Equestrian Summer Yard Routine 2020 | OT Vlog

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys so I thought today's vlog it could be all about our summer routine that we knew the horses because it's slightly different to the winter one that I've shown you before so I thought I'd do an in-depth video of yeah what we do with them on a daily basis so let's get into it I thought the easiest way for me to explain what we do is a voice-over so here we go so I start on the art at seven o'clock but somebody normally starts at 6:30 to get the horses all fed before the hustle and the bustle starts because we find it really important that they get to eat in peace and so once they've eaten and it's seven o'clock we start getting them ready to go out in the field or on the Walker and then we start getting our horses in that have stayed out overnight so at the moment we have four horses that stay out overnight for storage six including the two-year-olds so the two rods actually stay out the whole time but I'll explain that later and then we have horses that I'm not going to run around in the middle of the night the more laid-back ones get to stay out so this is just what we do in the summer nothing stays out in the winter and because the weather is a bit nasty in the summer it's so lovely for them and they really enjoy it so here I'm getting Joey ready for the field and here is Joey and moly who go out together they've been going out together since they were two-year-olds and they are best friends so Joey and Molly's field is at the top of the drive so on the way back we go to pick the horses up that have been out overnight so we grabbed them in in twos and then they go back to their stables and they have their breakfast they get their feet picked out any foots taken off if they need their bugs changing we also do that and then they have a nice news in the morning after that night in the field and we have done their hay and their beds and stuff the day before which is what we do in the afternoon so it's all prepped and ready and easy for the morning and so because we only have a certain amount of fields some horses have to wait to get turned out until the others are in literally only like 10 20 minutes wait so here is Eagle going in this field the horses tend to stay out for about two hours two and a half hours depending on how the day is planning out but if they're on holiday you try and make sure they have a little bit longer so they can really chill out next up is getting the ones ready for the Walker and the ones that do go on the Walker in the morning then go in the field later on and then the ones that go in the field in the morning then go on the Walker in the afternoon so it's really equal and fair here's the video of Bobby trying to vlog herself next up is getting King sausage it ready for the Walker so all the horses that have a full set of shoes on will have a full set of boots on and then Barbie for example who just says French shoes will just wear front boots that's just again for protection that we don't put over each boots on the Walker just exercise boots like these ones here and in the summer they go on Nikki because it's nice and warm so the horses tend to go on the Walker for about 45 minutes and that is split between the left rain and the right rein so it's equal amount on both both ways of walking and that's really important for their joints and stuff so here is the control panel for the Walker and you can set it to the speed ask the dogs actually a bit broken so they were going on seven but now it's eight so next up is mucking all the horses out so all our horses are fully mucked out each day we don't deep litter any of them the horses that are clean at a cleaner um go on to bliss bedding and which is a stable at min now and then the horses that are a little bit dirtier go on straw this is just help keep costs down because we found the ones that were quite dirty and we're going through a lot of bedding and that obviously increases cost so that was the reason so in the summer there are less horses to mark up because some live out overnight so I actually mucked out three horses in the mall and then go and have breakfast and start riding and here is King sausages bed being made up more straw I think fluffy which you guys will see in a sec boom satisfying king sausage is also a dirty junker so I have to change his water bucket to make them nice and fresh so once that's done the horse come off the walker then I go for back there hi what time is it is it breakfast ah oh yeah oh yeah what is that random so I'm currently eating breakfast and that is around normally I come in it like quarter past eight in the summer because we finish earlier because there's that sauce system a cow and it lasts till about quarter to nine depending how much stuff I have to clear up because I try and and do some stuff before I got them horses so I don't have like business and admin stuff on my mind at home and just organize a few things drinking out my favourite mug now if you can read that back with my camera probably but yeah that's that so now it's time for riding and on Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday all the horses get worked in the school and sometimes that does include an enhance session so it's not necessarily being ridden but it's more their intense days and then Wednesday Tiger hacking so this was filmed on a Monday so it's school time and Barbie normally goes first because she's in and she's not been in the field so she's not full of grass so I also have someone helped me to switch over horses and get them ready so today Kate is helping me and other days Erin helped me so it switches around so whilst I'm riding lots it's going on everybody is hard at work here is Abby and she is another girl who works with us when someone is having some time off so this was actually Erin's day off so here she's blowing the whole yard which is super satisfying but quite dusty and here is Kate who's just will have put the feedback that mums made for the horses ready for later so Kate kindly offered to do some filming whilst I was riding so you guys know what happens behind the scenes and so here she is getting will Freddie who was my next horse again because he was on the Walker and he goes in the field later I do him in in this order so all the horses have a really good green before I ride them I find this is really important for so many ways and I will explain why later because barbie is a young horse I'm normally back before wills ready and so I'm just helping tack up and then I'm gonna hop on so by this point Eagle will have come in and then Parris and chief go in that field so here's chief just having some fly spray on and then they go in the field and so Parris stays in the field for a couple of hours ideally we'd like it for a bit longer but because she doesn't really like being near any other horses with the foal this is the best we can do at the moment so after that Kate will start getting the next horse ready which was Eagle and then you'll see that Jerry and Molly are coming in now so the reason they can come in after the fall and parse it out is because their field is the other side of the drive so it's not near her and she doesn't get disturbed and it just gives them a little bit longer out so here is Kate getting Eagle ready and it really varies as well whether they wear boots or bandages we just like to mix it up so it's not specific and some days are web's some days I wear bandages and we also pick every day so here is Abby with the quad on trailer just after poo picking so there's so much that goes on behind the scenes and you guys don't normally see that on the vlog so this is so great to show you and so now Kate is bringing eagle into the arena for a little bit of a quicker change around just so that we can make sure we get all six done before lunchtime here is sausage and there's eagle so I'm just gonna switch over and so after the horses have been worked and Kate or Aaron or Abby we'll take them around the track and if they're a little bit young I tend to take them around the track just because I feel like it's important and that they don't get scared and I just know them a little bit better I feel a little bit more confident taking them round myself but whilst really good so everyone can take him round here he is enjoying his stroll so this is the end of the circuit now so what will happen is your jump off she'll wash them off and then throw a therm attacks on and then he'll go in his stable and cut out it's gonna be weird editing this if he filled some of it because I won't know what's in it my gloves are falling apart so next on my list is moley he doesn't get taken this to the school just cuz he gets a little bit upset if he's led around too much and so I was come back to get him and then after him I did Joey and B and so I guess after that all in I sort of try and do an age order and because the younger ones are a little bit quicker so here a Paris and the Foley coming in which means in a sec that Wilfred and shy girl can go out in the field so they will stay out over lunch just to give them a little bit longer and then once we finish lunch we grab them in but yeah it's almost coming to the end now of the morning session so all writing is done we did six this morning and then it's bench time now and then I am on this afternoon I am doing the otter thought that would be the best time to do this vlog I'd like to show you guys what was in the opening but yeah sit down run get me quick quick ah hi hmm look what one of my sponsors sent me it's gonna be exciting ready nice little Perkins ring oh hello Bob there's more than one Bob it's a little sausage guy at the national unity and spell oh you cry oh we miss him oh we made me cry thank you so much yeah me you can't just wash it same you know I was so after lunch we first get the horses in from the field so here I'm getting Wilson the reason he's got a flying mouse go on Anna turnout on is because sometimes when you're not in the UK weathers like you never really know what's going on so here is a bit rainy also a bit fly so he had to have those so then when they come in from the field they have their rugs change their they'll have their staple rugs on if it's warm they'll probably stay in fly sheets the whole time and then take his turnout boots off the boots I use are these ones or the newer ones I just find they're the best from protecting their legs yeah then it's time to get the ones ready that are going to stay out overnight so here I am getting bail ready for the field so it was scheduled to rain so she's having a turnout on again it's a bit fly so the mask has to be on as well we don't tend to keep boots on them overnight just because they can rub if they stay in them for so long so if they haven't got any shoes on they just go out with nothing if they have shoes on we tend to just put over each beats on them we also make sure they don't have any head koloth on overnight just to lower the risk of them having themselves so I just went to check on the two two-year-olds to see if they're happy and healthy and so they actually have the range of both of the fields you see there which means that they can have the field shelter if it gets too hot or a little bit rainy but yeah they just live out now until the weather will turn bad they're both really happy living out and I just think it's really good for them to be able to roam around to be free to be like horses also it's a win-win because it helps keep costs down and they're not in a stable they're not using bedding and they're not using as much hay they do sometimes have hay in the field though they also still get fed twice a day and to keep their nutrients up so now all the horses are in the field that meant to be there overnight it's time to start mucking out their stables so they are ready for the morning whilst one of us max out the other will here so here you see I'm shaking out so they don't get big clumps and then they don't waste so then we also know how much hay they're getting so we just fill it to the top they only really get haylage once a day and that's normally more in the winter so you can see we're giving them hay here we also skip out and tidy up their beds making sure it all looks pristine and nice um then we will change any rugs from the horses that's been worked the ones that have been worked later on in the morning just need to wait over lunch while they dry and so here we just give them a really good groom and what I was going to explain about earlier its how important grooming is it's a really good time to bond with the horses it's a really good time to improve their coats and also it's super important for their muscles so it's really good to get any of that lactic acid out of them and just kind of giving them a nice little massage then they can have their jim-jams on again this really just depends on the weather and today with a little bit of a cooler day so they're not having that right in between we're doing lots of niggly little jobs so here I'm just hiding up the ropes where the head collars stay outside their stables sometimes it's folding rugs just making sure everything it's nice clean and tidy you can see Barbie is trying to get involved will get my attention here then we sweep up the first yard and then it's time to go and empty the wheelbarrow from this yard and then we'll move on to the next one so now I'm in what we called the Dutch barn so these horses live out there's no need to stay but there's actually four stables there there's only two menus at the moment and so that is what we're doing here okay so they were wedged in the straw and I'll show you them fluffy now oh my goodness here they go so we are moving on from one baby or a couple of babies to the next baby and here he is the mischievous chief so basically what we do is we go and put Paris and chief in the arena which we'll see now so that we can then sort their stables out so I'll stay with them just to make sure they didn't get into any trouble and then Kate went and did their bed their feed their water their hay we just find it's easier to do that with the fall out and also it's a nice time for them to roam around stretch her legs so they do this twice a day once in the morning then they go in the field and then they do this again in the afternoon so they do get out plenty and get to move around a lot so when they get back in Paris has hit dinner you can see we're enjoying it there and I procrastinate for five minutes looking how cute the foal is how adorable he is and how much I want to Boop his little snoot oh there it is so once all the horses are maxed out watered haider we then go back to the main yard and you can see Kate was just blowing in the background and I am about to give the main barn their feet so this happens around quarter to four and so we have lived in their food and we can tidy everything up and take their buckets out before the end here you'll see me sorting out their feed that's their morning to use I've just picked up and in the buckets already is their night feed here I'm just giving them some Spillers speedy mash which they absolutely love and so we give this to them in winter we put warm water in it and then in the summer it's just cool water it's just really good to keep them all hydrated and so here I'm just giving eagle his food there was no order I give them their food and butt sacks over here got left til last and he was not amused so that's why the grumpy face is happening and then what she give him his feed he turns all sweetness and light again so it's just an act this is the trouble with my mother oh my god diet coke has arrived waiting ages for this and this is better he likes dogs so because it was a full-on day with me riding we didn't get a chance to clean the tack in the day so that's what I'm going to do now I feel email here is actually me getting a telling-off from my dad see the concern on my face no it's fine it wasn't that bad we were just having a discussion but anyway yeah so what I did is clean all the tack this is about ten to four and then I actually had a meeting at 4:00 so I was trying to get a shimmy on and Kate laughs Lee came and saved me so yeah we're just we wiped the bridles over and then we put a little bit of saddle soap on and just to keep the leather all happy and then here I'm just doing the saddles and then my phone rings and I have to go to my meeting [Music] are you doing anyway guys that is about it the horses do get checked at 7:30 till 8:00 but that is the main bulk last summer yard routine as you can see all the ponies are happy healthy and tucking into their hay yeah really hurt you guys found this enjoyable and I would love to hear what you thought
Channel: Olivia Towers Dressage
Views: 23,944
Rating: 4.9476552 out of 5
Keywords: Olivia Towers dressage, equestrian yard tour, equestrian yard routine, equestrian routine, equestrian vlogger, horse vlog, equestrian youtuber, equestrian morning routine, equestrian routines, equestrian morning routines, equestrian routine 2020, equestrian summer routines, dressage yard routine
Id: MnQbpC-iUsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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