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hello everybody welcome back to my youtube channel so i am on my way down to the stables to see g it is his first day back um i got up super early because i want to go make sure he's fine um i want to put him on the walker i just want to handle him all day and make sure that he's feeling good so i'm going to go and put him on the walker um i'm going to get on and ride him and then he's going to go in the turnout pen he's just going to have an easy first day um why am i riding him after such a long journey you might ask but that's always the best time to ride a horse if you've not ridden in a while or if you don't know how they're going to be whatever like so if he's fresh it's good to do it when he's tired but i also think it's good to stretch his body um because he was traveling for a while so we're gonna go and see him see how he is good morning boys hello sunshine hi oh gg hi handsome how did you sleep hi baby oh god you're gorgeous look at you you are handsome as anything let's check your temperature excuse me your food you are fine aren't you gorgeous bed hi handsome so i'm gonna start by taking g out and putting him on the walker um the reason i'm gonna do this is because he just got back from holland he has not been ridden here he's obviously a stallion so being around the other horses and all the other smells might make him a little bit fresher so i always think put them on the walker for about 10 minutes each way um and it just helps calm him down a little bit makes it much safer for me to ride so um there's me trying to put his uh head collar on but he wasn't having it so this what i'm putting on him is called a tiffany and it's very good for stallion so basically what it is it's like putting a bridle on it's like putting a bit in their mouth and it just gives you that control it doesn't hurt them you know it's not a problem but it just gives you that bit of extra control and he is very very respectful of the tiffany because he can feel it in his mouth so he's never naughty with that on or he doesn't try and run off or barge past you or anything and obviously i'm much smaller than him so it's not really um a good idea for me to be trying to lead a half a ton animal that size with only just a head collar on when you think you might be fresh so we put a chiffny on and he is very safe and it it makes things better for both of us i also always put boots on to put the horses on the horse walker because it's it's just like if you were riding them you know it's quite easy for them to knock themselves so boots are safer i just had to skip a bit of that clip because he was number one trying to chew the camera but number two he had his bits out because at the end of the day he is a stallion so that is not youtube friendly so anyway we're gonna walk him onto the walker walk him onto the walker there we go um he was absolutely angelic walking past the other horses he wasn't bothered and i also kept his rug on because in england it has been very very chilly at the moment so out to the walker the reason the tiffany helps as well is because we're up a little bit of a hill and it can get a bit slippy so if he starts like dancing around um i don't want him to slip because a horse that size slipping and falling could be very very bad i mean a horse of any size falling isn't great but you get what i mean so this is our horse walker we do use it quite frequently i try not to put the horses on it all the time because i find it it's quite monotonous for them quite boring and yeah but it is very good to give them some exercise and it helps me because obviously i do have quite a lot of horses in at the moment and you know i'm only one woman i can't do it all um even though i'd like to think i could so g was really good on the walkie he was powering through though i think he was he definitely had some energy to say he'd had a 14 sorry not 14 hour trip i had a 14 hour trip he had a six seven hour trip so it was also time to empty the horse lorry after the journey so it had some spare like i think that was his spare rug in there he had his travel boots that was a water bucket and carrots um also we parked it back into the arena to make things safer for him so he had jelly legs and i didn't want him to freak out when he got off the lorry so inside in an enclosed safe environment was good but obviously i need to move out of the way so i can get into the arena so i'm just gonna move it out of the way we normally park it just outside and the little lorry is very good because it's always there in case of an emergency um i don't know what we'd do without it because i'm a firm believer in you know better safe than sorry so if anything had happened to any of the horses i could get them to the vet or where they need to be in a hurry i'm very lucky to have this and it's it's fantastic it just whizzes around it's very cool as you can see it's an oakley as well um very cool so yeah move that out the way after parking in very late the previous night we got back at like 11 no 10 30 sorry um but we were way too tired to move and we had to hang around with g for a little bit to make sure he settled so parked in there and now it was time to go and get his tax so obviously i've not had g for like six seven months now so i wasn't quite sure um about his attack but he came back with the bridal we sent him with and his saddle everything's super labeled and easy so his saddle was just there um i do think his saddle might be a little bit loose fitting because he seems to have lost a little bit of weight so i am going to put a gel pad or shock absorber on underneath just to help um as you can see with me faffing there so it was time to get you off the horse walker and i am not very good at making this stop at the right time as you can see by my face i was like oh gosh um i think i might have just about got it right i can't remember now but yeah time to get g off the walker he was really good boy and it didn't seem to take much of his uh energy off him so i think uh i was thinking it would be an interesting ride at this point but he is very very well behaved he first stallion is not stalliony um i never wanted a stallion before because i knew they were a handful but we just fell in love with this horse and it's not hard to see why i mean he's beautiful for one but he has the nicest nature of any horse i mean he'd only been back like less than a day at this point and he was being a sweetheart he was kicking out a little bit with his back legs but that's just i think he was just like feeling stalliony and feeling fresh always has to poo in the washbox to um assert himself um but he's got the most shiny coat so i only had to give him a quick flick over you could see he was just pouring the ground and like faffing around and just being all distracted um brush his mane he's actually one of the only horses that lets me brush his make which is really nice teddy's a bit head shy sunny is kind of just a bit awkward and billy kind of rubbed half his mane off so we don't have much to to brush and so as you can see i'm brushing his tail from the side because he'd kicked out with his back leg a few times and you know just better to be safe and he actually got used to it but i would never advise anyone to go around the back end of a horse especially if you don't know them and i do know g but i just hadn't seen him in a while so we just play it by ear um so time to tack him up and i can honestly say attacking geo was what i imagine attacking a toddler would be like because he was moving like he could he wanted to see sunny so he was like leaning to the left and then every time i moved he was like moving to the right and then back and forward back and forth i actually didn't end up getting the saddle on well enough like the saddle was not in a good position um but i only realized that again once i got on as you'll see in a minute but safety first helmet on always always recommend wearing a helmet um i personally have never ridden without one only when i do like pictures or bareback things with horses i trust um but that's just personal preference i would not recommend it but oh trying to put his uh bridal on as well as you can see he is so tall so g is 17 too but he's big like he feels bigger than that because he's so strong and muscular so he was like wafting his head everywhere and it was actually quite difficult to tackle my arms were exhausted after this um but he was actually quite sweet he was just distracted by sonny so look at that beautiful face he is a force to be reckoned with he is just i'm still in awe of that horse and he's my horse so um yes i got on him here which he was very good like he used to back up and be quite naughty when getting on but since he's been training he's really well behaved he's a good boy and so it's very easy just to get on and my plan was to just do a workshop canter some stretch give him a leg loosener and just you know give him the benefit of decent riding and a warm-up so as you can see the saddle is sat quite far back you you want it a bit more forward than that you want it to sit at the right point on their back obviously i'm not a saddle fitter but i know when it doesn't feel right after years of experience so i hopped off and rearranged it because it's not fair on him i don't want to hurt his back and also it feels very very uncomfortable to ride when it's wrong um so yeah take two and as you can see that is my little dog watching us she's my little trainer oh she's so cute that's dottie i think she knew we were talking about her so i started off with a nice walk he was feeling a little bit fresh because uh the other horses were going out so as you can see he was like hey i want to see the other horses but literally that's about as bad as it got that's the i wouldn't even call that naughty but that's as naughty as he got um on the first day back so i'm actually editing this on i think it's day three today and he's got better and better every day but on this day i just gave him a nice walk again look at him he was he was looking at the other horses like hey give a big dinosaur winnie and just feeling good he was feeling himself that's okay i i don't mind that like i never mind what a horse will do as long as i know i'm gonna be safe i mean it's sometimes hard to judge but i'm i'm pretty relaxed at the minute you know you can tell when a horse wants to get you off or wants to be naughty and g is is not one of those um so i i said i wanted to go into a stretch but as you can see he's not really stretching because he was feeling a little bit frisky so what we call this in in my dressage terms is it's called a halfway house he's not up and collected um and on the bit like like nice and uphill and he's not stretching so it's kind of a halfway house this is kind of the outline you have more at lower levels um i think i used to ride him elementary and do do this kind of outline maybe a little bit less round but yeah i started with a halfway house because i wanted to stretch him i didn't want to just pick him up and go straight into anything fancy but i was also listening to him and he he felt a little bit distracted so didn't quite feel like i could stretch him out fully yet um but i did a nice try and i did loads of changes of rain i probably could have done a little bit more side to side like leg yields and stuff like that but i was just trying to get a feel for him when you've not ridden a horse in over eight months it it gets quite difficult because you half remember him but you half don't so yeah so anyway i went into canter and i was just doing little forward and backs transitions within the pace which are very very good for horses at his level um you'll see in a minute his outline gets nicer because i just slowly built him up and his outline goes from being a bit over over round to um up a little bit more and before he went away he couldn't really do changes so now he's uh he's winging some changes in he was he was lovely at them and i just kept uh going between trot and canter just to get the feel um like i said it is quite hard to get back into it and i really want to give this horse the benefit of a good ride so just taking it easy and getting to know him again not doing anything fancy yet um and just building it up as we go along and kind of what i realized with g is he likes a nice firm contact and he likes a lot of leg because he's a big horse if if you don't have enough leg on he goes quite slow but i have to be careful that i don't push him too forward and then onto the forehand so i don't know if you guys are familiar with dressage terms but pushing them onto the forehand is when when you look at him it's when his body would like tilt forward you don't want that in dress size you want them sort of tilted backwards you want their bum underneath them and their head a bit higher so that's kind of what i'm aiming to not do i don't want him on the forehand but then here i just thought a nice stretch and as you can see he's stretching much nicer than when i first got on him quite nice and through and nearly touching his knees which we do love to see this was the point where i decided well let's take him outside it was so windy and it was kind of rainy and it was a bit of a horrible day but i thought we start as we mean to go on and i don't want any of my horses to get spooky or to worry about going outside i mean i used to be quite a wimpy rider i used to not want to take them outside because that arena is very spooky as you can see like the trees are on different planes and the light comes through and like birds hide in them and and whatnot so it's quite a spooky arena but g was absolutely fine and he was he loved it he actually enjoyed that little hack around the school so all in all absolute 10 out of 10 for how he behaved what an amazing horse and i could not be more in love with him truly so that is a first day in the life of g and him being home um i was going to put him in the turnout pen and see how he was but he's been very very fresh today um he's been an angel but he's been quite fresh i just think with the other horses that it might blow his brains a little bit and it has just started pouring down so we're picking our battles we're going to pop him in the turnout pen tomorrow so he's had a walker he's had a ride we took him outside he's been an angel gigi gee so yeah very happy that he's back thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed so thank you for watching this video i hope you guys enjoyed it i enjoyed making it i'm so excited to see where g and i are gonna go in the future he is more beautiful than i remember and i'm so excited um so yeah i hope you enjoyed this if you did please like and subscribe and i'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Erin Williams
Views: 771,264
Rating: 4.8639417 out of 5
Id: K_kUquzERZY
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Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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