Rick speaks about Bronner Burgess - Year 4

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it was four years ago today believe it or not I know for a lot of us it's it's hard to imagine for obviously for our family and for the show we felt everyday of all four but you know it was four years ago today that we received the news that would radically change everything it would be a pinnacle in the history of the show obviously the the pinnacle for our family when we got the news that at that time because Hammonds he was not part of the show they and he now has children that would that are younger than then he would be if he was still here with us the youngest Rickon Baba child William Branagh Burgess cornbread stepped into eternity today stepped into heaven and his short but complete life was he was done here on earth but old like ripples in the water the impact of that child and his short life have been convicting to everyone my guy was reading an email a minute ago from a from a dear friend that was reaching out to me today and I and I thanked him for that and he said you know I'm I'm convicted by the fact that I'm 43 years old and a little boy you only live two and a half years has accomplished more for the kingdom than I have and and he said that that that convicts me and it drives me to try to make sure that when I stand before God and have been given much more time than that little boy was given that I can also hear well done you know the years are all different I know a lot of you who have gone through trauma like we have you know what every year kind of has its own personality and I'm sure that will continue I don't know I mean I we're just kind of waiting to be led as the years come to us the first year obviously was a year of you know you got it you got to take care of your family you know you get you got to take care of the people around you you as the spiritual leader of the home and as the dad and as the husband you got to protect your family and and I learned and in a real valuable way there and I've talked about it a lot my wife is probably the godliest person that I know she's definitely the most honest person I've ever met and I remember kind of thinking that my job would be easy because she was so solid I'll never forget the day after her sitting on a couch and I was reading some of that today there's always these verses always go back to on these days and I remember walking in she was sitting on the couch and our daughter was sitting across from her and in this godly woman and this mother outstanding mother and incredible wife had her stepdaughter sitting right across from her reading every word of Romans chapter 8 and and when and when brandy wood would finish my wife would say again and she'd read it again and it stopped she said again because she knew where to go she knew who to lean on she knew that she was not foreign to hey what's going on this is chaotic who is God what are you doing there's nothing like that but but it doesn't it doesn't make it any easier and I was reading some of those words of hope today and thinking about that and I remember one of the moments when sherry one of that read at the graveside service and she wanted our daughter to read it and I remember the the pastor there our pastor coming up to brandy and brandy said I'd like to read romans chapter eight and he said well which part and she said all of it and he was like yeah well you gonna leave out but four time today we won't read it all but to me it ends with with really what what drives us you know when Paul says knowing all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am sure that neither death nor life nor Angels nor rulers nor present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation we have will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and and and that's true and that's really been what has driven us and the things we've seen and the things we've experienced him have been incredible and then year - it was really ministry two and three now the ministry now the ministry we now now we now we got it we got to do what God's called us to do we got a minister we got a see impact and it was and that's still going on but I was - I was talking to some of the my friends and I've talked a little bit around here the year four for me was the hardest as dad and and I don't know why I don't know what the reason is could be the clarity of all the taking the family and then doing the ministry and frankly holding this place together I mean you know if God doesn't inspire me and strengthen me the show's done - I don't say that arrogantly that's just true it's hard to have a Rick and Bubba show if he can come back you know I'm sure things would continue but would be a lot different and and so just the the exhaustion of that I think hit in the fourth year and then he just kind of turned to something that was that was pleasant but hard and that is just just thinking about him you know just thinking about the little boy and and he was just something just a gift from God he really was and it is and and I remember because there were so many biblical things that were going I'm sure he sent me we were talking yesterday one time she said to me and we were talking and she said um you know Rick when you look at all the things with Bronner from a biblical standpoint he goes we get to heaven he goes hey do you think this this little boy was he said who was he he said because you look at how it all began 40 is a number in the Bible 40 years is in 40 days and 40 is always used to prepare you for something and I remember being in my 40th birthday and I was already saying man I'm fired up about 40 because 40 means God's preparing me for something I'm excited about what's next I'm not down about 40 and that night sherry told me that I was gonna be a father again on my 40th birthday and that I would have a father I would have a son at 40 and and I and I thought man that's this is gonna be really something and Bubba's talked about it I have to in the fact that I was kind of a seasoned father I you know I didn't have a lot of anxiety going into it I wouldn't worried about you know what was going on you know it was like hey this one is just gonna be enjoyment I'm a veteran I love all my children and they all were unique you know I have a unique relationship with all of them but I thought this is just gonna be fun zone here because I know what to do I'm not gonna be stressed over the toddler years I'm not gonna be stressed over the baby time I know how to do all of it this just gonna be nothing but fun and buddy it was yeah it really was and so today really you know when we for this marker I mean we're all doing great where we have family and friends who love us and God is just so sweet we're in the process of doing we know the next phase of the ministry part will be I'm stoked and excited to be back out on the speaking trail again this year I mean I love it man I said that when you see you know the legacy and the impact you know that that's why I love to go do it I mean there's nothing more therapeutic to see that it matters to talk those people that said hey I'll never be the same and and you know and it's and that's going to continue but you know as looking back today and I was doing this yesterday and I've done it for most of the year is man--he to not get to know him even in his two-and-a-half years you missed something I mean he was a remarkable little boy and in me and his brothers and sister talk about that all the time I mean he was allowed he was Burgess a hundred and ten percent he was brawled he had thick feet he could run he could hit he could he was you know his big brothers made he mean by messing with him and and and he was just bring it on give me all you got he was a running talking walking little light and so when I look back at the fact that of all the people I feel like Jesse a little bit you know when Jesse throws all the sun's out and out in front of the Prophet and Samuel says is this all the signs and he says well I got the little one but surely you don't want the little one and Jayson and saying us they bring him to me and he walked they said that's the one and so it is four years ago today and it started off rough but it has been a powerful grueling four years but I'm better for it and I know many other people are as well we'll be right back stay close Rickon Bubba Rickon Bubba I believe the reason this show was chosen and I believe the reason why our family was chosen is not because we're outstanding people is because people would look at this kind of like when he kept taking away the number of the army for Gideon he wanted when it happened for it to be something only God could have done that's what you see here there's not nothing special about the people here nothing special about my family was special is that all we have is just submitted to the authority and the guidance of the one and only living God and His grace and mercy is all we are that's all we're an example of nothing more the strength you see is him the the the the fact that we still I remember the the first day I was asked to come back to this show and we were holding together down in our little farm and this little bitty Ted and roof house understanding that all those things that we had needed to be away from him for a while didn't mean a whole lot and and they and they don't now but I remember this wonderful moment of total dependence I was sitting in a little chair it was dark in the house I knew I was got to drive about thirty minutes to come to the studio it was cold and I because I was putting on a pair of boots and I remember sitting there and there was the kind you have to tie up and I was just staring at my boot and I said lord I can't put that shoe I said you want me to go do a show today and I can't even put my shoe and and knowing that I had to depend on him to put my shoes on and then say that's when he what he taught me so your problem with me has it hasn't been that you're not strong enough is that you've never been weak enough you've never been weak enough and that's that's a bad burgess trait is that we always want to be strong enough well we got learns you better be weak enough to give to completely submit to his authority and say I can't do it but you can just like job Joe was a man that had his act together he wasn't some guy named his act together I'm nowhere near the kind of man that Joe bosom this happened I mean I'm not the kind of guy that God would look down and say look there's guys got together I'm not that guy and even Jobe had his act together would he say before all this I heard of you with my ears now see you I see you now and even though he slayed me I still undefined my hope in him he's it and any are we just gonna accept good from God and never accept the bad and I think a lot of people you go through stuff like like this they think to function is somehow an example of saying it's okay it's not okay we don't like it my wife said it beautifully she said I don't like his tactics on this one she said but I sure can't argue with his results see believing in Jesus is trusting and obeying that's true belief it's not historical belief the demons have that James chapter 2 read it for yourself I didn't come up with this stuff it's in the Bible it's the Word of God you know you believe in Jesus find so did the demons you believe that he's God so do they they tremble at the sound of his name and James goes on to say but do you obey him they do you serve Him do you do what he said to do James 14:15 if you love me I mean John 14 if you love me obey my commands 1st John chapter 2 anyone who says they're with me if they don't pay me they're liars he says Liars only those who do the will of my father would inherit the kingdom many will say they did things in my name healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit enter by the narrow gate the road is wide that leads to destruction and many are going there I mean this this this is stuff that from Jesus Christ and people inspired by Christ it's not from us we didn't come up with it it's really important that you understand it though if there's one thing I hope that Bronner's of legacy accomplishes for the kingdom is that yes it brings the lost of Christ praise God for that because we're all called to that but I hope that it finally destroys in the Bible Belt this apathetic weak cultural Christianity that is sending people to hell
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 28,719
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Keywords: Rick Burgess, Bubba Bussey, Live, Radio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2012
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