A Father's Heart- Rick Burgess- full video

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you know this this opportunity that has been given to me today is an awesome opportunity it's one that I think most of us would would say I wish that we were not given but but if you walk with the Lord the way our family has what were the Lord for many many years see and I don't I don't say this pridefully I'm just talking to all of you they're here some of you are here or or my brothers and sisters in Christ and your prayers and your support and your love have overwhelmed our family but I will tell you this I'm not surprised by I wasn't caught off guard by it because the Scriptures say that the world would know us by our love for each other that it will be unique it will be peculiar and it will overcome anything and you have done that and you have showered us with the love that is appreciated it has helped us but it has not surprised us so thank you to everybody there's been so many another thing that that a lot of people have said to me and they said it many times and they said are you sure that you want to get up and say something at this time and again I know a lot of you may not understand when I say that that is a very easy answer for us and the answer is of course I do because it as I stand here before you today in this difficult time for our entire family this is a an opportunity that was given to me to leave here today knowing that I was obedient to my father in heaven to Bronner's father in heaven who is in the care with the only father who loves him more than me if you were to leave your children in someone's hands and they said you're going who would you like to take care of your child till you get back you would wouldn't you love it if they said I'll tell you what I'll find somebody who loves your child more than you do we'll see that's our situation though we we miss him and we'll miss him for years and years to come corn how long God keeps us here we know that he is in the care of a father who loves him more than I do to the father that he really belongs to and it was it was funny because I was I was getting sitting here and we were celebrating him and I was thinking about how he never got to come to big church and I know a lot of you who knew him know that he could not be in big church without you knowing he was in big church and when I realized that you know people are singing songs celebrating him today in big church I thought about casting Crowns again brothers and sisters in Christ who immediately without question said we want to be there and I thought to myself you know everybody loves a child which is why Jesus loved children and wishes we would be more like them the Dayla I don't realize if it was my turn to go on in y'all are so busy you probably said hey tell we'd love to be never win coming for it but I knew you'd come for him and there's just something about a child I remember when when sherry was coming up with the name Bronner I remember thinking to myself that sounds like somebody's last name and I had another name remember that I was warning and we were all of our children have be names and and she kept sticking with you know I want Bronner I want Bronner and I realized as I looked today on the handout and I looked at this and all the things that have happened in his name he was given a unique name so you wouldn't forget it William Bronner Burgess will be remembered hopefully by you forever because of the impact that he will have for the kingdom of God not the impact that he had for us that knew him as a child see God I see her today and I look at my four other children and I love you so much and I look at these four children and what God has taught me and what I've been trying to teach you and as I stand here and do this the second hardest thing I've ever done but I want to take this opportunity to challenge you in front of fellow believers that it is so much more important that you be warriors for the kingdom of God than anything else I remember sherry not worrying about where you would go to school worrying about what your vocation would be worrying about what worldly things you would accomplish and God convicted us so clearly he said I will take care of that you be about the business of teaching them to be warriors for my kingdom so my prayer is you know changed all I pray for is that you have an impact for the kingdom of God you will not be defined by anything you accomplish in this world you will only be defined by what you do for him you are to be warriors for him you are to fight for him and you are to bring people to know him so they will not perish that is what your mother and I pray for you and that's all that we're gonna try to teach you to do little did we know that as that process was going that God would take the baby and let him be the first warrior of the Burgess children and what an impact that little fella has already had those you that I feel like I'm getting in late in the game I mean there have been so many lives that have already been changed because of of the appointment that God had with him I had some had people as I stood here last night I had a person come up to me and she said I shared the gospel of Jesus Christ for the very first time in the name of William Bronner Burgess I had another man stopped and said listening to the story and listen to the the challenge that that Bubba and your wonderful brothers in Christ on the program gave in his name when they said if you want to help Rick and sherry and their family gets your spiritual life in order and get on the Great Commission and that person said three people in office prayed to receive Christ and that's just the beginning a lot of you are sitting here today and well all of you you're in one or two situations you are a fellow believer or you think you are you claim to be or you're lost and I'm here to tell you today that if God would have sat down with me because I don't want you to look at me and think that there's anything special about me because there's not i am a wretched sinner unworthy of god's grace who received it god gave me a godly woman as a wife and sherry Burgess stepped up in my life when no one else would and we took each other's hand on the day we were married the holiest day that has ever happened and we knew that God had a plan for us and this godly wife an outstanding godly mother how we'll have a huge impact on the kingdom through what she's done as my helper and what she's done for these children and what she was doing is that baby's mama and the impact is already being felt so if you sit here today the biggest injustice you can do our family the biggest injustice you can do our Savior the biggest injustice you can do for our baby is to leave here unchanged to continue to be apathetic weak ineffective believers of Christ it ought to break our hearts more than the loss of this baby that in the last survey over 90 percent of believers have never shared the gospel one time never see when I was standing in Tennessee with Scott Dawson we were at that we're at the we were at that conference and and the most horrible news a father could ever receive came and he looked at me because he loves me and he is one of my dear friends in Christ and he said I don't know what to do I'm paraphrasing because it's hard to remember it I remember there was a time of confusion you know did we continue this conference obviously we got to get you home and he said he said what do we do and he felt like he's a new friend what I need to go with you well thankfully God had some of my other brothers set up there in here and I said to him because the minute that this happened I knew what God wanted me to do and I don't say that because of any pride in my flesh I'm saying that because I walk with him I pray with him I talked to him and when I tell him I would be ready and then he said are you ready I didn't want to say well no I'm caught off-guard by this because he wasn't wringing his hands about it and you know what I wouldn't either and I looked at Scott and I said my son is in heaven without question because the Scriptures tell me where he is God had a reason for allowing it I don't think that God took our son I think he allowed him to be taken at this time the Bible says all of our days are numbered every one of us and he allowed him to be taken so that he could be glorified and no other reason not to punish us not to bring us heart heartache and pain he did it so that the kingdom would be glorified and I told Scott I said my son's eternity is not in question but 7,200 other people who hit this conference there are hundreds and thousands of them their eternity hangs in the balance so suck it up get out there and finish the fight because if we shut this conference down Satan wins this situation not Christ and let me tell you something Satan made a huge mistake attacking my family Satan miscalculated this greatly he should have never come after us and when I say family I speak about this family but I speak about my family of believers because all of you have gone into action in a way that is making our saviors smile if God asked me to give up a son so that some of you will live an eternity it is well but God asked me to do this and if you remained unchanged now that will break my heart see a lot of you are sitting here today and you're thinking you know what are you going to do as a family what do you do after something like this sherry now we're talking about this I looked at sherry last night as we lay down for the evening and I told her this because this is really how my flesh feels I told her this I said I just want to go home I don't want to be here anymore I said I wish that all of us who love each other could just go to where he is I don't want to be here anymore it's not a fun it's not a great place you know things like this happen because we live in a fallen creation on the show we deal that all the time people say why would this happen why would God do this I thought God loved us well let me clear that up real quick for all of you okay see I was a sinner and you were a sinner bound for the lake of fire everybody in here deserves to go to hell every one of us and God looked at us and we have we had the Gulf of sin between us and he said they can't come to me I got to go to them so he took on flesh of a baby just like ours and he was born of a virgin and he put on flesh and he walked and he felt everything we feel he was 100% man and 100% God the reason why I've already had a time of weeping and there's more to come is because he also wept the human side of him when loved ones died he also wept when he saw people he loved choosing Satan over him and he took on that flesh and he suffered for you and he suffered for me he suffered a gruesome humiliating death because our sin is so nasty and he died on that cross for you and me and this is the part some of you need to get when he didn't have to some of you walk around like you had that coming you didn't have that coming you don't you don't deserve that I didn't deserve that you had hell coming but he died for you anyway and he suffered for you anyway when he didn't have to and then he defeated death and he walked out of the tomb on the third day to complete the job ascended to heaven which is about what I'm gonna get to next and it's preparing a place for you when he didn't have to so can y'all give me a break on I thought God loved us I think he's on record for how much he loves you and how much he loves me so don't you ever take this situation and say I thought God loved Rick and sherry and his family he did love me that's why he died for me anything else I get I don't deserve because I didn't deserve that how many of you are ready how many of you are ready for God to take something that is so dear to you how many of you are ready how many of you just say that but how many of you really believe it how many of you really care if someone dies and goes to hell how many of you sitting here today really know Christ and it's the center of everything you do it's the center of every decision you make in John 14 Jesus Christ said let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my father's house there are many rooms if it were not so I would have told you now I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will coming in and will take you to myself that where I am you may be also and then you will know the way to where I'm going well Thomas steps up like a lot of us still keep doing so we're talking about we don't know how to get where you're going some of y'all don't know how to get to where my son is you don't have a clue you say the right things but you don't know you can't know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if it was you that was taken instead of my son that you would know that you would spend eternity with him with Jesus Christ in heaven if you can't answer that question you got problems and Thomas said how do we know and Jesus said what sums it all up I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me some of you are here and you believe in relative truth some over here in your bind some of the things that are being spun by the world that there are many ways to heaven Jesus Christ said otherwise and if someone says Rick you're a father who is hurt and you just want to feel better so you're saying that you know the way to heaven and and I tell you what I don't I don't know where you get off telling all of us here we came to support you but we believe otherwise you said Jesus is on the way to heaven I didn't say it Jesus did it doesn't matter what I say Jesus said it so if you believe there's another way to heaven take Jesus out because he took himself out he is the only way to heaven because he said it and see the thing about John 14 I had a pastor who was with me that was there doing work and was working with the Sheriff's Department on that horrible evening on Saturday night and he said something to me which is so true because I was gonna I felt God taking me in the same direction he said you know the great thing about John 14 is it answers the question that is on our family's mind now see one of our loved one has go gone to be to have a go to be in heaven and we want to be with him but we're not we don't decide when we go Christ us so what are we do in the meantime don't you all want to go home but what are we do in the meantime well jesus said I'm going to prepare this place for you and they're saying we want to go either now and he says no not now and they said what are we do in the meantime he said well in the meantime you need to be out be about my business in John 14:15 he said if you claim to love me then obey my commands God really changed me with that verse in the last four or five years of my walk with Him because I realize and some of you were doing it here today you are here today at this service your hearts being pulled you're emotional and you are living a lifestyle though you claim to be a believer and you're living a lifestyle in conflict with our Savior do you know why you're living a life in conflict with our Savior and in conflict with his teachings you know what Jesus said cuz again it doesn't matter what I say he's just cuz you don't love me enough to stop you're weak you're pathetic and every time you get a challenge you crumble because it's a lack of love for me I didn't say it it doesn't matter what I think Christ said it he's anyone who says they love me will obey my teachings he said those that are that are against me will disobey my teachings it's really that simple but it's powerful I've learned that my disobedience is nothing but a lack of love for Christ he said you don't love me enough to the behave the way I told you to and where we mess up in the meantime where we mess up we mess up so much is that we think we can do it I remember talking with my older schiller we're talking about the things that gonna call you to do the way God's told you to live and I acknowledge to them and I knowledge taught us I said some of that's hard and they said dad is my affectionate sorry I don't know how we can do and I said well you can't you got to be totally submissive to Christ only he can do it those you that came up to me and there's been so many who said I don't know how you're standing here and I said I'm not he is somebody said how you gonna get up and speak I said I can't but he can since I lost a little baby boy it's really as simple as the simple little wonderful children's song we've written some incredible songs we've sung them today you guys mark y'all written some powerful songs I bet you'd agree though they made any more powerful than jesus loves me this I know I am weak but he is strong yes jesus loves me I am weak but he is strong I am pathetic but he is wonderful and he is speaking to you now because I can't my father can't get up and do this only he can not an earthly father so I want to challenge you I want to challenge you in the name of Jesus Christ and in honor of my son see when when God had to give his son he did it but but you know what he also got him back and I'm not strong enough if God would have set me down and said Rick I love you I need a son from you I probably would have said I I can't I can't do that and he knew that that's why he allowed them to be taken without checking with me but when it happened I climbed on a plane because I have friends who loved me friends who didn't even know they'd be called into action but they were and I knew I needed to get home to my precious wonderful godly wife who was going through the most horrific thing a mama should ever have to go through and a lot of you been through it and I appreciate you leaning on us and writing things to us you know we're kind of a we're kind of a small group but we have something now that we have in common and I know none of us wish we did but I remember being on climbing on an airplane I had one hour and I loved that pilot I can't even think of his name he loved Jesus too and the plane I got on shouldn't have come back from Pigeon Forge in an hour should have taken longer net but he was letting that baby eat I didn't know a prop would go 500 miles an hour but I walked into getting ready to walk into the hospital so I was on that airplane getting prepared for that horrible moment and I just sit there y'all been here fellow believers you've been there when something toughs happening and I just looked out that window and I could see the moon and I could see the stars and I said hey what are you doing father Savior what do we do it what are you trying to teach me this is a hard lesson but you know by the time I got off that plane I was ready I was ready I was almost instantly ready but he really refined it in that hour he said what I want from you is for you to go to the next level in spreading the gospel of the good news hundreds and thousands of people around the world are gonna listen to you because you lost a little son and that breaks everybody's heart and they gonna be watching you they're gonna be watching you they're gonna be watching your circle of federal believers the world will be looking going how about your God now and he said and I want them to be perplexed I want them to look at you and your friends and go how so we can say we can't but Christ can and if you don't know him if you don't know him this world will devour you and if you do know him be about his business in the meantime till he returns I want so much to go home to my baby and take my family with me and we will we'll get there but if I left now if Jesus Christ left now I know a lot of you get tired to get wearied you go I want to go home now how many times you're running estimations I wish Jesus would come back I don't I don't not now cuz see what God told me on that plane he said if I come back now if I bring you here to where your baby is now people will perish people you know will perish so don't be so selfish that you want to come now and leave them to go to hell so I'm gonna be about his business more so than ever more so than ever more inspired than ever which is where Satan made his mistake but I cannot do it by myself I want the death of our child to energize all believers to get about the business of preaching the gospel quit trying to be defined by what you do at work quit trying to be defined by which you accomplished in your hobbies quit trying to have your children be defined by how good they do in Little League or how good they do in the classroom or the lack thereof start being defined by the amount of people that you present the gospel to that God brings them to him be defined as a father and a mother about how godly and powerful your children are as warriors for the kingdom of God because I got to tell you something there's one thing we were that our family feels right now this stuff of this world don't mean nothing it is fading away it is fading away I walked into my office where that little baby would always go in there and play no matter how many times I told him not to and he dumped crayons out in the middle of the floor in our office I walked in there after he was gone they were laying in the floor and I just stepped on them and grind them into carpet who cares I'll leave a stain on that carpet couldn't care less about that stupid carpet I'll tell you what I do care about though I care about standing in front of my Savior looking around him too William Bronner verges and watching William Branagh Burgess hear from his Savior well done well done because I Got News for You that baby's getting too well done that little evangelist is whipping all of us right now but how many people he's bringing to Christ don't let that happen don't let that happen he said to build up your treasures in heaven we got a treasure already there and we're gonna and you know what I hope he is sitting there amongst a bunch of them because honey that's all that matters is what we do from here and what we do for our savior that's how we honor our son that's how you could honor our son if you're sitting here today and you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior the minute that I got this news John 16:33 and Scott if you remember that was the last thing I said at every session because I told them what the standard was and what Christ said we should do I said but you know a lot of your hurt and what I've said is hard and you hurt I said so let me tell you what else he said he said in this world you will have trouble see I know we like to move on to the next part of this which is so wonderful but please don't miss what our Savior said he told us that that metaphor he speaks to trials and tribulation through the Scriptures much more he does about good times he said in this world you will have trouble we as the Burgess family the botan family and everybody that's connected to us we're having trouble right now but you know why we can make it is because he said but take heart because I have overcome the world and that's exactly what I clung to when I got that terrible news my savior was standing right next to him he had the Holy Spirit the comforter right with me and he was saying you're about to get some bad news but take heart because I have overcome this and I will be powerful where you were weak do you know him do you know him did you know Jesus don't you want some of that don't you want that don't you wish that no matter what waited on you that you could look to the greatest friend of all time the greatest comforter of all time those who hear that that know him and have access to that but you're living a pathetic weak walk I'm gonna call for a lot of you to toughen up a little bit you're too easily defeated you're too easily defeated you get destroyed by nothing be strong he gave his all for you give him something stop this pathetic walkabout I'm just barely gonna get in but I'm gonna get in anyway what a pathetic walk go in there expecting some treasures give him all you got because he did so that's my challenge to you don't let our Savior down don't let our baby be taken in vain make something happen as far as those you that don't believe I won't do what he asked me to do right now for you if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior I want you to bow your head right now everybody bow those you hear that don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior you've heard this presentation you came here because it was a kind decent thing to do we appreciate that but it is meaningless if you leave you're lost I want you to pray this prayer with me lord I know that I'm a sinner Oh Lord I know I'm a sinner I know I'm a sinner and I need a Savior and I acknowledge in my heart hear me now acknowledge it in your heart words don't mean anything it's your heart I acknowledge in my heart that I need a Savior and that Savior is you Jesus Christ Lord I want you to come into my heart and I want you to forgive me of my sins I want to repent from those sins and never walk that way again I love you not as much as you love me but teach me to you as much as you love me and help me to walk as a new creat creation to never be the same thank you Jesus for saving me right now this moment in his name I pray amen don't look up keep your heads down keep your heads down put your heads back down here's what I want you to do right now you have no investment in what's just happened if you prayed that prayer and you just asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart for the very first time you've acknowledged him as your Savior all I want you to do is just wherever you're sitting just look up at me and make eye contact it's all mi s-- you do that was the right thing to do just look up wherever you are praise God that was the absolute right thing to do but praise God look up at me wait till I see you then put your head now look up look up praise God that was the right thing to do sir I hope you're never the same look up look up looking up top now there thank you that was the right thing to do all right pet lord I thank you for these decisions I thank you so much for how much you've loved me and loved my family thank you for wrapping your arms around us to this difficult time I know that you wept with us I know you cried with us I know you didn't want to do what you had to allow but Lord may you be glorified and help us through this process protect my wife who will come under attack after the smoke clears protect her Lord and hold her close to you help me to be the comfort for that she needs to protect my children as I try to struggle through this hard hard worldly thing help them through it Lord and bring these new believers into your fellowship and teach them to be bold convict the the believers that are here that are so apathetic they've done nothing for you teach them to be bold put together an army and may you be glorified thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ that have wrapped their arms around this our family and have loved us so much I'm anxious to get back to work with him tell me when you're ready in Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Dennis Burgess
Views: 28,694
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: google, orlando, linkedin, facebook, cornbread, rick burgess, rick and bubba show, william bronner burgess, a father's heart, memorial, www.rickandbubba.com, wzzk, Rick And Bubba (TV Program)
Id: 4FdUUKKazqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sun May 25 2014
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