Rick And Morty Theory: Evil Morty Is Rick's Original Morty

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the show Rick and Morty is one heck of a ride if you know anything about it which you probably do because why would you be watching this you know that in it the characters are tossed between an infinite number of realities planets and dimensions which is enough to give you whiplash from the comfort of your living room or more realistically the beds you have in leptin days let's be honest because the characters jump between parallel universes fans of the show have developed multiple theories about hidden plot lines that the Adult Swim writers created but are hidden to the commoners I let's dive right into one theory which keeps popping up evil Morty is Rick's original Morty and this one actually makes sense 20 minutes adventure when we're not sharing quotes making memes or finding the hidden Easter eggs tucked into episodes reddit users are popping off suggesting multiple far-fetched theories such as Rick knows he's on TV which is why he sometimes breaks the fourth wall duh and that Rick and Jerry never left the simulation meaning the entire show could be a simulation of itself oh for God's sakes that's enough well we have enjoyed sifting through these many threads of hopped-up fans the theory that stuck out for us is drumroll please we hope you didn't mind the title of this video that evil Morty is actually Rick's original Morty though it may seem like a stretch we believe the fans of the show have really done their homework on this one and by homework we of course mean binge watch this series again and again with total reckless abandon okay buckle up it's about to get weird so when you read the official description of the show it says that Rick Sanchez has been m.i.a for around 20 years and suddenly arrives at his daughter Beth store step looking to move in with her and her family we're led to believe Morty grew up without a grandfather and was deprived of that special male bond that comes from hanging out with a twisted old white dude but in season 1 episode 10 we see from Rick's memory that he is holding a little baby Morty if he was off gallivanting and who knows what universe it doesn't make sense that this pictures exist again at photos surfaces on the episode get schwifty in season 2 where Morty sees a photo of Rick holding a baby Morty on bird person's wall these two photos simply don't add up either the person in charge of continuity on the show should get fired or these are clues to something bigger something better our theory is that the baby is not the Morty we know and love but is in fact a different baby that's right hold on to your hats we think c-137 rick has that memory from a different dimension where he raised a different Morty then seemingly abandoned him now we know what you're thinking would Rick do that ditch one morty for another well in the Rick Lantis mix-up we meet lizard Morty the result of Rick combining a lizard and a Morty someone please alert PETA and in close Rick counters we see Rick electrocuting a Morty so from this we gather it's pretty clear Rick has no issues with putting Morty in harm's way because Rick seems to have no attachment to worlds or other people so it's not crazy to suggest he could swap one Morty for another especially considering how easily he could access a new Morty in the process the attachment is never fully there knowing he could find another Morty with just a quick change in dimensions and the pictures themselves are completely different as well Morty's a baby in both of them but they showcase different ages this suggests Rick was around a lot more often than we were originally led to believe or at least around some version of Morty long enough to snap a couple pics someone's gonna get laid in college in this alternate world where Rick is raising Morty we think something went awry because Rick is shall we say not the ideal father figure we think that his baby Morty got corrupted along the way and became evil Morty our theory is because Morty doesn't have Jerry he never developed a deep-seated and crippling insecurities instead when raised by Rick he learned how to be incredibly full of himself and intelligent all other versions of Morty are shall we say not the sharpest tool in the shed so we believe that evil Morty must have been with Rick a long time and his intelligence rubbed off on him so what happened in this alternative universe you ask how did Rick part ways with evil oh gee Morty well we think the answer is in the opening scene of the show in it Morty is taken by his grandfather to his spaceship for the first time but more demeanor is remarkably chill I don't know about you but if my grandfather dragged me out of bed and put me in that flying piece of trash I would at the very least be amused sure having to ride shotgun next to your drunk grandfather is not the ideal scenario but you're still flying in a spaceship we think this isn't Morty's first time flying we think this is evil oh gee Morty and believe his attitude is reflective of him jaded as hell and simply wanting to go back to bed also well the man is a certified booze hound he is particularly twisted in this scene is it because of something did something happen that drove him to drink is such a reckless way Rick says he wants a fresh start but from what we think he wants a new relationship with a new Morty a Morty that isn't evil or hates him so maybe he wanted original evil Morty to die in the crash so that he could adopt a new Morty in another universe but the plan goes awry Morty does live and Rick doesn't realize Rick pieces out and evil Morty is left abandoned on a desert planet so this Morty is stewing with the abandonment and we meet him again in episode 10 we think evil Morty wanting revenge or some sort of misguided sense of closure studied Rick's notes and created the Morty matrix in order to lure him out of hiding if you're not yet convinced listen to a couple lines we pulled that we believe is undisputed evidence in the episode close Rick counter of the Rick kind Rick says a cocky Morty can lead to some big problems can be a real bad thing for everybody as if he's speaking from experience we think that Rick is having a particularly poignant case of deja vu and it's not sitting well well the counter could be that we've seen other cocky Morty's on the show think of police officer Morty Ann done toxic Morty there's something about his tone in this scene that leads us to believe that a Rick knows what will become of him if he keeps showing these traits in the same episode Rick tells Morty that he's the richest Rick but does not affirm Morty's assertion that he is the more deist Morty which is perhaps further evidence that this is not as original Morty in the closing lines of dialogue from an episode one in season three Rick is speaking to Morty and says Tim both is the de facto patriarch of your family and your universe notice how Rick said your universe as if you were implying that Rick doesn't share a link to that particular Morty in any universe so what an evil OG Morty's behavior points to their sordid past well remember how evil Rick is being controlled by evil Morty well that means everything evil Rick did and said - Rick is coming from evil Morty so when evil Rick says Rick's don't care about Morty's that is being scripted by evil Morty seems a little personal no he also cuts down Rick and tells him he isn't as clever as he thinks he is again maybe that anger is fueled by something more than a general hate for X it could be evil Morty flexing his vendetta against him that is fueled by a lifetime of having to deal with poor treatment from his father figure why else would he want to copy Rick's memories and then kill him lest we forget that when looking at these memories Rick Wells up when he sees the picture of baby Morty maybe that stir of emotion is caused from the deep regret Rick feels from the way things turned out oh my god I can't believe this so if we put this all together it goes a little something like this during the 20 years rick c-137 was missing from pilot universe he raised an incredibly intelligent Morty then treated him like dirt and classic Rick fashion then this little Morty grew up and challenged Rick's intelligence something happened between them that split them apart some theorists suggest that maybe he also Cronenberg deiville Morty's world like he did with the pilot universe or he simply abandoned this Morty to find a better one Rick flees to another dimension to assume the role of a grandfather and step in when Morty has actual parents raising him we use the term actual loosely because well Jerry so we think that's why he is so eager to teach Morty about the ways of the universe and he use him as a sidekick but this time do it right Rick's guilt about evil Morty makes him treat new Morty a better which helps strengthen their bond this could also explain Rick's wacky rant at the end of episode 1 where he says he may have found the perfect Morty not smart enough to rebel or get too smart for his own good but courageous enough to be his sidekick Rick and Morty forever forever a hundred years ha ha clearly something happened in the way evil Morty was raised by Rick that made him know so perfect and allowed Rick to abandon him easily but when evil Morty fines Rick he controls evil Rick so he can trap original reg he wants to sift through his memories maybe to get some closure on what happened between them and then tries to absorb his in intelligence showing that he is the one in power now while we obviously love how the theory fits because it develops the evil Morty characters significantly and shows how complicated Rick is underneath it all there are some holes we would like to address the first being that the baby picture evidence could be easily debunked by an assumption that Rick could have stopped in to visit Morty when he was small but we think that's a little too easy the bigger issue is that because we're dealing with an infinite multiverse there are infinite Rick's and Morty's playing out infinite versions of themselves regardless if they're evil or not heck there is probably one universe in which evil Morty is raising a rank that's the problem with this show anything's possible the writers could have also just tried to retcon the whole 20-years thing by shoehorning some random visits by Rick when Morty was younger and now it's your turn to weigh in time to go Morty do you have your own theories we want to hear the most ridiculous stuff you have to offer you think Morty is a clone explain why you think Beth is actually Morty's daughter sure show us what you got who knows if it's good enough we may even explore it in the next video thanks for joining us on this ride until next time don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more great content [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,936,884
Rating: 4.7799497 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, ScreenRant, Rick and Morty, Evil Morty, Adult Swim, The Rickest Rick, Original Morty, Get Schwifty, Close Rick Counters of the Rick Kind, Cartoon Network, Full Episodes, Free episode, animation
Id: qdk9BSQ6avo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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