Stalker Found My Dream House in Brookhaven Roblox

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i have a jacuzzi in my living room you're eating the pizza you gotta save it for the housewarming party he must have been stalking us from the grocery store wait there's a car again hey vampire gaming today i am playing brookhaven for the first time in roblox and i am about to find myself my dream house all right let's get started okay sam sam sewing in brookhaven a ton of you guys have wanted me to try this and i am very excited to find my dream house welcome to brookhaven to find a home use the home to remove a home do that okay well that seems like the obvious thing to do when you move to a new town you've got to find a new house so let's find a house not just any house a dream house preferably a mansion i have to find a vacant piece of land let's do it perfect let's see you guys it looks like there's some star ones those look like the fancy ones you guys know i have some robux to spend so i am gonna find the nicest house i could possibly find and that oh this one looks good let's build my dream house oh my gosh zambian gaming this house is huge it's got like 10 rooms so that was so fast what it looks so good i need to go explore my new house it's on parkland and brookhaven let's go up and see what my dream house looks like so i am just gonna go around oh look at this you guys i have a view of all of brookhaven oh hey brookhaven what's up okay i'm just gonna lay down enjoy my life in my new mansion in brookhaven wow oh stop it has a barbecue i think i want to build a burger let's fire up the grill oh okay i don't want my new mansion to catch on fire so that looks pretty good in case i want to you know have a housewarming party or something later okay let's turn this off because i have more of my house to show you guys okay now to go to my front door oh my gosh you guys is that a fireplace let me just turn on the fire how romantic now i'm just gonna kick back with my fire look at me just like enjoying life oh there that's a better view of me just relaxing can't relax too long i think i should probably turn off the fire because i don't want to burn down my new house ooh is that a tv should i turn that on assistant oh oh my gosh i have a giant flat screen tv what a puppy cops family life okay what should we watch you guys rags to riches ooh beach breaking news okay hopefully nothing is breaking news here i don't want to have anyone messing with my new mansion nobody breaking in look at this you guys seriously the view is so nice i could just sit here have breakfast in the morning like whoa look at me in my new house okay i'm not trying to brag i just really love this house it's got a stove i don't really do much cooking but you know we'll take it if i did that would be useful ooh a microwave oh my gosh zamfam i have a jacuzzi in my living room hold on it changes colors this is so cool i have a jacuzzi in my living room what else is here i see there's a computer hacker computer roadblocks what else is on here messages job search okay i probably should get a job you're scanning for virus brookhaven bank 1.7 million dollars do you think that's how much this house is worth zamfam comment below what you think all right what is the store right here all right let's see where am i wait a second is this what i think it is is this an elevator do i have an elevator in my dream house okay let me see if i take the arrow up oh i'm on the second floor you guys this is awesome okay let's see what this floor is there's so many rooms this looks like a very nice bedroom can i see over oh i can look downstairs this looks like a loft or something okay this is another bedroom what am i seeing oh bunk beds oh my gosh maybe i'll just take a nap i'm gonna climb up and i'm gonna sleep oh look at me i'm going to sleep just kidding i am doing a house door i don't have time to sleep ooh but look you guys the whole city let's check out some more rooms ooh another one you guys i have a view of the whole city zamfam gaming this is awesome should i go up it looks like there's like another floor okay i'm going back in i'm gonna go down is this two-story or three-story i'm not really sure is someone at my front door hold on wait the chat says hey sis wait brother welcome to brookhaven is this the dream house you're talking about this is my dream house what do you think oh my gosh well this is quite the dream house i'd say this is massive do you want to check out the downstairs i mean i kind of already did a little bit of a house tour for zamfam gaming oh yeah absolutely lead the way okay well first off michael you have to see this this is insane man i could get used to this now you can get used to it even more because there is a fire i don't want it catching on fire so we got to put it out i have more things to show you okay you ready all right i'm ready i have a jacuzzi oh is this in your living room with your kids in your living room who has this just go in just take a relax who does this this is incredible you're not gonna believe this door right over here there's so much to show you look at this elevator what even elevated your house yeah but let's go down to the bottom floor i haven't seen the bottom floor yet all right we're down whoa oh this is a big garage that means that i can get a ton of different cars with this you know this could be like a nice dance studio for you or something oh yeah damn fam gaming comment below what i should do with this room here wait let's see the backyard mike look at all this grass little picnic table whoa look at this oh this is so nice we've gotta have a housewarming party for you so housewarming party let's go to the grocery store pick up some party supplies i am down let's go can you drive though all right let's go i've got a car waiting what kind of car you have you know i went with affordable nice car it looks like an oldsmobile but it's blue my favorite color i'll take it oh i'm driving on the rocks out of the road that's okay though here right yeah it's brookhaven right you can do anything keep it agreed all right i'm running a red light don't tell anyone we got a party to play for okay i honestly forgot where i live see if you gave me a comment below what streets did i live on i honestly forget all right we are here let's eat some food i'm gonna grab a card oh i'm just gonna ride your shopping cart because i'm kind of lazy get out of my cart what are you doing in my cart house party is at my house so you know that's the least we can do wait can we at least get some pizza let's get some pizza got some okay wait i didn't get any pizza you're eating the pizza you got to save it for the housewarming party sorry about that let's get some sandwiches just so we can have a little bit everything here i'm eating my sandwich and who wants some milk at a housewarming party but you know what we'll take it are you gonna provide some healthy options yes like a hershey's reese's something like that there's the party candy right here all right let's hurry up here oh i want coke i love coke i shouldn't have coke but i still want it plus my dream house okay i gotta celebrate i think you're gonna have to get off so i can pay for some food here wait brookhaven makes you pay it's the rule here we spray some dollar bills out here for y'all we need a bag let's hit the road oh it's rain it's gonna mess up my hair wait a minute my car moves how did my car get over here what the heck quick get it okay i'm in okay all right all right we gotta go zamphian gaming if you wanna come to my housewarming party in brookhaven comment down your username i am rebecca underscore zfg we have mike underscore zfg so if you guys are looking for us in roblox let's go in let's go i need to dry up a little here let's just put the food up here nice okay wait i'm gonna have a little snack real quick doing all this hard labor is uh making me very hungry what if we start the grill i mean a housewarming party would not be complete with like burgers fries all that stuff let's do it oh hey becca you should what did you just lock me in no i don't know why are you laying down ah just check it oh my gosh i was like what real quick rebecca you should not have your bank account up on your computer for guests to see that's a little private information that's how you get your identity stolen oh okay yep i knew that at least get some like dogs or something to distract here i'll leave it on shopping my favorite thing can we barbecue in the rain oh we could try all right well we have to invite a ton of people if this is my new house i'm throwing a housewarming party and oh look at the grill it's going oh yeah this is going to be an awesome party yeah we got to get all our friends over here we got a huge invite list bring all the xanthan rebecca are you expecting someone here no i'm not expecting anyone i just saw this car drive by what do you mean i don't know hey it stopped raining wait what are you saying where is the car i swear i saw a truck drive by that i thought i saw earlier but i guess that could be a mistake wait wait that's the truck are you serious it's like he's doing loops around our house or something i say our house because i'm already moving in i mean we're family but wait zamfam gaming have you seen this car before i mean it's empty here in brookhaven we haven't even told anyone that we're here no one knows that we are in brookhaven do you have any stalkers or anything i feel like wait is this the evil in evelyn that followed us from when we were playing piggy no michael that was a ghost and that ghost is gone there is no more evil in zamfam gaming you guys remember when we played piggy at 3am and evelyn was in the game it was a ghost we trapped her comment below if you saw what happened and how we trapped her wait there's a car good stop it's a man oh wait it's a sh it's somebody's in there so it's not evil in but what is okay rebecca i think we need to get inside here and i think we need to call the police seriously this is very sketchy wait no one's supposed to be here no one even knows that we're here yet i haven't told anyone i moved this is like a stalker's figured out where you live or something he must have been stalking us from the grocery store wait i don't think that he was stalking us zamfam gaming did you see the car wait if i see the car one more time then i'm gonna call the police but if i don't michael it might have been just like a person running errands he's coming towards us again where he just turned right over here are you pranking me right now i'm not joking all right let's get inside come on wait oh the truck is right there the truck is right there we need to get inside no i said we're gonna call the police zamfam gaming make sure you are subscribed with notifications on comment below do you think we should call the police do you think that is a stalker let us know and let us know what you want us to do next in brookhaven i mean we are gonna throw a house party let me know if you wanna come you
Channel: Zamfam Gaming
Views: 520,029
Rating: 4.919035 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, brookhaven, rp, stalker, dream, house, roblox brookhaven, rebecca zamolo
Id: ZhTlGAkD-Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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