WE MET PRESIDENT TRUMP | Rick & Bubba Show | Sept. 25, 2017

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[Music] so we're gonna kind of recount Bubba and ablis adventure up til we talked to the president if that all works out the way yes now this is soundcheck here yeah there's a little bit we're watching in Bubba's on the stage and and this is where they're just telling you kind of how it's going to go you know like I'm about nine months pregnant right there by the way a lot of people congratulating you and your twins but yeah probably one the best look for me so there this is Kristin Davis she's kind of running everything and setting it up right there and very efficient young lady yeah and there those are the two young ladies that did the pledge of allegiance so in their mom and they're all getting some pictures [Music] thank you and that's that's Luther strange there that microphone being shoulder like actually this got brought it in bobsleigh I am officially on my way to photograph the President of the United States I'm so sweaty right now I'm so unbelievably sweaty I just change into my suit in that pizza shop over there I'm kind of going for the Donald Trump jr. look maybe Trump will adopt me [Music] so sweaty right now there's above it and in the in the uniform didn't have a that didn't quite have the extender you were looking forward did you know it worked out luckily but you know I was worried it might mean I want to get to jumping around chant and it'll fly off of there right right yeah made you go up steps they don't have an elevator for you know it's just this is kind of for every by coming in we're just gonna sit and watching everything gotta you know oh no here's my eggs [Music] I mean you're really that's what she said Sam to go so damn again so you're about to go on this is the pregame thing we go work it by your friends and Phil is this where do they know what's coming they said hey you got it do what you will do okay do what you want to do yeah boy if only they knew what they were saying if only they knew you don't tell one of us go do what you want to do you better tell us whatever we may disregard in the Middle East Dallas it's just a very electric atmosphere it looked good what's Trump face [Applause] [Music] [Music] my goodness you're running for office he is I can tell by looking you face there's trouble coming blanks there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's got both girls on fire [Applause] Albertus score you say [Applause] this is this bobsled [Applause] [Music] my goodness there's the pledge of allegiance and that moms real nervous they get so good and I was looking she already was you were looking good at hair slicked back I felt very out of my element hi um which I changed in in a pizza shop right across the von rönn Center and I tried to get him come up to our room but he was too busy shooting b-roll I was come just getting in my zone one shot at this you got to get it off yeah trying to get serious you change you change the same place homeless people do but that's look yeah you got it doing it so you just got your camera rolling you think you're gonna capture everything bub is doing right y'all including meeting the president we are in a tiny little holding room about to be ushered out to meet the President of the United States of America it's very intensive so we're we're first up the buses are because we're we're biz [Music] they're comfy friends watch his first look II love it right there there's a capture it [Music] oh he goes it's okay thank you I think he said maybe when he poked a block they fired there was about six Secret Service guys to the stamp to Artie oh that's the Oh wrap it up that's the oh thank you anyway thank you thank you for moving away I thought you stopped shooting I think so he took one look at me all he did not like the looks of me the President of the United States does not like you might look kind of threatening but with me he knows the worst thing I'm only inviting him to lunch right now he's got a sandwich you're an issue but I mean but how about what's what's going on here is that I love the difference in the reaction Trump to Bubba versus Trump Adler so the room is so intense there's like Bubba said like seven or eight Secret Service guys in the room in the room there better be pretty volatile times we intercessor and if the president clears his throat everyone goes you don't have saying like everyone is that locked in to what this man is doing and it is it is so intense I thought I was going to get tackled or something if there's his face what he sees you I thought I thought I thought I'm gonna spend most of the night trying to get him out of jail the president later the free right you also have a sitting senator in that room no oh what is it we have two sitting senator senators senator richard shelby is also in the room you have chief of staff general mm-hm and and a whole lot of the folks yeah it's a it's a pretty intense room for what are y'all doing yeah what are we doing there and we had that we had a little shuffle there to try to get everybody lined up for the picture so I was able to squeeze off a great picture of the bus ease with mr. president Trump here I was proud of that I'll spray I got a good shot and as we are as we're walking off Kaitlyn runs over to me and sit and puts her phone in front of my face and it is a it is a selfie of her in the president - Kaitlyn you did not ask the president he's very nor a selfie she goes he loved it he loved it she said I asked him could I take his self in he goes is it for snapchat and she goes yes yes he loved it so good Adler had already been escorted back out even though the screaming and I told did you scream I'm Obama with that guy I got his I got his equipment and I said they've got you on the list to get a picture just go back around and go go through the line again so I ride out the camera yeah with I'll hold the cameras and you go again what does the hair look like in person up close it looks phenomenal it's the junior minute it's a work of art yes you can get lost in it right you probably you really it's it you don't even think about it you don't think about and he is very personable oh yeah and everybody had told us that behind the scenes yeah he likes to get fired up I listen to Bubba and I worked up the bravery to get back in line okay to meet the president and I saw you in the line through the door and I thought I don't know if he's gonna make it but he was on the list and I'm at the end of the line so the president could walk away right now or he could he could wait ten seconds to take a picture with me y'all and I'm like - a Secret Service the president of the using your president has that look like hey here's that Goggin so y'all at the very end I just I just made the president mad with my camera and then I got my wedding day and y'all saw my face on I look the way I look was that the slightly off challenge [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know it's it's getting tighter which is I think I think is good I think you coming into town has helped tremendously well Trump's on right now sir I would know well we there's a little bit of confusion too because on another line we have the White House on hold so I'm totally confused I don't know if that's Trump or not I think it is I don't I don't think that would see nothing Rick and Bubba show hello I don't think that was him I it sounded just like him Fresno I this is this is Calvin again with the Ricky Bobby show yeah so you're saying the reason why the hotline the reason that the number of you call directly was because of the better reception from your office yeah yes sir yes sir Rick Rick wants to say hello to just real quick Oh perfect perfect and like you and Bob had a great time Friday night y'all starting up yeah we're coming out in 30 seconds I'm about to come to you Frank Donald Trump is standing by president welcome to the Ricky and Bubba show well thank you both very much I got to meet Bubba the other night we had I guess a record-setting rallies couldn't have been what that was more crowded than that it was a great evening if things don't go the way that you're hoping they'll go concerning the Senate race you can blame that on Bubba well I'm going to I expect to you know Luther who's a a really great guy he's a fantastic guy whereas you know Ray's gonna have a hard time you know that it's gonna be a hard race you've seen those races go very bad this is an important one so I want to make it six to no present you said you know obviously and it was Roy Moore I know you were saying ray but more and but but I wanted to clarify that for the audience you were talking about obviously this would not be somebody that you know we would you know be against as far as who he is but when you're talking about the strategy and I think you're right if if Luther doesn't win this there's a shot that you know he's kind of you know Roy's done a great job as a judge but when it comes to a senator and some of the things he's been part of whether it's right or not the Democrats are gonna try to turn this into something they think they have hope Ian I don't know Roy Moore at all right and I think it's perhaps indicative when somebody doesn't even know his name you know that's not a good sign for him both of you and I and everybody listening and I do hear you have the biggest show in Alabama so we'll have to see right basically basically so if I don't if we don't win I can blame you guys and your shows they'll say well well I know quickly because I know we need to get to a break unless we have another segment with you which I assume we don't not every day you get two segments out of the president I think it's the first radio show honestly I think this is the first radio show I've done as president of you what another truth well it's okay to you and I thought you were great the other night when I met you two well thank you sir we appreciate thank you very much what I'm about to do right now if it's not classy just say Burgess I can't do that but if we could have you say this is Donald Trump president United States and you're listening to the Rick and Bubba show we would appreciate it but if you don't think you should do that we understand well I should definitely not do it but I will do it are you ready yeah this is Donald Trump president of the United States I love the state of Alabama and you're listening to the Rick and Bubba show and enjoy it and if they ever switch allegiance please do not run this whatever it is Thank You mr. president so much thank you thank you very much both and good luck to Luther Luther is a he will make a great great senator I hope the folks at Alabama agree and I love the I love the folks in Alabama so just have good time have a good day and I appreciate it good luck tomorrow good all right thank you very much praying for you say the prayers of the United States Donald Trump will be right I was going to say right once but what he said reg twice I thought I got to get in there and I didn't give the president much on ho cuz I Bob somebody playing a joke on me give me drop a job
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 29,995
Rating: 4.8641977 out of 5
Id: DpLgQR2YnAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2017
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