The Complete Rick And Morty Timeline...So Far | Channel Frederator

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you know everything that you're familiar with in your three-dimensional linear experience of space and time forget all of that immediately because we're about to embark on a journey of multiverses universes and parallel timelines that's so all over the place that I can only hope we don't get Cronenberg didn't the process that's right people I'm Jacob with Channel Frederator and today we're taking a stroll through the timeline of dan harmon and justin roiland Rick and Morty some of what you're about to hear is based on unconfirmed fan theories and our own educated musings with all the mysteries and questions we still have with the end of season 3 Rick and Morty giving this show the definitive timeline treatment is next to an impossible task if you do have alternate theories on save which Maury is the original Morty then go ahead and let us know in the comments first let's get one thing straight because this show has so many parallel universes and intersecting timelines it's important to note that virtually every character in this show has some other parallel universe counterparts each reality in this series has its own Rick its own version of Morty Sommer Jerry did you get it just keep that in mind as we go through this timeline which is really less of a line and more like a tree with lots of different branches that also got yarn bombed by someone who doesn't know how to knit also for the sake of simplicity I'm gonna be taking the Rick and Morty that the series begins with and that Rick and Morty the show continues to mostly follow throughout our Rick and Morty okay does that make sense no great we're off to a flying start okay pause for deep breath as I curse all of the possible worlds that led meet on tangled it's insane timeline let's get this started Beth is born around 1980 let's begin where many fan theorists do at the birth of Rick's daughter and Morty's mother Beth Rick and Morty isn't very clear on exact dates but in a season 2 episode where Rick drops Jerry off at Jerry daycare he dates the drop-off form 1 12:15 and Beth was 17 when summer was born and summer is around 17 at the start of the series and not much time passes between season 1 & 2 of the show besides six months of frozen time but Beth isn't aging then so we can surmise that Beth is around 3435 during most of the series which means that when she's born it's around 1980 mother remains a bit of a mystery fan theories range from her being the teacher from the Magic School Bus miss Frizzle to her being a blonde woman Rick is shown having sex within a memory 1su turns into a monster the bladders been debunked and the former is confusing the only real glimpse we get of Beth's mother isn't all that reliable I hope you can hear the quotation marks around the word reel there it happens when our Rick is trapped in Galactic Federation prison and fabricates a memory for his captor the false memory brings Rick back to the day he invented the portal gun which he says is the day I lost her presumably referring to Beth's mother in the memory she's shown to be a blonde freckled woman named Diane as she and Beth are about to join Rick in the car to get some ice cream a portal appears above their heads out from which drops an explosive device both Diane and Beth are killed this tragic accident impels Rick to invent the portal gun and then Rick tells the captor that this is a totally fabricated origin story well good I'm glad we got that covered then the short of it is Beth is born but we're not sure who gives birth to her Beth grows up in fruit peel and and mostly without her father 1980s or early 1990s according to Rick Beth is a scary kid because when she's growing up she constantly asks Rick to make her terrifying toys like a sentient switchblade among many many many others we don't otherwise know too much about the events of Beth's youth but we do know that Rick creates an entire extremely safe world for her to play in called fruit peel and in fruit peel and nothing can hurt you the ground is rubbery the water is breathable and the creatures are harmless Beth plays in fruit peel and with her friend Tommy who ends up disappearing in this magical land Beth may have purposely pushed him into a honey pond and left him there or he accidentally lost his way who can say you decide what to believe besides froofy land Beth's childhood takes place in Muskegon Michigan during this time Rick is still mostly absent from Beth's life Beth later says she only asked Rick to make her those scary toys just because she wanted his attention so tragic Rick disappears from Beth's life around 1994 - who even knows what the hell Rick's timeframe is Beth is mostly raised by her mysterious mother Rick is often gone something that according to the show's co creator Dan Harmon Beth holds against her mom meanwhile Beth continues to idolize her super genius dad during this time Rick does a ton of intergalactic traveling he disappears completely from Beth's life 20 years before the series begins this would put bath around age 14 as the show goes on we get glimpses into what Rick is doing during this time mostly it seems like his rogue anti-establishment actions piss off a lot of beings from all over the galaxy Rick and his friend birdperson also likely spend a lot of time together pictures and bird person's current day house Show younger versions of Rick and bird person playing in a band together and standing by what appears to be a rudimentary aircraft Rick and bird person also fight in the Bur wars together specifically they battle at blood ridge on gap flaps third moon against the Grum flu mites the pair are rebels in the eyes of the Galactic Federation and the war they fight in this period of Rick's life doesn't end here to protect themselves from various governments trying to hunt them down a large group of Rick's on the Central finite curve whatever that means form the Citadel of Rick's essentially they create a government comprised of Rick's to protect themselves from other governments our Rick was never keen on the Citadel seeing as he is the richest Rick of them all and it's a very Ric thing to do to distance yourself from any kind of governing body apparently even if it's yourself the Citadel is said to be at least 15 years old so it comes into existence before Morty who is 14 is born however many Morty's inhabit the Citadel today Beth and Jerry get pregnant at prom around 1997 while Rick is off adventuring his daughter Beth is living a normal teenage life she meets Jerry Smith who takes her on a date during their senior year of high school to the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra performing the music of Alan Silvestri in the park this is where Beth and Jerry have their first kiss Beth and Jerry end up going to prom together that night they have sex and Beth gets pregnant with summer in dimension c-137 and the dimension are Rick and Morey travel to midseason one Beth considers getting an abortion but ends up having the baby instead Beth and Jerry don't get pregnant at prom alternate 1997 but Beth doesn't give birth to summer in every dimension in dimension c500 a Beth gets the abortion after prom night and doesn't end up marrying Jerry thus summers never born neither is Morty and Beth and Jerry go on to have their separate successful lives Beth becomes a renowned surgeon operating on humans instead of horses as she doesn't see 137 and Jerry becomes a famous actor starring in Cloud Atlas and Tom Hanks's role and doing cocaine with Johnny Depp both are lonely in their success however and end up eventually finding each other and reuniting in c500 a is born both width and without Rick around mm Beth and Jerry have Morty three years after summer is born at this time Rick is still out of the picture and Morty grows up to be your regular average Morty but let's part ways with our Morty and slip into a different type of ethical timeline shall we now this is mostly conjecture but I'm only getting into it because it stems from a very compelling fan theory have we covered on cartoon conspiracy once you should go check it out as I already mentioned our Rick seems to have memories of a baby Morty which doesn't make sense if he only entered Morty's life right around the beginning of season one when Maury is 14 this could be cause to believe that our Rick actually comes from a different dimension one where he was around four Morty's early childhood in this timeline the fan theory goes that our Rick grew up closely with his Morty and taught him everything as a result that Morty got to be super-smart approaching Rick genius level for some reason or another our Rick abandons this morning maybe because he realized he was becoming evil maybe because the two geniuses were increasingly at odds either way this abandoned Morty who grows up to become evil Maury we'll get to him more later begins to plot ways to gain power over all Rick's or maybe he just wants his own original grandfather back who knows his actions later in the series could mean that neither or both of these scenarios are true we know that our Rick has declared himself rick c-137 if he's the Rick from the world of evil Morty then there are two explanations either he started pretending to be c-137 once he entered that world the one he inhabits at the beginning of the season or he is indeed from c-137 and our Morty is not our Rick returns to Beth's life he and Morty begin adventuring around 2014 finally the series begins in what's probably dimension c-137 yes I know I might not be let's just stick with that for now Rick wasted of course wakes Morty up in the middle of the night to take him on their first joint adventure of the show which almost destroys the entire world luckily it doesn't so that they can go on another adventure Rick takes more out of school to help him retrieve a mega fruit seed which has the power of making you super-smart Rick makes Morty hide the mega fruit seed way up inside his butt hole to get past intergalactic customs which they do but not without leaving multiple aliens dead in their wake when Rick and Morty return to Earth Beth and Jerry are prepared to ban Morty from going on any further adventures with Rick because you know they want him to go to school instead then the mega seed which is still in Morty's butt kicks in making him appear incredibly smart both Beth and Jerry reconsider the band since Morty's clearly learning from his adventures with Rick sort of Rick excitedly rants about all the adventures he and Morty will go on once Beth and Jerry leave the room meanwhile Morty is experiencing the after-effects of the mega seed he loses all intelligence and starts drooling and twitching on the garage floor but whatever the effects are temporary probably in the period that follows things are about as normal for the Smith families they can possibly be Rick gives the family dog snuffles human level sentience Rick and Morty visit a theme park that exists inside the body of a homeless man aliens trap Rick and Morty and accidentally Jerry inside a simulation so they can steal Rick's formula for concentrated dark matter you know the usual stuff Morty also tries to lead an adventure with Rick where they end up going to a court for murdering Giants and Morty is almost sexually assaulted by a jelly bean meanwhile Beth achieve self-actualization with a meeseeks and Jerry kind of improves his golf game but not without some existential horror you know Golf is Rick and Morty destroy their version of reality and I guess we're not doing dates anymore because at this point the series has started so we're not gonna be focusing on dates anymore until we will again stay tuned we know or at least pretty sure that our Rick and Morty inhabit c-137 in episodes 1 through 6 then Rick makes a big mistake he brews a love potion for Morty that's supposed to make Jessica Morty's crush fall in love with him it doesn't go as planned okay it doesn't first Jessica falls for Morty but then to make a long story short the potion makes everyone else in the world fall in love with Morty and then it turns them all into Cronenberg's based on writer filmmaker david cronenberg's famous fleshie by horror monsters the Cronenberg people of c-137 are frankly terrifying our Rick and Morty decide to abandon this world for what we'll simply call the new dimension where they live for more or less than remainder of the series meanwhile the c-137 versions of their family bath Jerry and summer remain in the newly Cronenberg c-137 though they are not Cronenberg themselves Rick and Morty moved to a new dimension our Rick and Morty can't just leave c-137 and hop into some new dimension of random that could really mess with the space-time continuum as if brick isn't haphazardly doing that every day but I digress they have to find a world where they can perfectly slot themselves into a place left empty by another Rick and Morty pair not to mention a world that isn't Cronenberg Rick is able to find exactly this he brings more tea to a version of Earth were the resident Rick manages to rectify the whole Cronenberg situation however immediately after that world's Rick accidentally kills himself and Morty in a small explosion providing a perfect opening for a different Rick and Morty to take their places so while Rick and Morty arrived from c-137 to this new dimensions version of Rick's garage where they find their own hideously damaged dead bodies rick and morty proceeded to bury those bodies in the smith's backyard after a harrowing burial the harrowing for Morty Elyse Rick and Morty are able to take the place of their dead counterparts in this alternative world and its heavily implied that Rick has done this several times before fun times had by all a Cronenberg version of Rick and Morty moved to c-137 meanwhile back in the Cronenberg de world another Rick and Morty arrived see all along there had been another dimension which we'll call the Cronenberg dimension where everyone was born Cronenberg the rick and morty in that dimension accidentally turned everyone there into regular humans mirroring the actions of the rick and morty who escaped the newly Cronenberg to c-137 Cronenberg rick and morty escaped their newly human planet to arrive in c-137 where they fit right in and have no other Rick's or Morty's to contend with life goes on for our reckon morty in this new dimension yep thanks for rick and companies stay normal morty father's the child of a sex robot then summer and rick go on their first joint adventure to the sex robots home planet and rick and morty watch interdimensional cable for the first time summer also gets a job working at the devil's antique shop and he being the devil betrays her Rick and summer then spend months bulking up so they can beat the devil up which they do it's awesome and DMX plays it's just an A+ time evil Morty enters the picture art Rick and Morty are called at the Citadel because the Council of Rick's believed that our rick c-137 is behind the murder of multiple other rigs his portal gun is the proof according to its record it was at the exact timelines and places of the murdered Rick's when they were killed to vindicate himself our Rick escapes the Citadel with Morty to track down the killer Rick they eventually find him inside a fortress guarded by countless Morty's all strapped to the exterior Rick's don't really have emotional attachments to their Morty's rather they use their maurices shields a Morty's lack of intelligence is able to disguise a Rick's genius Rick calls this a camouflage it's helpful for Rick's to keep Morty's around his human shield so that the many intergalactic creatures trying to chase down Rick's and there are many won't be able to detect them based on their unique genius brain waves each Morty's hooked up to an apparatus that repeatedly stabs into both sides of his torso the constant agony amplifies their ability to shield the presence of a Rick inside this gruesome fortress our Rick and Morty find an evil Rick and Morty pair note that the evil morty wears an eyepatch that's how you can tell that he's evil evil people wear eye patches that's just the truth of the universe while evil Rick tries to download our Rick's memories our Morty gets locked into a room with all of the other captured Morty's our Morty's successfully stages a Morty uprising saving our Rick and resulting in the death of evil Rick our Rick and Morty report back to the council of ricks to say that they found the real Rick killer all of the capture Morty's are then set free meanwhile some Citadel Rick's inspected the dead evil Rick only to find that he's a robot operated by some remote technology my god I've seen this technology before one of them says cut to evil morty walking out of the fortress with all of the other morning's he removes his eyepatch to reveal it was a gadget used to control evil Rick all along he then disappears into the massive crowd of unassuming Morty's remember the theory we mentioned about our Rick possibly being evil Morrie's original Rick if that's true that a comment from our Rick in this episode makes a whole lot of sense he tells our morty a cocky morty can lead to some problems i'll explain when you're older perhaps the problem is what this evil morty has become rick freezes time Bethan jerry go on a titanic reenactment vacation because titanic is Jerry's favorite movie this leaves reeking the kids to throw an intergalactic rager key characters from Rick's past like squanchy and birdperson attend the party so does summer sprin Tammy who ends up hooking up with burne person they leave the party together the next morning like any good party it gets out of hand and the Smiths house ends up trashed as Beth and jerry approached the house angry about the apparent mess rick freezes time he and the kids end up taking six months to repair the house and enjoy all that frozen time of course freezing time has its consequences once Rick on freezes at he Morty and summer end up in a decaying dimension they ultimately wind up shattering time into 64 different timelines before they can get back to their original one they're also held hostage by the time police as a result now do you see why doing a timeline of this show is so difficult speaking of difficult time mapping let's get into ticket number five one two six and mr. poopy butthole this period begins in January of 2015 so this is where things start to get really fuzzy but stay with me shortly after the party and the following extended cleanup Rick and Morty leave their current Jerry at a Jerry day care center called Jerry buried Jerry burry for those who don't remember is where Rick's and Morty's can leave their Jerry's for keeping if the ladder accidentally Stow's away on any intergalactic adventures it even has a ball pit and a fake bet when Rick and Morty initially drop off Jerry in the episode Rick labels his own dimension as c-137 but next to Jerry's dimension he writes not applicable that Rick and Morty got a ticket labeled five one two six they then get on with their evening playing arcade games foiling assassination attempts you know the Rick and Morty from this episode eventually return to pick up their Jerry they're given a jerry who happily greets Morty and isiliye greets Rick but then another Rick approaches them he says wait do you have five one two six the Morty we've been following all episode pulls a chicken out of his pocket only to discover that it's a ticket from the arcade they went to earlier in the episode so these two Rick and Morty pairs just trade Jerry's ticket theory as it's commonly called is a popular one first proposed on YouTube by the save point guild some believe it indicates that parts of season two take place with an entirely different Rick and Morty pair than the one we're used to following plus many believe that the universe which caused by the ticket swap would be used as an easy way to get rig out of prison at the start of season three because it would mean that our Rick had never been to prison or something like that and that didn't end up being the source of Rick's jailbreak but I'm getting ahead of myself even so the theory extends to a subsequent event a parasite invades the Smith's home by impersonating the family's longtime friends only they're not impersonating real friends but rather implanting false memories of their shared histories with the Sanchez Smith's in the family members Minds at the start of the episode when the parasite arrives rick has steam discarding a bunch of glowing green rocks and they look just like the ones Rick picked up at the end of the episode featuring Jerry burry we also learned that in this timeline a character named mr. poopy butthole has been a close friend of the sanchez Smith family for a long time Beth however begins to doubt that mr. poopy butthole is a real friend and not a parasite so she shoots him too bad though because he's super real mr. poopy butthole is severely injured but yeah I don't worry he'll be fine now consider this our Rick and Morty have never interacted with any mr. poopy butthole at all yet the Rick and Morty in this episode clearly have spent a lot of time with him mr. poopy butthole even appears in the intro of this episode showing a reality in which he'd been along with Rick and Morty for all of their adventures but that's the only episode info he appears in maybe there Rick and Morty who fight the parasites and the Rick and Morty pair we see collect with the glowing green rocks before picking Jerry up at Jerry burry are the central characters in those two episodes and those two episodes only or maybe we're thinking way too deeply about this Natha that's anything new on this channel things change at Bird person's wedding again things more or less return to normal Rick and Morty saved the world with a performance of their smash hit get schwifty Rick takes Morty to the Microverse he created two powers flying car battery Rick turns into a tiny version of himself and joined Morty and summer in high school where he becomes insanely popular beth and jerry go to alien couples therapy jerry almost sacrifices his penis for the famous civil rights activists shrimp lee pebbles etc etc then the whole sanchez smith family gets invited to a wedding rick's friend birdperson is getting married two summers friend Tammy remember how they met at the party at the wedding though Tammy's true colors are revealed turns out she'd been an agent of the Galactic Federation this whole time implanted in the smiths Children's High School to lead the Federation to Rick and his colleagues seventeen of the most wanted people in the galaxy are at burg person's wedding including Rick Bird persons shot but don't worry he lives on as Phoenix person and Rick escapes with his family to a very small uninhabited planet that looks kind of like Earth and supports carbon-based life-forms I don't know why they had to wait for that planet though I didn't see any problem with the screaming son planet meanwhile mr. poopy butthole gets addicted to painkillers don't forget mr. poopy butthole storyline after Beth shoots him he starts taking painkillers and winds up attacking a pizza delivery guy that's all on the poopy butthole front for now we will keep you updated Earth joins the Galactic Federation let's get back to the Sanchez Smiths who are clearly unhappy with their new lives seeing his family's unhappiness Ricky does something very unrig he decides to turn himself in so his family can go back to earth Rick gets imprisoned by the Federation and the Smith family ends up on a very different sort of earth than the one they left behind it would tend bird person's wedding earth is joined the Federation so the whole place is teeming with aliens and uses the Federation's currency Jerry gets a job with the Federation where he brings in a six chewable figure income because he gets paid in edible pills which seemed to have replaced food entirely though I just as easily believe that they just told Jerry that to get out of paying summer is miserable and wants desperately to get Rick back to fix things she has the bright idea of retrieving the portal gun that was buried with the dead body of their dimensions original Rick which Marty told her about in a previous episode rixty minutes a federation controlled robot sees summer and morty with the portal gun and goes after them the kids that use the portal gun to escape eventually summer and morty wind up in c-137 in case you forgot that's the world where this show started the one that Rick Cronenberg in season one their summer meets RC 137 south and her c-137 the family that our Rick and Morty left behind they're living off of Cronenberg flesh and clearly doing lots of exercise since they're all super jacked morty takes this time to express the summer just how little rick cares about them after all he did leave summer c-137 in a totally messed up world our Morty and summer end up getting captured by the Federation while they're still in c-137 but naturally Rick ends up saving them but not before breaking out of prison taking the value of the Federation's currency yeah more or less ensuring that earth goes back to normal Beth and Jerry decide to get divorced and things get pretty dark brah when Rick returns with the kids Beth instantly sees him as a hero and Jerry does not to put it lightly in fact he makes Beth choose between himself and Rick and yeah I guess who Beth picks that's right this is the beginning of the end of beth and jerry's marriage but kind of in crumbling since day one but this is where we first hear the D word divorce Beth and Jerry decides time to get one thus assuring in a whole new era for the Smith children some are more do you go through all of the typical phases of kids whose parents get divorced they try to ignore it they get angry they blame themselves they travel to a post-apocalyptic dimension where they're free to hunting humans and murder challengers the blood domes all standard stuff as summer Morty processed their emotions Jerry moves out and things get real when Beth Sommer and Morty go to Family Therapy together and Rick turns himself into a literal pickle to avoid it this is the approved time for you to type I'm pickle Rick in the comments once you're done please return to your seat and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times all the while Morty is becoming more self-sufficient he solves puzzles by himself when working with The Vindicator czar Rick and Morty take on the Marvel franchise The Avengers and he figures out how to restore summer to her normal size when she accidentally turns herself into a giant after her boyfriend leaves her for a girl with bigger boobs finally when Rick and Morty decide it's time to relax they go to a special detox pod the spa removes all of their toxic qualities like Rick's over-the-top egomania and Morty's bumbling self-doubt Morty essentially turns into Jordan Belfort from the wolf of Wall Street and it's Rick who has trouble persuading Morty to do the right thing for once this means reuniting their toxic selves with their non toxic selves which they eventually do the reign of evil Morty begins in an episode that departs from our Rick and Morty almost entirely things are going down at the Citadel the place has become a bureaucratic societal nightmare Rick's kill Rick's Rick's kill Morty's same old story no one seems to be satisfied with their quality of life it's time for a change in power good thing it's election season the candidates multiple Rick's and a single suave morty face off in a debate that the morty clearly wins this takes place after candidate morty fires his morning campaign manager as campaign manager morty watches the debate on TV at a bar rick wearing a trench coat approaches him the rick then hands campaign manager morty a manila envelope full of secrets in an unprecedented upset candidate morty wins the election at the citadel becoming the first morty ever to rule the place as many in the society rejoice at the change in power candidate morty then shows who he really is he quickly gets rid of all of the Rick's who defy him in the shadow council you know the Rick's who actually control the Citadel and by get rid of I mean he murders them naturally this leads to an ominous speech wherein president morty swirls his drink and foreshadows his dictatorship when campaign manager Maury attempts to reveal president Morty's true character he's released into space where he dies with him goes the manila envelope full of secrets it opens up showing pictures that revealed President Morty is actually evil Morni and that he's likely still controlling some robot Rick's and then whoops we never see him again for the rest of the season Bethan jerry embraced the single life fortunately our Rick and Morty and their families stay removed from the actions over at the Citadel at least until season 4 anyway beth and jerry continue to lead separate lives jerry dates a three-breasted alien who loves to hunt and he tries to integrate her into his life with the kids and then that ends up with the alien trying to hunt summer and morty but that all gets resolved so don't worry about it oh and remember fruit peel and Beth's childhood playground world well her old friend Tommy is still in there Beth and Rick go to retrieve him when she hears that Tommy's dad is about to be sentenced to death for his son's alleged murder I mean he did disappear very mysteriously at a young age turns out that fruit peel and has gone from a safe friendly play place for children to probably the worst nightmare of all possible timeline seriously of all the messed up things Rick and Morty's introduced us to fruit peel and is probably the most depraved you see to survive all of his time in fruit peel and Tommy procreated with the sweet fruity creatures and then ate his offspring and it gets even worse but that's that's all we need to get into right now in trying to get Tommy out of fruit peel and to save his dad from a government sanctioned execution Beth realizes that she's just like her dad she ruthlessly murders all of the deformed fruity creatures and Tommy bringing back only his finger to clone the existence of the clone though ends up saving Tommy's dad life speaking of clones Rick makes Beth an interesting proposition he can make a perfect Beth clone he tells her so that she can be free to wander the galaxy and have adventures like he did when she was young Beth gives this some serious thought but we're not sure what she decides but just as the show says it doesn't really matter what she picked because whatever she does it's still symbolic of her making a choice and having agency in her own life that's that's an important lesson that's gonna come in handy again and like right now the Smith family gets back together without Rick by the end of season 3 more Eve's been through enough adventures with Rick that he starts to really get it or maybe he's just growing up like any teenager would his self-esteem is increased and so it seems has his intelligence he even talks back to the President of the United States who keeps calling Rick and Morty to help them solve alien problems but won't take a moment to pose for his selfie with Morty rude at Keith David I expected better of you and your golden voice Rick certainly thinks it's rude he gets on his high horse about the president taking a selfie with Morty and a physical fight between the President of the United States and Rick Sanchez ensues but Morty's over it he steals Rick's portal gun and leaves the White House as Rick and the president continue to do get out at this point Beth has no idea whether she's a clone of herself after a phone call with Rick she learns that if she were a clone that had become self-aware Rick would have to kill her so she goes into hiding from Rick and the rest of the Smiths join her including Morty Beth and Jerry decide to get back together Oh what was that about having agency in the face of uncertainty morty calls rick who's still fighting with the president to tell him that he stole his portal gun and that he and his family aren't hiding rick obviously deflated ends his fight with the president and promises to leave him alone forever in exchange for the use of his highly inefficient portal rick uses the president's portal to arrive at the smith's hiding place he comes with a gun which he reveals us to kill jerry not Beth hooray consiste is not a clone still the family wants nothing to do with Rick not even Morty wants to adventure with him then Rick returns to the president this time wearing one of Jerry's fly-fishing outfits he introduces himself to the President as fly-fishing Rick which the president immediately Falls for he says he'll give fly-fishing Rick a call if he needs any help with alien matters back at the Smith's house the family settles down for a delicious dinner from Panda Express when rick enters to return jerry's fly-fishing attire Beth tells him that he can't be rude to Jerry she and Jerry and the kids are a family now she says and from here on out things will be like season 1 again except more streamlined to this time based on this eyeline forgive me if I don't buy the streamline part Beth Rick singled out from the family does not look too amused either mr. poopy butthole is now a proud dad but wait season three isn't over just yet mr. poopy butthole makes one last appearance to apologize for not being in the season he was busy getting married and having a baby instead congratulations mr. poopy butthole you you you won season three it's been a tough road and you deserve the best that's all for now until season four Rick and Morty debuts in November of 2019 since we don't have our own time crystals to jump right to that date hang tight and watch our other Rick and Morty videos right here on Channel Frederator there are so many of them so please go check them out once again I've been Jacob and remember Frederator loves you I just want you to know that I could have done one of those Rick belches on my sign off but I didn't I just want you to know though that I thought about it
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 2,935,147
Rating: 4.8365312 out of 5
Keywords: rick and morty, rick and morty season 3, rick and morty timeline, the complete rick and morty timeline, rick and morty timeline explained, complete rick and morty timeline, rick and morty season 4, adult swim, rick and morty season 1, timeline of rick and morty, rick and morty recap, complete rick and morty story, channel frederator, rick and morty explained, rick and morty storyline, rick and morty story circle, rick and morty full recap, cartoons, tv series
Id: A6eupBe1c6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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