He experienced the WORST medical screw up ever (*MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY*)

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sometimes the truth is Stranger Than Fiction and today we're going to look at three stories that demonstrate that but before we get into today's stories if you're a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format then you come to the right place because that's all we do and we upload once or twice every week so if that's of interest to you please offer to make the like button a nice oregano grilled cheese but instead of using oregano use ground up poison ivy also please subscribe to our Channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly uploads alright let's get into today's stories foreign [Music] in the late 1800s a deadly phenomenon was occurring in America fire departments were beginning to use these large safety nets that resembled these huge circular stretches of canvas to try to save people that were stuck in burning buildings during a multi-story fire these firefighters would show up and they would get out this big net and they would all take up positions around it holding on to the edges and then they would move it directly underneath one of the windows of the burning building and then they would call out to the people inside to jump out of the window onto the net and then when they jumped the firefighters would make sure to maneuver the net to try to catch the person right in the middle breaking their fall and saving their lives however the deadly phenomenon was that these people who were stuck in these buildings were more afraid to make the jump onto the net than they were of the fire and so despite the firefighters constant urges to please just jump they would stay put and they would die in The Fire And so fire departments All Over America were desperately trying to find ways to educate the American public about the relative safety of these nets that's certainly making this jump is a better bet than staying in an actively burning building but despite their efforts Americans were still staying put in these buildings and dying unnecessarily in 1883 which was around the time of this deadly phenomenon a diving instructor working out of Washington DC named Robert Odlum heard about this issue and he thought to himself you know if Americans just maybe saw someone make the jump successfully they wouldn't be afraid anymore and since Robert was a diving instructor and so was very comfortable jumping from Heights he thought well who better to make these demonstrations than me and so in collaboration with several Washington DC fire departments Robert began hosting these demonstrations where he would leap out of multi-story buildings on to the safety net and very quickly these demonstrations began attracting very big crowds but not because they wanted the education of the event they just wanted to see someone jump out of a building onto a net it was like a circus act and Robert who was not expecting this to happen found himself really enjoying the attention he was garnering and so pretty quickly he stopped doing demonstrations to show off fire net safety and instead began jumping off of huge bridges into bodies of water just because people thought it was awesome he was becoming this celebrity in Washington DC and soon Robert began taking his show all over the country basically touring to all these Bridges All Over America and he would put out these flyers all over the city encouraging people to show up to the bridge on the day of his jump and then when he would get to the bridge there'd be hundreds and hundreds of people cheering him on but Robert's very unlikely and Rapid rise to Fame and Fortune quickly spawned copycats and in 8 1885 so two years after Robert had begun this jumping Venture his popularity was beginning to wane because he was no longer as unique before it was really just him doing these jumps and now he was kind of a commodity and so feeling desperate to become relevant again Robert thought to himself you know I gotta do something that sets me apart from all the other bridge jumpers I gotta do something that nobody else has done that way I can once again become the bridge jumper and it just so happened there was a bridge that had recently been constructed in New York called the Brooklyn Bridge that was massive it spanned 1600 feet from Brooklyn across the East River to New York City and at its highest point it was a whopping 130 feet off of the water and so if Robert made that jump he would actually set the record for the highest bridge jump ever but by this point bridge jumping had become popular enough that police had caught on to it and they had made it illegal mostly to protect the bridge jumpers from themselves and so anytime police saw advertisements For an upcoming Bridge jump they would show up to the location on the day of the jump in force and they would stop the jumper from jumping and so Robert knew this but he still needed to get the word out about this big Brooklyn Bridge jump and so he created a very clever Word of Mouth campaign amongst people in New York and he also began handing out these flyers that were fairly cryptic but still told people where to go and at what time for this big spectacle they were going to see and on May 19th of that year the day of the jump Robert's underground advertising campaign had worked beautifully by early that morning the Brooklyn Bridge was covered with hundreds and hundreds of people also down in the banks as well there's all these people who are all waiting to see Robert make this record-setting jump Robert had become a bit of a showman since he began doing these bridge jumps and he had developed a sort of trademark entrance he would arrive in a black horse and carriage and then once it's stopped on the bridge he would leap out and he'd be wearing this long coat and he would take it off revealing his swimsuit and the crowd would cheer and then he would wave to the crowd and then he would just run to the edge and leap off the bridge and so on May 19th all these people who were waiting for Robert they're looking for this black horse and carriage and around noon time someone spotted it it was coming onto the bridge from the Brooklyn side and then once it stopped on the bridge the door flung open and Robert leapt out in his big coat he ripped his coat off revealing his swimsuit the crowd was going wild everyone was so pumped about this he's waving and getting ready and he starts running to the railing to make this jump and before he jumps the police swarm him and arrest him the police were not dumb they had caught on to this underground advertising campaign and so like everyone else they were out in force on this bridge there were all these officers everywhere and so as soon as they saw this Carriage they immediately rushed over intercepted it and they stopped him and so as they're arresting Robert the crowd is starting to boo and they're chanting let him jump let him jump and the police were all kind of gathered on the Brooklyn side of the bridge they're telling people to start to disperse and as they're doing this something incredible happens on the far other side of the bridge on the New York side of the bridge another black horse and carriage had just come to a stop on the bridge the doors had flung open and a man had jumped out wearing a long coat he had ripped it off revealing a swimsuit and the crowd went wild it was the real Robert Odlum the man the police had arrested was actually an actor that Robert had paid to pretend to be him Robert had told him to show up at a particular time and make the typical entrance that he would in order to suck all the police to that side of the bridge and then while that was happening Robert would show up and have enough time and space to make the jump and his plan had worked perfectly and so the police who were on the Brooklyn side they see this happening and they realize there's no no way they can run all the way across the bridge and stop Robert before he makes the jump and so like everyone else they just kind of walk to the railing and they watched and so the real Robert after revealing his swimsuit he waved to the crowd he's smiling everyone's going crazy and he runs over to the railing he climbs onto the other side and he's looking out over the water and he gives one more wave to everyone down below in boats and on the banks and on the sides of the bridge and everyone's going crazy and then he jumps onlookers would later say that at first his jump was perfect as soon as he leapt off the bridge like he always did he put his right arm straight over his head and he tucked his left arm by his side this allowed him to stay in an upright vertical position as he fell but just a second into his fall a strong gust of wind blew Robert off his access and suddenly he was falling on his side now it's important to understand bridge jumpers when they jump from really high heights they need to land feet first in a vertical position this allows their feet to quote break the surface tension of the water before the rest of their body comes crashing down and if they do it that way the water functions much like the firefighter's safety net it will break the Jumper's fall and save their life but if the jumper lands at basically any other angle the water tension will not break fast enough before the rest of their body hits the surface of the water and so the water instead of functioning like a net that will save them will actually function like concrete so after this gust of wind had blown Robert onto his side he began flailing in midair to try to get himself back to his upright vertical position but he couldn't do it in time and so he slammed into the water directly on his right side and when the crowd saw this they figured something was wrong but they didn't really know it so everyone just kind of gasped and waited to see what would happen next and they're looking and then finally Robert emerges from the deep except he's face down and he's motionless and so some of Robert's friends were on a boat below oh they leapt into the water they swam over to Robert they pulled him back to the boat they got him up on the deck and when they looked at him he looked awful there was blood coming out of his mouth he was barely conscious and he would just say to them did I make a good jump and then he would die and autopsy would reveal that Robert's impact with the surface of the water had basically obliterated all of his insides amongst other things his liver his spleen and both his kidneys had ruptured and all of the ribs on his right side were broken a year later another bridge jumper named Larry Donovan would make the jump off of the Brooklyn Bridge and survive setting the record for the highest bridge jump at the time foreign 1978 49 year old Georgie Markov who was originally from Bulgaria was living in London and working as a reporter for the British Broadcasting Company or BBC for short Georgie had moved to London six years earlier and in the early days of him being in the UK he would always take a cab or a bus to work but over the last couple of years he had taken to walking to work Not only was it great exercise but he also just loved the scenery in particular he liked on his commute to stop on the Waterloo Bridge this very famous bridge in London where from that position he had a beautiful view of the Westminster palace on one side and he had the iconic London eye on the other which is a very famous Ferris wheel so on the morning of September 7th of that year Georgie got up and he left his flat and he began his typical commute into work however by the time he reached the Waterloo Bridge and was getting ready to take in the sights it had started to rain and Georgie did not have an umbrella and so instead of sightseeing seeing he just kept on walking as quickly as he could to try to get to his office before he got completely soaked but by the time he was just on the other side of the Waterloo Bridge and still had quite a distance to cover to get to work the skies had completely opened up and so as much as Georgie wanted to walk because this was something he really enjoyed he decided it was not worth it and so he began looking for a bus stop and he found one pretty quickly and he rushed over to it there was an awning that the commuters could stand underneath and so he ran underneath the saunting getting out from under the rain and then he proceeded to wait for the next bus to take him the rest of the way as he stood there waiting he suddenly felt a shooting pain in the back of his right thigh and instinctively without even knowing what it was he just reached down and grabbed his leg but he couldn't feel anything and then he tried to kind of look around and look down at his leg but it was just too crowded around him so he really couldn't do it and so he's standing there puzzled still grabbing at his leg wondering what could have caused this pain and the only things he could think of were you know maybe someone near him had a pen or a pencil out and they accidentally poked him or maybe it's some sort of bug that bit him a spider or a bee or something he didn't know but there weren't that many scenarios that made sense to him but before he could spend very much time dwelling on what had caused this the bus arrived and Georgie turned around he hopped on board and by the time the bus pulled up in front of his office building and he had gone through the doors of the BBC Georgie had effectively forgotten about this pain in his leg but when he got up to his actual desk and sat down on his chair when the underside of his thigh made contact with his chair it sent that shooting pain into his leg and immediately he noticed it it was almost like he had a splinter stuck in the back of his thigh and by pressing it down on the seat it was driving that splinter deeper into his leg and so Georgie stood up immediately and he's grabbing at the back of his leg and he's kind of craining his head to look down at the back of his leg but you know he doesn't see anything there and so he's standing there wondering what he should do he's got a really busy day ahead of him and he's he's thinking you know should I maybe go to the bathroom and see what this is but then he tells himself you're overthinking it this has got to be something minor you know I need to get to work and so he sat back down in his chair being very careful with his right leg when he placed it down so as not to press too hard on the spot that hurt and then he just got to work and over the course of several hours even though he knew there was kind of a dull aching pain in the back of his leg he mostly forgot about it he was just doing his job but by the second half of the day in the early afternoon the pain in his leg had become so excruciating that Georgie was literally gritting his teeth and sweating profusely in order to try to ignore the pain but at some point it just became too much he couldn't focus on work and so he stood up he left his desk and he walked down the hall and he went into these single stall bathroom and once he went inside and he shut the door behind him he pulled his pants down and turned around and looked in the mirror to use the reflection to look at the back of his leg and right away there was a little bit of a relief there because because what he saw was a little bit of redness a little bit of swelling but nothing significant it looked very much like someone must have hit him with a pencil by accident or maybe it was a bee sting or a spider bite or something but whatever it was it was definitely minor at least in Georgie's mind and so he pulls his pants back up he tucks his shirt back in he leaves the bathroom and goes back to his desk and then he sits down and despite this intense pain in his leg he's convinced himself it's no big deal and so he just kind of grits his way through the rest of his work day when he finally got home again and walked through the door Georgie's wife looked at him and was like what's wrong with you he was so pale he was sweating profusely he looked awful and so he told her about what had happened with his leg and he was still trying to kind of write it off but she told him Georgie you are sick there's something wrong we have to go to the hospital right now and so at this point Georgie was miserable and so he agreed to go and so the pair they made their way over to the emergency room at the hospital they go inside and a doctor pulled Georgie into an exam room him and said okay you know tell me what's going on why are you here and George you would explain how in his morning commute he had stopped at this bus stop and then felt this shooting pain and then he told the doctor you know I'm pretty convinced this is someone who might have accidentally jabbed me with a pen or a pencil or it's a bug bite a spider bite I don't know what it is but I'm convinced it's something minor it's the doctor he hears this and he asks Georgie to stand up pull his pants down so the doctor can get a look at the site and so Georgie does he gets up he drops his pants and then as the doctor bends down and begins looking at the back of his thigh Georgie kind of turns around and looks down and he's shocked at what he sees even though he does not have a full view of the back of his leg it's obvious that the swelling and redness on the back of his leg has grown exponentially it looks totally horrible and so after a couple of minutes of the doctor looking at the back of his leg the doctor stands up and looks puzzled and tells Georgie hold on a minute I need somebody else to get a look at this and so the doctor goes out into the main hall he comes back with another doctor and that doctor comes over he bends down and he looks looks at the back of Georgie's leg as well and after the two of them kind of talk to each other and they're looking at the back of his leg they stand up and they walk around and they're facing Georgie now and they say okay this is going to sound totally weird but when you were at the bus stop before you felt the pain in your leg was anyone around you holding a snake or a reptile I know that sounds crazy but the mark on the back of your leg looks exactly like a venomous bite so Georgie's like no I didn't see anyone with snakes or reptiles there was nothing out of the ordinary about what was happening around me when I felt this pain in my leg we were all just standing there and then I felt it in my leg that was it and so the doctors would tell Georgie that you know they didn't really know what was going on with his leg and so the best thing to do here is just to admit him to the hospital and monitor him and you know try to run some tests on him and try to make him comfortable and so that night Georgie was admitted to the hospital he was set up in his own hospital room and right away the nurses and doctors began administering different combinations of medicines and treatment to try to lower the swelling and the pain in his leg but it just seemed like nothing was working and so all night his condition seemed to get worse not better and then the next day when he woke up his leg was much much worse it was extremely swollen it almost looked like a balloon that had been completely filled it was very red and Georgie himself was also beginning to lose touch with reality he had become convinced that someone had tried to kill him and that was why he was so sick and this delusion of his got so extreme that he was afraid of his doctors and nurses and so it became a big challenge trying to help him because he was effectively fighting them off by the next day Georgie's condition overall had become critical he was very clearly on the brink of death and his mind was effectively gone but the doctors and the nurses really had no idea what was going on with him and so there was nothing they could do to help him and then on the last day he was in the hospital the third day Georgie would die his body just shut down given these strangeness of Georgie's death his body was sent for an autopsy to try to figure out what had caused that leg pain because that seemed to be the trigger that ultimately killed him and sure enough during the autopsy the coroner made a surprising discovery buried in the back of his right leg right underneath the site that was where he felt the pain was this little piece of metal it was so small the coroner actually almost didn't see it but when he did see it he put it under the microscope and what he saw was this obviously man-made metallic disc that had these two small reservoirs drilled into it and so they sent this disc off for further testing and what they discovered was there was ricin residue inside of those two reservoirs rycin is an extremely powerful poison it is more lethal than Cyanide and it has no antidote and the symptoms of ricin poisoning often look like the symptoms of other diseases or illnesses and so it's very difficult to diagnose us and so as a result of these factors ricin is a very popular poison for assassinations and the belief is that that is exactly what happened to Georgie he was assassinated but to this day we don't actually know who assassinated him however the running theory is that Georgie who was a reporter for the BBC he covered politics and he often spoke very critically about the Soviet Union and so this Theory goes that the Soviet Union's intelligence agency known as the KGB they assassinated Georgie for what he was writing about adding Credence to this Theory a former KGB officer named Oleg calligan who was exiled to the United States in 1991 he claimed that he oversaw the assassination program that targeted Georgie Markov he said what they did is they put this little tiny disc that metal disc with the ricin inside of it they put that at the tip of an umbrella and they made sure the disc itself was fairly Sharp and then the KGB assassin with this umbrella simply followed Georgie on his typical morning commute and then when he stopped at that bus stop the Assassin jabbed him in the back of the leg and then faded into the crowd according to Oleg those little metallic discs that had the ricin inside of them they were actually covered with a thin layer of wax and only when this disc had been placed inside of the target's body with their body heat melt that wax layer off exposing the poison and then their target would die several days later as Georgie did however oleg's story despite being as compelling as it was didn't have any hard proof to back it up and so to this day there has been no one officially charged with Georgie markov's murder in 2006 73 year old Sherman Sizemore was the definition of a man's man he had spent the bulk of his adult life doing one of the most dangerous jobs in the world mining for coal in West Virginia and while he was a coal miner he apparently had lost track of the amount of times he had nearly been killed from mine shaft collapse and gas leaks later on in life after his kids had all grown up he had retired from coal mining and become an ordained Baptist Minister and despite his harrowing backstory and Burly intimidating appearance he was known to be incredibly gentle and very calming to his parishioners he was also known to be an incredibly devoted grandfather to the point where if there was a chance to spend time with his grandkids he would basically throw all of his responsibilities out the window to do that but in January of that year something changed in Sherman he went from being this pillar in the community to being a deranged paranoid lunatic it all started on the afternoon of January 19th Sherman and his wife Ruby were sitting in their home alone on the couch just kind of doing their own things when suddenly out of the blue Sherman just starts screaming as if he sees something in front of him that's terrifying him and his scream startled Ruby so that she started screaming and so she looks at her husband and he's still just looking straight out ahead he's terrified of something in front of him and so Ruby looks from him to where he's looking then there's nothing there and so she turns back to her husband and she's like what's going on what are you screaming for what are you so scared of but Sherman wasn't able to speak after he stopped screaming he just continued to look straight out as if whatever had terrified him had him in this trance where he couldn't look away and so his eyes are wide his mouth is open his face is going white he's starting to sweat and Ruby's starting to panic she has no idea what's happening with him and So eventually she just holds on to him and says come back to me come back to me and Sherman at some point would he kind of broke out of his trance and he looked at his wife and he just says you can't leave me or they'll kill me Ruby has never seen Behavior like this in her husband ever this is a completely different person she's interacting with and so she has no idea what to do and so instead she just kind of holds on to Sherman and prays that he doesn't start acting like that again but that didn't happen all day long periodically he would just start screaming about something that Ruby couldn't see now Ruby did consider calling 9-1-1 and getting Medics out there but his behavior was so unusual and he was normally such a rock who was so competent who was so healthy that she didn't want to she felt like he would just kind of get through this that if they can just get through today and get into tomorrow that he would be better and so she just all day was comforting him and just dealing with these episodes and then finally they got into bed that night and Ruby's thinking thank goodness we're going to wake up tomorrow and things will be better but when she woke up the next morning it was very obvious Sherman had not slept at all he was looking straight up at the ceiling he looked worse than the day before it was obvious that he was not back to normal and so Ruby called the rest of the family and had them come over to figure out what they were going to do but when Sherman found out his family was coming to his house he told Ruby they can't come inside he was afraid they and others were conspiring to bury him alive the only person he could be around was Ruby and his whole family had no idea what to do little did they know there was actually a very specific reason he was acting the way he was a few months before January 19th which was the day Sherman turned into this different person a few months earlier he began complaining of severe abdominal pains and so he and his wife Ruby and his daughter they went to the hospital and the doctor after examining him and running some tests determined that most likely his pain was coming from his gallbladder but the only way to be sure would be to do some exploratory surgery and literally look inside of Sherman's gut and look at his gallbladder and see if that was the problem and so the doctor asked Sherman you know are you prepared to do an exploratory surgery or would you like to just kind of wait it out and see what happens with this pain and so Sherman talked it over with his wife and his family and they made the decision that the pain was just too much and so they would go forward with the surgery and so on the morning of January 19th so again this is the day that Sherman basically loses his mind he goes into the hospital completely normal he goes in with his wife he goes in with his daughter and he makes his way over to the surgery wing of the hospital he says bye to his family and he's put on a stretcher bed and he's wheeled in and prepped for surgery and then brought into the operating room and while he was in the operating room laying on his stretcher bed flat on his back looking straight up at all these bright lights above him he just struck up some chit chat with the nurses and doctors who were in the room prepping the room for surgery and they were also putting the IV into his arm then at some point one of the nurses lowered the oxygen mask onto Sherman's face so the anesthesiologist could administer the two drug cocktail that would knock him out for the surgery Sherman was scheduled to get something known as general anesthesia for this operation where basically he would be completely out he wouldn't feel anything they'd do the surgery and then he would wake up in recovery and so once this mask was on Sherman's face the anesthesiologist began pumping him full of the drugs that would make him be knocked out for the surgery however the anesthesiologist only administered one of the two drugs necessary for general anesthesia he administered the paralyzing drug but he did not administer the actual anesthetic that would knock him out and most importantly would get rid of all of his pain and so as this mask is on his face and Sherman believes he's being given the proper dosage of drugs the nurse who was nearby told Sherman to go ahead and start counting backwards in his head from 10 knowing full well that Sherman would pass out before he reached zero and Sherman knew this too he had been in surgery before and so he happily began counting in his head 10 9 8 he started to feel something seven six five four three two one boom he was out except he wasn't when he reached zero in his head counting down he realized he had not passed out he began taking mental stock of what was going on and he realized he could completely feel his body but when he tried to move his body he couldn't he was completely paralyzed when he tried to make a sound he couldn't because his vocal cords were also paralyzed the only thing he could move were his eyes he could move them left and right however they had taped his eyes shut so he can't see anything and so Sherman is thinking to himself okay you know I've been given the drugs maybe they're slow acting any minute now I'm gonna drift off to sleep and this will just be a distant memory but after a few seconds he's hearing the doctors and nurses in the room he can't see him but he hears them they seem to be moving towards doing this operation and he's still awake and so Sherman becomes frantic and starts flicking his eyes left and right as fast as he possibly can and the rapid eye movement actually loosened the tape on both of his eyelids and it created a tiny slit that he could actually look through and what he saw tear terrified him the surgeon was walking over next to him he was getting his gloves on and then the surgeon says scalpel and the nurse hands him this chrome metallic blade and the surgeon takes the blade and begins cutting into Sherman's midsection Sherman felt everything but Sherman couldn't do anything about it all he could do was rapidly flick his eyes left and right in hopes one of them would see that he was awake that he was feeling this but no one was paying attention to his face so they didn't see his eyes moving around and so the surgeon continued to cut into his midsection until he had cut out a fairly significantly sized hole at which point the surgeon hands the scalpel to the nurse and says clamps at which point the nurse hands him what looks like a torture device and the surgeon proceeds to use these clamps to pin segments of Sherman's skin that has just been cut open to his body to basically keep the hole open and then the surgeon began tugging on the outsides of this hole in Sherman's mid section making sure it was big enough that he could actually get a good look into his body and every little tug is sending lightning bolts of pain into Sherman's body but again all he can do is flick his eyes left and right and no one's paying attention scope the surgeon called out for and the nurse handed him a camera that he jammed into Sherman's gut and then the surgeon said suction and the nurse got what looked like a vacuum and pressed it inside of this open wound and began sucking out fluids from his body the pain Sherman was experiencing is unimaginable every second felt like an eternity forceps the surgeon called and the nurse handed him these metal prongs that he put inside of this hole in Sherman's body and he used them to dislodge his gallbladder so he could get a better look at it by this point Sherman wanted to die he was no longer flicking his eyes left and right he was just looking straight out hoping someone would finally see him and someone did one of the nurses standing next to the surgeon looked up at at Sherman's face and saw Sherman looking back terrified at the nurse at which point the nurse yelled out stop he's awake he's awake and the surgeon practically faints and he looks over at the anesthesiologist and he calls him get over here and fix this and so the anesthesiologist comes running over from the side of the room he gets up next to Sherman and begins pumping him full of painkillers and as he's doing this he has this Moment of clarity he remembers he didn't give him the anesthetic and so as these new painkillers that have just been introduced begin to take their effect Sherman's eyes go from being terrified to glazed over and he does pass off to sleep and so now he's out and he can't feel anything but now the anesthesiologist and the medical team realize they have a very big problem this patient just experienced 16 minutes of surgery and felt all of it and at the end of it when he wakes up he's going to remember it and he's probably going to file a lawsuit against the hospital and so a decision was made it's unclear if the anesthesiologist acted alone or or if the entire team was in on this but regardless the anesthesiologist administered an additional drug after giving all these painkillers this additional drug was called midazolam but it's better known as the Amnesia drug and like its nickname implies anyone who gets it will forget what has just happened to them and so the idea was by giving him this Amnesia drug he won't remember the trauma he had suffered through during the surgery and so wouldn't file a lawsuit and so after he was given the drug the medical team they went back to doing the surgery they completed it and they got him back out to recovery and then when Sherman woke up in recovery he did not remember what had happened to him inside of the operating room at least not consciously those horrible 16 minutes had been implanted on Sherman's subconscious basically his body recognized that he had experienced extreme trauma however the Amnesia drug wiped away the memory of how he was received that trauma so there's this big disconnect in his memory and so when Sherman came to in the recovery room he immediately sensed something was horribly horribly wrong he was scared he was anxious he had this incredible sense of dread but he had no memory to tie these feelings to and so as Sherman is sitting in recovery he must have tried to kind of hide the way he was feeling because he didn't even remotely understand it he had been completely happy and normal going into the surgery and now a couple of hours later he's a complete mess and so he leaves the hospital that day on January 19th he goes back to his house and he sits on the couch with his wife and as he's sitting there suddenly these horrible feelings he's having they become too much and he basically has a panic attack and he starts screaming out and he's terrified of something but he doesn't know what it is and then over the next couple of days he began having these flashbacks where he would access the actual 16 minutes of torture he went through but when he would see someone cutting in to him is opening his chest up and sucking things out of it he didn't think that happened to me and that's why I feel this way instead he thought it was just this horrible nightmare that he couldn't escape from and so his family did eventually start getting doctors and psychologists and all these people involved to figure out what was wrong with him but before they could figure it out the whole situation had just become too terrible for Sherman and so on February 2nd just two weeks after he came out of that surgery he would take his own life his family was unbelievably heartbroken it didn't seem real that this had happened and so they would continue to dig and dig and figure out what went wrong and they would finally get their hands on the medical report from the gallbladder exploratory surgery on January 19th and after giving it to another doctor to look over this doctor discovered that Sherman had in fact experienced 16 minutes of something known as anesthesia awareness where you are awake or feel a portion of your surgery and shockingly this happens to 20 000 people a year however Sherman's case forgetting the Amnesia drug just literally what he went through 16 full minutes of this really intensive surgery that he felt that is an absolute Rarity that does not happen very often Sherman's family would go on to sue the hospital and they would be awarded an undisclosed amount of money from the hospital in 2008. so that's gonna do it guys if you got something out of today's episode and you haven't done this already please offer to make the like button a nice oregano grilled cheese but instead of using oregano use crushed up poison ivy also please subscribe to our Channel and turn on all notifications so you don't miss any of our weekly one or two video uploads we now have a podcast that puts out weekly brand new stories that are only available in podcast form it is called the Mr Ballin podcast strange dark and mysterious stories you can find it on Apple Amazon Spotify and everywhere else you get your podcasts if you want to connect with me I would encourage you to follow follow and then message me on any major social media platform my username on all of them is Mr Ballin and I really do read the bulk of my messages we also have a second YouTube channel just called Mr ball and shorts where we post random short videos and lost episodes we have a Facebook page where we post condensed 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Channel: MrBallen
Views: 7,448,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, dark, mysterious, true, story, scary, scary story, horror story, disturbing, narration, narrator, storyteller, storytime, storytelling, solved mystery, true crime, surgery, anesthesia, anesthesia awareness, awake during surgery, medical, medical malpractice, violin surgery, brain surgery, tumor, amnesia, West Virginia, lawsuit, insane, lunatic, scared, true story, London, bbc, kgb, assassin, ricin poison, ricin, poison, bug bite, Georgi Markov, Brooklyn Bridge, bridge jump, nyc, circus, fall, jumper
Id: ny_s07D-LT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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