September 14, 2021 Tuesday PM

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[Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well good evening and welcome to first pentecostal church we're so glad that you're here if you're visiting with us this evening uh welcome whether it's here in person or online we're so glad you're here and uh if you didn't get a chance to i hope that you're able to make it to the connect center and pick up your welcome pack packet in there there's a connect card that we'd like you to fill out and then you can drop it at the kiosk on one of each signs or you can stick it in the offering basket as it goes by if you didn't then we do want you the connect center is straight out the middle doors and to the left and we have a special gift for you there so make sure you go by and you pick up your welcome packet and fill that out for us now before service i was trying to think what i was going to say just a little you know greeting for y'all and i prayed about it i didn't get anything and i thought i might have something to say and then that wasn't it it just didn't feel right and so i happened to ask my youngest daughter or my oldest daughter i've got four got to keep them in line but i asked my oldest daughter i said baby what would you say she's only for if you were up there what would you tell the uh the people the visitors and she said i would say hello ma'am what would you like to eat [Music] i said um well i i just don't know about that but that's really that's a good idea so i just kept on praying it was like the lord said you know because i think that the words of children are really why more wise than we think that they are sometimes and the lord spoke to me through her because he said that's exactly what i want you to tell them because the bible says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto god that's what he wants you to do so if you're a visitor here tonight i hope you come in you sit down and you let your request with prayer and supplication be known unto god and before you leave here i hope you feel welcome and you get what you need from this service tonight's scripture reading is acts 4 verse 12. neither is there salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and we know that name tonight is jesus it still heals it still saves it still does all things for us there's power in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] are you in the house of god tonight [Music] [Music] it's something [Music] your greatness [Music] we cannot explain [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] nobody [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] there's power in your name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] so come on i know it's tuesday night but who in the house came to worship him no matter what you're going through you can lift him up and you can feel him in this house come on lift him up church [Music] saturday was silent surely it was through but since when hasn't possible ever stopped [Music] friday's disappointment it was sunday's empty tomb since when hasn't possible ever stopped [Music] yeah this is the sound of dry bones rattling [Music] this is the praise make a dead man walk again open the grave i'm coming out i'm gonna live gonna live again this is the sound of dry bones [Music] is [Music] there's another miracle here in this room [Music] [Applause] again this is [Music] this is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh come on church lift him up i know there's situations in this house but i know a god that's able to work in any situation oh come on you know that lift him up right now make your voice heard come on right now lift your voice shout victory in your situation [Music] [Music] you believe [Music] if there's anything that he can do [Music] says [Music] [Music] doing now [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] this is what he said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] again [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] you may be seated it is testimony time who loves to hear the testimonies of the saints of god and what god has been doing for people in our church sister pamela kennedy said i was raised in a baptist church and had an experience with god when i was 12 years old i moved on to mary and raised two children in the baptist church later in life i began to feel like something was missing i would go to the altar every sunday and pray to the point that i would embarrass my husband i would think i am empty something is wrong but i did not know what was wrong my husband died of cancer in 2016 and i continued to search for what was missing in my life i was so lonely that i went on a 52-day fast for direction and for god to send someone into my life i said god i'm going to do this and i'm going to see where you lead me in 2017 i began searching for a baptist church to attend one sunday morning and i was driving around looking for a church i turned down calvary road i admired first pentecostal church for years from afar but i had never been inside as i was going down calvary and praying looking for a church i distinctly heard an audible voice say turn in here it was like jesus was sitting in my back seat saying come in here i said god i don't know a soul in there and that's a big church but i turned and i slid in to a back seat in the church people were nice and friendly i met brother and sister acres brother and sister carter i began to attend services sister lou carter gave me a bible study before church one tuesday night and i said what is to keep me from being baptized tonight i wasn't i was baptized that night and i have never looked back that's not all if you'll remember my 52-day fast for god to send someone into my life god did not forget about that about two years after i started attending fbc i met and married the man i'd been fasting for which is brother kennedy this is from sister pamela kennedy and i i love that this was a 52-day fast when she was baptist and searching for something just imagine if you hadn't done a 52-day fast yet here's a little plug for that just imagine what happens when you have the holy ghost and you do a 52-day pass if you'll answer for sister kennedy he'll answer for every one of you oh come on why don't we give god praise for that that a beautiful testimony tonight [Music] i have some certificates of baptism i want to present tonight before we take up our offering tonight brother clayton duty brother braden mcguire and brother james gill [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on why don't we give god praise for what he's doing [Music] [Applause] he's an amazing god and he deserves amazing praise you know what i love about the lord and his promises they're for every person from the youngest to the oldest for everyone this promise of the holy ghost can be experienced by every person so tonight if you need the holy ghost i want to tell you it's available to you if you need to be baptized in the name of jesus waters are here tonight for you to be baptized hallelujah you may be seated ushers if you will come to the front we're going to be blessed this evening in our tuesday night offering appreciate the generosity of this church and the way that you give to needs i'm happy to tell you that we met the need of the joneses this past sunday night god is so good and we give him praise for that and we're excited that we are able to take care of renting their facility for an entire year and they can focus on reaching souls hallelujah so amazing what god is doing around the world and we give god praise for that let's receive our offering tonight let's pray before we receive it tonight lord we love you we thank you for your goodness thank you for letting us be in this house together tonight we ask you to bless this offering in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've been living in this world for quite a long time always looking for a place to call my home you see i've never been satisfied with what i saw here when i'm moving to my brand new home [Music] is an address change notifications [Music] to a much better [Music] this is to tell you [Applause] now the place where i'll be moving is lovely and new there's a river that flows like crystal and walls of jasper two and the street right in front of my house [Applause] oh this is an address change notifications [Applause] to a much better place there'll be no tears no sorrow there'll be no more pain this is [Applause] [Music] the one who saved me by his grace when he takes me by the head and leads me to the promised land what a day [Applause] [Music] this is an address change notifications no [Music] this is to tell [Music] can you put your hands together and love him oh hallelujah stand with me tonight [Applause] [Music] i'm looking forward to that day when our address has changed hallelujah thank you for blessing us tonight singers we want to say a great big welcome to everyone here this evening thank you for joining with us here at the first pentecostal church all of our visitors that are here tonight those joining online thank you for being a part of the first pentecostal church on this midweek service and before we go to the word of the lord i want us uh to pray i want us to pray for brother lee chadwick brother james wang yael gomez steve dowdy brother tracy griggs his brother passed away we're praying for him we're also praying for sister angie welsh and her mother miss barbara heinz and their sister angie's sister passed away and we know that god is an ever-present help the time of trouble the time of need if you have a need in this house tonight i want to ask you to lift your hands and we're going to go to god in prayer right now come on would you help me pray right now in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus lord i believe you right now i know you're able to meet every need i know you're able to work god you're able to heal lord there's nothing impossible with you lord you hold it all in your hands you're in control we ask you tonight to heal to comfort to strengthen us in jesus name and we thank the lord for those that prayed this past week what a revival we've been having in our services people receiving the baptism of the holy ghost people being renewed in the holy ghost we're shouting happy about brother brad looper what god's doing in his life thank the lord for that [Music] i want to remind you that there will be spanish-speaking service this friday evening at 8 in the chapel so make sure and be a part of that also there is a wedding actually spanish service is not in the chapel i'll get it right it's not on this paper but spanish service is going to be in our on our new campus on north hills boulevard so we want to invite you to be a part of that come be a part of the spanish speaking service and then there is a wedding here in the chapel sister lillian chavez and brother ramos is uh they're getting married this saturday at uh 5. [Applause] and we want to them to know we love them and we're excited about what god is going to do in their lives i want to direct your attention this evening to the book of philippians this is paul's epistle to the church at philippi we're going to look at verse number 9 of chapter two [Music] wherefore god also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of jesus everybody shout jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father that at the name of jesus at the name of jesus and last night we began our theology one journey and after class was dismissed some of the students were sitting around and they began to ask me questions and we begin to talk about the word of god which i can't find anything more exciting or satisfying or thrilling than talking about the word of god i'm thankful for the word of god and as we were talking we began to talk about the doctrines found in the word of god and i don't know if it was just the start of that conversation but by the time i got here this morning and in prayer i felt god directing me to go down this road tonight and i want to say thank you for your response to the word of god sunday morning and i really feel like this is connected to what i preached sunday morning sunday morning if you weren't here or have you forgotten i preached the simplicity of truth truth is knowable truth is understandable has made it simple for us to receive truth and so tonight i just want to preach about the name of jesus the name of jesus before you're seated if you're thankful for the name of jesus i wonder if you couldn't give him a thunderous hand clap of praise across this sanctuary hello oh [Applause] thank you jesus oh hallelujah there's just something about the name of jesus i said there's something about the name of jesus when you say that name darkness has to flee when you say the name jesus [Music] the atmosphere begins to shift things begin to change when you shout the name jesus and for those of you in this room tonight that maybe you don't have the full revelation of jesus i've come to preach to you teach to you tonight and for all of us in this room that have received that revelation i have come with one singular purpose and that is to fortify to strengthen your understanding your belief in the name of jesus hallelujah one more time i want us to lift our hands and pray together that god's word would be imparted to our hearts that our minds would be open our hearts would be open and our ears would be open to receive it lord we ask you tonight god i am a weak frail vessel of clay lord i am so so limited but you are limitless god you have all power lord we ask you tonight to speak through your messenger let your word become clear and evident reveal it to everyone in this room tonight in the precious name of jesus god bless you you may be seated i believe they have a slide with a qr code that you can take a picture of i don't know if they have it or not this is kind of last minute i see shaking heads no so i'm not sure what's going on but i would like for you to follow along with me in scripture and since they don't have it now hopefully by the end of the service they will have it and you can take it home with you and you can have these scriptures as a reference point to to look at and to examine the name of jesus is the most important name in the entire bible matthew chapter 1 verse 21 says and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins thou shalt call his name jesus everybody shout jesus now we understand tonight that jesus is the uh english version of the latin form of the old testament name yeshua or joshua yeshua means jehovah who saves who makes free who makes safe who gives liberty who delivers who rescues who defends who preserves and who gains the victory so jesus is the english form of yeshua and it means salvation literally the angel said to both joseph and mary the angel did not only visit mary but the angel also visited joseph and the angel instructed the earthly parents of jesus to call his name jesus i don't have time tonight to to speak about it but i will just say names in the bible are very important they have great significance when you hear of a name in the bible understand that that family took great care to name their child and that some names came to be even after a child was born and lived and there are places in the new testament where jesus actually changed the names of some of his followers so names are very important and of course the name of jesus is the most important and all of this naming of the messiah jesus stems from the prophecies of isaiah isaiah was a prophet some 700 years before jesus was born in bethlehem and and isaiah foretold of the messiah he prophesied of the one that would be born of flesh the one that would come to earth to save humanity and it is to be understood tonight that there are no if you will distinct persons or three persons in the godhead the bible as i told you sunday morning the bible clearly states there is only one god we understand that from the beginning of creation genesis 1 and 1 in the beginning god deuteronomy 6 and 4. hear o israel the lord our god is one the bible clearly and distinctly teaches us that there is only one god the great mystery of godliness is that jesus could be both the father and the son of god he is the spirit and the flesh now there are heretics that would promote a doctrine of two gods now we understand there are those that came along in the 300s a.d that promoted a triune god three gods distinct persons three distinct persons but there were also heretics even into this day that have promoted a doctrine of two gods that there is a father and there is a son but this damnable doctrine runs contrary to the very words of jesus jesus said in john 10 30 i and my father are one everybody say one i and my father are one so you must understand tonight that only jesus can fulfill isaiah's prophecy in isaiah 9 and 6. and i left this prophecy out sunday morning so i want to make sure to get it this tuesday evening isaiah 9 and 6 for unto us a child is born unto us us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful everybody say wonderful counselor everyone say counselor the mighty god everybody say the mighty god the everlasting father everyone say the everlasting father and the prince of peace everyone say the prince of peace now now listen to what isaiah said he said there is going to be a child born and unto us a son is given so this son will be wonderful he will be counselor he will be the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace now the angel came to mary in luke chapter 1 verse 30 and said fear not mary for thou hast found favor with god and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call his name jesus now do you see the similarity there with isaiah 9 and 6 700 years removed and here the angel speaks to mary and says you're going to bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name jesus or jehovah savior he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david isaiah clearly prophesied that this child's son is the mighty god and he is the everlasting father isaiah 4 7 14 says that the messiah would be called emmanuel that is god with us we have to understand tonight that only jesus can fulfill isaiah 9 and 6. there is no other name there is no other name that can fulfill the words of the prophet isaiah jesus is the son that was given it was jesus upon whom the government would be on his shoulders it is jesus who is called wonderful it is jesus who is called counselor it is jesus who is the mighty god it is jesus who is the everlasting father it is jesus who is the prince of peace there are no other names no one has ever come to earth that can fulfill this scripture more accurately more completely more thoroughly than jesus christ who came to earth oh hallelujah isaiah went on to describe the messiah as both a branch out of jesse the father of david and as the root of jesse we were talking about this last night he went on to describe the messiah as both the branch and the root according to the flesh jesus was a descendant he was a branch of jesse and david but according to the spirit he was the creator of jesse and david and the source of life or the root jesus even used this example to confound the pharisees of his day in matthew chapter 22 while the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them saying what think ye of christ whose son is he they say unto him the son of david he saith unto them how then doth david in spirit call him lord saying the lord said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand till i make thine enemies thy footstool if david then call him lord how is he his son and no man was able to answer him a word neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions this question was so confusing and so confounding to the religious elite of jesus's day that this was the last time that they asked jesus questions about the godhead and about the son and this is the moment where jesus explored uh this idea of the root and the branch he he in this in this question while it was confusing to those in that day to us today that have the word of god and have the bible and have the revelation of jesus and those in this room that are receiving the revelation of jesus you can understand that jesus is both the root and the offspring he is both the root and the branch of david in fact jesus said of himself in revelation 22 16 i am the root and the offspring of david i am the root and the offspring of david micah also prophesied of the messiah and micah 5 and 2 but thou bethlehem ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of judah yet out of these shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting so there is no possible way to deny that the old testament proclaims jesus as god there is no way that you can take the old testament and disprove the belief and the accurate belief that jesus is the name of god now let's turn our attention here tonight to the new testament now we turn our attention to uh the new testament thomas confessed that jesus was both lord and god according to acts 20 verse 30 28 the church was purchased with god's own blood namely the blood of jesus the church listen was purchased with god's blood who is god god is jesus it was the blood of jesus that purchased redemption for the church colossians 2 9 the apostle paul said for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily he continues in colossians 1 19 for it please the father that in him should all fullness dwell i want to tell you tonight proclaim it boldly that jesus is not a part of god but jesus is all of god and it's resident in the man christ jesus god was manifest in the flesh as jesus first timothy chapter 3 verse 16 and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest or he was made visible everybody say made visible god was manifest he was made visible up until this time god had not been made visible he had used anthropomorphic uh ways of describing himself he talked about having an arm having eyes that shirts to and fro having nostrils that blow out he he talked in these anthropomorphic terms but at this moment in time god robed himself in flesh he put on the likeness of man he became like the form of a servant god was made visible in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the gentiles believed on in the world and received up into glory how and when did all of this happen it happened in jesus christ john wrote in his prologue john 1 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god this is the form of god his logos his word is the form of god that we read about in philippians chapter 2 but listen to verse 14 of john's gospel and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us this is the form of a servant this is the form of a man so god came in the form of a man these verses prove that jesus is god he is revealed made known made evident displayed shown in the flesh oh somebody ought to clap their hands if you are thankful to know the truth because of john 4 24 we know that god is a spirit the spirit has no bodily form it has no eyes no nose no feet no legs no arms no head a spirit is without form in order to become the atonement for our sins god had to robe himself in flesh he had to take upon himself the form of a man abraham prophetically spoke of this when he said god will provide himself a realm god will provide himself a sacrifice i'm here to proclaim to this church to every person hearing me tonight to tell you that jesus is the atonement for our sins jesus has brought redemption for you and for me oh praise be to god the mystery revealed the fact that god became flesh is one of the most wonderful and yet one of the most incomprehensible things about god jesus is like no other person that has ever been or ever will be he is fully god and he is fully man there is a duality of his nature flesh and spirit it is hard for our our finite minds our limited understanding to fully comprehend the miraculous conception the incarnation of god the union of god and man inside the woman or the womb of mary but we must accept this as faith i don't know exactly how the holy ghost overshadow mary i don't know all of that but i have the faith to understand that it happened and mary conceived by the holy ghost and there was a baby in the womb of that virgin woman named mary and when she bore that son he came forth and his name is jesus emmanuel god with us in old testament times god was above us in new testament times god was with us and in the church age god is in us the spirit the holy ghost living inside of man oh hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah ii john 7 for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that jesus christ is come in the flesh this is a deceiver and an antichrist now a few years back there was a revered man in another another country that had seen a great outpouring of the holy ghost he fell into error he fell into into a a a a heretical uh form of doctrine and he believed that there was divine flesh involved he he something uh messed up in his head and he he became confused about this duality of jesus christ's nature that he could be flesh and spirit so i want you to know tonight that it's important that we understand that jesus was both man and he was god and if we do not believe that if we do not confess that we are deceived and we have the spirit of the antichrist the mystery of jesus was kept secret since the world began but was revealed to the church in the new testament age paul says in romans chapter 16 now to him that is the power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began but now is made manifest now it's visible now it is known now it is evident and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting god made known to all nations for the obedience of faith the reason this mystery has been revealed is so that all nations have the opportunity to obey the word of god thank god the mystery has been revealed and we have the opportunity to know that jesus is god i want to move on tonight jesus is the father incarnate malachi 2 10 says have we not all one father hath not one god created us if there is only one god and that god is the father and if jesus is god then it logically follows that jesus is the revelation of the father isaiah 9 6 says the son would be called the everlasting father jesus christ himself said that he was the father john 8 19 then said they unto him where is thy father jesus answered he neither known me nor my father if he had known me you should have known my father also and then he continues jesus says in verse 24 of john 8 and i said therefore unto you that ye shall die in your sins for if ye believe not that i am he ye shall die in your sins this is one of those moments where john is emphasizing that old testament name that old testament idea of the i am that old testament idea from exodus 3 14 the i am jesus is implying in this passage of scripture that he is the father i am what was jesus trying to say to the pharisees he was saying i am the revelation of the father the i am and if you do not accept him as god you would die in your sins you say well do you have more scripture yes glad you asked john 12 45 he that seeth me seeth him that sent me we know that the father said the son the scripture says it and jesus emphatically says he that seeth me seeth him that sent me oh come on let's put our hands together for the revelation of jesus are you thankful for the name of jesus john chapter 14 verse 18 jesus said i will not leave you comfortless i will come to you this is jesus speaking now you understand that word comfortless in the greek is orphanos it means orphaned and and parentless so jesus is saying i will not leave you parentless i will not leave you as an orphan i will come to you he is saying i will not leave you fatherless i will come to you brothers and sisters i pray tonight the scales could fall from our eyes and we could see jesus and we could understand jesus more clearly than we've ever understood him before when you see jesus you have seen the father oh thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah i want us to look at the dual nature of jesus christ i've talked about it some but i want to i want to go a little further in depth on this jesus had do two distinct natures jesus was fully god and he was fully man let me give you an example jesus died on the cross when we say that we mean the man jesus the flesh died on the cross when we say jesus lives in our hearts we don't mean an actual person jesus somehow gets inside of us what we mean is his spirit lives on the inside of us so you must understand tonight the prayer in the garden of gethsemane it's not difficult it's not confusing understand jesus knew what was about to take place he understood what was about to transpire and when he went to that rock and he began to pray his flesh was praying out to god his flesh was praying to that spirit so i want to i want to give you this tonight as man jesus was born as a baby luke 2 7 tells us as god he existed eternally john 1 1-2 as a man jesus hungered matthew chapter four verse two but as god he was the bread of life john 6 35 as man he thirsted john 19 28 but as god he gave living water to that lady at samaria in john 4 14 as a man he died mark 15 32 but as god he raised his own body from the dead john chapter 2 19-21 and chapter 20 verse 9. as a man he was a sacrifice for sin hebrews chapter 10 verses 10 through 12 but as god he forgave sin mark chapter two five through seven as a man he was a servant philippians chapter 2 our texts verses 7 through 8 but as god he was king of kings and lord of lords revelation 19 and 16 brothers and sisters the name of jesus is so beautiful oh hallelujah hallelujah holla come on let's just take a moment to love him i love you jesus i praise you lord i thank you for your word thank you for making it clear to us making it understandable thank you for making it simple to us hallelujah you may be seated paul whose name before he he became a christian saw was a learned scholar of the talmud of the old testament he was a zealous pharisee in fact he labeled himself a pharisee of the pharisees saul was a persecutor of the church but let me tell you something saul didn't struggle with saul did not struggle with the godhead saul knew that there was only one god [Applause] and after the first martyrdom of the church stephen paul was there he held the coats of those that stoned in my opinion he was too smart to get blood on his own hands he just held their coats directed traffic made sure stephen was fully dead and that he went on saul was a zealot for yahweh for god he believed in god with everything in him and so the bible tells us as he journeyed he came near damascus and he was going to damascus with letters to imprison and to persecute more christians and he's on his way to damascus the bible says that suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven now listen to me brothers and sisters folks joining us tonight the word of god everything that's in it is important everything in the word of god is done on purpose and if if just for a moment you take a glimpse of of the birth of jesus you're gonna you're gonna see the same imagery a light shining from heaven the same thing happened to the shepherds in that field when jesus was born the same type of thing happened to the gentile wise men that were from the east a star appeared in the sky and here we have a devout devoted jew a man who was a pharisee a scholar and a persecutor of the church but he believed in one god he only believed in one god yahweh he believed in one god and the bible tells us that suddenly there was a light that shined round about him from heaven and he fell to the earth and he heard a voice saying unto him saul saul why persecutest thou me and he said who art thou lord now understand the significance he knew who god was and yet at that moment there was something taking place in him and he frozen by that light he fell to the ground he said who art thou lord and the lord said i am jesus whom thou persecutest it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks and he trembling and astonished said lord what will thou have me to do and the lord said unto him arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do in that moment paul understood he had a revelation that the voice from heaven the voice of the lord was jesus christ and i pray tonight that there are people in this room that you would have that damascus road experience you would have an experience where the lord began to speak to you and out of the sincerity of your heart you begin to say who art thou lord and i will declare i will guarantee it i will promise you that when you ask that question he will reply i am jesus i am jehovah savior i am the one that delivers i am the one that saves brothers and sisters the name of jesus is the only saving name of god oh hallelujah let me tell you there's authority in that name hey we have authority when we say the name of jesus paul says in galatians chapter 3 verse 26 for ye are all the children of god by faith in christ jesus for as many of you as have been baptized listen to this into christ have put on christ when you get baptized in the name of jesus not only are your sins being remitted but you are also putting on christ there is neither jew nor greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in christ jesus if ye be christ then are ye abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise so when you put on christ in baptism when you take on the name of jesus in baptism you receive that promise you become an heir of the promise that goes all the way back to abraham you become an heir according to the promise you have the authority you've got the same authority that abraham had you have the same authority oh hallelujah let me tell you if you want to if you want to write a check out some of these young people you probably don't even know what a check is but it's a little piece of paper rectangular piece of paper and that's how your moms and dads a long time ago did business when they wanted to buy a car when they wanted to buy a home when they wanted to buy groceries they would write the name of the store in the pay2 line in the next line they write how much the check was for and then there'd be a little line at the bottom and in that line they would put their name and that check was not valid until that name was placed there i'm going to tell you tonight if you want authority you've got to put the name on it you've got to put the name on your life it has to be the name of jesus the name of jesus it's very similar to uh the kings of the ancient times it's even found in luke chapter 15. we've heard the story many times of the prodigal son or the wayward son or in modern terms the stupid son the one that goes out and lives righteously and spends all he has and he comes back to his father's house and he says i'm not even worthy to be called your son that's just like us gentiles we weren't even worthy to be called the son of god we weren't even we weren't even worthy to be called sons and daughters but but the father oh hallelujah he had compassion upon us and the father said to his servants bring forth the best robes put on christ and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet now i want you to understand tonight that ring in that scripture is not jewelry that ring is not some decorative object that you shine in the light to see how pretty it is that was a signet that was that signature and that father said i want you to give that son my authority whatever document whatever thing he needs to sign he's got the authority to sign it and brothers and sisters when you put on christ when you put on that robe you get that authority you get that signet so that when your baby is awake in the wee hours of the night with a 104 temperature you can say in jesus name i rebuke this fever and the fever must leak [Applause] i said you get the authority to say rise up and walk you get the authority to say i rebuke you satan get thee behind me when you take on the name of jesus you are receiving that authority oh hallelujah i'm almost finished [Laughter] it's only in the name of jesus everybody shout only you know at the turn of of the 20th century this jesus name message was revealed to americans it had already happened in other countries in fact there's a remnant all the way through oh hello i don't even have time to go here but i'm gonna go here for a moment i don't believe all of a sudden in 1901 that people all of a sudden received the holy ghost i believe all the way through history people were having experiences with god i can tell you about one during the middle ages his name was michael cervetis he was a spaniard he was a doctor he was a learned man he was he was martyred for his belief that there was only one god it happened all throughout scripture all throughout scripture there were people that had been buried in the name of jesus had spoken in other tongues understood that jesus is god and so i want you to understand that at the 20th century the start of the 20th century there was a derogatory term that that was given to us that believe in the oneness of god and jesus being the mighty god in christ and it's the jesus only group the jesus only group i want to tell you i i i have no problems with that i have no qualms with that that's not derogatory to me that is a beautiful thing to me because i believe only in jesus i believe everything happens in the name of jesus only in jesus can salvation come then peter said it to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost acts 8 35 then philip opened his mouth and he began at the same scripture that that ethiopian eunuch was looking at in isaiah and he preached unto him jesus i want to tell you tonight salvation comes in the name of jesus if you want to be saved from your sins if you want to be redeemed from your old past i want to tell you how it's done it's done in the name of jesus [Applause] and lastly tonight only in the name of jesus comes healing healing can only come in the name of jesus acts chapter 3 then peter said silver and gold have a nun now he was just asked for money by a beggar sitting by the gate beautiful outside of the temple in jerusalem and this beggar asked for money peter doesn't have any money he says silver and gold have i none but such as i have give i thee he had something he had the authority he had the name in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk you want to know what happened he rose up and he started walking he didn't only walk he began to dance he began to shout he began to rejoice and the high priests the rulers and the elders of the temple they came to see what all the fuss was about they began to question peter and john and peter says in verse 10 of this of chapter four the same story be it known unto you all and to all the people of israel that by the name of jesus christ of nazareth whom ye crucified whom god raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand here behold before you whole what was peter saying he was telling them that the reason this man was healed was not because he laid his hands on him it wasn't because he touched him it was because the name of jesus was invoked over him and at the name of jesus this man was made whole but peter never at a loss for words doesn't stop there verse number 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be safe peter concludes his message to the high priest and all the highfalutin executives of the temple and he tells them there is no other way that you can be saved than in the name of jesus christ and i've come here on this beautiful tuesday night to all of these wonderful people to tell you that the name of jesus christ is the most powerful name it's the most beautiful name it's the only name i said it's the only name that's ever come down from heaven it's the only name oh stand with me all over this house and lift your voices and praise come on lift your voices and praise oh hallelujah i want you to know that tonight that the name of jesus works the name of jesus is beautiful peter preached jesus on the day of pentecost philip preached jesus in samaria he preached it to the ethiopian eunuch philip preached in all the cities paul preached christ in the synagogues he preached boldly at damascus acts 14 7 they talking about all the disciples preached the gospel peter preached jesus to that jailer he preached the word in perka paul preached jesus in berea to the epicureans and to the stoics paul preached unto them jesus in jails in prisons on mountaintops in ships in synagogues in temples in fields in cities everywhere the disciples went they preached jesus they didn't preach anything else they preached the name of jesus why in this world would i stand behind this sacred desk and not preach the same thing to you tonight i preach to you the name of jesus the name of jesus oh lift your hands and open up your mouths and give him praise [Music] ah come on let's praise him [Music] let's praise him come on let's praise him sister tanner armstrong would you come up here and join me i want us to sing jesus jesus oh come on [Music] oh hallelujah here you take my mic oh jesus jesus my jesus there's just something about that name come on lift your hands oh yes master my savior jesus like a pray grant after the rain oh come on sing it out jesus [Music] lord jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the kingdoms [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on open up your mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's something about [Music] something names [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] about that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh are you thankful for the name of jesus tonight come on let's thank him we know who he is we know his name oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you for letting me obey the holy ghost tonight i pray tonight that your eyes would be open that god would reveal himself to you you would understand how great a revelation the beautiful name of jesus we don't want to take it for v in vain we don't want to take the lord's name in vain hallelujah it's a precious name a sacred name and a powerful name oh hallelujah oh thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] we know who you are tonight we give you praise honor and glory in the name of jesus hallelujah i do want to let you know before we close the service tonight this sunday um i will be in beaufort georgia brother jordan copeland asked me a few months ago to come be with him his church but the bishop will be here brother clark copeland will be here and i know you're going to have a power packed sunday and i want to encourage you to invite someone to come to the house of the lord i believe god's going to do great things this sunday and lord willing i'll see you bible college monday night god bless you for being here tonight why don't you go in the name of jesus and all week just remember how precious and beautiful that name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: First Pentecostal Church North Little Rock
Views: 1,511
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8jtFAqTz8DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 30sec (5430 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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