How To Tack Up Your Horse English

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hey fellow questions is Claire here and today I'm going to teach you how to tack up your horse yay now this is more of a video for beginners so I hope you guys all like this and I hope this is all very helpful to you guys my model and helper for today is the one and only Rushton if you can't tell yet by his wonderful markings so I hope you guys like this if you guys want me to do another video for beginners and you guys have ideas just let me know and I will be sure to do that I hope you guys like it and let's get started okay so first you are going to start with your saddle pad and right now I'm using a Dover saddlery saddle pad and these and these first straps are going to show you that this is the front side okay so we're going to just going to put this over the back and an easy way to tell if your saddle pad is on straight if it has this line right here across straight across the back and you want this lined up with our backbone and to tell how far it needs to be forward a good rule of thumb and this doesn't always apply but you can run your hand down the front of the saddle pad and straight down and you want your hand to be about in the middle of their front shoulder okay so just like that is about perfect okay okay and next we're going to do something that not all equestrians use but it kind of helps the saddle fit better so this is a half pad and mine is a Lambie cell half pad this is used on top of your saddle pad to help your saddle fit better to keep your horses back from getting hurt so this just goes right on top of the saddle pad you can tell that the side that goes down further is the front and then this is the back hi sugar and I always start talking up on the left side and it's a good rule of thumb to always start tacking your horse up on the left side and a fun fact about that is the reason we do that is when soldiers would mount their horses in the army they had their sword on him and if they didn't mount from the left side they would actually stab themselves or their horse so that's like a little piece of knowledge for you but we just do it to give our horse a routine and get them something that they're used to pretty much there's not a crazy like safety reason behind it but and then the next thing is the saddle and this is my saddle it is a Novation you just put that right on top of everything and you don't want to just lift it up and slam it down on your horse because that could hurt their back or scare them so just do it nice and gently you want to make sure that these straps right here your girth straps are pretty much lined up with your saddle pad and if they're not you can say take the front of your saddle pad and just lift it up underneath the pommel of the saddle just to ensure that your saddle pad is pushing down really hard on their Withers and now we're good next I use a breastplate and not all people use them but I do so I'll show you how to do that so just know that this part is optional so this is my breastplate it is a five-point breastplate I believe it's a Henry d rebel and so these parts with fleece go on the side and this circle ring right here goes in the front so you're basically going to take this big circle right here and put it over his head like this so let me show you [Music] once you have that done it should look like this and this long part hanging down goes between their legs and through the grips so we'll go grab the girth and start doing that all right this is my girth and I have a leather girth the elastic side goes on the left so um lots of people say don't start with the elastic side start with the leather side but I find it's way much easier for me to do so I know lots of people do everything different but I'm just showing you guys my way so I'm going to put this through the girth strap [Music] just like that after that I'm going to grab this part of my breast plate and put it through my girth straps just like that next I'm going to attach my girth to the first and the third strap on line saddle and I'm going to just attach it on the loose is one because I still have to do the other side [Music] so next I am going to push my girth through this between his legs just like that and then we're going to go to the other side and attach the girth over there now that I have gone over to his right side I'm going to reach underneath him and grab his girth and I'm just like I did on the other side I'm going to put it through the girth strap and then take this part of his breast plate and put it through his girth straps and again I'm going to attach the girth straps to the first and the third straps on my saddle and this time you want to pull it up as tight as you can it's going to be a little hard because it's leather but just take it up as tight as you can and then we'll tighten it even more on the other side that's elastic so it should be easier next I'm going to take this part of his breastplate that's just a little clip and clip it to this ring on the front of my saddle pad just like that and I'm just going to do the same thing on the other side and then now that I'm on this other side my girth is very loose so I'm going to go ahead and tighten it on this side and you always want to be sure that you don't tighten your girth too fast too quickly because some horses don't like that and they can get ger sore and get really cranky when you sell them up so be sure to do that as slowly as possible I like to sign it up pretty loose and then tighten it up all the way where I perform about to get on when I'm at the bog and I left two holes that I will tighten when I get up to the mounting block so I just have it this tight for now lots of people have this strap here on their saddle and what you'll do with it is this is to keep the saddle pad from slipping so you just tuck it under the flap of your saddle and just close your saddle on top of it and a good rule of thumb to tell how tight your girth should be is you want to stick four fingers underneath the girth on this side furthest away from the horse's head just like this you want to be able to stick your hands in there and then when you pull up you just want your fingers to barely come up off of his body so when I stick my finger at four fingers under I can stick them under not not too difficult not too easy and when I pull up my fingers just barely come off of his barrel so our girth is nice and tight okay next we're going to bridle our horse and I am using my figure eight bridle so this is kind of a difficult bridle to do it's not just your normal bridle it and it's got a bunch of special doodads on it so just ignore that part um you know come back come back okay so you're gonna take your pony and take their halter off and if you have a horse that will run away a lot when you take their halter off all you have to do slide it off and - the nosepiece you'll just slide it right back on and so you have this to hang on to them if you need it okay but Rushton is good and he's not going to run away so just going to take that oh hi buddy okay so you want to take your reins and put them over your horse's neck just like that and then you're going to get your shoulder under the horse's neck reach your arm around their nose and give them a big hug so if you have a horse that's going to flip their head or fight you when you're putting the bit in you have your hand here to just hug let me keep you close then next you're going to take the crown piece of your bridle and hold it up to measure where the bit would be in his mouth then you're going to take this hand grab both sides of the bridle so the bits just perfectly where it should be then you have a whole hand free to put the bit in their mouth and just hold your fingers under their mouths and if you have a horse that is not going to just open right up for the bit you have a thumb you're going to stick it in the back of their mouth late where they don't have any teeth and you're Stickle their tongue until they open and then you pull up with this hand okay you want to keep pressure on that bit keep holding it up in their mouth while you put on both ears through just like that we have both ears through then next we're just going to make sure like see how this is on his eye you want to make sure that there's nothing on there I will be retaining them at that time before you get started okay so after that we're going to start with the throat latch now the throat latch starts on the other side it's this really long piece of leather that goes behind their throat and then this piece right here is what you attach it to and to tell how tight it needs to be do you intake I know lots of people do this differently I'm just showing you my way you're going to take four fingers put it through just like this and you just want it to be lightly touching their throat okay if it's too tight then it could choke them and if it's too loose then it's too loose now for my figure eight bridle then nose band is very difficult most horse bridles nose bands are just straight across and if they're just straight across you're going to make sure that the straps go underneath this main piece that attaches to their bit you're going to make sure it goes underneath that and tighten that one but for my figure eight bridle I'm going to slide all my doo-dads up the first piece just attaches right underneath their cheek and you want that pretty snug and then next is the bottom part of the plot of the figure eight and this goes underneath their bit on both sides and you bring it around and you want to attach that you also want this pretty snug and tada you have your horse rattled and I know lots of people do the bridle laying the way where they hold the top all the way up here like this but I am short so that was a trick that I use because I am short and I sometimes have to do what difficult horses even though resting here is a saint and he'll never do anything like that so um guys I know lots of people use lots of different ways to tack up a horse so I just wanted to show you guys the way that I do it if you do it a different way that's great awesome everyone has different ways of doing things just let it be like that okay so I hope you guys liked it and if you like this video like comment and subscribe also let me know if you want me to do some other videos like this for more of the beginner riders and I will hope you guys like it thank you guys for watching and I'll see you later the finished product look at you cutie - 360 well well well well boom all done you're ready to ride are you ready to go rushed it [Music]
Channel: Claire Eventing
Views: 1,095,075
Rating: 4.9030018 out of 5
Keywords: horse, horses, ride, riding, equine, equestrian, equitation, event, eventing, how, to, tack, up, your, english, saddle, bridle, girth, breastplate, half, pad, figure, eight, for, beginner, beginners, cross, country, show, jumping, jump, dressage, walk, trot, canter, warmblood, thoroughbred, hanoverian
Id: mLetW1m32ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2017
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