Death Valley Days (4k)
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Channel: Dafydd Phillips
Views: 3,574,588
Rating: 4.8740473 out of 5
Keywords: DEATH VALLEY, F18, f15, f35, f22, T38, star wars, canyon, california, jets, low level, LIGHTNING, PHOTOGRAPHER, FAST, USA, USAF, AVGEEK, AFTERBURNER, NASA, fouga, hornet, eagle, neil armstrong, military, 4k, video, panasonic, canon, jedi, pilot, jet, fast, low, loud, fighter, combat, footage, buzzed, engine, sound, aviacao, jato, rapido, авиация, реактивный самолет, военные, militares, 軍用航空, independance, day, 4th, july, TRUMP, PLANE, SPOTTING, PLANESPOTTING
Id: SiAW6u4Yt1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Man, those f-18 and f-15 pilots were getting fast and low.
If you like this, you may want to check out r/LowAltitudeJets
I'll be in my bunk...
If anyone is interested in the photographer's work, check out his Flickr -