RICH VS BROKE GIRL in Brookhaven! (Rebecca Zamolo Roblox RP)

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rich girl versus broke girl you know what that means shoving spree yeah i mean when you have to walk five miles to school we have to wake up early i am just gonna get all of them i know she was making fun of my outfit but her friend just ditched her zambian gaming today we are doing rich girl versus broke girl in roblox brookhaven xavium right now i want to challenge you guys to subscribe turn on notifications click all and let's see how fast we can get to 700 000 subscribers in the zam fam oh i have nothing to aware mom dad school starts tomorrow and i have nothing to wear i need to go shopping honey you literally have a hundred outfits in your closet dad i've already worn those elephants once you know i can't repeat the same outfit twice i just need to get a new outfit it's the only way that i'll stay popular all right well talk to your mother mom please can i go shopping you know i don't have any new clothes i haven't gone shopping in like three days five thousand dollars five thousand dollars are you serious fine i'll take it thanks a lot worst parents ever five thousand dollars i mean we're rich wait a second i have an idea okay um i'm just gonna go upstairs oh my gosh did you see that i was so sly and i just took my mom's credit card you know what that means shopping spree bye guys thanks so much oh i'm about to go on a shopping spree with my mom's credit card now i get to spend the amount of money she spends on her clothes oh and one more thing sarah is gonna be so jealous at how good i look hey mom and dad guess what tomorrow is your first day of school first day of school and i was wondering if maybe i could get a new shirt just one maybe to wear throughout the year what's wrong with the shirt you have on now nothing's wrong with it it's just ripping a little bit just because i've worn it so much how about you wear one of your mom's old shirts that doesn't have a hole in it yeah that's totally fine it'll feel like a new shirt to me honey you know what i'll take you to the mall and we can at least look around for fun okay thanks mom yeah i love window shopping and you know what if you guys don't have money i don't need to get anything i just think it'd be fun to go shopping and look around time for a little shopping spree what should i get oh look at this oh that is so cute it's like a louis vuitton two-piece oh wow definitely giving me vibes get it because of the outfit ooh comment below your favorite outfit oh champion i'm like sporty spice here no oh cherry sweater's cute and it goes with my pink hair oh my gosh i was so cute i am just gonna get all of them i'll get that i'll get that let's just see how much it is not that i'm worried i mean i do have my mom's credit card hi i would like to buy all of the clothes that i have tried on excuse me ma'am sorry i was just posing okay so um i'd like to get all of the clothes that i was wearing okay hand me your credit card okay i am giving it to you hello how long does this take hello hello my credit card's right here can you please take it i'm asking you to take it that will be fifteen thousand dollars eight hundred and twenty two dollars perfect good thing i didn't just get the cash from my mom that definitely wouldn't have been enough good thing now i have her credit card she won't even know is it gonna go back i was thinking about this outfit and i don't look like i'm trying too hard on the first day of school when actually i am so i just realized i have one more custom cheerleading outfit that i should probably save for the first day of school i mean all these other clothes i'll wear eventually at least i'll wear them once i'm back to just being a glamorous rich cheerleader she only spent 15 000 my boss is gonna kill me thanks mom for taking me shopping this is gonna be so much fun look at these fancy clothes ooh this one look mom it goes with my overalls it's red and white stripes it kind of reminds me of minnie mouse or where's waldo honey we're just looking for fun these clothes are way too expensive to buy besides it doesn't matter what clothes you're wearing just that you have a good heart you're right i wasn't wanting this shirt anyways thanks for taking me so we could window shop yeah i'll tell you what what why don't we get some play time at the water park before we head home for dinner the water park oh yeah it's free on sunday that's a great idea mom this is gonna be so much fun waterpark mom this is so much fun the water park is my favorite and on sundays i don't know why but it's free which is even better because free fun is the best fun my mom's so crazy wow mom and dad i know we don't have a car but honestly i enjoy these walks and thank you so much for walking me to school yeah we know it's super early but you need to get to school on time it's super important yeah i mean when you have to walk five miles to school we have to wake up early just in case i mean an education means a future and one day i'm gonna provide for both of you guys and we won't be poor anymore all right mommy just have a wonderful day and i apologize once again that we did not set up for the campsite on the school bus round mom it's totally fine you do that all the time i'll see you guys later oh my gosh sarah you would not believe the outfit i saw a girl in my last class wearing i'm pretty sure she got it out of the trash is she making fun of me seriously like so embarrassing anyways i gotta get to science class so i'll meet you at lunch my outfit's embarrassing ugh science is so boring i think she's going into science class i'm gonna let her go in i'm gonna take a break hey katie yeah i'm in science class i was talking to sarah yeah she's so annoying but whatever i mean did you see her outfit today it's so 2010 a photonic molecule what even is that who's this point next to me it looks like his sweater he got from the gap rebecca no phones in class i've told you this please put it away and pull out your book she has a cell phone she's so lucky my parents could never afford giving me a cell phone but this is so boring boring boring boring snooze fest okay i cannot handle this class i need to get to a mall or do something else more productive with my time teacher hi um could i quickly use the restroom i drank so much water i'm trying to stay hydrated for my skin okay but hurry back i don't want you to miss our lecture on electrons you know how much i love those electrons oh she's leaving want to bring their calculators to class today my parents can't really afford it right now we're saving up teacher don't worry i'll let her share her calculator with me today oh thank you really nice to have great classmates i i appreciate it so much teacher by the way could i use the restroom really quickly yeah no problem but be back quickly okay you know what is anyone in here just gonna hide in this stall time to use my phone cause guess what i don't need to use the bathroom at all sorry sarah had to sneak out of science class so i could go into the bathroom because i wanted to tell you how excited i am that you're gonna get to come on my private jet i was thinking we should do shopping in paris it's gonna be so much fun what do you mean you can't go why wouldn't your parents let you okay fine you know what whatever i didn't want to hang out with you anyways your loss sarah says she's a friend and now she's not even gonna come with me it's fine i'm not even upset it's not like i can't go with a bunch of other people i mean i have so many friends does it matter it's just we've been planning this for like months now i'm not upset at all it's totally fine people would be begging to come hang out with me yeah did you hear that i kind of feel bad for her i mean i know she was making fun of my outfit but her friend just ditched her i've never even been on a real airplane let alone a private jet but she kind of seems lonely right do you think i should be your friend ah you know what i'm fine i'm just gonna head back down to science class and everything's totally good school's out mom dad you made it you're right on time hey honey how was your time at school today it was okay i mean a girl made fun of my clothes but i think she was just having a bad day i am so sorry to hear that honey anyone who makes fun of you for what you wear has their own issues that they're dealing with yeah i think she's going through a lot right now how about we walk to the movies early and i'd get you some of that ice cream you like oh my gosh that's the best yes and we get to see the matinee which means we get to watch a movie for a lot cheaper if we sneak in the back you might be able to watch too for free mom are you still picking me up after school i'm the only one here no honey i'm busy with some friends but i'll get our butler to come and get you our butler are we still gonna see that movie tonight that you promised of course we will be there i promise your dad and i will meet you at the theater at seven okay great so it'll be like a family night i mean are you still talking i gotta go bye bye you know my mom and dad are really busy obviously because they're rich and you know they can't pick me up from school but that that's totally fine i mean i love writing in limos anyways right and we're gonna see a movie tonight mom where are you and dad you guys are 30 minutes late the movie's already started honey your father and i got invited by some friends to see their new helicopters so we will have to see it another day sweetie you guys promise you guys are always doing this you never want to do anything with me your friends are more important than your own daughter i gotta go mom dad this is the best ice cream i've ever had we are so happy you like it honey remember we can't afford to get any food in the theater so just make sure you finish your cone and are full for the movie we'll head in now to save us some seats together and we'll see you in there when you finish okay okay mom and dad i can hardly wait for this matinee wait a second is that the girl from my school is she crying they don't even care about me all they care about is money and their friends and showing off and they're always leaving me i'm their only daughter something about her parents not showing up i'm gonna go talk to her i'm just gonna get rid of my ice cream i mean if she doesn't have ice cream i don't want to make her feel bad hey um do you want to come in and watch the movie with me and my parents what why would you want me to sit with you at the movie theater i mean i was mean to you today yeah that was pretty mean i heard you making fun of my clothes but you know right now it really seems like you could use a friend really that's so nice of you yeah i i'd love to see the movie with you and your family that would mean more than anything to me to be able to watch the movie with you guys and listen um i'm really sorry for making fun of you that wasn't very nice at all and i just want you to know that i apologize it's totally fine i forgive you but right now let's go have fun and watch this movie oh i'm so excited whoa that movie was so awesome did you like it i thought it was really good too hey i know it's short notice but i wanted to see would you want to come on my private jet with me wow a private jet it sounds so fun but is it scary no way it hardly even feels like you're flying um okay yeah let me go ask my parents i can't believe that on your private jet you can have all the candy you want all right well the bigger question is where do you want to go well i heard bloxburg is nice bloxburg it is it's time to pause going on a private jet this is so much fun all right damn fam and that concludes us doing rich girl versus poor girl in roblox brookhaven comment below what video you want us to do next make sure you are subscribed with notifications on and give the video a thumbs up let's see if we can get to 700 000 subscribers and we'll see you next week
Channel: Zamfam Gaming
Views: 2,288,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rich, vs, broke, girl, brookhaven, rebecca zamolo
Id: -_gTRP84xes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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