James Gregory on the Rick & Bubba Show

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it's okay to have fun again to give the people what they really want to hear and not treat them like a sea of mindless followers who have no choice in the radio entertainment welcome to the Rick and Bubba show it is seven and a half minutes past the hour as promised joining us as he makes his way again across the country the funniest man in America he is the gold standard ladies and gentlemen James Gregory J good morning welcome back bro it is so good to be here always good to be it is our honor to host you again it's my pleasure I guarantee we have had some of the funniest moments when you have been on this show and you know occasionally a meeting after you've left but for the most part some of the funniest moments we've ever had on the show have been when you've been behind that right well I wish I could the stage for the meetings oh I don't know about that yeah we've you know you brought us closer with people you vote you brought us some not so close to some old friends uh but um you know we did we did get our cell phone taken away one time but it's been quite a run um well yeah that's what makes a you know live entertainment live radio yeah it's so interested yeah my think my favorite moment in James Gregory history would be just all of us were tearing apart a turkey that was deep-fried ah here on the program the whole turkey was here we was a hunting knife we were just digging into it like wild and we were wild animals yes we were oh it was good and we became so relaxed James tomato Commodore - and I said James you realize we're all married who says we better not we I haven't seen him so surprised till that time that meeting went to sleep no no I wouldn't go that was all the radio show us a couple bun to you guys and the way you run the deal here you know I think that's how come you you're on the air and you're layer so long people love you so much is it you you can forget that you're actually doing a live radio broadcast it's just like you know hanging out yeah that's what makes it so great you know so if anything goes wrong it's your fault not mine yeah and you know you've always your humor plays right into the talking about this one of the great American pastimes and that is family and friends just hanging out oh yeah yeah we don't have enough of that anymore I don't think socialize yeah fellowship yeah eaten I'm you don't have to be real old you can be in your 20s early 30s and you're still only us remember when people can actually sell running talk without a cell phone glued to the year and it's very telephone count on you in society based about a decade really yeah yeah this will it dawn them out stopping the friend of mine this past weekend and we were headed to outdoors to go hang out and he was talking about something happened sometime and he was just in college and he's in his early forties and he said and you know they had to try to find me that is called the phone of a friend's that where I was over his house because we didn't have cell phones I thought wow yeah that's not your you you know so yeah yes I you I don't tolerate that much to know words like you see them in restaurants people got there's a family you know there's five members of a family sitting there for a moment cell phone talking during dinner you see people eating with one hand talking with the other and I'm thinking but what phone calls me that important what's really important right you know and you know that Mama's had changed because my mama wouldn't tolerate a how hey oh no see the singing I don't know where that one came from I said now who declare we can't sing in some reason they were some rooted you have in your family oh yeah you know saying at the time saying we don't you just able to eat and you talk you don't have to back I'm I'll I'll give her a benefit at the supper table and the phone ringing of course you don't have to get up after it my dad wouldn't let us that's it yeah we do that now what do you do what would he do just yeah just you know give us that look you remember there's no more smell there no answer machines you know caller ID yeah he'll they'll call back yeah and now you see people you see people Brett that really that's what you know we knew yeah this way I still am you know like uh you know my cell phones in the car I never take my cell phone I don't have my cell phone in buildings I text I was running I would everything my dad yeah I would text and don't get me started on man yeah he threw it right if I have a very cool hard stance on texting right every time I read in the paper you're the news for someone these single car accidents where they were text texting run dry off the road hit a tree and died I'm so glad they're dead good hi I'm James Craig okay we're off kind of blistering pace today no I'll tell you right I'll tell you why you're saying only single car actually give a car sometimes you know you call somebody to hit an innocent person yeah and you don't you're not for them but see I tell you why I'm glad they're gone they're out of my way for one thing number two is if these idiots who text and drive I don't know why anybody do if they do that on a regular basis tomorrow they could cross the line to hit my sister yeah tomorrow they cross the line to hit my nephew and niece oh the people I love I agree so let go ahead and out a day I'm ok with that but that's the reason I never understood why we're having to have a law about people texting and driving how can there be people that think you they should text and drive well they're just idiots see that's one thing you can't legislate you know it's like it just we have so many laws in our country now they're what we call feel-good legislation like the law but just passing New York State I think it takes effect in January we're about a law by law now mcdonald's is required by law to put a piece of fruit or vegetable in the happy meal that's a song well you know it's about that nation ah here we go where it's below that's because you have all these we have a generation of people now that don't know really how to be parents like if they want they some people want the McDonald's would quit advertising the Happy Meal so much then here's what I've said when I have the privilege Secretariat is off and running but no I just said I just say it when I have them when I have them when I have the privilege right to speak to our entertain any of these brain-dead soccer moms right there's what I'll tell her without the fast-food industry this is start yesterday right it was started in the 1930s by the White Castle and the Crystal Corporation and then follow the few years later in the early fifties with McDonald's and so on so fast foods always been around when we were growing up and most people who listen to us down when we were growing up me and my little brother we saw a zillion things advertised on television we won't it now listen up soccer moms nobody hears what my mama said to us no all right sometimes she would spell it out I said no in oh could you could you see your mama or your daddy saying every time I love the boy sees that commercial he was with me a memo write my congressman yeah so that's how far we've come down down the slope as a country don't you love when the mayor has to tell the kids what time to be huh I hate curfew laws I hate curfew yeah because that's just lazy parents well it should be parents well we'll yeah they should be well ahead here's his ass up rule you don't pay you can feed them support them in control of don't have anything wrong that I mean really I mean anything boy 15 minutes spent in Bubba Rickon Bubba no James but to me one of the biggest problems with texting and we were talking about that last segment is we used to sit on the porch and tell stories right you can't tell a story via text or even oh well there's no emotion in it right there's no feeling it it's just words you know and I got this course I I'm kind of computer illiterate anyway and I'm glad I'll be it's not like I want to learn anything mom was you even in it suddenly have a GPS and people's emails let me up the GPS you get one when their own self once they be nine let's look I've been on the road 28 years different town every day different town every week you know I don't get lost always show up I got a ride Matt Natalie in the car yeah but I think people just kind of addicted anything on a video screen oh you should have seen the time one of my most disasters I thought I was going to give my dad who is your kind of guy yeah you get my dad a GPS I thought man he'll love this he looked at me and he's never been that that Ford about not liking a gift he said I don't go anywhere I don't know where it is I mean tell me I don't go anywhere I don't know where he is we hit him on it you know mr. B's never used we don't miss them in goal I've worked with him this week oh really safe this week you know I mean Steve would go back to 1987 that's how long we'd known each other Wow all right I remember so we buy him a new Chrysler 300 a few years ago he come up wanting to show me we have people on show off the cars you don't want to run right he said I'll take a ride with me so we exit my subdivision it's got is that the GPS you know and I'd never seen one until then I heard about because I don't have your car as it's got it in there so anyway so he looked at this great he said look see this is where we are right now I see I know I'm looking at the weather so all that kind of makes me drivers anyway but my real hatred is for these Facebook people I got five but why he's on his phone look at it it's text you're not even listening to you I got you these people I got I got I got three thousands friends on Facebook do that so I mean I'm just saying this I don't wanna sound like I believe it at a time that don't exist anymore which we require basically every don't set people who don't even have time now you walk out the back door you walk across your yard leaning on the fence talk to your neighbor a few minutes go down get your mailbox mail other male boss there's your neighbor walking the dog you spend a few times talking to your neighbor nobody has time for that you know but they got time to keep their 5,000 friends on Facebook update yeah I mean people don't ever meet never know hours office hours you know so I just said I don't get it I'm not really saying the people that do better idiots I'm just saying I don't get it right that's all I'm saying yeah I can mystery we're going is that going online never works out for me anyway you see all these things well they don't nothing works out for me we are you see these little commercials it makes you did you marry this ancestry.com oh yeah yeah look up your kinfolk whether I found out that my great-great-grandfather live next door Thomas Jefferson that kind of stuff you know with his ass right and after I doubt that my ancestors were owned by black families you know it's just it's just stuff it just it's just always it just never turns out that's all thing it's not color I've got an area I gotta leave all that dot-com stuff but now you you do have a webpage or oh yes I do yes I do and ever tells me it's great if not every time they need to pull it up so James can see what every time they rebuild the website you know they look he'll see the leg it runs my office she's got a competing everything sorry you know I you know my manager Lenny you know say to be we we didn't just go by the office and house isn't pull-up so-and-so because he knows there's nothing I take it my house he knows that right I got to go to the office have her click on something so I can see it is exciting but it's worked out well for me you know I'm not I'm not encumbered by this well I honestly by the way you make a living and you as long as somebody does have a website that they take care of for you and keeps it updating where you going to be does a lot people are in my tickets again and buy tickets that way and I'll then buy your stuff oh sure as long as somebody's handling that and you're going from town to town doing your your aglet really why do you need it yeah see I mean I don't need to travel with it everybody I know travels with a laptop yeah now Keith a burst a said he didn't understand that that's work yeah Keith is strange yeah this is hard huge with a better bill people right you know yeah I got all about guys analyze I say my guys these guys not work with it you want three of them that's why I said you don't have three guys yeah and I'm looking I'm looking for a replacement cause you know Keith this am I retired in New York then he is semi-retired you know out in California and then then Steve's got a wife two daughters and a dog he has to have time off occasion oh yeah so you know I'm kind of I think I'm just gonna start pick up hitchhikers okay you be funny for 20 minutes but here's how I got him all analyzed a typo Steve this Steve is like been on the road with somebody who's just he's like a cocky like a college kid who's just glad to be away from his roommate and out of the dorm for the weekend right that's Steve Ming gum right yeah now Vinny is still in like high school he just it's all him as a field trip Wow let's go right let's go let's fire where we gonna eat right here you know it Keith depending on what Dad is is he's like been on the phone with a little girl or no lady I mean he's always cold I was a mess with a tradition oh yeah but you love he drives with both hands on the steering wheel he won't speed really is your speed right you know it is running around all these little mini bottles of this hand sanitizer stuff you know it sip it if I bother water all day you know so that's how does it how does he sip on it how's he doing how do you do it tips Utley I'm still have a sip it sip sip sip sip it let me get a knock over here yeah so at this time I got hung comedians I'm gonna put grown man right you know yeah where you gonna find one of those now that they're out there grown man who knows how to eat right and can be funny for 20 min yeah yeah well I'm already hard I've already I've already got a job but I've been reading yeah I bet you would yeah be good I can't tell you how give you that I know I could do now the reason that's all I'm good for days about 20 minutes
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 280,338
Rating: 4.7776341 out of 5
Keywords: Rick, Bubba, James Gregory, Rick Burgess, Bronner Burgess
Id: vGucZ8H7DEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2010
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