SHE BEAT ME UP - Matt and Rebecca

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hey sam fam today is very exciting because we are finally announcing oh get off of me yes roblox is the best rebecca rebecca rebecca oh maddie oh hey what are you doing we're having a rebecca i just beat her up and now i'm about to beat you up too what no wait are you scared no i'm not scared no wait really what oh pretty funny i have some good moves but what is that the same thing i used on connor oh no no no no no no no a frying pan really sleep tight matt my rebecca are you okay yeah i use the fake blood just like you said you know that they had me plant cameras all around the house so that way i can gain their trust back and get my key card back yes and the key card will give you access to my potential best friend frog who is trap exactly so what does matt think about all this i haven't told matt you haven't told matt no he'll ruin it and plus we need to convince him too so you're telling me that i have to lie to my husband and pretend that i am getting beat up by you and pranking him by pretending to be injured yes i mean let's do it okay so i need you to give the video a big thumbs up and subscribe to all of these channels right here with notifications on and join the team 20 million clubs so what's the plan okay so look outside there are security cameras painted all over the house so we need to create different situations to make matt react on camera because he is a terrible actor and it will only be believable if it is actually real okay you're right they are going to text me once they think that i've earned their trust so i have to pretend like i'm getting beat up by you and convince them that you are part of the candy cane minions and you're not working with us exactly i am not a double agent in their eyes okay we've got this it's okay if i could just start crawling out okay i'm gonna crawl through the kitchen okay oh my god maggie just beat me up i knew we couldn't trust him hope rebecca's okay she said that she beat up rebecca hope she's okay rebecca you're back up rebecca rebecca you met rebecca hey hey hey hey you okay did maddy beat you up no she didn't beat me up she was just showing me like a move and she did a high kick and it hit me it was an accident i'm gonna throw us out there i think maddie beat me up upstairs matt saying that you beat him up what yeah i woke up on the floor oh matt we're probably sleepwalking again yeah matt where are your bruises you're not bleeding anywhere you don't have a black eye no but my face hurts so bad i mean if you were on the floor you must have fallen down there you didn't sleep on the floor okay well i'm gonna go set up the finger painting in the tiny house okay i'll be there soon maddie you're the best cousin ever rebecca i don't know if we can trust her of course we can trust her she's our cousin and you know what i have missed her while she was gone and i need to connect with her again which is why we're gonna finger paint this was an accident if she tries to beat you up or anything i'm jumping in matt you don't need to jump in maddie is not beating me up are you crazy relax i need to get my zen i'm gonna finger paint okay same thing comment down below did maddie beat me up or was i dreaming that you know what maybe she's right maybe i was sleepwalking during the day but usually when i sleepwalk i don't have a hurt face like this maybe midnight snacking does this i'm gonna go figure paint and figure this out but i'm super successful and there's a whole situation or maybe i'm not i don't know okay i am on my way to the location that maddie says is the hideout or the headquarters or whatever for these candy minions candy ninjas or there's so many suggestions that you guys are giving we need to lock in on a name but i'm on my way because i need to find out where rz twins mind is as you know because of me we lost the challenge that they gave us and party twin's mind is being stored somewhere the game master has her body but i need to find her mine it's on me it's my fault oh you gotta sneak into this location luckily maddie gave me a disguise i need to find out one where are they keeping rz twin's mind and two what does the candy queen want what is her ultimate goal there is so much stuff going on she might have so much stuff planned that reveal was huge how did they get all of those hackers at that part you need to find out where artsy twins mind is i should be getting close i gotta get into this handy minion candy ninja candy whatever uniform i'm ready for some finger painting i'll find you but there is a camera now sit down okay was that are they in another fight i need to get your fingerprints so we're finger painting yes okay faster you better not say anything you have to pretend like everything is fine hey hey hey hey hey hey i'm good what happened my hair just accidentally got caught in like her arm a little bit so my hair got pulled but i'm fine totally fine that's it exactly her hair got caught in my arm what are you guys doing finger painting finger paints because it's fun and relaxing and then and it's just like i did in birth to death with my sandwich by the way you programmed him to be really messy well you know you have to go through the terrible twos this time i actually would rather skip that face well you have to go through it okay man are you okay kind of like snapped they're kind of weird at the end i don't know where you're trying all right well now that we're in the tiny house he's kind of bringing up some old memories and maddie's super happy to finally have you back well i'd rather not be back we would nothing maddy has been through a lot plus she created that birth to death program that we never got to use because it got taken away from me yeah i never got my laptop back you totally used no we never used it i don't know what you're talking about if you're on crazy pills or something okay you know what let's just get back to finger painting because i don't really want my hair pulled again like hair pulled again she doesn't know what she's talking about i mean it slips did we do birth to death yesterday am i going crazy we never did birth to death except for that one time a long time ago with her daughter yeah i've only done one with the daughter matt wait didn't you just say that you were finger painting just like in birth to death yesterday rebecca let's go dry your finger paints outside okay that sounds good anything for cousin bondi out in the warm sun oh yeah okay i'm coming just for fun we're back we're back i want my finger paints to dry didn't we totally go in birth to death yesterday uh you know what this is complicated as far as i know we just went in and had a girl right sam fam actually had a boy no we had a girl math fine come on rebecca we definitely went into birth to death yesterday i don't know what they're talking about so you know what i'm gonna do a little finger painting just like my son did invert the death but this time i want to keep it on side the paper that's right i am inside this warehouse and i hear some of these candy minions around the corner i got to go in use my excellent spy skills and i'm going to find out all my information because i need to find out save rc twin and find out what this candy queen is doing oh i'm gonna lose the glasses gotta pull down this mask let's find out what they're doing they're gonna talk like this okay you got this here we go comment down below if you think i'm gonna find out any information and also give this video a thumbs up if you think i will save rz twin here we go okay rebecca there is a security camera right over there but we are just out of range so we need to make it sound like we are fighting loud enough so that the security camera inside can see matt reacting and believe that we actually got into a fight okay well when matt comes out he's gonna see that we're not her no i locked him in oh you locked him in the tiny house that's so good and remember i have to pretend to beat you up so that way i can gain their trust back and they'll finally give me back my key card and dress why do you need the dress we just need the key cards so we can rescue frog i mean it's kind of cute oh it's not that cute okay anyways go ahead beat me up no you have to make it sound like i am like oh take that ow stop maddie don't ah wait what's that rebecca where's she thinks what sneak walk too second trapped inside the tiny house what's happening rebecca you hear that oh sounds like she's getting beat up outside maddie quit beating up rebecca what is going on i'm ready i'm gonna break your leg you're gonna oh seriously my leg was that necessary yeah it seems a little you must be freaking out right now that you are literally beating me up maddie oh my legs yeah do you think this is working ow now you'll never be able to run again ah that's so mean there she is rebecca she's limping she's looking no no no ricky okay sit down yeah where's maddie going what happened what happened it sounded like you broke your leg out there i didn't break my leg it got hit i was putting the papers down and then it just hit the wall hit the wall i think i broke it though try to walk on it i don't think i can't wait then you might have broke it you wanna go to the doctor can i just get a brace no i wanna hang out with maddie i haven't spent time with her maddie what'd you do i was just washing my hands getting all the finger paint off no i totally saw you run back run by wear it to the back you were like right up there you ran back you broke her leg are you seeing things matt no i'm not seeing anything i told you i just hit it against the wall oh you said okay maddie i think we got to kick you out of the house take me out of the house yeah you're out watch her out matt she leaves i'm leaving that is not fair oh she didn't beat me up it's not her fault my leg broke i can't totally just beat you up maddie wait matt were you sleepwalking again is this another bad dream okay you know i'm not sleepwalking let's get rebecca smile come on we're back up back in the house matt here we're gonna do a tick tock okay i'm gonna keep doing the tick tock we'll do tik tok later no we're doing it now we need to spend time we're cousins maybe you could be in it too ow what rebecca this looks really bad okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa maddie what was that all about i don't know her leg must have given out rebecca you okay i just totally pushed you no it was my leg it gave up maddie go get a brace and a ring light so we can do the tick tock okay i'm gonna be fine right what is going on fine and he's totally beating us up today she's not beating me up everything's totally fine i've just been really klutzy today i've been falling down a lot okay but i might need help with the tick tock because i don't know what i can do with my leg no i'll help out but this is looking really bad right now comment down below is maddie beating up rebecca maybe i'm seeing things but this is really bad timing right now with everything that's going on oh hey you're back how'd the van drop off go uh bam bam yes uh band drop off went real real good wait wait a second where's your face mask at i am wearing my face mask right here oh no no your head's leaving oh you know laundry day you know how smelly it get i mean you smell right now you guys keep talking about everything that you were talking about just pretend i'm not here i'm gonna go find something to do in this area all right we got some work to do over there sounds good i'll be right over here just keep talking who did the cookies get to oh yeah i gave the master list to the girl scout troop leader of troop 744 oh but you know what they did they got three youtubers on that list and then once those youtubers eat the cookies they'll be hypnotized and be able to influence millions wait what are they saying about the girl scouts do you think they're putting some of the candy in the girl scout cookies i don't even know they said something about seven four four giving the list a list you need to find a list let me see if i can get closer i need to find out more information i am not hearing anything about rz twin yet all right rebecca you sure that you want to do a tick tock right now i'm pretty sure that you have a broken leg no i told maddie that i would do a tick tock i want to bond with my cousin okay we have a better location this is like right next to the hot tub if you fall in that's gonna be bad okay we're not going in the hot tub mat and this is the perfect location for lighting okay yeah okay which one are we doing the poof be gone oh yeah i know this one how to say maddie five six seven 8. hey you can't be in the hot tub right now what happened it's okay i think i must have slipped maddie what'd you do she didn't do it it was me i lost my balance in the tick tock okay well you went in a hot tub you're not supposed to go in a hot tub no no don't worry it was turned off everything's fine it wasn't hot it's literally the same temperature as the pool and i'm allowed to do that so i'm sure are you okay yeah set my neck honestly i think i might have got whiplash out it's hurting let's get her in the house ah maddie can you grab a neck brace or something oh yeah you okay hey how's everything going over here yeah day shift made a mess we're trying to clean it up oh man what a mess okay i'm gonna keep cleaning over here then all right you keep cleaning over there we'll keep working on the wall making sure it's all ready thank you when's that big shipment coming in oh the big shipment the big shipments coming sunday but the candy queen's handling that wait shipments what shipment are they talking about a big shipment coming on sunday if this shipment has anything to do with are the twin or the girl scouts i need to see if i can hear anything more but right now there's something going on with the girl scouts and there's also something going on with a big shipment on sunday okay there's a lot of information yeah i can get a little bit closer i need to find out what else the candy queen's doing with this big shipment and where is rz twin are you guys digging something it was using a shovel to paint the wall shovel to paint the wall that doesn't make any sense no i wasn't making even intense the kangaki really likes the design there's a tool for that this is for digging okay does that feel better yeah it feels better i just feel a little light-headed okay well you know what actually good idea i should look at the tick tock and see what happened when you fell in i'm absolutely taking out tick-tock balance okay i'm just glad that the hot tub wasn't actually heated right now it's happened to me before and i looked at it a million times okay it looks like maddie just pushed you inside of the house i haven't heard anything rebecca wait weren't you saying that you were like hungry oh yeah maddie's right we've been bonding a lot but i was mentioning that i am just been craving pickles and peanut butter matt okay well we have some no i want the like giant ones we only have the little ones i ate all those last night and instead of the jif one can you get an organic peanut butter i'm trying to only eat organic the organic store is so far away i know but please smack do it for your wife yeah okay but i have to set some ground rules right now no more tick tocks and maddy you better not hurt her at all okay matt she didn't hurt me it's not like she beat me up it was my fault sure feels like she's beating everybody up right now i never beat her up okay i'm going to the store all right game master vips i'm gonna put that tick tock on the game master network app i feel like something fishy is going on right now and i need your help to figure out exactly what happened did she push her inside of the hot tub it looks like i'm going to the organic store now okay matt is gone come on rebecca over here to the bathroom okay come on okay ow any day now hurry up stop it's hurting don't make me beat you up again oh no i can't okay maddie did it work did they text you you texted me but they said that it's not enough they still don't trust me okay well we need to get that key card so we can rescue frog my potential best friend i know so you're gonna have to go more extreme more extreme okay so what are you thinking i think we're gonna have to battle royale all right fam i'm going to the store right now to go get my wife some peanut butter and pickles i mean she's been craving that a lot lately but today she's having some bad luck so i want to make sure that she is super happy and gets everything that she needs but is anybody else thinking what i'm thinking right now maddie is acting super weird semi-sus even right now she's been through a lot i know and she says she's back with us but it feels like she's like working for somebody else comment down below can we trust maddie right now she is acting so weird but you know what is awesome we made it six times on the new york times bestseller list which means that game master summer school book is doing really good shout out to you guys that got the book and tagged us on instagram and while we're there we actually have some new merch on you have the are you kidding me shirt also some other really cool awesome summer tanks go over to and get your merch and tag us on instagram for a shout out shout out to you guys that did that already way to go guys let's just get to the store get back so i can make sure that rebecca's okay if anything else bad happens to her i don't know if she can take it right now she's going through a lot don't don't all right oh still nothing they still don't trust me and we need to get that key who are back in order to rescue frog but i feel really bad for having to pretend to beat up rebecca but you know what we're just gonna have to keep getting more and more extreme comment down below what else you think we can do i'm just happy that matt really thinks it's real hopefully his reactions will get them to believe that i am beating her up time to beat her up some more do you think it's working we have to go a little more extreme okay ow take that out how do you like a broken arm oh why are you beating me up maddie all right well i got everything it took a little bit longer to get the nice peanut butter that she's wanting now but you know let's check on daniel see how he's doing supposed to be over at the warehouse oh no hey what's that oh sorry sorry my phone went off sorry my phone went off you know how things are you just get called during the day i'm sorry i should have silenced my phone well you keep that on silent you know the candy queen doesn't like phones at work you get us in trouble it's your high you got it why didn't daniel pick up he's gonna be okay let's just get back home get the peanut butter and pickles back to my wife and make sure that she has the best stay in i gotta get the van and prepare for the big shipment with the girl scouts all right well you go pick it up make sure it's filled with gas this time we don't want to reap you the last time okay we'll be here okay you stay there i told you i almost got caught in there if they're talking about that girl scout troop leader has this master list and they're targeting youtubers and when are they actually doing this let me try and hack in okay i'm in their system it's not super protected maybe maddie's leaving it's not completely protected let me get around this far okay perfect okay here's all the information about the girl scouts the girl scout leader is meeting with troop 744 on saturday with that master list we need to get that master list because we need to figure out what youtubers have been given these cookies so let me send them changing the address now i'm going to send this troop leader to matt and rebecca's house that means we're gonna have to be girl scouts for a day we don't have to be a girl scout whatever we gotta do because we need to figure out what they're doing to these youtubers okay everything's all set and just sneak out of here all right rebecca i have your organic peanut butter and the pickles these are the ones that i know you're gonna love rebecca what happened what happened you okay no i tripped and kind of fell down the stairs and my arm's just really hurting oh my gosh you broke your arm too now yeah but it's fine i think i'm just going to rally so i can play what happened right there did maddie hit you with the frying pan what no yeah no but it's all part of the falling down the stairs so i'm going down the stairs yeah but right now maddie wants to play dodge ball so i'm gonna go play dodge ball my leg's feeling better though i don't think it's broken oh oh my gosh little's tender ow maddie i'm coming with you all right same fam i'm trying to read between lines because none of the stories that rebecca is saying are making sense they keep on like switching she like broke her leg then she didn't break her leg now she broke her arms she fell in the hot tub it's not the hot tub wasn't on thank goodness but why would she go and play dodge ball with maddie in the backyard after breaking her arm and leg looks like her neck is messed up and now her eye go out there and support my wife with whatever she wants but my guard is up same fam do you think that something's going on so you're trying to cover up something yes we're playing dodgeball oh it's girls only dodgeball match there's no such thing as girls only dodgeball for me yeah no no no no rebecca has to play yeah no no i can play you're not playing it's just me rebecca you're ready oh whoa hey whoa slow down oh right in the head maddie girl's only dodge ball okay ow rebecca get her back get her back i wish i could play for you just throw it yes oh yeah good throw rebecca in a broken leg no i'm gonna hit you in the belly you're gonna hit rebecca in the belly no no no no no no oh are you kidding me what maddie what was that all about i said it's girl's only dodgeball why are you trying to ruin this why are you trying to throw her in the belly you know what's going on maddie are you kidding [Applause] is it clear right here it's clear here clear what did it work it worked i got the text you caught the test maddie was told to beat us up and she had to earn their trust so she could get the key card so we can rescue frogs i knew we couldn't trust her no no you can trust me it was also a prank and now it actually worked and they trust me again she wasn't actually beating me up wait so everything that you did to me was real it was real you're a bad actor you hit me in the face with the frying pan that we had told you you would have never been able to act like you just did which was great by the way i can act no matter so you get the key card can you get there and get frog yes i will rescue frog okay i have to go now though okay so zamfam you guys know that frog has been trapped and i want to know if frog can be my potential best friend and get a face reveal so maddie is going to bring her back and i am so excited i wonder if daniel got any information sneaking into the warehouse you're right you should be getting back any minute let's get inside rebecca how are we going to explain that black eye to daniel though it's makeup i did it myself clean it off i told you you could trust me you've done well this time thank you and here's a dress back welcome back to the team thank you do you think that dog is in this room let's see you can trust me come on i'm gonna take you back to rebecca your best friend watch out they're watching i just sneak over come on all right what was that ah that was nothing all right guys where are you cleaning up you look a lot better without that makeup on what happened to you guys long story daniel i just got back from sneaking into the warehouse where the candy queen entered mangroom guys are yeah why don't you pick up your phone okay i'm sorry i was undercover what did you find i overheard the candy queen is hypnotizing people through girl scout cookies what anna they're targeting three youtubers that's what's really important right now there's also some big shipment going on but first we need to handle these girl scout cookies okay so what's your plan daniel we're gonna have to become girl scouts for a day for a day okay zam fam then i need you to subscribe with notifications onto the rebecca's mobile channel because on saturday it looks like we're becoming girl scouts girl scouts i'm a boy though
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 11,039,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: she, beat, me, up, in real life, rebecca zamolo, matt and rebecca, matt, rebecca, maddie, daniel, zamfam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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