: i'm sorry for your loss human.
H: What loss?
A: The human is spinning out of control, it's only a matter of time, i'm sorry.
H: Nah, he'll be fine.
A: HUman, i know denial can help, but please, accept it.
H: Accept what?
A: That the human jumper will not survive this.
H: i'm telling you, he'll be fine.
A: Humans cannot defy the laws of the universe. In this case, gravity and physics.
H: Nah, he'll make the laws of the universe his bitch, then he'll land just fine.
(Video ends)
A: How?
H: Humanity Fuck Yea, That's how.
(I realize this is a different subreddit, but it fits.)
O yeah we just jump from space sometimes no biggie :)