Rick & Bubba Bible Study Live - June 12, 2019

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nc bible-study we are in the series called the pursuit of holiness this is going to be chapter seven today it's a book by Jerry Bridges and we were walking through you know one of the topics that really and even with the the people I've been talking to in between the weeks I do think this is a topic that that maybe the church is addressing I hope in some way shape or form there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about justification which that's pretty straightforward but really what we're talking about here is sanctification and what does how does that impact our life going forward and it's led to really some good discussions that I've heard from some of you from around the country and you can always email me Rick at Ricky and Bubba com we're gonna open up in a word of Prayer and then we'll jump into the next part of this if you've missed any of this series that this topic is so crucial and this dance between what God does and and and what our part is and all that it's such a delicate dance it's important that you that you hear the entire series so if you if you've missed any of it you can go back and catch this particular series I know all of its on this YouTube channel for those you that are watching all of its on the podcast Channel and then you can always go back to Burgess ministries comm and click on media let's open up in a word of Prayer Lord thank you for today and today Lord we pray a special prayer for David week's family David of course has been battling cancer and has been here with us a few times for the Wednesday Bible study but it unfortunately we just got word that he has passed away but we do know that David's life was secured with the redemption that you provided on the cross so that is something that the family celebrates even though they'll they'll miss David for this moment as far as David is concerned he has been ultimately healed and has stepped into your presence we celebrate that for David and for all who have been redeemed that that though that the great thing about those of us have been redeemed earthly death means nothing Oh death where is your sting you have defeated eternal death you have defeated the the price of sin so we celebrate for David's eternity but we weep and we mourn for those who love Him who now experienced time of momentary separation so please have a special hand on that family Lord and thank you for the men who are here with us today be with those that couldn't be here who had obstacles in their way we continue to pray for the convention that's going on at our home church and and Lord hopefully you'll you'll give all those leaders that wisdom to maneuver through even some of the issues that they'll be discussing but ultimately this will be a time of worshipping you and what I pray that you'll bless our time today and help us to understand with our finite minds as best we can who you are in the name of Jesus we pray amen all right so so as we start in chapter 7 our our verse that'll get a start as Romans 6:11 and in Romans 6:11 Paul's continuing this great chapter six in the same way you count yourself dead to sin because then we just talked about that in Chapter six that we have been released from the rain and the rule of sin you know as we said Jesus and Paul makes this clear Jesus did not just you know free us from sin and he also has given us the ability that we will not continue to just go out and live in perpetual sin and there's there's much of the Bible that talks about this so last time we talked about the part of our action you know understanding that we're no longer slaves to sin but at the same time this particular chapter is going to say in the same way that we count ourselves dead to sin we must also count ourselves alive in Christ Jesus and remember we talked about this a lot that when we talk about what really takes place at justification nothing wrong with talking about that hey I was lost and I'm found there's nothing wrong with that but truly being justified for Jesus Jesus is taking the dead and making them alive because because we are dead if we do not we're not redeemed and we will die eternally so so then the question comes up that we all ask and Jerry bridges takes this on and it's certainly a question that's what we want to do in this Bible study is not be afraid to talk about what sometimes we think so you start thinking what good does it to be told that the war was sin was won by Christ in his death on the cross if now I'm just gonna still be harassed and sadly often defeated by sin in my heart you know I hear what Paul is saying Romans chapter 6 I believe what took place on the cross really took place so why in the world if I had been freed from the reign of sin do I still find myself harassed by it we've talked about in the past chapters being touched by sin but this is what I think frustrates us the most is when we find out that in our heart sometimes we're still defeated by sin and to experience practical everyday holiness we must accept the fact that God and His infinite wisdom has seen fit to allow this daily battle with indwelling sin but God does not leave us to do the battle alone so we have to accept the battles real because that's reality I mean it's there we can see it and and then so God and His infinite wisdom says the battle is going to continue but yet I'm gonna give you the power in me to battle beside you that you're not going to continue to be defeated just as he delivered us from the reign of sin as we talked about in chapter 5 of this book he has also made the provision for us to win the daily skirmishes against sin so this is where we have to learn but we talked about a lot that God has made us alive in him he has given us access to his power back to that Romans 6:11 which is kind of our starting verse not only are we dead to sin but now we're alive to God so so remember what what Romans 6:18 says make a note of this Romans 6:18 we at one time he was talking about before were slaves to sin I mean it owned us there's nothing we could do we were at slave not only have you been freed from the reign and being slaves to sin don't forget look in 6:18 we now because of the power of God are slaves to righteousness you know if you if you've come in the authority of Christ he is my Lord you now you now only you bought me so I'm actually now do loss I'm a bondservant to you I once was a bondservant to sin but now I'm a bondservant to you and remember we talked about this before the word Doulos in the original greek which paul uses that that's that's important because there were different types of slaves and we've talked about this before but let's be sure we get it and for those of you that haven't heard it before then this would be the first time you've heard him Paul uses the word Doulos because in those days a bondservant what's different you know they were actually you know types of slavery where someone says I owe you a debt you helped me so I'm gonna send my boy over there and he's an indentured slave and he's gonna work off my debt to you or I'm gonna work off my debt to you but I'm free to go home and I'm free to go back to my family I'm really just reporting back for work but I'm working for free so I have some rights and I am I do have some freedom well that's not what Paul's talking about he said at one time you didn't have a choice because you were a slave to sin now we're gonna move you as to become do loss for Jesus you're now gonna become a bondservant to Jesus which means what he is fully righteous and that means I don't have any rights I was bought on the cross I now belong to Jesus he is my Lord and I'm not free to just do whatever I want to do I'm a bondservant I'm do lost to Jesus I've become a slave to righteousness and we need to see ourselves that way we now have been reunited with Christ not in some but in all of his power remember one of the most convicting things we've studied so far which means when we return to sin now we return as a free man we're rejecting our authority and we have a choice whether we're gonna send it on and so when we do we choose to but it says that's not the way a bondservant acts and again this is not a code of conduct it's not legalism this is the transform transforming power of Jesus Christ so what is the significance of being alive unto God because of Paul tells us he said you know it's you catch yourselves dead to sin but now alive to God what in Christ Jesus in Christ Jesus so what this means is we've been united with Christ and all of his power now look at Philippians 1113 if you have this let's go to Philippians 3:11 I'm sorry to give you the chapter 3:11 I'm sorry it's forward for when we're talking 11 through 13 because this is a part of the Bible that has been misused many many times and it's always used you've got to understand in the Word of God what Paul the position that he's writing from us we're going to get to 4:13 again one of the most misused verses in the whole Bible you would think that Philippians 4:13 is it's used as a accomplishment verse you know that God's gonna give me the strength to accomplish something he's will give me the strength to get what I want I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but listen that's not what this verse is about this is about a battle 11 now that I'm speaking of being in need for I have learned in whatever situation I'm to be content I know now I might know how to be brought low and I know how to abound meaning I've experienced the lows I've experienced the highs in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger abundance and need and then here comes I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me listen guys what Paul is talking about is I can endure anything because Christ gives me the strength to endure it this is not about accomplishment that is not what this verse is about this verse is about no matter the situation I find myself in Jesus Christ provides the strength for me to endure it and not to compromise him here was Paul he's in jail when he's riding this he goes I don't know what's gonna happen to me I don't know if I'm coming out this time or there's gonna be a time I'm gonna be dead he may let me out of jail he may not but here's Paul who says while I'm in jail instead of saying poor poor pitiful me I go to the strength provided only by Jesus Christ and you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna leave this guard that it's chained to me I'm gonna lead him to Jesus you can honestly say that if you were in jail your thoughts would be on I wonder who I'm here to point to Jesus I mean with that would that be your thought I think I probably start what I want what am i doing in jail I've done nothing but do what you asked me to do and now I'm in jail well that's what we got to know sometimes you're doing exactly what God called you to do which also places you in suffering they said that conversation at lunch I mean what why my in jail lead this guy to Jesus why am I in jail to glorify me why am i sick to glorify me why am i hurting to glorify me why did my son die to glorify me why did my daughter die to glorify me why are these bad things happening so I can be glorified so I can refine you and we were talking about this if you really want to be free is when you get to the point that no matter the situation we find ourselves in we look to God and say this situation is correct it's correct if you're doing what God called you to do whatever situation you're in you look to God and say what you're doing is for my own good is for somebody else's own good and it's for you to be glorified so give me the strength not to embarrass you give me the strength that I won't compromise and think about job I mean one time his wives he was saying just curse God and be done with it because that's that was the test you know and and Joseph so we're just gonna celebrate and everything goes well we're gonna celebrate him when no matter what and so we can't use our circumstances as an excuse for sin because you say well you're talking about suffering how does this apply to holding this I'll tell you how because our reactions to circumstances are part of our walk of holiness that's part of it how you respond to bad things and suffering and so if he says I've given you the strength to endure whatever situation you're in then guess what Jesus is Jesus and his full righteousness has given us the power his strength will never ever be wanting well I got bass Oshin was sin and Jesus just what strong enough came out of it he's couldn't do it but Paul said no Jesus gives me the strength to endure anything including temptation not just suffering but also temptation so holiness is not a series of do's and don'ts we talked about that and we got to get that because we lot of times what everybody thinks about holiness the reason why is rejected which you have to ignore love the Bible to reject holiness but people push back on it because they think your talk about legalism and they're so terrified of legalism that they'll take legalism and obedience and treat them the same that's not the same thing that's not obedient comes from our commitment and our love of Jesus so and then he provides us the strength to be under that obedience he says so what we're trying to do is not do so don'ts and this is a throwback to the last week but I want hit it again it is conformity to the character of God and obedience to the will of God so I'm conforming to his character not my own he's changing me he's refining me but at the same time I am obedient to his will what did Jesus to teach us yes we pray for what the how we hope things will turn out but what do we altima but your will be done why cuz my wheels fault his isn't what did Jesus say I'm here to do the will of my father what did you just say about who's fake who's real look for those who are doing the will of my father they're the real deal those who aren't I don't know them I don't care what kind of production they're putting on I don't know so being into the will of God not our own will and conforming to the character of God that's what holiness is all about accepting with contentment whatever circumstances God allows for me is very much part of a holy walk I am content Lord with wherever you want me I'm not talking about where you won't you where he won't you you think about this about contentment we just studied at church this past Sunday Danny did a great message on David going from chapter 8 and falling in to David in chapter 11 and I thought this is pretty ironic that when we declare bankruptcy we declare chapter 11 so David chapter 11 is mishima if it all falls apart well what was you you can go all the reasons why David did that first of all sherry and I were talking about it after the service I said number one he built he started believing his press clippings David is great he's greater than Saul he has victory everywhere he goes you know he told the amorite so I'm gonna come get you in the spring but then the spring got around yeah I'm gonna send somebody else because it's gonna happen anyway and then he so he begins to but then what else happens with him about this what happens you can give all the stuff about the Sheba and there's plain things we can say but one thing we cannot deny he wasn't content with whatever he had but I don't have her yeah but you got all kinds of women but I don't have her you know that's one of your mighty man's wife yeah but I want her that's what I want look at everything God's giving he's giving victory after victory after victory he's giving you everything you could possibly ever ask for he's been good to you but I don't have her so he's not continued he's not continuing and so his lack of contentment and also what his lack of obedience in the spring that's when the kings go to battle and I've given you these people in a mirage you said we're a stench to you by the way they treated our people and shamed them and I said in the spring I've got them in a city I want you to go get them I'll send somebody else no I told you to go get him so he didn't obey and he wasn't content and what happened disaster so that that's the reason why I see now did God give him the strength not to be lazy and not go to battle yes God had God had already been given him victory what's what was confirmation that was in in his will what else had God given the strength today not to go sleep with somebody else's wife and certainly not murder him God had given David all the power not to do those things David did them because that's what he chose to do it's not because he had nothing I can do I would it was more than I could take home no it was never more than God could take own you rejected the power of God and wouldn't did what you want to do so so that's that's that's why contentment is always part of a holy walk I am content with where ever God places me content and so Paul says to the color to the Colossians and if you have your Bible this is Colossians 1:11 if you want to make a note Colossians 1:11 so Paul says to the Colossians that he prayed that they would be strengthened with all power according to his God's glorious might so that they might have great endurance and patience whether it is e hey I'm here I'll plant this church I'm writing a letter to you here let me tell you one thing I want to hit won't want you guys I'm praying that you'll be strengthened with all power according to God's glorious might so that you might have great endurance and patience he's praying for endurance Paul's writing about endurance I can endure all things matter of fact why don't we just change Philippians 4:13 we just make that change I can endure all things through Christ who strengthens me including temptation so where do endurance and patience come from Paul says I'm praying these for you and he says what they come from the strength of God's power I pray for his glorious might for you so it's not us but guys look at me and those you may be watching male or female if you've been redeemed by Jesus you have access to his might you have access to his power and if you don't access it it's on you it's not on him and and and so that's the best important part of this so let's look at Ephesians 3:16 if you have your Bible or some of your Bible on let's go to Ephesians 3:16 Ephesians 3:16 now this is you're gonna you're going to hear some things that are very similar to what we have already heard in Ephesians 3:16 because he's gonna be talking about the same thing he's going to say out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being Wow so when he's talking to Ephesus it you know how many times you ever somebody say what's your favorite verse you hear John 3:16 you know here at Ephesians 3:16 a lot do you maybe we need to put that on our 3/16 less so here's Ephesians 3 sixteen that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being look what 14 said before that what is Paul doing here he's praying for spiritual strength for this reason I bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named that according to the riches of his glory he may grant to you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being what do you think he's talking about he's I'm at the Holy Spirit God's Spirit has entered your inner being and I'm praying that you will receive strength and power through him coming into your spirit I'm praying for that Ephesians 3:20 look what it says in Ephesians 3:20 just look down a little further here's what he says here he closes his now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us he's saying he provides the strength that we need and that we really should never lose to sins power he concludes by telling him God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power did it say our power no according to his power that is at work within us we're back here again folks if the power that raised Jesus from the dead has entered our spirit the Bible is screaming you have access to power that will deliver you from the power sin been freed from sin not free to sin I mean if we if we could say that a thousand times let's please say it because sometimes the way there's some kind of there's almost some theology that is crept into our churches that sounds like that Jesus comes in and keeps us from dying and pays the penalty for sin but it has no impact on you I where they all hear all the verses were talking about we're not grabbing some two-line verse we've been studying the Bible in here for four years immensely word by word that chapters of books of the Bible chapter by chapter word-for-word and we are coming to a conclusion that if somebody tells you that you've been redeemed and justified by Jesus and it will never change you that is false theology that's not what the Bible says he provides strength we need to never lose the battle we must reckon on these two facts I am dead to sin and it's reign over me right we can't drive that home any more than we already have but I am alive to God United to him who strengthens me this is why I can keep sin from reigning in my mortal body say it again God has provided the power we need to not let sin reign in our mortal body now we're talking about sin reigning look I don't know that there's ever a way on this side of heaven in this battle that goes on that you're ever going to have a time that you don't make a mistake or you don't stumble that is not what I'm talking about what I'm talking about is we got people walking around in the church body living in perpetual sin sin reigning over their lives they're making no adjustments in their life they live just like the world lives there's no different in them and they're somehow saying that they have experienced Jesus Christ and it's had no impact on and the Bible says that living and open perpetual sin as a follower of Jesus Christ isn't possible it isn't possible and it's almost like you know if I had to find out my own life I don't I guess it's just arrogance and pride or the culture I don't know what it is if you think if you keep asking the question saying why can I never get to this thing the Bible keeps talking about can I just say it again it may because you're just lost hmm that might be it because something's wrong if Jesus Christ has changed nothing think about what we're saying how many times we said that just don't say much about Jesus does it hey man you really need Jesus - so I can be like you and look the same way I look why do I need Jesus do you have Jesus I do I don't see you acting any different me so we going over to watch Game of Thrones again absolutely do you realize the first episode what is featured in the very first episode of Game of Thrones the very first month I was told by somebody hey get my throne as you love this I can't even get through the first 20 minutes of it in the debauchery and the in the horrific stuff and you would walk around and you know what you go to Sun Tzu class and all everybody's talking about how mad they are of how they ended which means I didn't just go kick the tires on the first episode of a game of Thrones I've been with it the whole way and I'm frustrated that I named my baby after the Queen and she's turned out to be evil I'm sorry if that blew it but it was in a story if you don't know that then you know good maybe you stopped watching it but I mean well what kind of holy people sit down and crank out Game of Thrones that's what I mean I mean the first episode featured open gratuitous I'm a really just graphic incest incest and and and so I'm well you know I mean you know it's got some bad stuff in it but man I'm telling you so what I said I can't so it is it martyrdom and I am I'm martyr cuz I don't watch Game of Thrones Jesus got beaten and and and went to the cross for me his Bloods dripping he's crying out in anguish and I'm thinking Jesus I appreciate you doing that but please don't keep it from watching Game of Thrones why can I not watch this soft porn stuff I mean I ain't no big deal is it well apparently it was I mean look I mean why does it hey don't bother me and like I said before the big adjustment ring when people say that that is not spiritual maturity that spiritual immaturity that means you know so little and your relationship with Christ is so weak that you don't even feel the conviction of him when you watching that garbage that's what it means and I'm not trying to be legalistic about that that's just an example I'm coming up and there's many examples the same kind of behavior is because it's it to watch that you know you remember we had this before you remember when the Fifty Shades of Grey stuff was out there were women's groups at church that were reading that book women of the church sitting around talking about they caught it Mommy porn and they're talking about it at church what do you mean world are we doing I mean I can't even wrap my mind around that that's not a gray area speaking of that that's not a that's not something you go I don't know if I were to be looking your there's some things in life let's be honest in Brent Crowe wrote a great book about it chasing elephants there's some things in life that you go this is kind of a difficult thing to kind of hash out here these things I'm talking about right now they're not difficult that's not difficult to hash out do you take something like for instance I'm not when these people says I won't watch them because it's rated R I don't passionate the Christ was ready to our I want to know why it's rated R like do I want it did I show my kids Saving Private Ryan about about d-day I did did it have some bad language in it it did but there's a redeeming message here about sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others and trying to respect that some of these what these men did to sacrifice their lives for the good of the rest of us it's kind of has a redeeming message now that there's some language in there that I wouldn't approve of is there language in there that a godly man should never utter yes but see that right there we can sit down have a discussion about how we maneuver through that kind of stuff when we're talking about the kind of stuff I'm just mentioning this other stuff that's not even that's not even up for consideration and and especially if something bothers you I mean I'm not saying there are any people who claim to be Christians that name their kids after the Queen and Game of Thrones but I know human beings did but can you really point to somebody it says well I named my kid after this queen and I'm mad that she turned out to be evil now my kids named after an evil queen I want to scream maybe name your kid after cartoons is a bad bad start you're the main but but but what I'm saying is you can look at that but then you go over to try to laugh at that and then all of a sudden the Lord ghosts but you're watching it aren't you how are you any better them at least they've never claimed to be mine but you've claimed to be mine and you're doing it you're not set apart you're not in the world but not of the world you're going and consuming the same garbage that they consume by and by the way by while claiming that I live in your spirit I'm gonna take Jesus week after week and I'm a binge watch Game of Thrones with Jesus but that's that's that's what we that's what we do when we claim that we belong to him about this speedy a trick and boo-boo calm so let's talk about what Barton Lord Jones says this is good he says to realize that what we just talked about about that were united to him who strengthens me and I can keep from the reigning sin in my mortal body dr. Martin Lord Jones says to realize this takes away from us that old sense of hopelessness which we have all known and felt because of the terrible power of sin how does this work it works this way I lose my sense of hopelessness because I can say to myself that not only am i no longer under the Dominion of sin but I'm under the Dominion of another power that nothing can frustrate I love that however weak I may be is the power of God that's working in me so yeah I can make mistakes I can't handle the battle but I'm gonna look over to the Lord says you give me access to powered I love this line I'm under the Dominion of another power that nothing in frustrated I mean think about go to the revelation when I mean it's called a battle it's not a battle I mean we get to the end Jesus shows up and he just says and everybody's dead that opposes it's not a battle it's called a battle but we're sitting having access to that power that sin can't frustrate I mean they think about this the demons are begging Jesus please don't do to us what we know you can do show us some mercy meaning whatever you want to do with this you're going to and we have access to that that's walking around thinking that that that we can be attacked and destroyed while we're under the Dominion of Jesus Christ and then look at this I love this part too and on the same page but but it's not a Martyn lloyd-jones it's just in the book to count on the fact that we are dead to sin and alive to God is something we must do actively now that's the important part I am connected to the power of God always to do it we must form the habit of continually realizing that we are dead to sin and alive to God practically speaking we do this when by faith in God's Word we resist sins advantage on his sentence advances and temptations we count on the fact that we are alive to God when by faith we look to Christ for the power we need to do the resisting you know a great Adrian Rogers said one time he said look when something's really got you down and you're in trouble whether it be a person or some kind of temptation go tell Jesus on whatever it is say Jesus hey I'm in trouble I need you and he's not gonna go I'm busy right now oh so you want access to the power I did so you don't want that sin I don't but I'm struggling I have a desire for it I say that all the time take away my desire for this Lord Jesus take away my desire for this my desire for this bitterness I got against somebody this vengeance I have kind of burning in me a little bit how about this my desire to look at things own in a show that I probably my flesh would not see him think we might the desire for that but that's the prayer rut that think we my desire for it because if you do if you just wait and say well my desire hadn't changed and I'll just see how I do that's a tough place to put yourself you just make any harder I love when it says to form habits all of our sins were habitual so our sanctification is gonna take new habits you know it's a new habit for me to get up and get on my face before the Lord at one time that wasn't my habit so we can form good habits just thought we can form bad ones and I love when he says that that Romans 6:11 has to a fact to us not something we just heard I'm paraphrasing but that's what he says we must understand that when he says that we are dead to sin and alive to God we must believe that he has given us the Holy Spirit to live within us and and then I love this and says another way of looking at our union with Christ for his Spirit is the agent of this union saying it is he who gives spiritual life and he who gives the strength to live that life and we found that in Romans chapter 8 9 through 11 jot that down to look at he does give us the power Romans 8:9 11 it is the Spirit of God who works in us that we may decide and act according to God's good purpose put Philippians 2:13 down for that that the Spirit of God works in us that we may decide and act according to God's purpose meaning we're going to be so in tune with with the spirit it becomes natural for us to do the right thing just as it used to be natural to do the wrong thing somebody say Amen so Paul said this God did not call us to be impure but to live a holy life therefore he who rejects this instruction oh this is where God this is when this when God wants to clarify does not reject the man who may have said it to you but you reject God because he's the one that gave you his Holy Spirit right down 1st Thessalonians 4 7 & 8 1st Thessalonians 4 7 and 8 how many times do you see the prophets of the Old Testament God say let's be clear they're not rejecting you they're rejecting me so listen when when your brother or sister comes to you and says hey I by the Word of God see behavior in your life I see choices I see things you're doing and I'm gonna hold you accountable by the Word of God in these scriptures what you're doing is wrong if you reject that you don't reject them you can find all kinds of faults in them if they give you truth out of the Word of God and you reject it you reject God you don't reject them all they're doing is tell you what God said they're not the standard God is the standard Paul says he who has he is called the Holy Spirit and I love this and they say about the old common sense is a super power on us here he cent and he has sent primarily to make us holy to conform us to the character of God here's what Jerry's saying you do know what the name of it is right the Holy Spirit so it must be the spirit that is making us what holy it's in the name Holy Spirit that's God's holiness what we're gonna call this that this this person of God was the Holy Spirit what's this job holiness how do you know that it's in his name right you remember back in the old days I'm old enough to remember the milkman what's in his name what does he do he brings milk why his milk man that's what you call it what what does a garbage man day he dismal garbage so what do you think the Holy Spirit does it deals with holiness it's in the name for example we're told to flee sexual immorality that's in first Corinthians 6:18 and 19 write that down 1st Corinthians 6 8 10 and 19 we are told to flee sexual immorality because our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit we're told that we are controlled not by our sinful nature but by the spirit and if the Spirit of God lives in us write down Romans 8:9 Romans 8:9 we read there live by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of sinful nature that's also in Galatians 5:16 and we talked about the battle let's call galatians 5 the battle chapter that's the battle between the spirit and the flesh let's say this again guys I want us to apply this to our lives live by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature so in it so if I live by the spirit it's it might not happen - no it will not happen remember jesus said a healthy tree does not bear bad fruit it cannot not it should not it cannot so if we you know if you if we see us gratifying the desires of our sinful nature we got to come to one conclusion we're not living by the spirit because we're living by the spirit that wouldnt be happy the Bible guarantees that so this is action so he didn't say hey when sexual morality comes God will deliver you from that he gives you the power to be delivered from that but what does he say get out of there we decide whether we get up and leave or not hey Lord I fell victim to sexual sin I thought she gave me the power not to do that no you wouldn't leave you didn't turn the TV off you you didn't leave the room with the woman there that was catching your eye you you didn't stop looking at that picture on the internet I told you to get away from there I told you to leave I told you to go I gave you the strength to go but I told you to go safe all of that I mean that I know I know that that that's deeper than that sounds I get that but that really is it basically and and I hope y'all are listening why do we have the Holy Spirit living within us to strengthen us toward holiness want why do we have that it is because we are alive to God there it is again we are now living under the reign of God who unites us to Christ and gives us the Holy Spirit His Holy Spirit dwells within us don't forget what we kept saying about Acts chapter two and one day when the Lord gives me the right time it happens I really feel called to get down and get all this down and put a book together on this we got to stop living before the Holy Spirit we look at those examples before the Holy Spirit we see a lot of things you don't really see those who received the Holy Spirit falling away the way they did prior we talk about this all the time Jesus Christ Himself pitchers are the guys that were following pushing the women that we're following that were there Jesus has resurrected he's come back and you know they had to be in the urine and please stay here with us hey to the Sun please stay here with us and what'd he say no this good did I go please don't leave us we thought you were dead you're back we're ready no no I'm gonna pour out my presence so I'm gonna pour out the power of all of us the Father Son and the Holy Spirit I won't give you our righteousness in its fullness it's gonna enter your spirit and now my presence will be with you and my father's presence will be with you always always so that was better why what who are you to say it's better I didn't say was better Jesus said it was better it's good that I go now I'm gonna come back for you but the good news is what I'm leaving behind is gonna turn the world upside down because I'm giving you the strength I've now delivered you from what Satan took from you and every time you get in the bind you access that power that I placed in your spirit it's there I've given it to you you don't have to look around and go I wish Jesus was here he's I am what do you say go out and do I told you do but I I'm with you where are you the spirit my spirit is with you trust me what I'm about to do is right and boy that we've seen that happen so now he gives us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us the Holy Spirit strengthens us to holiness first by enabling us what to see our need of holiness now who can say I'm into that how many of you like me were perfectly comfortable in sin and then you got justified you like I mean you still the first time went on back to your old stuff but it didn't feel the same did it this doesn't feel right now I'm not saying we got it all together that first week or even that first year in the first two years but we knew what something's changed I no longer feel the way about sin that I once did without Jesus that's that's a sign that you've been justified in the holy spirit you know everybody says how do we know the sincerity of people's hearts Rick well we'll see if it changes them because if they were sincere the Lord honors that he justifies that person he redeems that person will know their sincerity not because they said a prayer and there's nothing against I'm not one of these anti prayer people because the concepts of what people call the sinner's prayer or whatever as long as the concepts of the word of God are there there's nowhere in the Bible there's a center prayer yes there is all the concepts of that are there that's where they came up with this these weren't a bunch of idiots that came up with this however saying words doesn't save anybody what saves people Jesus does how do we know Rick that they did everything they said they were doing we'll see Billy Sunday Billy we had 311 people give their life to Jesus today you know he said we'll see he didn't deny them the opportunity to respond I think that's wrong I think the Western Church is wrong about that we're getting where we don't have a time response I think that's wrong but here's the thing but because people say well some people come forward is not sincere yeah but that don't mean we stop doing it okay because Rick why don't we do it last chapter - that's what they did the first time Peter ever got it right they said our hearts are fierce we don't know what to do Jesus and he didn't say y'all go home God works it out or you can fill out of card and send it to us now there's nothing I'm not downing that completely but I'm just telling you that Peter was asked what are we supposed to do and he said what respond come on rise and come forward and he even said how many people did now does that mean that every single person who's ever gone forward even children that every single ending was sincere and they knew what they were talking about and they were redeemed and never the same no cuz I can tell you that I wouldn't know what but I can point to other people who were I know people that had a childlike decision for Jesus and they were forever saved they certainly weren't as mature spiritually as they are now but they've never wondered off into some perpetual life of Darkness never meaning what it was sincere but but Jesus Jesus told us the sincerity is found and what happens to you well why do we see that with the Holy Spirit it's either there it's not guys if the Holy Spirit is in someone's life it will affect something it will affect now does it does it continue to grow the sanctification we mature yeah what have I said about this whole plan about men's ministry the biggest problem is that we are treating salvation as the end we're treating Redemption as the end and that's the beginning that's been a mistake this ABCs of salvation that's been a mistake we're like okay good you did what you're supposed to do now whew that's done that's been a mistake that's the beginning of your new life it's not the end of it and too many times we leave people especially men in this spiritual infancy and then and they're like you know it's like we take a match go and we light it and then we walk off and they're like how do you how do you turn this into a fire how do I feed the spirit and we don't ever address it again say coming up this Sunday we're gonna hear all over the country coming up this Sunday what we're gonna hear the most important person in the home in the church and in society what we're gonna hear we can all mouth it the man we got it now please don't bother us and go on your what we got we got a disciple women and children now and maybe y'all follow them back in the church that's not what you said in the message yeah but that's what you're going to see us live out though we're gonna have our children's programs we're gonna have our youth programs we're gonna have our women's program we're gonna have them Rocking why don't you have your men's program Rocking it's too difficult men are complicated they don't come around they're hard to deal with but you just said they're the most important force in the home the church and society shouldn't we put some energy there shouldn't we put the most what you should we put the most energy there you know what Satan says I believe it kill the man you kill everything now the church says it on Father's Day but are they waging war like they believe it Satan believes it you would think the church would say well if Satan has accurately decided to destroy men has destroyed really everything just knocks down the pillars fall out everything falls what if we discipled men into powerful followers of Jesus I bet that fix a lot of problems where's the countermove I'm not saying no churches are doing it some of that's changing right now but about this when y'all put me in the ground I'm gonna fight and fight and fight to call the church out to get this done and I'm gonna do it with every ounce of energy I have until the Jesus comes to get me or I die because I'm not gonna claim this to be true and they're not out like it's true if the men truly are what we say every father's day it's coming again Sunday then let's do something about it then let's give them what they need to be the men the Bible calls them to be you can you can go down there and have the best children program in the world there's nothing wrong with that I worked in the children's department although we do need to try to reach children but you can work on children and you can work on women and you can take those children and send them back into the home with a lost man or a spiritual infant and you send that wife back to a spiritual infant and everything you did it Churchill destroy it he'll destroy it you told us something he would destroy you told us that last Father's Day so here's there why don't we disciple the children disciple the the young people disciple the single's disciple the the women and let's try to disciple men at the same level or beyond what we do with them so when the family unit is together everybody's where they're supposed to be you're never going to disciple men treating them like they're women or children they're not children and they're not women women and children are is a much value to God as any man but they're not the same they're not the same and you if and you don't treat men like women and children and now they'll give you the words how you like your church oh I love it cannot wait til it's over I'm here because my wife gets on me and I don't want to look like a bad dad but if I had my druthers I'd drop both of them off and I'll go play golf or fish because there's nothing here that sounds like me and that's got to change if I had to do it over again I would build the Western Church from the men up sort of like the Bible called for so so the next thing he talks about he says if you want to be alive in Christ there's another implication that goes with this I got off on a little rant there didn't I I don't wanna eat up all of our time well that's why we're here though and and everybody's welcome to join us but that's ultimately why we're here so he's giving us the Holy Spirit to live within us and our union with Christ for his Spirit is the agent of the Union meaning that he's going to provide everything but we got to access that and he and we talked about why it's called the Holy Spirit we've got that and we covered that now next thing we want to is say look don't take on old habits without the Holy Spirit write that down do not take if you're gonna say I'm going back to change my old habits well don't you go back and change them without the Holy Spirit because you're gonna find yourself frustrated you bring the Holy Spirit into battle with you if the Holy Spirit uses Scripture to show us our need and to stimulate a desire for holiness then doesn't it make sense that we should be in God's Word on a consistent basis where does the Holy Spirit tell us tell us how do we know about the Holy Spirit what do we know about it in the Word of God so the Holy Spirit uses the word of God to cut us and convicted yes he uses the Word of God what to tell us who God is and who he calls us to be so wouldn't it be what makes sense that if we truly be in sync with the power of the Holy Spirit we need to know the Word of God right what do we set a thousand times you can say you're gonna do what use would do to the cows come home but you'll never do what Jesus would do if you don't know what he did that was impossible I wonder what I wonder what the Bible says about this I don't know dad I thought you would know and look I'm gonna tell you something nobody in here it's worse about Bible study then you're a teacher but you know what changed me the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit gave me a desire for the Word of God I had never had it before and I actually started off saying aren't my next step and it looks that way this may be for you my first step was listening to other people talk about the Bible cuz I just didn't like to sit down and read before I knew it that got me so fired up that I started reading it and it's like I put on these glasses if I think these glasses off so y'all got you are a little bit blurry but if I take the Holy Spirit and put on the glasses and look at the Bible it's like it's something I've been given glasses to see and I'm oh wow this is what I thought the Bible was really complicated why does this not feel complicated meat anymore Holy Spirit now you're on the power of the Holy Spirit hey yo guess what the Holy Spirit has actually changed me and it's continuing to change me now it's dealing with every little detail of my life at first we just had to deal with the big stuff there was so many big things Holy Spirit said we can't get to the little stuff let's take it on the biggies first and let's knock them down and I'm we're gonna change your desire about that now we'll move on to the little stuff you're gonna start being refined now we're gonna fine tune you a little bit we're gonna talk about selfish ambition we're gonna talk about jealousy and indie we're gonna talk about not being content or stop stop looking at it bringing glory to yourself we're gonna deal with those things we knew were pride but before I had to deal with sexual immorality drunkenness a foul-mouthed you know all that had to be dealt with first really honestly you know having idols in my life worried about success more than worried about being holy that defining success the wrong way but those things will be dealt with so the word of God is something that is crucial and if you don't have a desire for the Word of God this is what I tell every man you have heard me say this before look into your life for the things you do have a desire for I don't know a man alive that is an expert on something it's different we all have different interests but I've heard men rattle off a lot of information about a lot of things that required some sort of pursuit of knowledge it might be their team it might be their hobby it might be their job their field they're in so where'd they learn all that well they they researched it so if we think that this is something that we need and we really do care about it I got an issue where you'll learn the Word of God you really will if that's your desire he'll honor that you just got that do you have a desire to be holy I mean be honest because I've been there I I got into it not a disagree with the discussion when one of our brothers and I said brother I understand what you're saying about us talk about this holiness but I gotta tell how men work if you can't sell me that holiness matters and all I need to do is just make sure I'm not going to hell that's where I'm gonna stay so wait a minute so just long as I'm saved and don't go to hell that's all that matters if that's the message we're sending I Got News for you every man I know including myself says okay well I guess I've done enough but say we can't that's a false sense of security that's that fire insurance stuff you got to be real careful with because the problem with the fire insurance stuff it'll tell you that as long as you intellectually believe something you're good but remember we said demons do that and I got a new spirit we're not gonna spend eternity with them but they certainly believe every concept about God there is they know more about it than we did so that can't be it what we need to look for is what the actual proof of the power of God in our lives and that proof is our obedience and our sanctification and our holiness because that's who he is right it'd be like saying you know what I remember one time we got talking about and I was talking about it with my with my older kids one time about believe it or not the presence of God and it was a message called smell like Jesus because you think about the difference when those Romans would come in and they capture all their prisoners and they would they would have the incense and they'd have all this aroma that was going on and Paul uses this analogy well to the Roman people this was the smell of victory but if you were their prisoner this was the smell of death so when we go out into the world what do we smell like do we smell like death how do we smell like Jesus because when Jesus with the smell of Jesus - the believer is victory Redemption and eternal life but Jesus showing up to the unredeemed it's not a good day because he can't help in his holiness to reject those that are not holy and who makes us holy Jesus who provides the power of Jesus Galatians 5:16 live by the Spirit you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature I love that and to live by the Spirit is to live both in obedience oh this is right this down new new concept to live by the Spirit is to live both in obedience that we covered - and dependence on the Holy Spirit so to live by the Spirit is twofold obedience but also dependence I know that I know this is a tough day and stay with me I'm I'm obedient to the Holy Spirit which means what I'm also depended that he'll get the job done I'm just obedient and then he does the rest I'm a Holy Spirit I desire for you to change my sinful nature and I'm dependent on your power to do so did I get it I think they got it everybody got it there so there's a balance then between our wills expressed by obedience meaning I'm deciding that's that flee sexual morality my action is remember submit to the Lord resist the devil come near to God out of James it is my will to be obedient that's my action I willingly am obedient to you but my faith is expressed to my dependence on you everybody still with this is big if we can get this this may this is it okay this is a big move in this study right here I have to be obedient but at the same time be dependent so so I'm moving my wheel action to obedience but I have faith that I'm dependent that the Holy Spirit will accomplish what I'm trying to be obedient today if I got it I'm willing to do it but I can't do it without the power only you provide got it that's good dependence on what the Holy Spirit no one overcomes the corruption of his heart itself by the enabling strength of the Spirit of God your heart when we rent we're in the heart down pretty good last one the heart cannot be defeated by anything other than the strength provided by the Holy Spirit second Peter William with this second Peter 1:4 through participation in the divine nature we escape corruption and this participation is through the indwelling Holy Spirit so we express our dependence on the Holy Spirit for a holy life in two ways first through a humble and consistent intake of Scripture we talked about that so if I want to be dependent on the Holy Spirit for a holy life I first must humble myself and have a consistent intake of Scripture please men if you're not doing that let me know I'll help you we got to have Scripture all right we got to have it and if we if we want to live in the realm of the Spirit we must continually feed our minds with his truth second way to be dependent on the Spirit is to what pray for holiness have you prayed for it pray for holiness sometimes I forget to do that I get so caught up in that there's things I need to do and things I need to avoid shutting them wrong with that but sometimes I need to say Lord you said I'm to be holy you said you're holy you said you provided the power for me to be holy I pray I pray that you'll make me holy pray for it so constant intake of Scripture and a prayer for holiness listen to this what Paul said to the to Thessalonica make himself the god of peace sanctify you may need to make you holy through and through and may the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other for everyone else may he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of God clearly Paul knew that they had to depend on the Holy Spirit for holiness and he expressed this dependence for them through a prayer on their behalf listen may God Himself the God of peace sanctify you through and through may the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else may he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy and the presence of God meaning if that's what we're praying for Paul certainly expected that to be something that the Lord can and will do let's pray lord thank you for this today thank you for this ongoing message today Lord I just felt kind of like for myself just some clarity popping in on this this this dance that I know is difficult for us to understand but it's crucial for us to understand the bottom line is Lord you've called us to be holy and we will make a move to be obedient to that call but then we realized through faith that were totally dependent on your power to accomplish it and I hope that that that was settling for a lot of us today trying to to figure out and apply this to our lives I pray any area any time we get together and we hash out your word any area of conviction that rose up in our spirits today that we will not just move on to the rest of our day and hope it goes away we'll lean into that conviction and we'll do something about it I pray for those that are hurting they're listening to this right now I pray for the men in this room in the mountains of troubles I'm a face I pray they always find their hope only in you but at the same time something supernatural for men to do that we don't forget to lean on each other and I pray this for all who are participating in the name of Jesus amen thanks guys whew Oh next week next week there is no study next week I'll be on vacation y'all priests please for sherry and for me we're gonna spend some time with our sons and their friends and then maybe for the end of the week if they blow out of there and have some things they have to do we'll get a couple of days to ourselves and we really want to spend that time seeking what God's plan is for us with our ministry but also spending time investing in in our and our marriage so it'll be a kind of a sabbatical next week so y'all be praying for us I would appreciate that and so a week to a tuition today we'll be back okay thanks a lot
Channel: Rick & Bubba
Views: 2,636
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Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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