A HECTIC day in my life...

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oh my god this is that high end okay guys hi first artist hello everybody welcome back to my youtube channel please ignore this pile here stuff up there stuff there i'm having a busy week it is thursday today and i have had a really hectic week so far so what i normally do is i don't worry about my room or mess or anything like that during the week when i'm busy because i literally have not had time for it and i will tidy up for the weekend if i get a spare minute which is looking busy but yeah anyway this will all get clean i'm not a scrub anyway today the plan i'm sure you want to know the plan is well you will know by the time you're watching this because it will have a title so the plan is to do a very hectic day in my life so i've been meaning to do a day in my life for a while but i wanted to show you guys what it looks like when i'm having a crazy busy one every day is busy for me some more than others some less than others today is probably top tier busy so why not add more to this problem by filming so yeah anyway the plan today i'm gonna go ride as you can see in my blackheart gear i'm gonna go ride and then i need to leave the house by 10 because i'm also going flying today so if you guys don't follow me on instagram or you do but you just haven't seen it i am currently doing my helicopter pilot's license or ppl which is like private pilot's license and i am having so much fun i have done well over half my hours and pretty much half of my grand school exams so you need to do flying hours and ground school exams and then obviously an end exam flying i'm having the time of my life i love to fly i love a challenge i'm learning so much like stuff i never did i'm learning all the weather navigation communication you know the phonetic alphabet all that jazz so today i'm having a flying lesson it's about i normally fly for about an hour so obviously i'm not gonna be able to take you guys up with me because i have to focus and i have to lie um but i'm gonna film kind of around that take you to the office show you guys me flying off or whatever after that i've got a golf lesson which i know what you're thinking midweek midday what am i doing when i'm busy well my golf instructor has been away for two weeks this was the only time he could fit me in it is like gold dust normally i would have a golf lesson like at weekends where i would let you know golf in my spare time however i am filming all this weekend like proper proper filming not just this because i am useless at this kind of filming but like filming with oh i've got hair on my lip oh i got it got it i'm filming with a videographer guy and doing some content for blackheart and for me so that's going to be really cool hopefully i get this edited and up before i do that but if not check it out um yeah so anyway i'm learning to golf i'm having a lot of fun with that i find it very relaxing and it gives me time off my phone which i love um so yeah that's that's fun anyway of course sorry people are shouting so after golf i've then got to go to my office so i'm not sure if you guys know also i hope you do but i own the equestrian clothing company black heart equestrian which i wear in every video so yeah i've got to go to work got some guys busy at the minute it is hectic so gotta go check in i've got some amazing girls working for me so they hold down the fort thank god but gotta go and check in work on that and then every thursday at the moment i also volunteer up at riding for the disabled and like riding for the disabled is a charity that is quite close to my heart i i don't have any disabled members in my family and obviously i'm very lucky to be able bodied however i've supported them for a while they're local i just i love what it stands for i think it's so nice that everyone can get enjoyment out of horses and horses are great so it's nice that they can be used in such a positive way so anyway i've been volunteering and sort of what that entails is sort of going helping everybody get on leading them round you know making sure everyone feels safe and then helping untack at the end i mean normally they untack but and they brush them off and wash them and you know bond with the horses but the whole covered situation means they don't get to do that which is such a shame but that's the thing so i'm pretty much chuck a block i've also been in the gym this morning i'll put a little clip on i just did 20 minutes on the bike with ankle weights on to make it a little bit harder but just try and squeeze that in very lucky that i have a little home home bike you know tiny little gym set up so makes it very useful on a morning or a day where i'm not gonna be able to get to the gym anyway this is enough of me waffling i've gone on for ages that's sort of today's plan i'm gonna take you with me i hope you guys enjoy this video let's get going also i'm just excited before i go ride i don't know if any of you girls knew this but i've just learned the best technique for putting mascara on i mean i don't know if you can see how long they look but you have to blink onto the mascara wand i mean if i didn't know this and this was just like something everybody knew then i feel like i've been missing out it doubles the length of them but yeah just a little side note there comment if you did this already it is so bright um i'm just i don't know if you oh i don't know if you guys can see i have to take my hat and boots back down to the stables because yesterday i went and helped out a friend and rode her horse for her and but i never normally take my boots in her anywhere because i'm always here but i just want to also say i'm not going to do too much of this face on talking to the camera oh my god sorry there's like somebody's mowing something yeah i'm not gonna do too much of this face on talking to the camera cause i find that really boring and i feel like you guys wanna know the details of what goes on so i'll be showing you that i'm much nosier too like i don't like seeing people just talking at the camera like show me what you're doing don't just talk about it but anyway i'm gonna ride sunny today g gets a day off because we're going for a lesson tomorrow so i don't want to i don't want to kill the poor horse you know he needs he needs a breather and then we're going to ride him at the weekend too for this content so he needs a day off today um teddy's getting a day off just because i'm a little bit too busy and sunny is today's victim no he's not a victim he's well loved i'm gonna use my nice hunter's shavings oh is sunny do you want a sugar lump this is the little thing he does every time he wants to sugarloaf but then he can't get one every time because he gets really grumpy don't you anyway we're leaving plattson because i've been trying to get his name trained over to the other side so we're not being scruffy we're just leaving flats in today and i'm just gonna go and tack him up guys sonny stop it stop got me upside down i can't even control it you know you lose the i'll film a couple of clips nothing out there could ever stop me from chasing after lovely each time you okay so that is sunny done i did only have time for a quick stretch today but also he does really well with not too many tough days in a row he really likes a stretch and it's very good for his body and he was lovely today could you stop champion let's not we are sweating oh my god it is so hot in here i should have opened the double doors before i got on but we do not have time today to live with the regret so yeah riding done it was a bit of a flying visit but i'm glad i got them exercised and i'm gonna go get myself ready try and have a bite to eat and then get on the road to flying so it's time to pick out an outfit just ignore the mess i need to find somewhere i have too many shoes i need to find somewhere to put them so i think i'm gonna go for a dress because it is boiling let's wear a little dress so i'm just going to throw some plaits in my hair my hair's a little bit greasy i need to wash it so i'm going to go for two little plaits i've also taken off my skin makeup and i'm going to redo it because that's just gross after riding i always take off the skin makeup and video because it's just gross um i'll probably just put this on a quick video alexa play lovely is is alexa what time is it the time is 9 42 a.m thank you could never stop me stop chasing after the way you love me up two cups of coffee baby you'll make me feel so lullaby is okay so because i'm going golfing i've got my golf shoes i've got a little top of makeup in case i get all uh shiny i've got some deodorants it's a warm day i have a sports bra i have a fresh pair of socks i have a black heart short sleeve top in aqua and i have my little golf skirt so that is my golf stove i'm gonna go and put my clubs in the car i'm gonna go get a bite to eat this is what i look like i've went for a cute little little red dress i'm probably gonna take this bag it's my favorite at the minute by my friend ebby or her brand it's called it's by willa this is very cool i will link them but yeah so i'm just gonna go get the rest of my stuff get bite to eat and then that is me done i'm gonna get on the road hi there welcome to starbucks hiya um please can i get two medium um caramel almond milk frappuccinos with coffee yep i'm assuming no cream and no drizzle uh yeah yeah none of that thank you so two medium caramel coffee frappuccinos no cream no drizzle perfect that's it thank you thank you we're running 10 minutes early so we have time for a quick starbucks or starbees as that girl on tick tock stairs that i like so i just got to kukai i'm just rereading this oh kukai is my helicopter training school but i'm just reading this and this is basically what we've got to say on the radio i've not actually done the radio yet but i am learning it and we're getting there so i'm just gonna have a quick flick through and then i'm gonna walk over and i'm gonna show you guys the office and and yeah flying this is the office it's probably one of the coolest offices you guys have seen absolutely love it they've got well i'll show you but they've basically got a fireman's pole and a whole bar in the office i think i can hear the helicopter let's go and have a look wonder who's flying oh there we go so this is the kukai office this is their fireman's pole yes that's the jet ski don't ask me why they've got coffee machine everything should we go upstairs and show you guys the bar okay bear with me so they've actually got like a whole bar area games thing i mean now that looks kind of like a strippers pole but it's not that's just so people can't fall down but you know each to their own if you want to do some of that you use some of that so yeah i'm wearing a dress it's a bit toasty outside so and also the helicopter gets really warm inside they don't have ac i mean god can't get the helicopters these days now can you but um yeah anyway i'm going to film some clips of us getting ready to fly but this is my view little plane going past bye they just got back from a flight so the chopper ding ding it's a chapper i don't know what song that is anyway the helicopter is being refueled so we can go whizzing just less gardening yeah i have to do this today and um also that's going to make me do climbing and descending again and auto attention and auto rotations and hovering which i like all right thank you from the top seat belts they are on fuel it is someone really taller am i just in the right positions so so so what's your fault fantastic thank you you had a really good slide today good good really good what have you been doing today we're doing auto rotations we were doing descending everybody's facing yeah it's quite fun actually i quite like that tummy drop feeling i know that's most people don't like that i just sort of demonstrated a more realistic one like you know getting the lever down that little quickest thing and then we did some good hovering getting really good at my take off yeah so flying is done as you can see quick change i am on my way to my golf lesson i'm just going to take me about 45 maybe 40 minutes to get there just gonna nip and pick up a sandwich from the cafe they have at the airport here which is amazing they make their own sourdough bread and uh yeah it's gonna be good had the most amazing fly i was doing auto rotations which is basically when you turn the engine off mid-air and you've got to figure out where you're going to land it's basically practicing for an engine failure which was cool i did amazing takeoff and landings probably the best takeoff i've ever done so i am on springs yeah so on to the next step of the day so i'm just walking to my golf lesson got the clubs this is where we're going it's the day for it it is a perfect day i'm gonna try and film some clips let me golfing but be nice about my uh technique i am brand new right so that's really good you've got a nice distance again just trying to feel that cold heads coming over this ball very nice very nice again it was probably a little bit off the bottom yeah but it was still on a nice sound did it the good thing about it was you've delivered the club square and it's gone down the intended line again just trying to maybe feel like that weight right between there maybe just give yourself a little bit of distance away and then just let that weight just forward that's it great and then feel that club coming towards this ball on the way back super strike so you can hear the difference there felt much better i went further yeah yeah yeah come out in the middle of the call face that's good good distance again that's it your balance points look really good there went a little bit off the uh was it the toe of it so it was a little bit off the tone probably a little bit off the bottom so what you did a little bit you you just stood up that's why just came out of posture slightly it was all right all right just came out a bit low again just let that left foot open up a bit more that's it let's have a quick look at your target and again just trying to sense that club had coming this way better swing again yeah very nice better better balance finish as well yes i'm trying to stay there like you said yeah yeah stay there until we're finished what's nice there you don't you're not trying to rush no yeah so it's all about the timing really that's it and again just trying to feel that clever coming this way very nice again slightly straighter i just had an amazing golf lesson i hit some really good shots but for me the consistency was there and that's one of the hardest things i'm learning about golf is to be consistent like in dressage you get the feeling of the horse and then it's quite easy to replicate the feeling but in golf you get the feeling and you're like okay i'm going to do this again and suddenly your whole body moves and it's like why is it moving i did not tell it to move but and we had a great lesson my instructor john is fabulous so patient but just really great so very tough for today i'm uh heading into the office now and i'm a bit sweaty not gonna lie so we're gonna get the ac on go to the office do a bit of work and then brief pause before performing volunteering so let's get driving keeping me up two cups of coffee baby you'll make me feel so lullaby so we're just gonna go and see what a few of the girls are up to see what they're working on i'm not gonna go disturb everyone because we're quite busy today but let's go and meet morgan and mom right we're just going to go and see what morgan is up to hi morgan hi what are we doing just some social prepping something ready for social media photoshop yeah just getting all socials ready just a cute photo already oh guys you see ebby all the time on this video oh sweet there she is stone and metal cool ready to put amazing i will leave you too hello molly hi what are you up to so we're just doing sketches look at me she's an artiste new colors oh can we have a flick through yeah oh so we have got guys this is a little sneaky peaky yeah fun new t-shirt yes nice yeah i love that amazing oh god i've just walked into the cupboard well thank you very much so i have just got home from the office um i'm really really really tired got a bit of a headache i'm not gonna lie i keep drinking my water bottle which by the way if you know me which most of you don't i take this everywhere people joke that where my bottle goes i go and it's kind of true but yeah hydration is key i am really really tired it's been quite a hectic brain day you know with flying that's obviously quite stressful at times i mean it's not stressful but it's hard and it's dangerous so i've got to be very focused and then golf's amazing but there's a lot to think about then the office you know obviously i showed you guys having a bit of a team chat i couldn't really film too much obviously we were making plans today so i can't release all of those can we um and then introduce you to two of my girls um we have more girls in the office but everyone was busy and i didn't want to disturb people but you met molly and morgan they were lovely they were very happy and they were getting on with work we did a bit of planning and then now i'm just having a half an hour chill i'm gonna catch up on a bit of love island because i'd never get time to watch it and then in about 45 yeah 45 minutes gonna set off to go to the rda i'm not going to take you guys with me and i'm not going to film that because i don't do that for like posting on social media like i do that just because the rda with horses very close to my heart absolutely adore all the people there if you guys don't know what the rda is i probably didn't mention that it's actually riding for the disabled so yeah i don't do it to post on social media i do it because i i enjoy it and it's really nice it's just lovely to see the benefit horses give to a lot of people and the people there are lovely i'm hoping harry's there he is my favorite he always compliments my hair love him um but yeah yeah not everything needs posted i don't know about you guys but sometimes absolutely grinds my gears when people do good deeds like don't get me wrong do good deeds love it but don't do it just to post on social media like i'm really not a fan depending on the circumstance of when people film themselves feeding homeless people but they film it and i just find it that's obviously a little bit different but i just don't like it i i think you know i will do some fundraisers on social media and i will promote the rda but i'm not doing it for the glory anyway as i'm waffling on trying to get my point out so yeah i'm not gonna take you guys with me i might do a little check-in when i eventually get home about half past seven i am gonna have one of my meal preps i only picked them up yesterday and they are gonna life save me tonight because i will be starved to death so yeah i'm gonna go and do that soon a little chill then grab some dinner we'll debrief the day and then i'll save for me guys but okay guys i'm struggling to keep my eyes open i know that's a bit dramatic um i had the most amazing time volunteering tonight the sun was shining everyone was in such high spirits it was just really lovely like really peaceful really nice thoroughly enjoyed that i got some good steps in um i'm naked i'm so tired i'm gonna eat my dinner now and then i'm gonna take my makeup off i'm gonna put my hair in a bun i can't tell you how nice that'll feel because these are starting to squeeze on my head and then i'm gonna have a shower and just lie in bed and watch a film before i then have to go to sleep because i'm getting up at six tomorrow as well i've got a busy day of ground school i've got a writing lesson i've got another quite busy day nowhere near like today but i like to fit things in there's just never enough hours in the day or enough energy in my body um i hope you guys know that i've lost my brain cells i cannot speak i hope you guys enjoyed this style of video it's quite different for me it's quite unique gives you a little bit of an insight into my weird weird but crazy life i'm very grateful for it i work very hard and i just love it but yeah please let me know if you want to see more of this type of video you know maybe more specific things um and i will get filming it let me know in the comments but yeah just like and subscribe hit that like button my dog is trying to get in my door daisy can you get in i'm gonna get it one sec hi princess kevin oh there she is there she is come here baby girl kill me a hyper puppy oh you're so beautiful oh oh she oh she's very hyper cute good girl little truffle pig daisy say hi hi daisy say hi you're so cute sorry i got very distracted i was literally just about to say bye yeah good night guys i hope you enjoyed this video like and subscribe and i will see you next time what was i doing what was that bye you
Channel: Erin Williams
Views: 87,429
Rating: 4.9422269 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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