RIDE WITH ME! Dressage, Jumping and Tackless in one day...

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel so if you are new here I'd really appreciate it if you could head on and subscribe to me so today I'm gonna take you with me for a day in the life at the yard so I've got four horses to ride today I'm riding all four of them we are going to be doing dressage we're going to be training a young horse I'm going to be doing pole work we're gonna jump and we're even gonna do some bareback bitless tactless sort of stuff so should be a busy one but it should be quiet fun so a lot of people have asked me to show you a day in the life at the yard so I'm really excited about this video I'm excited to take you with me and I really hope you enjoy it so so first up on the list is sunny so we're going to do some dressage on sunny today and probably do some poles as well [Music] [Music] so with sunny I always start off giving him a nice groom obviously it's been very wet in England recently so he's been very muddy so brush all the mud off him like so and then I'm gonna get the main brush and go through his Mane tail because he gets really really naughty tail and he likes to get it covered in shavings [Music] [Music] the way I tack up is boots first I do saddle pad second gel pad saddle and then obviously finished with the bridle I do this because if you put the bridle on before the saddle then they can just walk off so and you don't want to tie them up when they've got a bit in their mouth sunny can be really TG put in the bride line and as you can see he did just try and make the Great Escape but obviously I'm quite tall so I managed to catch him luckily [Music] so today on sunny we're going to do a bit of stretch and then we're gonna pick him up and we're gonna do some pole work so he likes pole work you just kind of fall over them a little bit so we'll see how it goes today it's great variation training for him and it keeps them nice and alert though so with all my horses I do like to give them a nice long walk to help them warm up and stretch their muscles this is quite important to me in training I then do a nice stretchy trot again to help them warm up and help them stretch this does particularly help Sonny he likes to stretch before we get going I then mites dude like yields either side help him bend through his body same again in canter I do think it's really important to make them stretch in both trot and canter before you pick them up so the first time we come to do polls sunny does love to pretend like he's never seen them before like so he does then get the hang of things and looks beautiful by this point sunny was feeling absolutely amazing and balanced so I decided to do some changes here we are doing two x changes and he felt absolutely fantastic so we did some more changes and then did some more polls and then how to stretch and then on to the next one [Music] and sunny got to go out in the turnout pan for the entire afternoon which he was happy about today this is RTR baby he is so cute and it's actually one of my favorite try it a minute because he's learning so far I see I've been teaching him to be a bit straighter recently and to do a nice clean can to transition each way so I'm going to try and show you this today if you cooperate with me and then we're going to do some traffic holes on them because they're so good to make him think as a young girl [Music] so with the first go over he was a really good boy but he wouldn't go straight over them so that's why we're kind of off to the side second time over he was so much better and that she started picking up his little legs so I've recently taught him his canter transitions and he's quite green at them but today we got it perfectly and I was so proud of him look at him go so after being such a little angel and true young host fashion he decided to test me a little bit and stick his head in the air and he is so strong when he does that but we did get him back and he was so much better and then here's another little example of him being a bit of a nightmare but he did listen to my aids and get so much better again so we definitely came somewhere I gave him a long walk off after that as it's really important to help him cool down hopped off and it was time to set up the jumps I have recently just learned about striding and for a bounce it's three of our strides and then for a double-hull it is eight strides so two for landing four for them in the middle and then two for takeoff so this is Teddy he's my jumping horse and with him I do very much the same way as tacking up Sonny but obviously jumping tuck is a little bit different I have just had to learn how to put on a martingale and where to fasten all the straps and stuff but I do think I'm getting the hang of it now [Music] this is actual footage of me a dressage rider shortening my stirrups I never thought I'd see the day [Music] [Music] so Teddy is 18 and he does start off a little bit stiff when we get going so I like to do nice long trot and stretch with him when he's got his jumping tuck on he doesn't stretch very well but we are doing some dressage on the side to help him with this I then go and do the same encounter I do you think it's really important that gets to warm his muscles up and I've been playing around with the speed of his canter to try and get his hind legs more underneath him and therefore helpers in the jumping and he's been getting a lot nicer and I'm obviously learning with him so I jumps are getting a little bit better I think so we do always try to warm up over just one jump we think that's better for them so as you can see first jump he does it easily after a few practice jumps he was feeling good so I decided to try the bounce he was running off with me a lot here so I did have to go and try it again and then I decided to do them on the other rain mainly because we were going to set up a bigger jump at the end and this rain was really good he liked that but do you think it's important to train them on both reins where possible by this point Teddy's Cantor was starting to feel much better so I set up a jump at the end just a little one so we did the bounce then that one and it felt really good so we put it up to his straight and I brought him around I was trying to hop on him a little bit so we didn't go too runny because he was really excited this day and he was getting much nicer as we went along so we had a lot of fun I was super pleased with them we're growing together as a partnership every single day and I'm getting way more confidence so give him a nice long walk off and then popped him away ready to ride Billy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last but by no means least is Billy pubs and we're gonna do tactless on him he's been absolutely loving tactless work recently he's so well behaved when it comes to having no bridle and he really likes being ridden bareback he has had a bad back in the past so we do find this is very good for him to not have a saddle on and just to feel less weight obviously he's very easy to tack up so he just gets a quick brush so I don't get too dirty and I put the reins on his head collar and then we were ready to go [Music] I think we have never idle and no saddle on Billy today so we start off doing bareback because you really likes it for his back it makes him feel great but then he was so trustworthy that we took his bridle off to try and he was out to the Angels so we're gonna have a little bit fun today and live an easy game [Music] you [Music] you [Music] so all horses alright I couldn't go in the field now or have been before I ride I like variation on the horses so I really like them to get out and get have a roll outside eat some grass and you know just be horses so yeah we've got a couple going out and a couple of them went out beforehand so so that is a riding daily life for me for horses Derner we've done dressage we've done jumping we've done tackle it's been a nice busy day and I really enjoyed it but now I'm now I'm off to work so I've got to go got some orders to pack I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please like and subscribe I really appreciate
Channel: Erin Williams
Views: 162,043
Rating: 4.9481244 out of 5
Id: LX9ymjEPVZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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