Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - March 25, 2020

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four three two welcome back to the Wednesday Bible study Rick here from an empty broadcast Plaza and teleport the quarantine continues I want the guys that are watching that are normally here on a regular basis on the wind ski Bible study hey man I'm issue for those around the country are those you that cannot make it here to the studio your situation the only thing that has changed for you if you're watching on on our youtube channel is you know what you see I'm sitting in a different chair I'm not standing for you if you're listening on the podcast archives and it's audio only nothing has really changed for you other than the world that we are now living in you know I feel like there's we go through you know the this this period of time with the pandemic and all the uncertainty and anxiety sometimes it comes with this as we'll start the lessons over the next few weeks you know and give you a little something out of the Word of God that the deals with the current situation that we're in and then of course we'll transition into our own going study through the Gospel of John and even in the Gospel of John there'll be things that obviously will apply to our situation that we find ourselves in today as well but I just want to take you as we get started and ask the question how you doing and this will be something that have challenged us a little bit but it's something that we all need to consider and that is something that you've heard me refer to many times many times in our Bible studies you know one of the things that my wife and I went through when we had the earthly death of our youngest son you know my wife spent five years going through Scripture and all of us in prayer and we're watching the things that God was showing us that that were taking place through the pain and suffering uncertainty and anguish in and and mourning and if you've never read my wife's book broader a journey to understand and it's a good time to do that now and there's a great Bible study at the end of that if you prefer an audio book you know her book is now available audio far form and it's herb narrating the book herself it's powerful wherever audio books are sold you can get it there but but one of the things that that we found out on where God is you know I love the statement my wife my wife makes you know people say where is God in times of despair and the answer is right in the middle of it and then you start getting the get meaning into well why did these things happen and I remember one of the things that our pastor said to us going through and you can apply this to any time of uncertainty or pain and suffering that you've you've been through is that there were things that we've seen accomplished over the last 12 years that frankly we're not going to be accomplished any other way now did that mean that since that big tragic event in our life that calamity does that mean that man our life's been smooth sailing since then no we've had other things that that we have struggled with and continue to struggle with the situation we're in now is a struggle forever for everybody not just some but for everybody to different degrees but to everybody so so what does the Bible say about times like these it actually says quite a bit and we won't have time to get into all of it today but a lot of you heard me reference this these verses before and I'll tell you why it's because I cling to them to remember to remember this and that is 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 6 and 7 and this is what Peter says and this you rejoice you rejoice though now for a little while if necessary so in this you rejoice though now for a little while if necessary hang on to those words as some of you heard me go through this before but I think we need to review during this time and it says you have been grieved by various trials I mean we have sickness we have death we have loss of income we have loss of your vocation we have businesses collapsing on themselves that that may never return there's a lot of things that are going to be changing by the time we get to the other side of this so you've been grieved by various trials so in this year rejoice though now for a little while if necessary you've been grieved by various trials to test the genuineness of your faith to test the genuineness of your faith so why is this happening well there's there's a lot of things we could but I can tell you one that the Bible clearly points to and that is for those of us that claim to be redeemed we're gonna talk about the power of that today and our study of John we claim that we belong to Jesus we claim that we have repented of our sins we claim that we've submitted to the the lordship of Jesus Christ and we claim that we've been made a new creation and we claim that we continue now to be sanctified and we work out our salvation and growing in holiness in sanctification because of that relationship with Jesus Christ which we will cover clearly today we we claim that but situations like this usually are an indicator on whether that's really true or not so I guess my challenge to you that are watching this and listening to this coming from nowhere else other than just being your brother in Christ I'm coming from nowhere else because I'm asking myself this same question how are you doing on the test are you passing it and this you rejoice why don't we rejoice because we know that our real problem has been resolved and why are we beginning to rejoice about this we are rejoicing because when we go through grievious trials and we've been grieved by trials that we've been we've been grieved by uncertainty and the whole world is looking around if you get to the point to where we're supposed to be it is Jesus talking to me alright everything I'm saying goes to me first and then out to everybody else and you apply it wherever it hits only the Holy Spirit can convict you or or show you some areas you need to work on and show me areas I need to work on but I really see Peter telling us to rejoice in times like this because we know opportunity abounds and we're looking as I said last week for what God is teaching us in this you rejoice though now for a little while don't miss these two words if necessary if necessary that means the things I've been through in my life the things I'm going through in my life certainly some of those are the results the results of my decisions but then there's those things that that God has allowed why he's allowed it because he thinks it's necessary for me to be refined he talks about you know that we're you're our faith is going to be refined by fire he's saying you know gold when it's refined by fire it perishes go cannot handle fire if you read on through the rest of verse 7 in 1st Peter chapter 1 it says but maybe our faith will pass this test of refinement and it will actually result at the revelation and the glorification and the praise of Jesus Christ so Rick why are we in the middle of this because God has deemed it necessary for what we'll see but it certainly has been deemed for something testing of the faith we know that's going on because the Bible says that so I think the question that we have to ask ourselves in the midst of all this right now is how are you doing how am i doing are people looking at us and saying where they're responding to this the same way that people who don't have any faith are responding that by the way that would be failing the test last week we talked about don't be anxious don't be fearful don't have a spirit of fear well if you are anxious and you have a spirit of fear you're not passing the test because ultimately our biggest problem has been resolved and one of the things my wife loves to say talking about revelation 21 is this is not the way it's always going to be we know that all this is going to be resolved and and I want you to cling to that on the hope but at the same time I want you to be looking for the things that are being tested in your life as I look for the things that are being tested in my life and ultimately these verses say that in the midst of a trial God's trying to see whether you're the real deal or not he doesn't tempt us but he absolutely tests us so let's pray and get into the Gospel of John Boyd thank you for today I say a special prayer right now Lord for all the men that are normally here in the room wherever they may be I pray Lord for those who are hurting for those that are sick I pray for those that are not sure if their job is going to remain after this is over they may have lost their job temporarily and it may be that they've lost this job completely when we get on the other side I pray for the business owners that their businesses have already been destroyed and they're trying to figure out what to do next I pray for all the different things that are going on up I pray for my family individually and the hardships this has brought on them and and the way some of them make a living and and of course I'm thankful though for the time together that we haven't had in a long time I pray Lord that this will be a refinement period that we get on the other side of it we can actually find a way to rejoice and the things that we've learned and the things that we've been taught in the maturation of our faith through all this that our faith didn't back up it just got stronger because you forced us to be totally dependent on you because you're doing things that we can't control and I pray for wisdom for the president I pray for wisdom for Congress I pray for those that they have to make very difficult decisions about this country and and the the the death of the economy versus the death of the citizens of this country I pray for those all around the world that are struggling with this and in places that don't have the blessings that we have but take on something like this I pray for those that work in the medical field and how tired they must be how hard they're working to use the gifts that you're giving them to find an answer to all of this may you be with them and I pray that you give them energy when they need it and can't seem to find it and I pray Lord that you will show mercy to the world as you have so many times but we do pray that you not release us from this until you've accomplished what you want to accomplish maybe our country sees has been humbled maybe all of us as individuals had taken the blessings you've given us for granted we don't anymore those of us that say we're going to spend more time with our family and we say we're going to disciple our children or if we're men we say we're gonna you know be the spiritual leader of our homes and we haven't done that but you forced us to do so we celebrate those things and take us through this time in your word today I pray a special prayer for Andy blanks and those with lime 360 our partners who will be providing a youth group at home dot-com tonight as they try to provide Wednesday night gatherings for those that can't get to those right now I pray they should be with Andy as he brings that message tonight Lord and we thank you for the technology that we can still meet in the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so we're continuing the Gospel of John a couple of things before we get in there you need more volume a little more okay Adler's give me little more volume he did it and is that good right there perfect all right so let's talk a little bit about the Gospel of John so we're jumping in finishing trying to go through the rest of chapter 16 today so if you have your Bible or something with your Bible on it for those you that might be watching at home and spending time together it's good for you guys to get to do this at home for a change so glad that you're here with us maybe you're a first-timer we welcome you here don't forget to man church.com you can go there and find even more you know things you can use at home right now if you use the the code grow you get 10% off the how to be a man devotionals of one or two the youth and adults great time to do that with your your kids at home dad especially I mean if you have sons but there's other resources that are there and we had to pursue curriculum we have it in 40 week form it has me speak teaching for 12 to 15 minutes study guides you can do that on zoom' you can send out the link to the study guides to people in your group you can do it for yourself or if you want to buy them in five-week increments you can do that as well all that's at the man church comm 10% off using the code grow all right so so we're opening up and if you remember we left last week we we kind of jumped into 16 a little bit but we didn't get too far so we were at chapter 16 we did verse for a we're gonna start with with 4b and here's what it says I did not say these things to you from the beginning because I was with you now that's that's pretty straight forward from Jesus he's saying that he had not told them much about the persecution because remember he just talked about the hatred of the world last week and he's just finishing that fault as we go into diverse 4b he said I didn't tell you about this from the beginning because I was with you I didn't talk that much about persecution because the persecution that we're facing now I've been able to be with you but I am now going to the cross which they don't understand that concept and we'll get into this but I want to go ahead I just told you all this about persecution because you now is I will go to the cross I will pay the debt for sin I will go into the tomb I will I will come out of the tomb defeating eternal death praise His Holy Name I'll spend 40 more days preparing you for what's next I'm gonna ascend to the Father we're gonna talk about that a lot today and it's good that I go to the Father so now when I go the brunt of the persecution remember they they hate they hate us because they hate Jesus he said the brunt of the persecution when I was here we D would come upon me and you would kind of be lesser persecuted but now that I'm going to the Father you're gonna receive the brunt of the persecution and I didn't tell you that from the beginning because I was with you but I'll tell you now that make sense so now let's go to verse 5 verse 5 says but now I'm going to him who sent me and and none of you asked me where are you going he says the question of where Jesus is going before now was really nothing more than the picture like a child you know who he's got his dad his dad has to go on some business trip and the dad comes in he and he want to spend some time with his dad and the dad says to his kids hey you know I'm I'm gonna be gone for a while well children have the attitude of I'm not gonna ask dad why's going and what he's doing I really just want to spend a lot of time saying dad I don't want you to go and and that's the point he's making look you guys all you're doing right now is you seem to be concerned about what's gonna happen to you and where and the just the fact that I'm going but you're not asking the right questions you need to be asking me where am I going so what's happening is they're so self-absorbed as we get sometimes they're so self-absorbed with their own sadness and they haven't really asked the correct question about his destination all they're all they hear right now is you're leaving period and he says so you're not asking the right question you're not asking me my destination so its analysis look at verses 6 & 7 verses verses 6 & 7 he says this but because I've said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart nevertheless I tell you the truth it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away the helper will not come to you ok there's a lot in here laden here so no doubt they're sad and they're grieving we got it they they have been with Jesus they don't fully comprehend who Jesus is they cannot get this theme of the cross and the resurrection completely foreign to them and he says I understand that you're heartbroken and he says but I have to remind you that what I'm doing I'm doing for your own good and I want you to know for all of us that have been redeemed or if you're someone who is pursuing Redemption what Jesus is saying to you just like he said to the disciples what I'm about to do you may have a moment of sadness but it is for your own good that I am going that I'm going to the cross and that I'm gonna go to the Father because some now that the you know the and I don't want you to misunderstand this because I even got a little confused about this is Jesus somehow saying that our triune God can't work systematically together you know three one God three persons is he saying that somehow there's power limited if I stay here and the Holy Spirit comes because the helper he's talking about is the Holy Spirit so they can't work in sync together he's not saying that at all but what he is saying is that that the death on the cross and the resurrection will now restore the son to his proper place at the right hand of the Father to enjoy the glory he once had before the world began so what was for the disciples their their own good is also what's like I said it's for our own good too because now remember if you go through prophecy remember what we say Adrian Rogers cheapest pen writing pen is is going to be more valuable to you than your greatest memory because I'm going to ask you to write down some some prophetic verses from the Old Testament that promised at this time of the Holy Spirit would be the beginning of the kingdom of God so this is a big moment that's coming up so so write down these verses and when you have some more time today and boy don't we have it you can go back and study this yourself Isaiah 11 1 through 10 Isaiah 11 1 through 10 I say a 30 - 14 through 18 I say a 42 1 through 4 Isaiah 44 1 through 5 you got all those from Isaiah 11 1 through 10 32 14 through 18 42 1 through 4 44 1 through 5 now let's go to Ezekiel he talked about this as well Ezekiel 11 17 through 20 36 24 and 23 37 1 through 14 so in Ezekiel chapter 11 17 through 20 chapter 36 24 through 27 I'm sorry I said 23 and then 37 1 through 14 now - Joel we can go to Joel as well he talks about this chapter - 28 through 30 - Kol chapter 2 28 to 32 so they all prophesied that this was going to happen that the kingdom of God is when the Holy Spirit was poured out now our triune God everybody in their proper place now being poured out in its fullest which we're going to really land on that today so there was this anticipation see when the Holy Spirit is released that it will it'll characterize the age of the kingdom of God and until the cross and resurrection happens that cannot be so the cross and the resurrection now fully redeems us back to God it now gives us access back to the power that was limited we also know that Jesus we talked about this limited some of his glory by becoming 100% man the son of man and the son of God now the the son of man part is completed he's fully Son of God fully back to his place at the right hand of the Father and now the Holy Spirit will now come and will pour out the entire power of God on all of us and that couldn't happen to this level until we had the cross in the resurrection and that's that point you hear be make a lot and I don't want you to miss it Pentecost transformed that limitation Pentecost removed the limitations so everything that we talked about listen don't miss this I think this is where we see one of the biggest failures and the personal redemption of human beings people who do not experience that new creation that the Bible says should happen is we spend too much time thinking that that we should look like the disciples in the church before Pentecost and that's incorrect that's that that's a lower standard I mean but when Pentecost happens everything changes and why because now any limitation of experiencing the power of God has now been removed and so what that means now is that limitation of redemption redemption plan is now complete and millions of people are now you know they have been ignoring the claims of the true God the New Covenant breaks that limitation and many you know now will start being saved by repenting of sin submitting to Christ growing in obedience man we talked about this back on chapter 14 by the power of the Spirit and and and then of course we'll talk more about fruitfulness coming up here in a minute so let me say this to you and I know some of you when you first hear this you may you may you may push back a little bit but I don't want you to he said it was good for the disciples that he go and the Holy Spirit be poured out on his church I'm gonna tell you this it is better for you and me to be living in the time that we're living in than to have actually been somebody that walked around with Jesus when he was 100 cent man and one under cent God now I know I can hear you right now Rick what are you talking about I'm telling you that limitation was still there it was a game-changer when he went back to his proper place at the right hand of the Father you have more access to the power of God now than you would have had if you've been walking around with Jesus the person he said it's good that I go and when he went we got the Holy Spirit and it's you have more access to the power of God today that you would have had them it's good that I go good for them good for us so so how about this it is better for us to be on the other side Pentecost somebody say Amen but we walk around and we seem to be living our lives as if we're still under the limitations who are all these people I used to be one look right here I used to be one walking around claiming that I was a Christian and I lived in perpetual sin and how did that happen I'll tell you how it happened I wasn't really redeemed because you might could have looked and said well that you know he looks at a lot of people but not after Pentecost I've had access to a transformation power a transforming power that I was not accessing and that was simply because I was a cultural Christian like I said before I had a demonic faith I just believed the concepts of Jesus but I certainly didn't have any power to access to the power of the Holy Spirit so let's look at a chapter eight that changed in 1996 when I got it when I submitted to the authority of Christ I repented of my sin I said I don't know how to love you I see where you say if I love you I love a you I know you love me I've always known that because I believe what happened on the cross I believe in the resurrection okay I believe all these things about you but I don't know you we do not have a personal relationship I know you love me I'm submitting to your authority I'm confessing you as Lord I'm repenting of my sins now you teach me to love you and when I love you then I'll see obedience and fruitfulness flow from from the power of you and I mean we're gonna and we're gonna get more into that I'm getting ahead of myself all right so let's go to chapter eight is it my fired up huh let's go I mean what a great time right now to grow in Christ and to advance his kingdom let's please don't waste this so when he comes now Jesus is talking about the Holy Spirit and when he comes he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment also he's going to convict the world concerning sin because they do not believe in me verse 10 concerning righteousness because I go to the Father and you will see me no longer eleven concerning judgment because the ruler of the world is judged so what all's he say here the Holy Spirit will now come and it will convict the world it did at Pentecost and continues to do it will it will convict the world of sin it will convict the world of the wrong kind of righteousness and the end the requirement of righteousness and it will also convict the world about judgment number one what does he mean how does the Holy Spirit convict us for sin that was pretty easy the world does not believe in Jesus if they did they would have accepted their need for his Redemption therefore the Holy Spirit now comes in and can and condemns us and convicts us that Jesus Christ is who he said he was it convicts us of of sin the Holy Spirit attempts to convict us of that sin and say right now you have to understand you stand before God Holy Spirit that's remember what's what's in his name holy holy spirit now stands here and the holiness of God is before sinful man and so the first thing the Holy Spirit does says I got you do you not feel your condemnation I mean you're condemned in your sin so let me convict you of that sin so then you can respond with repentance and then be completely redeemed and then the Holy Spirit gives us that confirmation you know that peace that we have been redeemed so the Holy Spirit first of all convicts us of sin shows us that we're condemned without redemption in Jesus it gives us clarity of our situation so what else does it do he says that it's going to it's going to convict us of self-righteousness it's going to convict us of being religious and self-righteous of the incorrect assumption that we are righteous at all so when Jesus goes to the Father and and and in in return and turns the full power of God out on us through the Holy Spirit you know we realized we're not very righteous at all we're not very righteous at all how dare any of us claim that we're righteous the only way we're made righteous is through the redemption that is provided in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit sets the record straight on that what's the next thing that Jesus said he'll do he says he'll also convict the world by judgment the Holy Spirit would convict the world of a false judgment about ourselves false judgment comes from the Prince of Lies he you know he now stands condemned by the Trump of the cross the world is condemned and you know what needs to know it so what is it mean by conviction of judgment how many times I live this way I look back and I don't even know how this happened when I was living in perpetual you know sin deliberate sin it's almost like I had some kind of false reality that that I was not under judgment you know why cuz the Prince of Lies and my flesh kept telling me it's not that bad it's really okay you're gonna be fine you know what the Holy Spirit convicts yourself no you're not you're not okay if you if you are living in sin it's not okay sin always matters and so the Holy Spirit brings the judgment of God down in the clarity of I stand under judgment so I need to be redeemed so the Holy Spirit's job is to certainly empower us once we've been redeemed but Jesus said I'd say the first thing is going to do is to get the world in line and give them a reality about their sins situation give them a reality about their lack of righteousness and they're going to give them a reality about the judgment of God that is coming of those that remain to unredeemed and-and-and-and-and how about this the the judgment that is coming down that because of what Satan did when Jesus goes to the cross he will defeat Satan he'll take away the authority of the Prince of the earth and the Prince of the air who walked out of the tomb resurrected and he'll take this this condemnation in this judgment that Satan brought on the world and he'll come back and say I'm giving this back to all humankind everybody who's repented and our redeemed I'm giving back the power to you the righteousness that my father gave you before the fall in the garden and that's what the Holy Spirit does it is good that Jesus went so let's look at verse 12 verse 12 uh I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now this doesn't mean that there are things about you know Jesus that they haven't been taught butBut but as God spoke through the prophets here's what he's saying now you know it went it goes like this picture of this and I this is me having to get him Ione Calhoun County a common-sense way to understand some deep Scripture he's saying alright look there was a time when God spoke through the prophets okay then there's been the time that I've been here that he has spoke through me now that I go the time now will be that he will speak through the holy spirit that's how he's going to speak now through the Holy Spirit and and this is what we have to understand very important as you look at false teachers and false religions some of them parading around like they're another denomination of Christianity and they're not this is not he's not saying that the prophets gave you a revelation I gave you a revelation and now the Holy Spirit's gonna come give you a new revelation no it's continuation of the same revelation the whole time he's just saying it's not finished yet now the Holy Spirit takes you to the next stage of the same revelation that we've been talking about since the fall of mankind it's a continuation of the revelation I really and forgive me Lord if this if this I don't mean this to be disrespectful really suck our triune God is a relay team I've spoke to the prophets you know now that now that another they take the is it a wine where they call this thing and they hand it my wife ran prints they take this time but time they take the baton and they hand it to Jesus Jesus takes the baton and he go he runs it what he's supposed to and then he hands it to the Holy Spirit but it's all the same God it's just the way he's revealing himself is through the three persons and now it's time for the Holy Spirit and that's where we are we're in and and clarity comes with the Holy Spirit as well he's just confirming the things that Jesus was already teaching it is not it is not a new revelation it is now of the revelation in the Holy Spirit that the plan of redemption is now complete got it God okay good alright verse 13 I couldn't believe I couldn't come over time verse 13 when the spirit of truth comes this is just another name for the Holy Spirit you'll see in some of the translations he's called the helper he's called the counselor he's called the Spirit of Truth and here it is the Spirit of Truth when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak of his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come so so what what does this mean that the in truth Jesus is the truth and now the Holy Spirit will guide them into all the implications of that truth the revelation is completely bound up and completed in Jesus Christ there is no other truth now that they will unpack what he's saying is the Holy Spirit will take everything I've taught you and he'll show you all the implications of it he will unpack a deeper understanding of the truth the Spirit will now let them know what is to come more of you know helping them to understand what they have experienced and the significance of it to get it right but he says more to come now the Holy Spirit is gonna say here's what Jesus taught you here's why he taught you this now you're gonna have clarity and understanding man if you don't see that in the Bible how many times in this Bible study when we went through the the study of the the book of Acts and if you're new to our Bible study you can go to Burgess ministries.com click on listen and you can go back through our study of Acts or you can go to this YouTube channel if you're watching the Rick and Bubba YouTube channel and look on the play list you'll see the videos of our study of Acts but-but-but you can walk through that one of the things we talked about is the game-changer of Acts of a Pentecost and then in Acts chapter four we see that the level of what Redemption looks like is raised why is it raised there they got it now why have they got it because of the Holy Spirit you know like these glasses I'm wearing if you're watching on YouTube I mean it's one thing for me to look at the Bible right now I can't see it really good but I take the these glasses the Holy Spirit and I look down and now hey this truth has been taught but now the Holy Spirit's helping me to understand it and apply it fully and then to also be sure I understand what I'm supposed to do you never see the disciples get Jesus wrong again after Pentecost it doesn't happen there their whole attitude has changed what does it say in four instead of running for and denying that there were Jesus what does four say they recognized that they were with Jesus may that be the same truth about you and me and it's the Holy Spirit that enables that to be the truth well I think too many times we when we study dallas willard he taught us the same thing in the spirit of the discipline so that was a very difficult Bible study but the thing he kept on driving home and I totally agree is I think too many times especially the American church we are selling the power of the gospel way too low and what have we said at the man church calm about men's ministry those you that are men that are watching this and the men that come here I think we're tell me in the truth and you would see them much more committed to the faith following Jesus is difficult the standard is very high the power of the Holy Spirit demands a life change it demands obedience demands fruitfulness and and it and we enter through a narrow gate Matthew 7 and the path is very hard only a few people do it most men are not man enough to follow Jesus I said we don't do that what we do is we have men come into the churches that are designed for women and children and all they're ever told is that this is a bunch of grace abuse that goes on in here nobody ever really changes and and it's okay God still loves us and everything's gonna be okay but you really never see victory over anything and that is not what the gospel says and it certainly is not what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit and we're on the other side of Pentecost our standard starts at Pentecost and goes on that's who we're supposed to be and that's exactly what Jesus is talking about so let's go to verse thirteen when when the spirit of truth comes I'm sorry I've already done that one and I bought through all that okay so what he's talking about is that in 14 and 15 let's get to that he will glorify me that's that's the main role of the Holy Spirit we'll talk about that he will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you I'm in us look at 15 all that the father has his mind therefore I say that he will take what is mine and he'll declare it to you so let's get this the central role if somebody says hey Rick can you put the Holy Spirit in a nutshell and I would say ok in a nutshell the Holy Spirit's job is to glorify Jesus that's his job Jesus bought that brought the glory to his father the Holy Spirit brings the glory to the son so jesus said this is really cool so jesus said if you remember all the things we've learned up to this point I'm here to do the will of my father I'm here to glorify my father and we know the father said you have glorified me and you will continue to go by me remember when we studied that he got the approval of the Father well the Holy Spirit now takes the role of saying as Jesus glorified the father I now glorify Jesus now yes it's all one God which means the power of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit completely is poured out but it is three persons one God Jesus said I'm here to glorify the father the Holy Spirit says I'm here to glorify Jesus and and and so that means it doesn't mean the Holy Spirit is passing on you know what Jesus declares it means that that all the the revelations bound up in Jesus are now and I love this term and I saw this da Carson did a commentary on John he said if you look at what these verses are saying the entire power of God the Father and God the Son will now be bound up by the Holy Spirit and then will take the entire power of the triune God no more limitations limitations were broken at Pentecost he will take the the presence and the power of God and he will now press it upon the disciples ooh and what does that mean it then that ability for it to be pressed upon Rick Burgess and pressed upon put your name here is available to you and if you have not been radically changed and the holy spirit is not pressed that power onto you then something's wrong with your relationship between you and and God something's wrong because that should be there and I'm gonna tell you for somebody who lived as a believer a cultural Christian I did not see that power pressed upon me when I finally got it right and now repenting it repented and submitted to the authority of Jesus and and became submitted to his authority I confessed him as Lord I totally submitted I was broken and I confessed my sin and I said I don't know anything I just want you to change me and my heart was sincere the power of God was pressed upon me in a way I'd never experienced before and it continues to happen because now I'm working out I'm being sanctified so the power of God continues to be given to me and I see victory over sin in my because the sanctification process just continues to press upon that power the power of God is more upon me now than it was a year ago not because I mean thing that I've done other than seeking Jesus but because the power of Jesus did the Holy Spirit is actually real that's all it's just real so that's what he is he's talking about to them for what they should get ready he says what is mine remember is nothing less you know he talks about therefore he will take what is mine and declare it to you would it what does it mean by what is mine really remember what Jesus said it's really nothing nothing less than he says I tell you what was mine is the revelation of the father himself jesus said all that belongs to the father is mine - to honor the son is to also to honor the father so he says the Holy Spirit is going to give you the ability to take what is mine what is that the glorifying the father and how about this he's now gonna give you access to what is mine I'm gonna give it to you - I mean do you realize the power that this is talking about and I guess the question you and I have to ask each other do we have that power do you see this do you see this in your life I know for a long period of time I could I could sadly say that I could not so now let's go to 16 now comes a transition so at this point Jesus Christ has described the Holy Spirit and what we should expect extremely clearly a clear clearly and he says what it's good that I go because when he goes he returns back to the proper glory the limitations of 100 cent man are gone the one ever sent man did pay the price because he was the perfect lamb on the cross he did walk out of the tomb and he's at the resurrection he's gonna ascend to the Father okay he's ascending to the Father and now the Holy Spirit will bring all the power of the triune God and make it available to all who are redeemed and repent okay so now we transition to his actual departure okay he says a little while and you will see me no longer and again a little while you and then again in a little while you will see me and now I know stay with me so we're transitioning to Jesus's departure little while most will Eve refers to the small period of time from the time he's going to go to the cross he will die on the cross and then to the resurrection so what Jesus is saying I'm not talking about there's gonna be a bigger departure when he goes on to the Father at the Ascension you know when we get to the book of Acts what he's saying right now is understand there's gonna be this little moment when you're really gonna have a lot of sorrow because I'm gonna go to the cross and you're gonna see me die so in a little while you will see me no more but then in a little while you'll see me again meaning I'm gonna come back after the resurrection three days later and you're gonna encounter me again so 17 through 19 so listen it is here come the disciples acting like us so some of the disciples said to one another what is this he says to us a little while and you will not see me and again a little while you will see me and because I'm going to the Father and then they continue so they were saying what does he mean by a little while we do not know what he's talking about and of course Jesus knew exactly what they were talking about and and he begins to clarify so listen what Jesus says in 19 she's assumed so he said is this what you were asking yourselves what I meant by saying a little while and you would see you will not see me and again a little while you will see me so Jesus is just saying I understand what you guys are talking about and I know you don't understand what I'm saying about this little while and this is a reason why they can't grasp the cross in the resurrection they just don't know it yet and they can't figure it out and they keep on saying I we don't we don't understand what you're talking about about this little while we'll see we won't see you that a little while we will you say you're going to the Father they're acknowledging we are this is not computing with us we don't get it so look what Jesus says in verse 20 because he clarifies that he knows what they're talking about but look at verse 20 truly truly I say to you you will weep and lament but the world will rejoice you will be sorrowful but your sorrow will turn to joy you know dear this time isn't it good to hear that there's gonna be a time that you're gonna be so grieved by my death on the cross but you know what's gonna happen soon after that you're gonna have so much to joy at the resurrection and I would just say to all of us right now let's not forget the joy of the resurrection yes it's true that Jesus had to go the cross and the cross was awful but he's not on the cross anymore it was also that Jesus had to die and suffer for you and me but that's over yes it's wonderful Christmas to talk about the baby Jesus but the baby Jesus is over and that's the reason why in times like this the limitations that God allowed for himself to be put through they are over Jesus is back to where he's supposed to be even during a pandemic Jesus has not left the right hand of the Father and the father has not left his position on the throne let me assure you that we are going through some sorrow and we are lamenting and we may be grieving but you have to know this don't picture that that somewhere in the throne room that an angel has run into the room and said father son you're not gonna believe what's happening down on the earth there's a pandemic did you hear about this no they're not lamenting about this at all and they haven't left their place and we need to remember that we're on the other side of the Resurrection and the biggest problem that we have has been resolved and it's not always going to be like this our sorrow will turn to joy do you believe that cause it's true it's absolutely true praise His Holy Name so he clarifies this for him look at 21 and verse 21 when a woman is giving birth she has a sorrow because her hour has come but when she has delivered the baby she no longer remembers the anguish for the joy that a human being has been born into the world look there's a struggle for joy hey in a fallen creation there's a struggle for joy but there's those little moments when God reveals himself like all the anxiety and fear and and of course when a woman's going through labor and birth pains sometimes the struggles of pregnancy he says but all that sorrow is quickly forgotten when the baby's here it's forgotten you forget what it took to get to this joyful moment but joy always requires struggle it always does and Jesus is but joy is coming salvation has come and he's telling them that in a little while the labor pains are gonna look bad I'm gonna be on that cross and I'm gonna it's gonna look really really bad and you're gonna be in anguish but you have to know that when I walk out of that tomb and you see me resurrected the baby has come the New Covenant is here salvation has come and here's the good news just like you always remember when your children if you have children when they were born we need to always remember the cross and the resurrection the cross birth pains the resurrection joy the babies here salvation has come and we know that's happening about when he returns to get his church What did he say nobody knows the day and nobody no man knows the hour but just like you don't know when a baby is going to be born you certainly see what labor looks like so when you see those birth pains like we're seeing now prepare because I'll be coming soon I'm and and and your sorrow will be turned to joy you're not gonna care about the pandemic when Jesus comes back or if you die and you're going into his presence the only people need to fear this pandemic are those of you that are not sure you've been redeemed yes you should be very afraid of it because you don't have that joy oh you've got anxiety and fear you know what God is showing you how the attempt to make heaven here on earth can be taken away like that everything you thought was so sure not so sure now that's why it's got to be something more than this earth do you think that my joy about salvation has been rattled over pandemic it hasn't because it hasn't changed anything about my salvation it has it has it changed anything about the resurrection and that's what Jesus is talking about so let's go to verse 22 so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you I love that once they see the resurrection nobody was ever to take ever ever able to take away their Joey it's the it's the completion of the New Covenant and the burden is over we have been delivered from our sin and if you have some write this down to Isaiah 66 14 Isaiah 66 14 Isaiah talks about when salvation comes our heart will rejoice and you know once those disciples got it right and they understood nobody can ever take their joy way again I mean that they went they were martyred joyfully you know you go back through Josephus and some of those writings Peter himself the guy who ran from from Jesus who who cussed at a young girl by the fire when she said you're one of his he went from there when he got the Holy Spirit he would never deny Jesus again and and was joyful all the way to being crucified upside down because the joy of his Redemption the joy of the resurrection the joy that everything was made right between him and a holy God through his friend Jesus could never be taken away from him and that's what he's talking about you're gonna be sorrowful but once you get this it'll never be taken away from you again let's go to verse 23 verse 23 and that day you'll ask you ask nothing of me truly truly I say to you whatever you ask of the Father in my name he will give it to you and then and then let's go 23 and we'll go to 24 as well until now you've asked nothing in my name ask and you will receive that your joy may be full so so what is he talking about here it certainly does not refer to the end times he's talking about the death and the resurrection you know and remember this the death and the resurrection will people talk about end times the death and the resurrection certainly is the end of history because everything up to that point you know falls under the Old Covenant the New Covenant is here and we will ask the Father in Jesus name now when he says you'll ask in my name this if you look at the ridge the Greek word here it really is the Greek word for you ask questions and my father will give you the answers it's not really the Greek word like some of people misunderstand and blaspheme this by thinking this means we ask God for a list of things we want that's not what this word means it means now I've connected you to the Father before you did you you know your pleadings to the Father and you're asking for clarity to the Father everything wasn't clear because it was a complete now now after I go to the cross and I and I've come back after the resurrection and when I send to the father I'm there at the right hand of the Father you know ask things in my name and then I will of course be the mediator between you and the father they'll of course ask Jesus you know things but now they have the ability to ask the Father directly through Jesus and if you look down write this down first Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 first Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 and you've even seen the Pope and I won't go any further with that but you see the Pope recently said during all this quarantine you can just ask God directly about forgiveness of your sin well there's a concept that's exactly what Paul told Timothy that we have one mediator between us and the father only one one mediator you don't have a human being that mediates between you and the Father you have Jesus we have one mediator and and and he gives us access to the Father so let's talk about how many you like the movie the matrix and we're getting close to being over you like the matrix so listen is so the joy has now made the matrix perfect what's that what would matrices you tell them I listen it's a matrix of consistent obedience which comes from remaining and Jesus's love and his word fruitfulness springs forth from prayer and the connection to the vine that we talked about in 15 the power comes from the vine Jesus is the true vine which comes also gives us access to the Father so the joy is asking for the power to bear fruit and there was a time you could ask that all day long give me the power to bear fruit but now you can actually that the matrix has been complete you can actually ask for the power to be fruitful and get it and actually give it it's complete sure you'll have some sorrow sure you have some difficulty but then you're gonna rejoice and the joy that you now have because of me completing the task and providing the New Covenant and providing redemption for sin but more than that also providing the power for you to be obedient and for you to bear fruit so basically scriptures if my life does not have any indication of obedience or fruitfulness then something is wrong as we said in 15 we're not connected to the vine something is wrong jesus said it's good that I go because now comes the ability to be fruitful now comes the ability to have clarity now comes the ability to have access to the full power of God that's how people are born again that's how people become a new creation and we've got to start talking about that again what is the gospel repent repent of sin all of this was done to as Paul says in Romans chapter 6 remember our study of Romans he didn't go to cross and pay the price percent and walk out of the tomb to give us the freedom to sin he did all that to free us from sin and then to point us to a life of holiness holiness it's in the Bible a lot obedience and fruitfulness those are the signs of the redeemed perfection no progress yes looking just like the unredeemed know Jesus is too powerful for that he said it's good that I go the standard of what it looks like to be redeemed in the age that we now live the church age is really a high one not because of our great self-control and our great code of conduct and how wonderful we are I mean Adrian Rogers said it again I wouldn't take my best 15 minutes and present it before a holy God but we don't have to because if you've been redeemed you know who presents you before a holy God Jesus Rick you don't have to be perfect yes you did it if you're not perfect you can't come in the presence of a holy God so who makes us fully righteous not partially righteous fully righteous Jesus so it's good that he went and he put poured that power out on us but we're gonna be alright I didn't say we're not gonna struggle but we're gonna be alright and I'm not saying that because I'm trying to be some reassuring voice I'm saying that because I have faith and what the scriptures say you know what the scriptures say we'll get into this next week that's what we'll go deeper we'll go 1625 all the way to one of the greatest verses of all time in 33 I'm not telling you that it's gonna be alright because I'm trying to make you feel better today I'm telling you it's gonna be all right for the redeemed I got no promises for the unredeemed I just don't because you're not under the you're not under protection of Jesus you may even not have covet night team but you've got the sin virus and you have it you have not take in the Cure and that's the redemption found in Jesus so I got no promises for you other than you can be redeemed you can experience that joy we're all equal at the foot of the cross you're an equal need of redemption just like every one of us you're probably not as in need of redemption as as I was I was a terrible terrible person but I'm redeemed because of that then everything really is gonna be all right to live as Christ too dies game but I also don't want to sit here lazy going well I hope you'll just kill me so all this would be over and I won't have to deal with all this now I've got a wife I have children I have people that that I believe that God has given me work so I'm not ready for the work to be over because of it's over now then there's people that are in my sphere of influence that will die and go to hell so I have work to do I want to get back to work yes yes God said the things you were doing I'm going to slow your life down he has why did he slow my life down I guess I needed it and this I rejoice though now for a little while if necessary I've been grieved by various trials and as the tested nests of this faith we talked about and this power that we just learned about in our study of the Gospel of John these are the times that we finally get our paper back from the teacher and it either says we passed the test or we failed let's pray lord thank you for this time thank you for who you are and thank you for this incredible study today of your word I'm so glad that I'm living in this time I'm so glad that you have given us access to your full power and that we live in the church age that has the Holy Spirit poured out upon us I think about my youngest son that just prayed this week to you thank you Lord for turning our world upside down I thank you for that too I pray Lord that you'll continue to to give us the grace and mercy that we don't deserve because she loved us in a way that we can't even comprehend and we could never pay the debt that we owe but thank you for paying it for us and may we find the best way to say thank you as through our fruitfulness or obedience and our unwavering faith and we pray these things just as we've been instructed to do in the name of Jesus amen thank you for being with us
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 2,386
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Id: pJSWHn_jTfE
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Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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