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[Music] well rick and bubba go to the white house today they'll be speedy they'll be bubba they'll be yours truly they'll be adler and super tom the engineer and we will board uh rb1 and head to the white house [Music] trump just texts me won't know if we got on the ground i said yes so he's standing by waiting on us [Music] i think there's bub's got holes in the back of his pants i'm not sure well here we are test one two one two one [Music] i think i just saw debbie's eyes move somebody's looking at us [Music] sitting in the white house library look at one of them speedy where are we we're in the library at the white house i dare you to go pick up a book and try to read it i wonder if you pull on one of these books like a fake wall slides out and it goes into a tunnel that goes out of the city a couple things yesterday that we didn't want to talk about we were one of there were four other shows there uh and then there was a two chairs in the middle of the room where laura ingram was to interview the president so when the president comes into the room there's this really cool moment where he really looks over at us and i want to be sure everybody held me accountable that i'm not exaggerating he looks over at us and he says hey hey hey guys i'll be with you guys in a minute here it is good to see you which i thought was incredible so so now first of all let's go ahead and deal with the elephant in the room and he was as loud as an elephant lars larson i'm loud hey lars we love we love you but you're very loud i'm loud and so i'm thinking there's no way that laura ingram's going to sit there and do a tv interview with lars i'm loud i mean lars is going to drown it out so they sit down for the interview and now this became a two-fold problem he's so loud the president stops i can't do this interview with that the president goes i can't i can't do this with him over there being loud i can't be talking well then comes the next awkward moment laura ingram doing her job she's got potus so she's going to interview him as long as he's willing to talk and the president is willing to talk and everybody's doing this and neither one of them is their job they're calling in a plane yeah i thought at one point somebody would take a white towel and just throw them out and now we're awkwardly sitting there with all people rick perry and then there's an attempt to change the plan for the live shows but then the secret service shuts that down oh no no the president's going to go in the exact rotation that we're ready for him to go in and he's going to rick and bubba the secret service said the plan was rick and bubba next and that's what we're doing and everybody else can have a coke and a smile right i don't know if y'all know this we can kill everybody in this room and then we become now you get to be humble about it well secret service is with us sorry about that i just want to do what secret service says hello rick nice to see you both all right rick and bubba we're in the east wing of the white house uh here with the 45th president of the united states of america donald trump pretty fancy place right very nice not so bad you've come a long way we like the cookies too yeah we got good cooks here that's true thank you for lunch the lunch was fantastic good well what do you normally do you eat a lot do you have what do you ask for lunch well i don't have much time to eat we're trying to pass tax cuts now and we've got all sorts of things lined up tomorrow ahead for china and japan south korea vietnam and the philippines other than that it won't be very busy [Music] and kellyanne conway is joining us of course obviously did a great job you know with the trump campaign now as a counselor to the the president of the united states kellyanne welcome to rick and bubble well thank you for having me rick and bob it's a pleasure and welcome to the east room americans want to keep more of their hard-earned money they want to be left alone to raise their kids and worship their god and spend their money as they see fit after they've paid their dues paid a fair tax rate but the tax rates are not fair right now cliff sims special assistant to the president united states and director of white house message strategy except for president trump's twitter cannot take the credit nor blame for that one right yes so he does that on his own can you believe can you believe the three of us are in this room it is truly bizarre as i look to my left there's the painting of george washington that dolly madison carted out of here during the war of 1812. i mean honestly that like every day it's weird coming in here we talked a little bit about it the last time i was on the show but the fact that it's us three here now is kind of weird and i want to just i love it if dolly carted that painting out he was a strong large man [Music] he had a lot of help you couldn't fit that in a wagon yeah you know dolly madison was a woman right dolly madison well she had some help right none other than the president himself on for the second time do we think we would ever say that now i understood here in the white house the fact that we asked him to do a celebrity liner and he did it this is donald trump president of the united states i love the state of alabama and you're listening to the rick and bubba show and enjoy it and if they ever switch allegiance please do not run this whatever it is you realize that became a huge news story oh absolutely yeah no i've heard it i've heard it from many many people radio publications all over the country wanted to interview us about getting that line we really did we got it it was brilliant yeah now there are a lot of people who do not like what we do and see themselves as being you know big time political commentators they were all on suicide watch after after he was on the show and we actually did that and uh second only to announcing we were coming back right yeah that's now it's happened to him again but you know what i think he likes about you guys it's honestly what i think the voters like about him he's a normal guy he talks like they talk he you know whatever he's just no he's going to say what's on his mind and i think that's what you know you've talked about it before people said y'all would never make it on radio the same way they said he'd never make it as a politician but but real being real is so rare these days that when you see it it resonates with people it's worked for y'all it's worked for him bubba we have rod shaw who's joined us raj is the deputy press secretary raj welcome to the rick and bubba show first time you've ever been on but we're glad to have you i got a great face for radio what do you think is driving the economy right now well i think we think a lot of things but i think that people who are making investment decisions about where to create a business where to grow a business understand that this president is on their side he wants to make it easier for them uh to to with the right policies on all fronts regulatory front with tax policy and across the board talking now with rick perry secretary of energy and uh secretary welcome to the rick and bubba show this is quite a deal in it we're excited to thank you for being the in the east room of the white house well my well my grandma my grandmama thought i'd be here but i didn't believe it i tried to get here for a while the lord had a different plan that's right and we we were a big fan of your foxtrot too so oh man let me tell you the hardest thing i ever did was that dancing with the stars that looks difficult that looks difficult i wasn't a dancer of course that was pretty obvious when you think about this administration what you guys are doing when you think about that part of the economy it affects every single american and and the previous administration had their thumb on the scale they had the thumb on the scale of green uh energy and you know that's where they put their effort that's where they put the money and i just asked the federal uh energy regulatory commission to take a look at how you level up the playing field so to speak so that we have an all of the above i mean i'm i'm for win we created a huge amount of wind while i was the governor of state of texas we've been down and saw some of your windmills yeah we don't do a lot of of hydro in texas yeah we got that over here but the point is that you can have an all-of-the-above energy strategy that the market will drive secretary a few years ago we were we were bumping up against four dollars a gallon gas and we were told you know that that drilling new wells was not the answer it'd take years to to get that in the pipeline so to speak well you know we did and now it is and it's kind of nice well this president understands that if americans are freed from over taxation over regulation that they will respond in a powerful way that's exactly the reason he's doing this tax cut in this tax reform he's already stepped in and made a big difference on the regulatory side what the epa has done what the department of interior done what we've done over doe taken away i mean literally hundreds of regulations freeing people from these over-regulations and you add the tax side of this and you will see america explode economically i will suggest more than it's ever done in its history we have director mick mulvaney with us the office of management and budget so this is hey this is the big time the budget here we go how do you how do you manage whatever you can begin when you sit down to look at trying to make a budget that gigantic we start at the beginning and finish no um like eating an elephant i guess yeah it is um the bottom line is we typically go by size right so you start with a dod because that's the biggest part of the discretionary budget even though the mandatory spending is a bigger piece of the pie like like i said about three trillion dollars it's not that many programs there's probably a couple dozen of major programs for the mandatory spending and social security medicare medicaid make up the lion's share of that over in discretionary spending which is a trillion dollars you got line after line after line of government programming all the alphabet soup you ever heard usda fba that's it all of that is in that trillion dollars worth of discretionary spending but half of that actually more than half that is in defense so we start with defense then we go down to the next biggest which is homeland we go down the list so just take it one one step at a time now that you've conquered that budget can you speak to my wife you know she thinks budget's a four-letter word yeah uh no uh when i figure out how to do that at home i'll let you know yeah do you do you handle the checkbook at home i'm just curious i have no comment about what happens at home because what happens is i'm um i i i know of course not let me put my old um economics degree hat on for bad guys in college it's an argument about the allocation of capital who does it better you or the government who spends your money most wisely you give it to me and the government and we'll screw up something we'll we'll lose it we'll go away and fraud somebody will steal it from us or even if we spend it we'll spend it in the wrong place right the market spends the money the most efficiently and i know the market gets a bad name but the market is just you and me yeah it's you me and everybody listening spending their money as they see fit that's what the market is and that is a it's a very individual driven thing it's the best system we've ever found to allocate capital to spend money in in the history of the planet and that's what we try and do as republicans who try and let give you more control over your money because in the long run you'll spend it better and everybody will benefit because the economy will grow from that so that's that's the argument we're making and we're winning right now tony says with us the assistant secretary for public affairs in the treasury department tony thank you for being on rick and bubba rick and bubba great to be with you and your listeners welcome to the white house you know only my grandmother thought i would be in the white house but she thought i'd be president that that's actually terrific you know there was a there was a moment in the oval office today when the president was welcoming um some of the executives from broadcom which is a company right now in singapore but they're coming back to the united states they said they want to make uh obviously their company home based here and the the ceo of the company said you know his mother never would have imagined he'd be in the oval office in the present time didn't said my mother either based on what the president has done already with the economy the deregulation uh the strong emphasis on american jobs you see every sector reacting whether it's manufacturing whether it's home building consumer confidence and of course obviously the markets at record highs the reality is tax reform is the essential piece to get it done now we've gotten two straight quarters of three percent plus gdp people are criticizing us for suggesting that we can actually get sustained gdp at three percent we've gotten it already because people understand how important the changes that you just mentioned uh to the corporate tax system to the business tax system and to the individual tax code can have such a positive impact i mean if you look at just on the corporate side going down from 35 to 20 giving our businesses the most competitive rates leveling the playing field for them workers get the pay raise our council of economic advisers put out a study workers on average will get anywhere from a four to nine thousand dollar pay raise by lowering the corporate tax because they're the ones who bear the majority of that tax burden i've never understood the logic how can that even be a political issue saying one party wants a high corporate rate another party does it you know sadly i think a lot of it just has to do with being obstructionist you know we know from four years ago barack obama and chuck schumer wanted to lower the corporate tax rate because they understood it as you point out so intuitive that we're not going to be able to compete as effectively if we don't lower that rate and you know who's going to benefit is really the hard-working american who's not felt any benefit from the economy in the last eight years the way it was set up if you if you inched to the right you were in the fox news tv uh uh view i guess hey you're in the shot you're in the shot move move all right so we couldn't move to your right then you have secret service all around the table and handlers coming up whispering what's going on and what they need tom's doing the engineer side adler's trying to get the video and i'm trying to be the correspondence between all that first of all how'd you like going to the white house guys it's still sinking in this is an opportunity and thank you guys for this opportunity what a great what a great day well don't thank us we needed an engineer take us back to the high anxiety moment when we interviewed the president and something that with all the prep we did going in we we were not aware of and you had to deal with it while we were actually talking to the leader of the free world yes i was uh i had got the level set you guys were into the interview everything was rolling smooth you know you give yourself the pat on the back it's working we're capturing the interview and this guy comes up to me in a panic daniel from the house white house communication agency he goes we're not getting a feed i said excuse me he goes we're not getting the feed for this interview and i go didn't know about a fee this is the first i've heard of a feed and he and i said besides that i don't even have a drop i'll be glad to give you a feed so he walks me over there and just points straight to the floor and there lies a cable that runs into our table up under the table and i go that wasn't there guys when i set up this showed up sometime between restroom and lunch they need their own feed so they can hear everything going on and they no one told us that until the interview had already started and we were in and there was so much going on i'm not giving anybody a hard time i can understand how that got dropped so i reach over the console get it plugged in get it all set and then when i when i came up i'm inches from the president's face nose two nose yeah there it is there's your moment that picture needs to be framed in your engineer office yeah you know it will be i promise you yeah that was that that's a big moment right there of course i've got anxiety nobody's helping me and i'm thinking these two guys are pros nobody's is pulling their hair out so i started to go thumbs up and i'm going i just need to get out of the shot right you know everything's good yeah it was it was great just a little reassuring pat yeah we would like one right then and when the plane locked the brakes down yeah just that i mean good gosh could you i turned around and said guys here's what's up tommy you know the drop the white house that's mild listen if we're in a plane that you're co-piloting and it and it aborts a take-off and i keep asking what happened just tell us yeah i didn't hear you guys in the back because we're trying to all right i'm assessing is is the mission killed for today or do we have a shot of getting to washington and that we were going back and forth on what we're seeing what alarms are flying understandable yeah now now you've made it clear what you guys are trying to decide because every minute clicking by because we're on such a tight schedule your guys are trying to figure out do we need to fly this plane all we needed was men were going to live that's it okay because at one point when we passed our cars again we all thought about pulling the emergency hatch and jumping yeah right right and i apologize i started reliving it i'm going it must have been pretty terrifying for the guys in the back yeah it sure was yeah i've never come to a stop from 110 miles an hour so quick oh yeah guys you're right bubba the front wheel is coming up we're about 102 105. then i'd see that enunciator fire and he's we're fighting and all of a sudden i'm thinking go no go now's the decision point and he just yanks the throttle and the nose drops and yeah oh i know what happened yeah and we lived it we're busy trying to control the aircraft tell brag about that i was actually there i was i was kind of listening for an eruption from the back of what's going on and it was super super quiet i'm thinking okay they're letting us manage the problems we're managing our family tell them we love them right we're we're telling them how much we love them i'm asking god is there anything between us that we haven't resolved right we went to the white house to talk about a tax plan that could put thousands of dollars in families pockets greatly change the future of our country and and we're worried about me going into this but that's that's this show isn't it it is it's been 23 years of this kind of you know it's so it's on me and i'm all right with that but i love i love the humor and happiness i brought i did the audio video starts with us realizing something's wrong with bubba yeah that bubble's got got to go this is me telling me can't happen greg please look i'm saying it look i'm trying to work it out i'm saying this is what it's going to take your facebook oh i'm hurting right now greg here we go i'm going over for the touchscreen that's it i'm going to make it happen i didn't think you could tell me i couldn't get a yard [Laughter] rick thanks for holding the camera we've been through enough [Music] they'll let the curtains [Music] it looks like a baby being born cliff sims can we talk about this yeah he i we asked him and he said yes because i remember actually double check we didn't now did i i did hear that right right speedy okay i asked him getting real tired at that point so i don't know i i asked him ken is this off-limits can we tell him he said most definitely talk about it cliff is from alabama as well cliff has worked with the show used to run yellow hammer news uh and would do you know a lot of coverage on politics and things like that would interview us from time to time do stories so he's always been very kind to the show and plays a big role in our new access to this president he came over to us and he said no matter whether i'm in the room or not when you guys finish do not leave and we're like okay great he goes i want to i want to take you guys on a little special tour before you go back so we were kind of like little little giddy kids oh yeah cliff came over and he said i'm going to take you guys to the west wing so you know west wing i mean that that's a whole different animal now yeah oh yeah now we're getting over where the action is and we got to it was very quick but it was very kind of him uh to take us and uh you know we got to see the situation room yes saw that we saw several offices that are the vice president and communications director chief of staff all that stuff and and then the coup de grace the oval office when people allow you access you can't abuse it because then it gets them in a lot of trouble exactly i fought everything in my being and you know what i've come to the conclusion i'm doing better i think i am doing a little bit better i wanted to go sit in that chair behind that desk so bad and i knew it was not appropriate trump is using what's called the resolute desk and sir they've been several different desks yeah trump went back to the resolute desk from national treasure right yeah he he's gone back i want a gift from england he's going back to that one you know that had uh you know had all the hand carvings in it it was really amazing remember when the little kennedy boys play in his in between he's brought that one back in there and rick just i mean it just it ran through my mind all the things yeah that had been in that office and tom and i were just looking at pictures from back at the turn of the century the oval office and you think about all the presidents who sit in there and then i got to thinking about all the things that had been done there truman sit right there and probably had a discussion about if they were going to use the atomic bomb or not jfk on that desk signed the order proclamation 3504 authorizing the naval quarantine of cuba you know almost carried us to the third world war i mean it's just so so many things what a moment adler guys it was insane we're standing there there's the carpet there's the couch there's this there's the seal on the ceiling the desk is immaculate i mean the bust was right there uh martin luther king yeah abraham lincoln y'all it was crazy it's smaller than you think it would be by the way the oval office but not disappointingly small like you're not like this sucks like it's just how big did y'all think it was going to be it's not like a basketball gym i thought it was going to be maybe as big as this studio but it's like half our studio yeah but not not disappointing it's it's good and tight and you can get business but everything seems big to you right well it's not no no i i got to be honest i did do something on the way on my way out i wasn't sure if i was supposed to do you it i'm sure it's some kind of mega awesome historical clock of some kind the ground of course it is everything in there everything in there is yeah like the pens are everything everything a lot of history in there i touched it on the way out this is the this is the clock i was like you know they're i don't know why i was like i got to touch something in here you know there's cameras in there they've got video of you doing that now they have your fingerprints so they can pin something if they need to well the justice system already has my fingerprints anyway so right guys yeah yeah you gotta rest all right guys you guys know what it's like i wonder if george washington touched that clock we've touched the same clock i touched the same clock as george was how about being in the white house that the british tried to burn down yeah and it's got some age on it but it's good but it's still nice it was unreal you know what i like about our white house you know what i like about the white house it doesn't lock a palace yeah you know why because we reject kings [Music] well uh other than you know getting interviewed the president's uh rick perry kellyanne conway a bunch of other people trump administration it was kind of a slow day pretty cool trip for my first trip to d.c be hard to follow that one up we're eating like a turkey sandwich and some chips and a cookie in the white house why you always get me on me
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 38,928
Rating: 3.924623 out of 5
Keywords: burgess, bussey, live, radio, comedy
Id: Ce0jCL01sw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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