Rick & Bubba Breakdown "Missing 411: The Hunted" | Ep 1

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[Music] welcome into Ricky and Bubba University the podcast it's hard to believe professor Burgess here and of course let me introduce you to Professor bussy here at Ricky bubble University we are handing out degrees in common sense common sense as we've talked about many times Bubba has become a superpower and also this is a place where logic is not an enemy no yes so we're going to talk about a number of things today this is gonna be some things that are little off the beaten path and we always want your feedback and you can email us Rick at Rick and Bubba calm Bubba at Rick and Bubba calm or go to Rick and Bubba calm and you can find our contact information since this is kind of a new adventure for us to get into the podcast world now our live show you can go get you know podcast archives but this is a unique podcast and we certainly want to hear your feedback especially if you're a fan of the main show and and we want to know what you want the podcast the kind of Delaine you want it to be in of things that we don't already do on the live show and some of the emails so far Bubba have been have been eye-opening and some of them have been troubling we may have a podcast talking about the email that we've got talking about the podcast but that is for another day all right so let's unpack this because on the show this way you were you were sick on Monday and you were unable to be here you and I both found out about this there's a 411 series of books and there's missing for one war yeah missing for 1-1 and different types of missing people and the one that we were drawn into because you and I if you're not for me with this bub and I love the outdoors we hunt quite a bit and enjoy that well this 411 was was of course for one one was don't was completely dedicated to people who have gone missing in the great outdoors and really a lot of them who were hunting Rick missing for one one the hunted was the name of it it's by David Politis he's a former police officer involved in swat street crimes he was detective with San Jose for for many many years and then he went into this he said after being asked by some Rangers about the number of people who'd go missing in our national parks and according to him there was like 1600 people who'd go missing in the in the parks and he he did a show on it and he's got some background with the Bigfoot stuff and all that and I don't you know but I thought on missing for one one the hunted he did a great job of just setting up these cases giving you the facts letting you see the places talk to the people and really didn't draw a conclusion to it now toward the end it got a little weird with some Bigfoot stuff but in the beginning especially those first few cases I thought were very interesting well let's unpack that a minute because what happened was and that's why we love having the podcast normally you and I would have unpacked this together on Mondays program but you weren't there right and I was going to wait on you and then of course the rest of our team see ye and Greg and hams they're like well we and and two of our guys had talked to Bob at a ball game on Saturday so they were like we've already heard Bubba on some of this we want to hear what you have to say and I'll tell you what troubled them is that you and I both said the same thing I don't know what's happened to these people right and and I thought I would be able to look at it and say well I have an explanation here an explanation there I didn't come away with that and and I would I would now that you and I are talking together for the first time about it in depth it was troubling yeah David Politis lays out several of these cases and Rick we're outdoors when we like to hunt like many other people do in this country and you know most of those people we know who hunt are good outdoorsmen they're conservationists they they they know their weapons they have they take care they trained I mean this is something they do for enjoyment but they're very good at it and so when you see a show that documents kind of what we do where we go out and people go to hunting stands and then when it's time to come in somebody doesn't come back and they go looking for them and they can't find them and they literally vanish without a trace now that leads you to what the heck happened to him well you think if they had had an accident or an animal had attacked him you would find remains something you would find clothing an animals not go eat a gun but in a lot of a lot of these cases these people just literally disappear without a trace and that's what's so disturbing and most of them are very good outdoorsmen who've been doing this for a long time well and here are some things that you touched on that really bothered me because I really I'm quite skeptical and critical of any of this I always think there's an answer somewhere beyond you know aliens Bigfoot right in the paranormal okay now the paranormal that could be a different topic we'll get on that a little bit today of one option that's out there but the thing that I couldn't get past and if I really I know there were many cases that were talked about but the two that that just seemed to be the most simplistic meaning you ran into a dead end quicker right what's the first one which was an 82 year old man who've been hunting as long as he was an adult and probably since he was a child and right and yes he's 82 so I can hear you thinking well he's 82 but hang on they were doing the type of hunting where you really don't get that far apart from each other even though you're all facing the same way and they're set up it's called driving deer which means or a man drives a man drive man drive in this case and so they they would go down and separate themselves come off a dirt road all facing the same way right and then another group would loop around all up over the mountain and literally run the game toward them in this case deer and they did that in the guy he just never came back yeah and he wasn't I mean they weren't right next to each other by any stretch but they were yards apart right not miles apart right and so and he's an older gentleman which means he probably didn't go that deep in the woods they estimate about 40 yards maybe right right and so when they went to there was a rock where they thought well he probably was sitting here or he was in this area based on the communication that we all did have run and to Bubba's point they they still to this day have never found his gun never found his walkie-talkie never found any remains not a shred of clothing yeah and so and then when they bring the canines in the canines go to where they said he probably would be sitting and then the the canines should then if he wandered off in his age or he won't track you yeah and of course they said they know he didn't shoot anything cus they're using rifles and they were close enough they would have heard him shoot so if he wondered off the canines just keep on on his trail and sadly you may find his body or or find him wandering around but they don't find anything and they still haven't found anything and they devoted quite a bit of effort to cover what frankly was not that big of an area based on how long they were hunting and where he would be located so David Politis lays out not only in this story but other ones very similar to that and he looks at the commonality of his race and I think he lays that out and I liked that part of it very much because I do think the numbers don't lie if you ask the right question and he pointed out there appears to be some commonality to a lot of these things one is they happen in clusters in other words at in the same area they seems to group up I think I can probably understand the reason for that but the others they disappear without a trace bloodhounds are usually brought in and they they have no sense they don't pick up a scent and go to the creek and lose it they never have a sin at all right the other thing is a lot of the areas he said had boulders in them I thought that was on well Rick and here's here's what I think on the clusters and the boulders these people are not disappearing on city streets okay they're in the woods you're gonna have boulders in the mountains in the woods yes I think that and the fact that they're clusters - we're talking about areas where people would go to hunt or the national parks or something like that that might have something to do with it I don't know but you know when you just look at the possibilities here and I have to break them down into my own personal categories I hope you'll all that's fair with me one I call extreme human behavior or ehb okay all right that would be your bad puppies out there that's your drug dealers your human traffickers your serial killers okay that's the that's extreme human behavior group okay the other is unknown physical phenomenon or UPP and that would be a real life animal or something that Bigfoot would fall under that okay you're saying that animal we don't know that we don't know creature of some kind that we have not documented it's just simply oh we don't know his calling cartridge we don't know about it he's just simply inhabits the earth like we do we just are not aware of him okay the next one would be the AES I call them our alien encounters okay now I put two aliens though kind of like I do the unknown physical phenomenon if it was alien involvement that this category would be they're just like us maybe a little more evolved technically but they're they're just planetary travelers they're just out there you know kinda like we did when we went west you know they're they're the you know the Huma trying to say the the two explorers that went out Lewis inclusing Clark or the Lewis and Clark of the gal of the galaxy or the solar system or whatever they're Chris Chris Pratt and his gang from guardians of the galaxy ago now the last group and it's kind of a catch-all but I call it the transdimensional travelers RT DT now all these initials I've made it myself just my I like I like them but we are believers we are Christians so we know that there are things that exist in other dimensions okay so that would be angels demons maybe a higher level top alien that had the ability to move in and out of dimensions or wormholes or some of that stuff okay it's kind of the catch-22 when it doesn't fit in something else - okay so to me there's four categories there of something that could have happened to these people other than just an accident but if it was an accident mmm wouldn't we find some kind of trace yeah and the reason why I want to land on the 82 year-old man and I want to land on the elk hunter who had the knee injury yes since he didn't walk far right is because they they vanish off the face of the earth yeah yeah the others you find things I'd like we found a body but there was something weird about yeah oh thanks the car we found a backpack and we found boots and then later we found his skull and his pail that's what I'm focusing on - I think that first - if you see that special you know let's stay there because these others you got all kinds of theories because let's go to the elk hunter now so the elk hunter to me was very intriguing because we know how far he went yeah his hunting group said he had a knee that was bothering him they were hunting with bows so you wouldn't hear a shot I acknowledge that right but the dogs kind of but he had a sidearm I think yes he did and so he goes a hundred and fifty yards they even know where he went yeah goes downhill to a place that they know and they saw where he made himself a blind so the elk would not easily see him right okay which is a normal deal for elk hunters so they go with the canines when he didn't come back to the blind canines go directly to the blind like they should get to the blind and so if you go well he shot a bow at an elk he had a bad knee he went looking for it seeing if it was down well the hell with in the canines would have followed that trail right well they have no trail right of any kind and his bows never found his sidearms never found his clothes never found his bodies never found if he had wandered off to follow a shot and let's just say a grizzly bear or a bear whatever something attacked him they would be some kind of remains they would be blood they would be clothing they would be the metal left from the guns I mean it's just it's so bizarre that it's just completely nothing and we know these two men were looked for a lot yes extensively exclusively with a lot of people back to the 82 year old man they use string to be sure they weren't reading at a place again and they said the place look like a spider well by the time they were dying they set up grid pattern grid patterns and and they and they couldn't find anything and they still haven't found anything on either one of these two men so I guess to ask the question what happen professor bussy in your opinion which one of these categories you laid out would would you think were most likely well I think at this point you have to rule out most likely on anything because we're talking about but but they're not here so what happened how do you explain the dogs okay I can't okay that's like I know unless they just disappeared right up into thin air I think you have to start and I know as people listen back to this they're gonna go well my gosh y'all are crazy right but that's alright I think you have that's why we have our bu the podcast you have to start with my first category of extreme human behavior or ehb I call it right is it possible to that some of these people didn't want to be found that they did what they could to disappear but why like the 82 year old man he's family man he I mean why would he want that you know it doesn't even make sense but let me ask you this because we know that there are drug dealers in the world and we know there's human traffickers and we know that they're serial killers out there and probably a lot more of those and we're frankly all of us know right but I think there's a possibility that some of these people let's say you're a serial killer type and you felt this need and you're fighting it maybe you know you're battling your own demons with this and you try to just move away from the world and live out on your own to get away from it all and then if you see somebody getting in your area does that does that trigger you again that you have to go and protect your area I know they even alluded to in the show that with a lot of drug dealers they will booby-trap their areas to protect them yeah and you know could that be in the way of a of a hold that they dig that someone could fall in to break their neck never regain consciousness and everything they got all literally disappears but then how do you cover that whole up how do you keep the people from finding it or is it an old you know some kind of sinkhole or something and it be totally accidentally happened that way I don't know but it has to cover itself back up though yeah Rick every time I go down a path I end up on a wall well I can't get through the mic I was going to go through this you veered off into a category you know we come of her own categories which ought about on the show but it was refuted pretty quick and that of course is the DTS deliverance type stuff yes and that is like you're out in you're out in run nowhere and you think it's in it's uninhabited but it is but but there's people that live out there and as you said they're off the grid they're rough rough people yeah I'm talking about like they can bend they don't want to be found yeah and bother but then wouldn't we find they gotta live somewhere wouldn't we find a cabin what we find a lean-to what we find well you would think I mean somewhere I mean and by somebody disappearing they have to know that they would only bring more attention to themselves because now you've got bloodhounds you got search teams you got helicopters flying over hmm so are you doing yourself a favor with that well when I go back to your category about demonic forces and principalities yes dt/t let me start over at tea the tea yeah transdimensional travel right all right so that's one for us is an easy one whether you believe what we believe or not we believe it yes so we say yes we know a third of the Angels went with Lucifer and they are in a there on the bad side of everything God has punished them they've literally been sentenced to earth or great no which brings to the reality hell on earth now I do like that for every one demon we got two angels I like that but that you know the angel army was or what do you want to call them it's a lot of them yeah so the demonic forces are pretty big numbers but we live in a big earth yeah but then I got to go there and I go I believe in that right but when I go there now now got to go what's their motivation I know they love chaos right confusion but what's there what is it usually we've we only have even though while we have a history of demons via the Bible yeah what they do is very clear and where they're limited is very clear now they torture people sure give them all kind of problems I don't recall any cases where they abducted and carried somebody people disappear you know what you're saying they will attack but they're not subtle and and they're limited I guess yeah and limited this is yo these are people vanishing into thin air and nobody can find them it or is it go back to something that happens a lot of times it is so we're overlooking it now I don't even know how to describe that but you know what I mean you know it's like like Greg when he couldn't find the deer that time right I got you I mean because they do say sometimes we did we did find the day we did and that's the point just like when they say sometimes we call them these areas I'm talking about with a fine-tooth comb right and we searched and we searched and we searched and then we come back and the body's laying right where we should have seen it easily almost like it was taken away and brought back some of those right let me let me ask you this too and I'm I know the authorities looked into all this and there was no need to believe this there was no money there was no payoff in this but you always have to say well was it just a it was it an inside job was it a murder right and was this a story made up to cover that murder in other words he may have never gone honey was he killed you know buried somewhere else and then the story I mean well we do know if to put that on the table and I still put that under extreme human behavior or ehb well you must say this we do know that hunting and I'm putting quotes accidents right many times are murders you find out later somebody's messed somebody's wife right somebody did something somebody's brother some there was some kind of you there was some kind of run-in and everybody kept their hunting date like it was no big deal never brought any attention to it right and then killed these people there is that but again you usually find people when the hunting party murders them they just say it was an accident right I mean you could have killed either one of these guys and claimed it was a hunting accident right if you have an agenda if you if if the if the murder comes unraveled okay if facts come up if evidence comes up you can't explain a hunting accident gun went off my bad right you can't explain why you found him buried near the city dump right and you got his insurance money right and you lied to everybody that's harder to and we don't leave we've really the one if all of it comes apart that would be difficult and we don't have either one of those and it were the other you gun went off you know my bad shot him run out of the tree you know right so yeah there too so so we're running out of time for our first-ever rbu by the way do you want to get into this other thing or table it for a podcast to be named later this well I just want this is very strange week when we first brought this up on the air we got an email and it was it was somewhat disturbing Rick it was from a lady and she seemed to know what she was talking about and I'm gonna paraphrase a lot of this four times she she had to have a surgical procedure done she went to a major metropolitan area to a renowned surgeon who was a pioneer in the type of procedure that they had to have done the doctor was also retired military they said that while being examined and initially meeting her a conversation came up about unexplained happenings like UFOs high-tech and sci-fi things and the doctor had indicated that that there has been a lot of breakthroughs and things that have happened that you know really doesn't make sense they indicated that they believed from the conversation she also was a Christian but she went on to talk about government secrets and extraterrestrial extraterrestrial assistance with medical and tactical processes and appeared to know some firsthand things about this and they thought it was kind of strange she was going into all this on the first time they visit where they were there to get a procedure done yeah and she even went as far is to show them pictures of prior surgeries that she and other doctors had performed where they removed computer chips from the body from the bodies of people who had unknowingly had them implanted in their bodies either through surgeries or ingesting them without their hold on just a minute okay you fought alright I know this sounds like we have gone totally Koestler all the podcasts won't be on these kind of things but this one by golly is yeah alright so you're telling me somebody was going to get a procedure yes by world-renowned neurosurgeon and in that process that world-renowned surgeon and the team begin to discuss things about government and all of this and then they begin to show pictures that sometimes when people come in they end up removing chips from them that they did not even know we're implanted in their body are that what you're saying that is what is that what you just said that's what I'm lighting Bubba University the podcast that's what the lady said in her email now she also indicated that the doctor seemed to think that there may even be some type of partnership between a higher form of intelligence that might be passing through the galaxy now I know I'm reading this too and I'm going you got to be kidding me right so III don't know what to make of it I'm just I'm just throwing it out there of course this would fall under our a E category alien encounters I find all that very strange so the government's not putting the chips in alien forces are are it some kind of cahoots saying what are you saying she's saying people came to the doctor with a problem and the doctor found the problem and it was a chip giving them some kind of discomfort I will say this and we've talked about it on the air too I have met some people and have a friendship over time with people who have worked at area 51 here we go with skunkworks okay and this is what we know we're not talking about what we don't know we're talking about what we know the US military tested and built the sr-71 blackbird we tested and built the stealth fighter we tested and built the stealth bomber in other words our government our military has to work on some things in secret I don't have problem that they need a place to do that and I think a lot of that has gone on in area 51 I think a lot of the sightings we've had of UFOs and all of this has been people catching a glimpse either accidentally or intentionally of the military testing some of this equipment don't have a problem that no words the stealth fighter didn't just show up in Panama okay we had to design it test it refine it trained in it all of that so it took time for that to come about and that person had told me directly in one of our conversations I asked him I said look I just won't know there are there aliens there and he told me if they were he would know about it and he didn't know of any so I took him at his word for it so I don't necessarily think that a flying saucer crashed in Roswell and we got equipment off of it to build the inertial guidance system so we could go the moon okay that's the bottom line so that doesn't really wash and that's somebody I knew and had a relationship with for many many years different I mean that would be different to what this email is saying and who knows I mean this could be crazy people talking about crazy people we don't know I don't know the lady that's in it and I certainly don't know the doctor mm-hmm but it's it's disturbing and we still have two hunters that disappeared right we can't figure out what happened to so we closed out Episode one of reckon bubble University and and I will tell you that I think this is the way you're supposed to enter the podcast world with these kind of topics it won't always be this type of stuff no no no no but this is the place we go for inside stuff not that these things some of them will be show worthy yeah but sometimes they won't be show worthy or we don't think that's the format for it there'll be something we bring up in passing like we did with the you know the four one one and we'll unpack it in greater detail but what I think happened to those hunters in my beliefs um kind of guess on the way out some kind of guess I won't hold you to it I believe that those hunters if we looked into it they staged their own disappearance for some reason and now what and that was their opportunity to disappear you know I would have to agree we I was literally saying were you really okay either that are an inside murder job but there's really no motivation for that there's something we don't know on both of them I'm not talking about all of Ron I mean just the first I think there's other X we're looking at the very basic ones I believe your weirdo serial killer explains the guy that is tough get I believe he was taken out by some really strange people how did - and they were all but these two who vanished because they lock that mental game the ones who vanished and if you watch the Sun when he's being interviewed about his dad just pay attention to his interview everybody's in on it and they help these people disappear for a reason we don't know they were old I think he even had maybe a vision problem one of his eyes and I remember right now I don't know you know what Greg would say maybe he's old lady was gnawing on him he won't he want to spend his final years in peace look understand but but the and then the other guy who was younger with the knee thing I think he was in his 50s or whatever I think that he's got some issue nobody knows about he vanished I'll leave that show scratching my head and I'm sorry we don't have the answer today gave you something we're still asking questions and look we've put forward a few theories and a few categories here maybe we can fill in the you know we got to we got the lines drawn maybe we color me in one day when more information becomes available [Music] of reckon bubble university the - [Music] you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 177,050
Rating: 4.0259562 out of 5
Keywords: rick and bubba, missing link, alienstock, rick and bubba live, bigfoot movie, missing persons words, investigative reports, true crime podcast, missing 411, hunting public, the hunting public, paranormal, unsolved mysteries season 2, deer hunting, scouting public land, casefile true crime podcast, rick burgess, bubba bussey, morning radio, missing 411: the hunted, The Hunted documentary, rick & bubba missing 411, blazetv, theblaze, rick & bubba morning show
Id: UTH7iMdQ4Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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