Finishing Strong Pt. 4 - Men's Bible Study by Rick Burgess - Feb. 13, 2019

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alright guys welcome in for another week for the Wednesday Bible study thanks to all of you that are with us today let's open up in a word of Prayer Lord thank you for today thank you for this time together as men here in the room and of course a men and women listening around the country and around the world Lord we're thankful for all the technology that you have allowed us at the same time we know that technology is also trying to be used by the adversary but but today lord I pray that all this that you allowed to be created by us will be used to advance your word and to the hearts of all that are willing to submit to your authority and we just pray that your hand Milnes today as we walk through this in the name of Jesus amen for those you that are new welcome we're glad you're here we're here every Wednesday at this at this location at noon local time if you ever do miss we have one of the men asking that question you can stay with us every week because you can go to the podcast channel if you have a podcast app on your phone you can go there and search Rick and Bubba show and all those archives are available for you on every Wednesday our YouTube channel Rick and Bubba dot-com click on YouTube you can go back and watch it there if you would like and then you can also go to all of our social media platforms the Rickon above a Facebook page you can follow me on Twitter all of those things every week we'll put out the audio of our of our Bible study of course the YouTube channel gives you the video and the audio if you're wanting to go back and say hey I missed the series that you guys did over the last three plus years here in the studio you can go to Burges click on media and you can find the audio clips of all the Bible studies that we've done in the last few years so they're all there right now if you're new we are we've studied three books of the Bible but now we're getting into a some commentary in a book by Steve Farrar one of the patriarchs of men's ministry every man should be required to read point man before you if you you know if you become if you if you're new to the faith that was the one he's most famous for but the finishing strong is another one and this is talking about the dilemma that that we find in in Scripture and we find in our society and it's it's a sad stat that very few men finish well very few as matter of fact some of the things we looked at was numbers like 1 out of 10 2 out of 12 and that of course Farrar puts the challenge in front of us and we first started for those who they haven't been here what makes you think what makes me think that I'll be the 1 or the 2 not the 10 to the 12 what what are we doing in our life to ensure that we would finish well and finishing well means what well that means that we finish out our life if there are earthly death or the return of Christ completely devoted to him never compromising the gospel never compromising our relationship with him leaving the faith the faith fading from the faith having some moral failure or something of that nature that's what it looks like and we've talked about the challenge that is before us and and and last week we talked about some of the things that we have to intentionally do to increase the the probability that we will be one of those who finish well and today we kind of continue with that theme and this in today is talking about dry shipwrecks now what what for or does here it's really quite beautiful he takes the analogy of the Titanic and he and he takes that in comparison to David's life now and of course we apply to our own lives David is an interesting interesting person of the Bible because certainly they're incredible things about David in his life that we should use as an example for us but as for our makes the point in this chapter if you're looking for someone to pattern your life after as far as how you're gonna finish David's really not a good example at all as a matter of fact he created quite a bit of a problem problems in his life because of the sin that was in his life but first of all the we could we start with this first story that it's talking about a young man named Alexander Fleming who was just a farm boy who ended up helping Winston Churchill's father and when the Churchill's father tried to to pay him for him helping get his you know a carriage out of the mud and everything the boy said though I just wanted to help you because you're an important man and I don't need anything and then he asked him what do you want to do when you grow up and he said I'd love to be a doctor and of course at that time Winston Churchill's father says I'll tell you what I I will I will provide the money for you to go to school to become you know this doctor that you want to become because of you helping me out today that's elite that's something I could do for you of course later in life we find out that Winston Churchill is is potentially going to die before he ever has that great moment in history where he he leads finally the Allies to go and stop Hitler because his own son Winston Churchill's father's son Winston Churchill was saved by the research from Alexander Fleming the boy that had helped him that day when he came to penicillin so and he talks about you know recognizing potential and people even when the world may not and then we go on to talk about David and how David was not even considered by Jesse to be one of the son that Samuel was coming to anoint as king and so we talk about that and then we get into how David was was a very fast starter and that's that's that's a good thing but what he talks about is with all the potential that David had he said you know out of the starting blade blocks if you go to second Samuel and you stay with David through the first ten chapters of his life you actually see some sums of great things he was never defeated in battle he was never wrong in judgment he begins his reign in prayer and continues in faith enemies are subdued that the nation is unified capital secured the boundary extends from 6,000 to 60,000 square miles but that's the first ten chapters of David's life he said but in Chapter 11 here comes the shipwreck of his life and after this he would never quite be the same again but he said before the shipwreck and we know that's about Sheba all David had known was triumph and after this shipwreck all he ever knew the rest of his life was heartbreak in trouble and so one of the things that that he referenced is Mark Twain here talking about how much more difficult it is to maneuver through rivers that change their their channels gradually and he said so you that's much different than you maneuvering something that always stays the same he said life is a lot more like a river because there's slight changes that are taking all the time they are taking all the time so if we go through life and say will this work for me right now so this will be my game plan for the rest of my life that that's foolish you need to always be submitting to the authority of Christ you need to always be in Scripture always in prayer because what we need to learn is that these gradual changes throughout life and periods of our life will not be navigated properly if you're always just going with the same old thing you've always done and Mark Twain said you know rivers don't don't work that way and he goes on to say that an old Greek proverb says the pilot of a ship is worth as much as the entire crew no crew member of a river boo riverboat on the Mississippi would ever argue with that proverb they said every time a riverboat captain set out for another journey from st. Louis to match as he was navigating a different River on the same stretch of water he had traveled just two weeks prior and it wasn't unusual on the great river to pass the broken timbers of river boats that hadn't made the necessary course corrections that's why the challenge of each voyage was always the same you better cut a plan for this voyage and how you're gonna finish strong and then he takes on David's life in our life and compares it to the Titanic and and when you look at all the things that happen with the Titanic 'men doubt that it was really a lot more complicated than hey there was a ship that said that God not even God could sink it course they were wrong about that and something happened and nobody could avoid it man just what a devastating thing the ship wasn't as strong as ever I thought it was bla bla bla bla bla and he said that's actually not not correct at all the Titanic ignored warning after warning after warning after warning and then crashed if they had just made the adjustments that everybody was asking them to make and they would make because of the arrogance or their laziness the Titanic would have never sought and he said the same thing was true about David's life and he compares sin to two shipwrecks and he says shipwrecks can take you farther than you want to go shipwrecks can take you longer than you want that will keep you longer than you want to stay and shipwrecks can cost you more than you wanted to pay and he says you could take the word shipwreck there and put in the word sin for the same thing he says so David shipwreck the reason what happened he said is the personal shipwreck in his life could could have been avoided in so many ways just like the wreck of the Titanic so he says if you look in Scripture you'll see this and if you have something with your Bible or something with your Bible on it look at second Samuel now we're in chapter 11 now first two first 10 chapters have been David I mean he's got it going on but then we get to chapter 11 then it happened in the spring at the time when Kent when Kings go out to battle but David sent Joab and his service with him and all Israel and they destroyed the sons of amon they besieged raba but David stayed in Jerusalem so there's one adjustment the Bible clearly says this is the time when David should have been with his men in battle and he didn't he said I think I'm gonna stay back at the house on this one so first of all David didn't do what he normally had done but expected to have the same outcome he said I'm gonna stay back here and I love this it tells me a lot too about how David had gotten with his life now when evening came David arose from his bed evening he had been laying around all day so when when evening came David arose from his bed and walked around on the roof of the king's house and from the roof he saw a woman bathing and the woman was very beautiful in appearance so keep in mind David the same man who had this incredible start now is in a situation where the biggest shipwreck of his life is about to take place so David sent and inquired about the woman and once said is this not Bathsheba the daughter of Eliam the wife of Uriah the Hittite and David sent messengers and took her and when she came to him he lay with her and when she had purified from him cleanliness she returned to her house and the woman conceived and she sent and told David I am pregnant now David thought that on this particular day he cast his eyes upon a woman that he wanted and he sent for her and they brought her to him and he said today I'm just gonna satisfy myself sexually with a woman that I've laid eyes on now keep in mind he's been told who she is whose daughter she is and whose wife she is they didn't stop it so does anybody think that David had been living his life up to this point completely under the authority of God and spending time with God and intimately in a relationship with God at this point do you really think he would do this if he had been like he was in the first 10 chapters that this would happen no we already see he's doing things that he shouldn't have done but it gets deeper than that so then he goes into the the Titanic and compares then next thing he says throughout the Bible you'll see three and scapel principles concerning sin just like shipwreck sin will take you farther than you want to go keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you wanted to pay every single time if you can't get anything out of these Bible studies that we do week after week and I think sometimes especially in the Western Church we've forgotten this sin matters sin is an incredible credible problem and it does matter we are not to become grace abusers just because we've been afforded incredible grace doesn't mean we take that and we abuse that grace that we've been freed from sin we have not been freed to sin Paul warns us we did our study on enrollments we're not to go out and say look how gracious God can be and I'm gonna prove that by showing you how bad I can be even though I've been redeemed and reconciled by Jesus I'm not gonna take that and say it didn't change me I'm gonna drift away and say I've got my turn eternity taken care of so I'm gonna drift over here and then do whatever I need to do and now with you said we know God's gracious God's merciful and hey I'm free in Christ well we're not free to do whatever we want do and when we do it we're not above redemption however the consequences for our sins are real and those stay with us until we're in the presence of the Lord I'm living proof of that and I'm sure some of you in the room are and I hope if you aren't I hope that you'll make those adjustments now Titanic the same thing as I said so the Titanic takes off now first of all I looked at this with the Titanic and I thought this was interesting he made this point they had 20 lifeboats and they had 2,200 passengers is that an arrogant ship okay and so that said the size was greater than any other we know about the integrity supposedly of this construction and we know that she's hit ice berg and sank in two hours and forty minutes and fifteen hundred and twenty three people were lost but just like david's shipwreck it could have been avoided only seven hundred five survivors were picked up and even those lifeboats were only half full so they did not have a great plan for tragedy when it happened and it says that so this is the thing I didn't know this it said it throughout the avoids Titanic had it been advised repeatedly of ice conditions at or near the position of her sailing orders required her to occupy throughout the day of April 14th as she approached this location her wireless operators received at least six messages which described filled ice and icebergs on her course directly ahead she got two messages from other boats but those were not posted until more than five hours after they'd been received got another message for two other boats that no one even showed to the captain since up they didn't want to interrupt his dinner another message from another boat of warning was never taken to the bridge as the wireless operator was working alone and could not leave the equipment and then when the receipt of a final crucial message from the Californian was interrupted and never completed when Titanic's operator impatiently cut it off so that he might continue his own commercial traffic didn't take the call there had even been a visual warning at 10:30 and that was also ignored there's no evidence that this vital information was ever heated nor was it ever given to captain Smith who was now sleeping in his quarter in actuality the Titanic shipwrecked long before it ever hit the iceberg and so did David because of the way he was living his life and ignoring moral moral problems for years before he ever saw Bathsheba and one of the things that's talked about that you rarely ever hear talk about is is you know the fact that David started showing signs of his lack of sexual purity when he started taking multiple wives this happened long before Bathsheba so he's violating what God said about the kings of Israel in Deuteronomy who had clearly laid out that they were not to take multiple wives but David did anyway and he was a polygamist many marriages God's plan for David was to be a one-woman kind of man but he did not go with that plan so he engineered his own personal shipwreck by denying God because it said when you look at the things that are told in Deuteronomy to the kings of Israel David heeded one but when it came to sexual purity like so many men that one was ignored he listened to some other things you know what that means some of the things you're telling me to do sounds good to me this other stuff sounds unreasonable now one of the thing was told me about the multiple wives that I've always wondered about with some of these men in Scripture it's see they didn't have internet they didn't have porn they didn't have a phone they didn't have magazines so when they decided they won't have sex with people other than their wives they just would have to go get more wise or concubines and David did this and of course remember this I had a very wise man tell me this before anything that a parent does in moderation your children will do in excess anybody seeing the numbers on solomon's wives and concubines it makes his it makes his daddy look like he's just a rookie but anyway so so let's look at what David had been told by God in Deuteronomy chapter 17 if you have that and it's a 14 through 17 so Deuteronomy 17 14 through 17 when you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you and you possess it and you live in it and you say I will set a king over me like all the nations who are around me you shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses one from among your among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves you may not put a foreigner over yourselves which is not your countrymen moreover he shall not multiply horses for himself nor shall he caused the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses since the Lord has said to you you shall never again return that way neither shall he multiply wives for himself lest his heart turn away neither shall he multiply wives for himself lest his heart turn away so God says here I don't want you to do this and if you do this is what's going to happen it'll be to your demise and David said okay I want increase horses as a matter of fact you see that now why would God not want the king to increase horses well what's the big deal about that well horses were used for warfare and God didn't want Israel using horses in battle he didn't want Israel to trust in their vast number of horses when they went to war he wanted Israel to trust in him if they went out with more horses in their bouts and they won they say well that God really helped us or at least had more horses he wanted them to win battles that were miraculous and they would literally fight people who had horses and chariots and beat them on foot and as a matter of fact what you find is that David even talked about this in Psalms 27 some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God meaning the Lord our God has delivered us in battle not horses and chariots other people depend on that we don't so we realized that that David said he wouldn't do that and even praise God for the fact that he did but when it came to the second part of Deuteronomy 17 about not taking multiple wives David chose to ignore that showing that this was an issue for David as it is for many men so he says this David some around that age of 18 you ever take a year to was anointed by Samuel to be the king of Israel David did not become King until he was thirty and when David was anointed to become King at 18 he had no wife by the time he assumed the throne at 30 he had six wives FB Meyer sums up what happened to David before he ever shipwrecked with Bathsheba in direct violation of the law of Moses he took more concubines and wives fostering in him a habit of sensual indulgence what's predisposed him to the evil invitation of that evening our so FB Meyer says I tell you why he failed he'd always had a problem with this and think about that that's the problem with indulgence and sin sin it's never enough is it okay I don't want one life so I've got six I don't want six wife I want some concubines that's just women I get to sleep with cuz I'm king but when he saw Bathsheba he said but you know I hadn't had that woman yet so it's never enough never does the sinful indulgence ever satisfies that that's the thing that I've tried to learn in my life and men if you can get this it's radically changed my life does that mean I don't still struggle with the flesh of course it doesn't but I don't struggle with like I once did you know why because I'm gonna feed the only thing that can defeat my flesh and that's my spirit my flesh never ever is satisfied why do you think we keep seeing these people killed themselves over and over again who have everything because every time you go to the flesh and you say I'm gonna feed you today you know what the flesh says but I want more now when the Spirit satisfied with the only thing that can satisfy the spirit and that's the power of the holy spirit under total submission to Jesus Christ when you're when your spirit is satisfied your flesh doesn't bother you like it wants to did not because who we are a great self-control or code of conduct because of the power of the Holy Spirit you do realize what comes into our spirit and we submit to Jesus Christ if the Bible tells us is the same exact power that rose Jesus from the dead the holy spirit rose Jesus from the dead and that's what we have and if you'll feed that your flesh never gets it's time at the table I mean you don't go there and like we talked about before I'm resolved we don't we don't live a life going I'll see what happens when I get in fill in the blank no we know what to do before we ever get there David had not decided that he bought into God's standard about wives he didn't buy he said I don't know but the horses I'll do and that's us once again what I call course someone who struggles with their weight of course I would use analogy of food many of us look at our spiritual life like we're at a buffet table I'm gonna pick the things I like and I'll make nor the things I don't okay so God tells me that I should be in the Word of God okay God says I should tithe 10% yeah I don't that God says that I shouldn't have multiple wives okay Jesus said if I lust in my heart for another woman I'm also an adulterer yeah I don't that and so we go down the line and we pick out the spiritual food we won't and we ignore what we don't like that's exactly what David did you know it led to disaster and I know in my own life when I've had that attitude it's led to disaster as well so this is nothing new there's nothing new Under the Sun so David says if you want to know why he fell with Bathsheba he had been failing in this in this area of his life long before then and you go on to see all the things that that happened with David involving his Polly and it just went on and on and on and then of course when we look at what happened with his son Solomon oh my goodness when you look at this Solomon occurred 700 wives and 300 concubines and you know what the scriptures say in first Kings 11 3 about David's boy it says these wives turned his heart away from the Lord God do you realized they said that you talked about in Solomon writes about this in Ecclesiastes he says all this was a waste of my time I should have figured out that my whole role in life was to fear God and do what he says that's that's that's the life out you should live don't live the way I live they said if Solomon was intimate with one wife and a conch you never ever repeated that wife again and just went through all the others - he got back to that wife it would take in three years to have sex with the same woman twice and did it did it satisfy he set the end of his life he realized all that was a vapor he tried everything it was just like chasing after the wind so you're thinking to yourself is maybe a lot of people are there listening this right now but Rick I don't have any otherwise you don't you may not have a physical life that you that I would find out about but we've already said about lust but here's some other wives pornography and think about all these children that these wives produce for David and the concubines he had he had wives he had children with all I'm we were getting into tons of children and and you look at all these different things I think we finally got the number was eight wives for David and we don't know how many concubines he had 21 sons and one daughter he had other children by the concubines to put it plainly by ignoring God's command to be a one-woman man David had one very large messed-up family and he would regret it the rest of his life the things that happen with Davis children some of it you don't even like to talk about and it plagued him for the rest of his life so when you think about this eight say your wife is pornography and it and Steve says well then that's gonna bury you the child called shame I mean pornography has a strong hold on so many men it's alarming and and until you get to the point where you love Jesus more than you love pornography Seco some of you think will Rick you're telling I need to love my wife more than pornography now I'll never work because you'll find some reason to justify that she didn't treat you well today or she's not she's not being intimate with you no for something she's too busy she's too sleepy no it what you have to do is get the point that you love Christ more than you love pornography that you don't want Christ to sit there while you look at that garbage and then when you decide you love Christ more than pornography then you'll get it out of your life and you'll be the man to your wife that he told you to be you'll treat her the way he said because you love him so much and I would challenge anybody find fault in Jesus I mean can you imagine there's a book called Calvary row we went through years ago in this Bible study Roy Hesham paints this picture of you going you going down to go under the cross and as you're going under the cross trying to get under it the blood off Jesus is literally falling on you as you look up and see him mangled and the price he's paying for your Center for my sin his blood is literally dripping on you and you finally get under the cross to the other side of the new life and you see this light and all these things that are wonderful and then you look back at his mangled body and you're just sin again when you look back at his body on the cross and how in the world does anybody ever say oh yeah I can stand against that daddy no big deal say we see sin differently when we put it in that so and I want to tell some of you this to it maybe it'll help you with the struggle with pornography instead of these women gratifying you in some way how does that not break your heart I try to teach my son's that with that but here's a woman who's depriving herself like an animal and you're applauding it yeah that's what I like that's somebody's daughter somebody's daughter Jesus is with you everywhere we go and we're taking him to into that garbage you know what else I want to say to you about how less a man that makes you so you even have to have sex vicariously through some other man you can't even handle it on your own some other guys got to have sex for you that's pitiful I mean can I at least get a rise out of you out of that that that bothers you that a man's having to do something for you because you can't do it you're living victories through him well that's all that's pitiful I don't know but I understand that it's a serious problem the next thing we see is what then before you know you say well hey man I don't have the hardcore pornography but you know I still got HBO I still got Cinemax I got soft porn of course that bears the child of guilt I remember one of the big wake cups for me one time was when I was doing endorsements for one of the cable companies and so they want to give me everything to have and I said no thank you and they said well we don't want all of our channels I don't I don't want all your channels well you know you get it for free I said I don't want it and then they said oh okay you're being a good dad you know we have parent controls on that so you can watch it but your kids won't and I said no the reason why I don't want that in my house is because I don't trust me it's not that I'll trust my kids I don't trust me if that garbage comes into my house and I don't go to war in the spring like I'm supposed to and I'm laying around the house all day and I'm not in the Bible like I need to be and my wife's going somewhere and I sit there and start flipping those channels around I'm gonna land on some naked woman and I'm gonna look at it so I know me and I know what I'm capable of I don't want it in my house because I don't trust me and those who that have it just playing games with it especially the times we're living in if there's something you want to watch you can go customize anything you want and avoid all the garbage and watch what you want to watch when you want to watch it there's never been a time when looking at soft porn on cable or satellite has been has been has no credibility because it's easier to avoid it now than it's ever been you know why you can go say I'm gonna watch this program at this time and I don't watch anything else there was a time when you had to weed through all that trying to file you don't do that anymore I understand that's not the greatest commercial for satellite and cable companies anymore but as far as far as streaming and all that you know what I watch on TV whatever I want to watch I'm not I'm not ambushed by anything and so all right and then of course you think about this some of you may not have another wife but you have a prostitute you've met with some other woman and that bears you the child of humiliation and if you don't believe for our said that prostitution is not alive and well today just look at how many evangelists in the 80s were all caught with them you know on they didn't go to war when they were supposed to they'd made mistakes long before this happened he said trust me those are not the kind of wives you need to take on nor is that the kind of children that you need to produce in your life and he says don't be like the Titanic and don't be like David stop before the shipwreck ever happens the warnings are there heed the warnings now where does some of those warnings need to come from we've taught that extreme accountability do you have those kind of people in your life do you have the kind of people in the life in your life that will say hey man it's good to get together how you been fine you've been watching anything and I supposed to watch I have those kind of men in my life and I and when I see them I know they're gonna want an update how you treat you are we're good if you looked at anything you should mcgann know if you're on the road you have the kind of guys that call you and say you got your Bible with you yes have you called your wife yes have you called down to the front desk and tell them to cut off all the porn I haven't why not you can watch it no well then call them I want you to call downstairs I want you to tell them turned off and I want you call me back to me you did it you won't Ricky you got that kind of stuff you got and and and see it there's that's the reason why what Satan loves is to get us out of that kind of accountability we talked about that last week and to get us alone remember you've got to have that kind of person you know James told us what that we should confess our sins to one another and we should pray for one another so we might be healed healed of what healed of the lust for the other wives that may be tearing you apart sin will take you farther than you want to go sin will keep you longer than you want to stay and sin will cost you more than you want to pay think about that if you ever had that happen in your life first of all sin will take you farther than you want to go do you really think that David do you really think when David started this affair and he called Bathsheba up to his room do you think he looked past gratifying your sexual desires do you really think that day said I'm gonna go down there and if you go pick her and bring her back to him I'm gonna have to kill her husband do you think he ever thought that no he didn't think that cuz he didn't think Sam was gonna take him that for but it did now she's pregnant and he tries to get around that alright okay coo you're pregnant listen I'm gonna bring your husband home go sleep with your husband then he'll think it's his did he think first of all I do you think you get her pregnant if your thought about how God paid this back and i'ma have to be careful with this and the brother just brought this to my attention when I was we were talking about this in the last week or so I was actually this week Monday the Bible documents that what Bathsheba was doing was cleansing herself after her cycle when David saw her you do realize that if you just go by biology she should have been able to get pregnant how you think about that he might not have thought that through but if you look at biology the way a woman's cycle works she should have been fair game if you're worried about not worried about pregnancy right then but God made sure she got pregnant didn't he now we know that baby died so so this this is somebody's being defiant to God and he has no idea how bad this is going to go and that he talked about this with the captain of the Titanic same thing he said he gets on the Titanic and he's playing in his retirement he said this is my last voyage captain Smith of the Titanic had it he had the whole celebration planned he couldn't wait to come into New York to that celebration and he said during his during that single honor uninterrupted voyage one element of misjudgment was added to another in a deadly chain warnings went unheeded errors and safety standards and navigations were combined to generate the tragic can loot in conclusion he was headed for retirement listen to this from Ferrara and he wound up in an icy coffin thousands of feet below the sea lanes that he had gone through so many times with no problem Wow when David looked up looking at Bathsheba he had no idea what was going to happen listen what he said then David said to Joab send me your either Hittite Sojo absent Uriah to David when your I came to him David asked concerning the welfare of Joab and the people in the state of the war David said to Uriah go down to your house and wash your feet your I went out of the King's house and and and and he was out of the presence of the king and the king sent after him but Uriah said I slip at the door of the Kings house with all the servants of his Lord I did not go down to my house now when David was told this he said look your ID didn't go down to the house then David said you're out have you not come from a journey what's wrong what why don't you go down to your house your eyes - David the ark and Israel and Judah are staying in temporary shelters and my lord Joab in the service of my lord are camping in the open field shall I didn't go down to my house to eat and to drink and to live with my wife maybe like oh no man this guy this guy you think you think David thought he was gonna have to encounter something like this with the husband he thought this big quick fix but you know why he couldn't do this because he picked a man of what incredible character was that the wake-up called today to go man I can't believe what I've done I just need to come clean about this I just need to tell him what I did it's gonna break his heart but man I this is not worn out then he tries to get him drunk I didn't work he ate and drank but he didn't go down the house now now now it came about in the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it to the head by the hand of Uriah he gives them the letter to take to Joab that has his death sentence written in it think about that now do you think David ever thought he'd be doing that when you afraid just saw some good-looking woman bathing and now look what else happened now I'm planning murder I can tell you my own life I remember so vividly and I won't go into all the details of it but I just remember so vividly one of these moments in my life and I was literally sitting at a red light and I knew that if I went straight what was going to happen and if I just turned right and went home it wouldn't happen and I remember sitting as I read like and I can see it right now and I knew if I go straight what's gonna happen I had no idea the things they were gonna happen that I didn't know what happened because what was gonna happen and all I had to do is just turn around go home but I didn't I the first time that I drank alcohol in my entire life I'll never forget it I'd never drank my entire life and in 19 years old playing in a football game away from home and some guys it was it was a game where different players play together and when these all-star game deals and and the guys were drinking I never drank my life I'd been disappointed about what I thought was going to happen to my football career and it had not gone the way I thought I've gotten injured and instead of celebrating the fact that anybody still when we play college ball for him the team that I wanted to play for had told me I was going to play there play there then they took it back when I got injured and I remember for the first time in my life thinking what is the big deal tonight if I take one drink drink one beer what's the big deal I led to 13 years of darkness terrible horrible things send to me a lot further that I thought I was gonna go and it kept me there a lot longer than I thought I was going to stay and it costs me a lot more than I ever thought I'd pay just little decisions praise the Lord for redemption but the repercussions for those years still haunt me to this day and they will and until until I return home and David is in the same situation now he's what would just look like he came trying to get his kicks is now led to murder place your eye in the front of the line of the fiercest battle and withdraw for him so that he may strut be struck down and die I gotta get rid of him so I still think I'm gonna get away with it it's about David how many times have you been cut been in sin you keep thinking I'm gonna find somebody get away with this somehow this is gonna work out well I think at this point when you're now you're the king so he's got he's got more Hope than we do but you're now having someone killed and it said the David had been driving for a long on the freeway of sexual gratification I love this line from Farrar he had only planned to go as far as the exit that was marked adultery but the momentum of his deceit took him all the way to the off-ramp of murder in a David's mine there was no alternative but that Uriah should die for dead men tell no tales if a child were to be born Uriah slips at least should not be able to disown it sin matters it certainly matters praise the Lord for redemption but it matters then what happened we know that the Lord sent Nathan to David you know we don't give Nathan and enough have you got a Nathan in your life we don't give Nathan enough do you do realize that Nathan walks in to call out the king now Nathan doesn't he's not real straightforward because he didn't know how it's gonna go do you have you ever thought about all David had to do was say kill this man commit you who are you to walk up in my palace and up in my room and called me out and do some illustration about some sheep and then you tell me that I've done the same thing to you Rio how about this we all take him off and kill him today Kings did that kind of stuff all the time what did Mel Brooks say it's good to be king now think about Nathan didn't know how this was gonna go so so Nathan says I'll limit let me try a little story see if I can get this to get this to work out the Lord sent Nathan to David and he came to him and said there were two men in one city the one rich the other poor the rich man had had a great many flocks and herds but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb which he bawled and nourished and he grew up together with him and his children it would eat of his bread and drink of his cup and lie in his bosom and was like a daughter to him now traveler came to the rich man and was unwilling to take from his own flock or his own herd to prepare for the Wayfarer who had come rather he took the poor man's you lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him then David's anger burned greatly against the man and he said to Nathan as the Lord lives surely the man who has done this deserves to die and he must make restitution for the lamb fourfold because he did this thing and had no compassion do you have this guy in your life Nathan then said to David you are this man have you got that guy in your life hey man I got to call you out you're wrong hey that were the way you're living is wrong based on Scripture the way you treating your wife is wrong what you just did to the kid was wrong what you're doing at work is wrong what you're doing on your taxes is wrong a man of God does not do what you're doing now praise the Lord the David and this is one things we learned from David that's actually good and that is when he realized that he had not just sinned against you riah he not just sinned against Bathsheba he not just sinned against his first wife eight wives back he not just sinned against his children they had sinned against God you see throughout the old prophets of the Old Testament how many times does God say please go back and tell them that they are not rejecting you they are rejecting me and I see what's going on think about merciful God was to David and we get a long way down the line of sexual gratification before God says I've had enough and God will eventually say I've had enough and he'll love you enough and he loves me enough to say I could remember my day of an awakening that started my process I'll never forget it I'll never forget sitting there I won't get into great detail because I don't want to you know be disrespectful to other people I tell their business but I'll just tell you this it was a steaming hot summer day in Alabama and I think this is what David certainly thought at this moment and I was sitting there and they were these visuals all around me and I thought to myself how in the world can the little boy that went down front at Meadowbrook Baptist Church to be baptized be this man how in the world did I get here you know what I said I said this can't be how my life ends this can't be it I got to do something and change and the process began and God gave me sherry right after that and you know the rest of that story but the repercussions for the way I had behaved up to that time still haunt me to this day did it continue to haunt David listen to this it'll cost you more than you want to pay it cost him his infant son who died it cost him dearly when his oldest son Amon raped his half-sister and David's daughter Tamar it cost him dearly when his son Absalom killed his brother Amon for the rape to avenge tomorrow it cost him dearly when years later his trusted friend and counselor assisted Absalom in a plot to overthrow David and rip the kingdom out of his hands and if you remember this was a man who had served David for decades and he betrayed David and took the side of David's son who was trying to kill his own father and he says if he looked back I couldn't believe this this is giving me chills I didn't know this the trust did I can't pronounce the man's name the trusted man who'd been with Dave for decades that went against David with Absalom when David's son tried to kill him do you know who he was you know his genealogy listen to this he was the grandfather of Bathsheba the father of Helium Bathsheba's daddy Bathsheba's granddaddy joined to one of David's sons and said I'll help you kill him tell you about that now David was never the same after his adultery David's life was characterized with triumph before that after this there's only one word to describe the rest of the day of its life and that's trouble the next time sin loose attracted to you remember the consequences that haunted David for the rest of his whatever the sin is it is not worth it and he goes on to do something controversial here it's even got me in trouble for passing along to other people they don't like hearing this he said a case could be argued that David never fully repented of his polygamy I know look I know David's got things that we need to emulate he's got a lot of things we need to ignore and and our learn from I guess is a better way to put that don't ignore them just don't do them I didn't know this I I guess I dread it and I just didn't pay attention but Farrar the way he does things made sure that I know it when you go the end of his life and you find David ready to die and in physical weakness let us read it to you this is first Kings 1 1 through 4 maybe you're like me you're you're noticing this for the first time now King David was old advanced in age and they covered him with clothes but he could not keep warm so his servant said to him let them seek a young virgin from my lord the king and let her attend to the King and become his nurse and let her lie on your chest that my lord the king will be kept warm so they search for a beautiful girl throughout all the territory of Israel and they found a young lady and brought her to the king and the girl was very beautiful and she became the Kings nurse and she served him but the king did not cohabitate with her so let's give him props he didn't have sex with her but even at the end of his life of all the things he did when he couldn't keep me he said they went and found him a beautiful young virgin as she laid in the bed with him until he died where was Bathsheba where was the other seven wives they all too old and ugly now why didn't they come keep him warm so sorry not just any woman could lay in the bed when there had to be a young beautiful woman who had who had never had sex with anybody else all we got this keeping me why did it have to be this I think it speaks to he's still got a problem now that doesn't mean we're not gonna spend eternity with David in heaven don't misunderstand me it shows that he still can't shake it if he just needs to be warm go get one of his wives why does she have to be beautiful why does she have to be young why'd she have to be a virgin I have to say that when I saw that it was it was shocking to me but I couldn't deny what it says it says what it says in the scriptures and he did not have sex with her the Bible is clear about that but let me ask you this now we're not kings I guess they have a different deal can you imagine you go into your wife on your dying deathbed you said hey I'm coke and you'll find me a sweet looking young thing to come lay with me do you think that's respectful do you want you think that's respectful to God you know that's respectful for your children no wonder some his children want to kill him he had ushered in all these women into their lives and they all had different mamas some of them had mamas that he didn't even marry no wonder they had so much calamity that's probably why God wants us to have one life when you do things God's Way it doesn't mean that things are always gonna be perfect but I tell what it does mean when you're under his authority you can go to bed every night and place your head on the pillow and say I'm at peace and will God forgive anyone who repents of their sins praise the Lord yes praise the Lord yes and when we stand before God because of Jesus will it be as far as the east is from the west and not remembered yes should we like Paul says in Philippians forget what lies behind and stretch to what's ahead yes but earthy repercussions and consequences to sin remain they remain some of us like me have already had shipwrecks and I don't want to have them anymore and I'm not gonna make those mistakes again because of the power of Jesus not because of me but some of you are in this room as some of you are listening to this Bible study and you are ignoring the warnings that you're about to hit an iceberg in sync and you need to correct it and he stop and heed the warning and correct it enough with the woman at the office stop it enough with the porn enough with the with the HBO and the Cinemax enough stop it because what you're telling the Lord especially if you claim to be under his authority is that you still love your sin more than you love him and you're not quite sold that he's better than sin and I'm gonna stand before you as your brother in Christ and I'm gonna scream to the top of my lungs that under the authority of Jesus Christ is not a perfect life but it far exceeds sin on my worst day with Jesus defeats my best day in sin because at least I'm under the authority of Christ and whatever is happening to me he's allowing so he can be glorified not the consequence of my rejection of him we were just talking about yesterday at the the lunch at the for the Loveladies Center those wonderful words that Paul talks about in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5:17 through 21 read those today but in a paraphrase Paul says we've been reconciled at any of those in there in Christ are a new creation a new creation completely new we've been reconciled through Christ back into the presence of a holy God but we've also if were one of those people this has happened to we've been given the Ministry of reconciliation we're ambassadors for Christ and I love when he says this and I'll leave you with this and we talked about this yesterday in the English translation I don't know what the original greek word was for but for our language those of us that speak English and I barely speak it but Paul uses the term we implore you we're begging you to be reconciled to God we implore you to be reconciled and if you're here today or you're listening and you have not been reconciled to Christ I implore you to do so just say Lord I'm done fighting you I submit to your authority and I'll repent of my sin this this world and this flesh just keeps disappointing me and leaving me empty a lot of you been this Bible study four years ago are we gonna leave here without him doing do not feed the Bears no I'm doing it you ever seen those signs national parks do not feed the Bears yeah see I used to think and a lot of people have mirages people say well that's cause you don't want bears to eat unhealthy food that's not watch they're the reason why I says do not feed the Bears if you have two dozen marshmallows and you get two marshmallow 24 you know what the bear says where's 25 and when you tell the bear that you don't have any more marshmallows than the bear eats you some of y'all need to stop feeding the Bears because the bear he never let me satisfy feed your spirit be reconciled to God and through Jesus have victory over your sin pray Boyd thank you for today thank you for the message thank you for this time together and for all who attended thanks to all who are listening around the country and even around the world lord I thank you for the men you placed in my life I thank you for the wife that you've given me I thank you for my children who of course have paid the price for some of my sins and I pray Lord that you continue to reconcile us all back to you and they died no Lord because of what you did on the cross and when you walked out of that tomb you are setting things right thank you Lord for completing all righteousness they've been given that gift to those who receive it and repent of our sins and submit to your authority continue to sanctify the Lord to make us more like you in the name of Jesus we pray amen thanks guys you
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 2,159
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: burgess, farrar, steve, rick, bubba, bible, study, david, solomon, wives, adultery, porn addiction
Id: 1YpiE5B12mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 16sec (3496 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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