Every Easter Egg in Rick and Morty Season 3

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on April Fool's Day 2017 the world received the greatest trick of all time the surprise release of the season 3 premiere of Rick and Morty the rickshank Redemption and it was glorious we gotta return to the Cronenberg World abandoned in Rick Potion Number Nine the fruition of Rick's plan to overthrow the government and Jerry The Return of bird person now Phoenix person and the introduction of Rick's series Arc to obtain the Szechuan McNugget dipping sauce and season three as a whole has been chock full of references secrets and Easter eggs and here are some of the best starting with the premiere number one Jerry keeps a framed photo of his favorite Rick in the garage in general Ricks hate Jerry's or at very least are disdainful of them Jerry's are stupid ignorant and resentful of Ricks on the whole and Rick's are mean-spirited self-involved and condescending to the extreme they're just not well suited to one another except for doofus rig the gentlest kindest and slowest of all Ricks he and Jerry metton became fast friends in close Rick counters of the Rick kind and both were outcasts from other Ricks but found solace in their own friendship and when doofus Rick had to go Jerry was left back where he had been before disrespected and belittled by his Rick generally ignored by his own family and emasculated by life doofus Rick was Jerry's one true friend and it's heartwarming to know Jerry keeps him close to his heart now number two 1998 Rick lived in Walter White's house from Breaking Bad there's a lot different about 1998 Rick he's got shorter hair blew her pants and a living wife also he lives in a replica of Walter White's house from Breaking Bad right down to the bush placement and The Rock lawn out front well maybe of course the entire scenario shown here Rick working in the garage and the method of him discovering the portal gun and the death of his wife and daughter was a false memory created by Rick to trick Galactic Federation mind interrogator cornvelius Daniel we never left so while this whole thing might be made up in every way there's also the possibility that the details of the day are made up but the appearance of Rick his wife Diane and their home are all accurate of course it's also possible and more likely that Rick has just been watching Breaking Bad recently and had it on the Mind number three there's a Morty Rick hybrid at the Citadel of Ricks the citadella bricks include every kind of Rick imaginable from Lizard Rick to Black Rick to even Morty Rick and a Rick that is either a genetic splice or a possibly grown-up version of former Morty maybe a bold Rick From Another Dimension decided hauling his Morty everywhere for protection was too cumbersome so we spliced their genes together to save some effort maybe it might sound crazy but then again this episode ended with a rant about the discontinued nugget dipping sauce from 1998 so anything's possible number four another Morty is carrying around Journal number three from Gravity Falls pretty much every scene on the Citadel of Rex is chock full of little hidden gems and Easter eggs and that same frame where we find Morty Rick we also find another Morty holding onto what is clearly Journal number three from Gravity Falls the Journal of Gravity Falls lore written by Stanford Pines that contains information on all the supernatural creatures and going ons in the series of course this isn't the first time we've seen a Gravity Falls reference in Rick and Morty Rick and Morty Creator Justin Roiland is buds with the gravity plus Creator Alex Hirsch and it won't be the last even in this same frame number five there's a Morty Maybe and a Morty Dipper at the Citadel of Rick's since there's every conceivable version of Rick at the Citadel of Ricks there's also every conceivable version of Morty including two mortys that look suspiciously like the protagonist of Gravity Falls is their Rick a Grunkle Stan Rick maybe we'll find out in season 9 when Rick finally gets that Szechuan sauce number six we get a real good look at Rick's dick it's Tiny Dick number seven Dan Harmon's end screen logo has changed to reflect his divorced life well here's a less than funny Easter egg in the episode Dan Harmon's end screen logo has gotten significantly more Grim since October 2015 as he's gotten divorced and presumably more depressed in the meantime his logo now has him laying on the couch disheveled grayer and surrounded by garbage and liquor here was the previous end screen keep your head up Dan we a bunch of strangers on the internet that you'll never meet still love you moving past the premiere episode 7 is also overflowing with references number eight tons of cameos and character references you probably don't need to be told that the Rick with long hair and the robes is supposed to be a nod to Severus Snape same goes for the storylines that contain aspects of movies like Stand By Me training day and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory but there were a few other neat references that you might have missed if you aren't re-watching this amazing episode six times already it's kind of incredible it took this long at the creepy Morty bar club Sex Dungeon but we finally got a version of Morty that's a dead ringer for Marty McFly Die Hard fans will know that Rick and Morty started as a crew Back to the Future parody called Doc and Marty with an H in there for some reason thankfully These Days the show is still accrued Back to the Future parody with the extra steps digging a little deeper one of the Rick candidates on the debate stage should look familiar to those well-versed in the red hot memes in 2010. there's no doubt about it that facial hair can only belong to Jimmy the rent is too damn High McMillan the animators went out of their way to replicate his tie to which is a nice touch this one's a little less obscure Rick Sanchez is one of Pop culture's most beloved genius [ __ ] so it makes plenty of sense that one of his many variations would resemble a real-life genius [ __ ] if you want to catch every reference in this show you've got be willing to pause and zoom otherwise it's hard to catch this Doctor Who shout out in a crowd shot near the beginning of the episode the scarf and trench coat are classic Doctor Who standards but the Hat makes it look a bit like this was a specific reference to the Seventh Doctor played by Sylvester McCoy back at the creepy Morty an even deeper cut is lounging in a booth that's not Rick and Morty Creator Justin Royal and as many have suspected that's actually Dan guterman one of the show's writers this Morty on the other hand is a Puzzler as far as I can tell no one is quite nailed down just who or what this lineless Morty is supposed to represent some have suggested he kind of resembles a South Park character and others think that he looks more like Marty from the original show prototype if you have any ideas please let me know in the comments and berate me for my obvious oversights number nine the return of Shoney's the appearance of a shony's restaurant in the season 3 premiere has inspired a ton of fan theories mostly involving Rick still being in the same mind prison where he started the episode the theories hinge on the idea that every reference to shony's reaffirms the idea that Rick is still in the imaginary shonies of his own making so when the shony's mug shows up on the mid-management Rick's desk just before he gets Blown Away supposedly that's yet another signal that the whole season so far has taken place in Prime Rick's mind I'm not really on board with this concept especially because shony's is an actual restaurant that exists even so reinforcing the idea that Rick is a big fan of a mid-sized Diner chain gives his character a Charming new wrinkle this is a smaller thing than some of the entries on this list but all these little bits really add up to something special number 10. Morty's meaningful signage since they know the internet's going to dissect every frame of their show the Rick and Morty team went ahead and made it worth the effort to pause and zoom during these dense scenes when cop Morty drives through a crowd you can see a handwritten sign that says nobody exists on purpose this is a callback to a memorable moment in which Morty consoles his sister during a crisis nobody exists on purpose no anywhere every during this speech Morty mentions that he and Rick buried that particular Dimensions Rick and Morty in the backyard after they messed up their own Universe the existence of the slogan makes you wonder if the other Rick and Morty's out there have had similar Ventures and have similarly consoled summer meaning that they likely ruined Cronenberg realities themselves it's a bit heavy but not all the signs have such morbid implications second from the right squint and you could see somebody holding up a sign that reads this guy needs a plumbus really though who doesn't number 11 The Bleak motivational poster in the classroom even from the time that we spend in the Morty Field School we get the idea that it's really more for the benefit of the Ricks than anyone else the mortys that come through the doors are all missing grandfathers for various reasons and are likely only spending time there to keep sharp until another Rick needs a sidekick the attitude that regards mortys as a resource and not as human beings is encapsulated in the recycle sign at the back of the class the one with a Morty face in the center something tells me that sign might be coming down after the regime change number 12 Beth's love of horses goes way back The Saga of simple Rick might be the darkest part of a pitch black episode we see that one of the only risks that decided to actually spend his time raising a child is not venerated for his deeds but instead harvested for delicious looking snacks the brief flashbacks of goodrich's parenting are some of the only glimpses we have of that era so it's worth taking a closer look in this background you can see Beth posing for a picture with a horse this definitely lines up with her current line of work it's somewhat heartening to see that Beth followed through with her dreams even in a universe where she wasn't encouraged by a positive father figure then again knowing the show Beth probably became successful despite Rick and to show that she doesn't need him around number 13 cop Rick and cop Morty's seat belt Switcheroo we've hit on this detail a couple times already but it's so specific here that we have to mention it the training day of Rick and Morty cups flipped the script not only in the relationship and personality of the two characters but their safety habits as well note that cop Morty isn't wearing a seatbelt while cop Rick is strapped in if you have not noticed up until now Morty almost always wears a seatbelt inside Vehicles while Rick basically never bothers I'd ask if evil Morty wears a seatbelt when he drives but I think we already know the answer number 14 somebody tagged get schwifty on the left side of this wall there it is that that that's it there it is number 15 evil Morty's diabolical plan everything came together at the end of this episode when that music kicked in and your jaw Hit the Floor even if you insist on telling everyone you saw it coming it was still a fantastic Capper to an excellent episode but in straining to see the incriminating evidence just outside the airlock you might have missed the fact that trench coat Rick is among the fresh corpses remember this is the same Rick that supplied the dirt about evil Morty to fired Morty in the first place this hard evidence is the basis for a few emerging fan theories the most convincing of which suggests that evil Morty intentionally leaked the info about himself to fired Morty then killed him in trench coat Rick to hide the evidence why do all of this well evil Morty needed the votes and an attempted assassination could and did tip the scales but how could evil Morty possibly guarantee that fire Morty wouldn't succeed in his assassination attempt well there is the fact that fire and Morty is still a Morty but we also know that fire and Morty shot evil Morty with a gun in his left hand because fired Morty used his offhand he botched the murder but wait how do we know know that mortys are inherently right-handed while fat Morty did mention that he thought that he was left-handed Morty implying that was supposedly the thing that sent him apart from the rest of his kind I thought I was I was tanded Morty it seemed like a random joke at the time but you never know what details could end up being important for this Theory to hold water evil Morty would have to have had an intricate meticulous plot in place sounds exactly like the kind of thing evil Morty would do doesn't it almost makes you wonder if this was the plan all along after all it was during his first appearance that evil Morty killed scores of Ricks using all of their Morty's to power a horrendous machine once all the Reckless mortys were freed they took Refuge at the Citadel where they helped create an unstable Power Balance that led to evil Morty's eventual re-election but somehow listening to the evil Morty music again remembering his past diabolical schemes makes the theory a bit more believable at this point I'd be kind of mad if the conspiracy didn't turn out to be true moving on to stuff in episode 8 number 16 tons of callbacks in the alien collector's Zoo if you're gonna look for Easter eggs in any piece of Science Fiction the old alien who collects species in a zoo is about as reliable as it gets it worked for Guardians of the Galaxy and it works WL and Rick and Morty the show has featured dozens of extraterrestrial species and other fantastic beings so it only makes sense for a galactic curator to include some aliens in its Interstellar Menagerie right off the bat there's a couple of Mr meeseeks who can be seen for just a few frames while The Collector passes Rick and Morty cell as no doubt you remember me seeks aren't meant to exist more than a little while so these poor guys must be in a lot of pain also visible for a brief moment are a few female gazorpazorps who Rick and summer met on one of their Adventures squint hard and you could see the tralforkians off to the side in a wide shot if you're wondering whether it's cool for you to call them glipclops you probably shouldn't like the trailforkians a lot of the collected aliens seem to have been present at Rick's Party from the season one finale the alien collector doesn't really seem like the type that would be thrilled if one of their subjects got away but at this point it would probably pay off to just follow Rick around and capture whoever or whatever he runs into number 17 Rick and Morty go to a real Mexican restaurant it's not exactly Shoney's but the Mexican restaurant featured in this episode is special for a different reason Don Cuco is a real life chain with a handful of locations in Southern California and it appears though that the donkuko in this episode where Rick dines with zigzag the flu plopian is ripped straight from the donkuko in Burbank here it is on Google street view for comparison fans speculate that since this location is near a few Studios including Cartoon Network it may well have been visited by some of the crew seems like a good place as any for a last meal number 18 the Gravity Falls references are just getting out of control those who follow Rick and Morty closely or those who've watched any of our previous videos about Rick and Morty know that the show has a strangely close relationship with the Beloved Gravity Falls a couple Easter eggs in this season deep in that connection starting with the very first scene when Rick and Morty are running around the MC escher-esque maze they speed past a statue holding what looks to be an Illuminati eye with eyelashes seems like a dead ringer for Bill Cipher the dastardly villain from Gravity Falls but hey it could just be an unrelated Illuminati eye right tons of TV shows and movies and uh American currency include that imagery the probability of it being coincidence Narrows a bit when you look closely at some of the memorable tube labels in Rick's lab as Rick admits in dialogue most of the labels are random gibberish pocket poo on the left but Bill C is undoubtedly a reference to Bill Cipher in the same shot over to the right we see Stanford and no it's not a nod to the prestigious school with an uneven football team it's this guy that's Ford from Gravity Falls otherwise known as Stanford philbrick Pines at this point I think we'd all be shocked if we didn't get a Rick and Morty Gravity Falls crossover episode number 19 a quick nod to DC Comics Sandman this was obvious to plenty of folks who likely spotted it in the episode's preview but we'll cover it just in case you're not familiar the gaunt figure who chases after Rick and Morty in pursuit of the truth tortoise is a clear send-up of the DC Comics vertigo character Sandman specifically the version created by Neil Gaiman Sam Keith and Mike drenchenberg though you'd be forgiven if you got a David Bowie Labyrinth vibe from the upside down mma's number 20 the moon man might have been real after all the Moon Man memory that we see early in the episode sets the tone for a lot of these vignettes in that it's an extremely messed up short story that ends with Morty traumatized but there might be a bit more to the moon man than what we see in the episode of Morty thinks that he sees a man on the moon through a telescope nobody believes him and yet the Moon Man shows up in a school as a new guidance counselor after some stalking and an accusation the Moon Man apparently kills himself in his home afterwards Morty double checks his telescope and sees a moon man-shaped smudge implying the entire incident was imagined and a man was driven to Suicide for nothing it seems kind of like a thing you'd want to rest from your memory too we could take that at face value and it would completely fit the tone of the show but there are a few details in the story that point to a more Sinister undercurrent the moon man was real the whole time for instance check out the license plate on the moon man's car satf-1v3 seems like a call out to Saturn V the rockets that took the Apollo crew to the Moon just after this we see where the Moon Man lived a house with a very special number 237 is notably the number of the spooky haunted room with the old naked lady in The Shining so that aligns with the moon man's creep Factor at least but this number is also important to conspiracy theory nuts who believe that The Shining director Stanley Kubrick helped fake the moon landing including the room number as a nod at the distance from the Earth to the Moon which is approximately 237 000 miles away hey and if we're getting into tinfoil hat territory we might as well go all the way lastly let's look at that offending smudge again and compare it to Morty's original sighting notice anything when we first see him moon man has a shadow whereas that smudge kinda looks like moon man does not we may never know what really happened here but I think we could all agree one thing that unibrow is not to be trusted number 21 the truth tortoises secret message Rick and Morty's cold opens don't often have anything to do with the story as a whole but rather offer a fun self-contained story that acts as an inciting incident that kicks off the plot proper this episode was much the same as we mentioned the titular Duo attempting to escape a magical maze while carrying a truth tortoise we don't know a lot about the tortoise other than you shouldn't look at it unless you want to know everything and that it sounds funny almost as if it's talking backwards because this is the internet somebody has already reversed the truth tortoise noises and came up with this if I'm a beetle Paul is dead for clarity that tortoise says I am a beetle Paul is dead this is a send-up of the well-known Paul is dead hoax a Beatles conspiracy theory that supposedly indicated that Paul McCartney had passed on and been replaced with another person some of the biggest evidence of the theory hinged on playing John Lennon's A Day in the Life In Reverse at which time you're supposed to hear Paul is dead miss him miss him it's an older reference but it still checks out number 22 why summer got chewed out at the end of the episode when both Rick and Morty are out of commission who's left to save the day and said everything right according to this episode it's summer who wanders into the final minutes with a creamsicle in her hand though she restores her brother and grandfather's memories and stops their Grim double suicide in return summer is chastised by her own family to see that we have to look at the scenario for instructions that summer follows to do Rick and Morty's hard reset summer seems to follow every direction to the letter with a exception to number 10 she doesn't leave the room and so for Oliver trouble all she gets is a verbal Beatdown rules are rules summer number 23 Jerry's VHS memories though Jerry hasn't been a huge part of the Season overall because of his divorce with Beth you can always count on him for a solid post-credit Stinger he came through huge this week with the E.T parody Gobo which was apparently part of Jerry's mind blowers instead of a huge room filled with multi-color memory vials Rick only went so far as to throw together a glorified VCR helmet for Jerry looking closely at the Box's contents and flipping the image upside down we get an idea of what's on Jerry's other tapes on the left you can see a purple tape marked sleepy Gary who we all know is Jerry's secret lover that turned out to be a memory parasite on the far right we could see the Apple's campaign a reference to Jerry's pride and joy as a marketer it's not clear whether the tape contains Jerry's memories of the time he was in a simulation and had great success with the hungry for Apple's campaign or if the tape contains the time Jerry tried to sell the slogan in real life and was literally fired for it either way it's probably best that he'll let this one stay out of his brain and on VHS and on to episode 9 number 24 cherished memories of Mr Poopy butthole as the center of many fan theories about alternate realities Mr Poopy butthole Demands a lot of attention whenever he shows up on screen but so far this season mpb is laid low for the most part besides uh proposing the Morty for a split second in the last episode that makes sense though since the initial joke of Mr Poopy butthole apart from his name was that he was a long time friend of the family that was never seen up to that point the Rick and Morty production team might have wanted to dispel the idea that we've been following different Rick and mortys in different universes from episode to episode previously fans had speculated that the sudden appearance of Mr Poopy butthole signified that his episode debut took place in a different reality than the one that we've been used to but now a second time this season we see Mr Poopy butthole his picture hung up on the fridge either this is a signal that most Rick and Morty's have their own Mr Poopy butthole or that the animators are just [ __ ] with us and when it comes to the show it could very well be both number 25 Brad is moving on whenever there's a crowd scene in Rick and Morty you probably want to freeze frame and look around this pays off at the restaurant scene when who do we see but Brad Morty's classmate and Resident High School jock cue with a blurry zoom in ignoring the mustache guy in the foreground it would seem that Brad is there with the blonde woman on the right which is interesting since he's usually with Jessica Brad and Jessica seem to have an on-again off-again thing going on they broke up a bit before Rick had his run-in with his toxic self but by the end of that episode Brad and Jessica seemed to be on the mend they could still be taking a break or Brad is cheating on his girlfriend at a random restaurant one thing's for sure Brad probably didn't look at the Yelp reviews either number 26 Jerry's car looks just like Jerry well it used to Jerry Smith's car has been through the ringer before but those were other universes I think after this week's episode however it seems to be gone for good telepathically crushed into a cube Jerry can probably find another one of those cartoony station wagons any place and there's reason to think that'll go out of his way to track one down because they look just like him seriously look at Jerry's shirt the stripes match his station wagon down to the wood paneling it's one of those ideas that sounds silly but once someone suggests it you'll never be able to see anything else number 27 a couple Loose Ends maybe you guys could actually help us out here because we usually try to leave things out if we're not 100 sure but these ones seem like there's something when Rick is going through Beth's old childhood gadgets among the unbreakable bats and sound erasing sneakers is a fake police badge it's only on screen for a second but the weird part is that it's got a badge number va184 we know from previous episodes that numbers in the show often mean something significant part of this likely relies on the fact that the people behind the show know that people are going to dissect every frame like um we are but uh we're stumped as to what va184 is a reference to is it supposed to be a highway 184 in Virginia a reference to the veterans association it could very well be nothing but it comes right before location tracking stickers these stickers have specific location tags the production team had to know we'd plug those into Google Maps but when you do you get a spot off the coast of Africa either that's where Atlantis sunk or the location is completely meaningless personally we're hoping that this location will come back someday days just so we didn't waste our time number 28 Rick stash vold machines and Munchies okay time for the good stuff real one this time just over a minute into the episode Rick rummages through an old box for the magic chalk that opens up a gateway to fruity land but there are a ton of callbacks Inside the Box itself is a call back to the moving company that's been featured in a couple times in the show inside one of the most recognizable gadgets is a me seeks box the corners of which you can make out pretty well and another big one is the vinda beacon a large purple glowing crystal that summoned Rick and Morty to help the vindicators early in season three next to the vinda beacon we could see Rick's memory wiping machine which we just saw in the previous episode they really planned the stuff in advance huh it's only visible for a few frames but if we zoom and rotate just enough you can see part of a box of simple rakes the decadent and disturbing treat from The Citadel of Rick's seen in the instant classic Rick Lantus mix up when episodes are packed to the minute with details like these it's tough to not over analyze every frame number 29 Jerry's robe has a hidden meaning over the course of three seasons Rick and Morty has gone to Great Lengths to convince us that Jerry is objectively pathetic even though things went a bit better for him in the finale the show did get one last dig in the form of Jerry's robe on the back you can see the Chinese character the this thing which literally translates to weak why did Jerry buy a robe like that knowing him he probably saw some Chinese writing and thought it looked cool the store attendant probably told Jerry it meant mysterious typical Jerry number 30. Rick's fear of pirates puts an early episode in A New Perspective seems like we learned something new about Rick every episode he doesn't so much grow as a character as he just adds to his ball of flaws and Hang-Ups this week we found out one of the few things Rick is afraid of pirates it's a silly random gag that you kind of forget after they jump to the next scene but let's back up a minute where have we seen Pirates and Rick and Morty before back in the first season's Fantastic Voyage Inner Space Jurassic Park spoof Anatomy Park Rick was hung up on an attraction called pirates of the pancreas nobody else really saw the appeal besides him and now we know why because Rick is terrified of pirates and he thinks that would make for an excellent amusement park ride looking at it that way pirates of the pancreas would probably go great next to the tunnel of lasting bonds with loved ones number 31 some very specific nods to Minecraft the fact that Minecraft was a part of the episode does not count as a cool Easter egg or hidden Detail no matter what the YouTube videos that are trying to pad out their watch time will tell you not that this video is one of them this is this video is it's different it's different and good but Rick and Morty cut a little deeper referencing one of the most popular games in the world while they weren't actually talking about it remember when the army sets up their own rink eating portal one of the soldiers activates it with a lighter as it so happens igniting a gate with a small amount of fire is exactly how you activate a portal in Minecraft our time in the Rick and Morty eyes to Minecraft world was brief and that's for a reason as Rick noted it's been done informative murder porn is the Minecraft heavy South Park episode Rick is referring to here it happened to air on October 2nd 2013 almost four years before the Rick and Morty episode between this and Mr Poopy butthole's eerily accurate prediction it's almost as though the production team knows what the hell they're doing number 32 another one of the shows writers makes a cameo Rick and Morty's producers animators and writers seem to find a way to sneak into Random episodes as background characters and the recturian Morty date has yet another in a long line of creative cameos the guy at the beginning of the episode mopping up the Kennedy's sex tunnels appears to be Mike McMahon one of the show's writers work hard kids and you too can eventually get killed by some kind of alien guga number 33 the president borrows a gun from Half-Life the gun that the president uses to whip Rick around the room kind of looks like the gravity gun from the half-life games I could waste more time here but that's kind of all the context you need it's neat it's cool let's move on number 34 Mr Poopy butthole's picture looks familiar yes it was a little disappointing to see Mr Poopy ball in the after credit Stinger instead of say evil Morty but it was kind of nice to get a sneak peek into mpb's private life now that he started a family peeking at his photos it appears as though members of Mr Poopy butthole species are born with those little top hats on in addition to his wife and kid Mr Poopy butthole has posted up some pictures of the Smith Sanchez family including one picture of him and Rick that we've seen before the background is a bit different but that is the same picture that could be found in Mr Poopy butthole's home and on Beth's fridge as we saw in the last episode this might be one of those things that's a result of animators reusing assets but it's nice continuity all the same number 35 tons of creepy government cover-ups in the white house if you're looking for Easter eggs and hidden references in this episode The Rick president fight is jam-packed there are so many little details obscured by their hectic brawl that you'll absolutely have to go frame by frame to catch everything while the fight is going on beneath the White House the most noticeable background gag is the moon landing set but if you pause at just the right moment while Rick and the president are rocketing up through the floors you can catch some disturbing stuff for just a couple of frames you can see what appears to be the site of a demonic ritual and just a few frames after this we see a skeleton between the floorboards that looks a hell of a lot like Tupac Shakur pistol necklace and all packing up you can see even more of the government's dirty laundry just a few seconds earlier while Rick is dodging missile fire you can see the fake moonlander a handful of frames later a nearby convertible Goes Up in Flames looking closely at the blood spatter on the back and the flags up front it becomes clear that this is part of the possibly staged JFK assassination it's hard to read here but the boxes next to the car read jumbo Magic Bullets a reference to the assassination conspiracy theory popularized by the Oliver Stone movie JFK and because we've reached that point as a nation there's also a stage diorama of the World Trade Center towers that one's more than a little dark and kind of ludicrous but the last faked historical event brings it just back to playing hilarious yep that is Washington Crossing the Delaware a famous moment in American history which was apparently filmed on the Sound Stage hundreds of years ago and the remnants of which the US keeps in the basement under the White House only in Rick and Morty would you read that sentence and say yeah I buy it [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dorkly
Views: 5,466,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dorkly, rick and morty, justin roiland, lol, funny, rick, morty, episode, season, secrets, easter eggs, hidden, details, lore, fan theory, adult swim, toonami, urban legend, back to the future, pilot, seatbelt, pickle rick, szechuan sauce, show me what you got, citadel of the ricks, wubba lubba dub dub, gravity falls, jerry, vindicators, poopybutthole, mulan
Id: H4X0yqLkCxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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