r/facepalm Best Posts #24

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okay now before I start this video I just want to say I have started up a new discord server so if that interests you and you want to join it a link will be down below in the description who had Weibo fall asleep so the bedbugs taking the photos who's taken the photo of the boogeyman oh good luck buddy good luck you look like you're holding on for your life shouldn't he be in the front lenka come on man hey what climate conditions would you expect in the desert you selected a very dry the correct answer is very wet come on why would you not choose Sabrina the Teenage Witch hide this bolding man to play a high school student how do you think he is about about 13 I'm guessing 12 no faith must go out in store lower your marks or go somewhere else start listening to your government there idiot this is the store policy for our employees safety please comply or go somewhere else what do you mean you're complying for your employees safety having no masks just puts them in danger what is wrong with you imagine being Bill Gates right now you spend 30 years of your life and fifty billion of your own dollars supporting humanitarian causes you directly save hundreds of thousands of lives in Southeast Asia by providing anti malaria netting to half of a continent you drop infant mortality rates throughout the entire developing world by funding vaccine programs including vaccinating forty million children for polio and amongst a plethora of plant traffic endeavors you fund free educational platforms like Khan Academy so people can have free access to high quality education then after donating ha donating half of your wealth to charity and pledging 90 percent of the remainder to charity in your will arguably doing more to better life honor for Humanity than any of a human being to ever live you hop on the internet only to find a million scientifically illiterate imbeciles that are using the very computer's pretty much invented in the first place to call you a child murdering arch-villain because they watched a youtube video made by some other yokel with the comprehension of a potato well that is quite the endeavor don't taste it it's gross you better buy that three stars um the bag was heavy I gave it three stars because when I put things in it it became heavy no our slash asked history anyone have any photographs from the Middle Ages I'm writing about the Middle Ages and I was wondering if anyone knows any photographs of the Middle Ages I've looked everywhere I can't find any in 1920 Charlie Chaplin went on a Chaplin look-alike contest and end up getting 27 plays out of 40 contestants the judges when they learn they place the real Charlie Chaplin in 27th place oh this is a standard vaccine composition which of these chemicals do you object to having in your body FNL per pile acetate true method purple acetate and a bunch of other words that I cannot pronounce all of them really cuz I've just given you the chemical composition of an apple which is living testimony to the fact that anti-vaxxers aren't qualified to know what they are scared of you don't want an apple in your body mask check mask check mask wait a minute is that a mask yeah it must be must check amen what's up just separating oxygen into carbon oxide you know the usual what the hell man the school's out are you still doing science breathing Jake I'm breathing I gotta wear this cardboard thing over my head cuz it's so hot man if only there was a hat on my head to protect me thirteen reasons why season four is coming to Netflix in June 2020 season four of what I'm into teaching bind this for $1,000 hi how much pleased $1,000 what $1,000 Oh too much thanks sorry hold on this whole operation was your idea Florida man claims gun found in car belonged to his cousin John wick oh yeah I bet I bet mate at age 25 of his want to get married and have kids but I want my parents in the backseat of my LD this is an Audi r8 and there was no backseat in this car it's a two-seater car yeah you might want to think that one through first would be nice to meet you I agree sucks about this whole pandemic thing hey this is all fake if snow any virus TV lights google it oh boy we hate math say four in 10 a majority of Americans you ever leave the petrol station and you feel like hmm maybe I forgot something well I think this person has a one of my zero waste journey used my past the water from breakfast to make my coffee look at it is it good no to my blind followers here you go how are they supposed to read this it's sign language are you dumb some dumb idiot tried to get a discount on a kayak because it was displayed outside in the rain as if a kayak sole purpose isn't to be wet you do realize that is what they do UK surgeon finds 27 missing contact lenses in woman's eye oh that is gross this woman was seeing an ultra 4k HD scam two out of five stars hi I like magic apps but this one gets the cake so here's my story I was searching on my sister's tablet for a magic app and then I found this one I wanted to download it it but it said that I couldn't download this app on the tablet so then I got it on my phone and I could get the app so I got it and I was so excited to drink some beer so I open my mouth and tilted my phone but then it turned out it was a scam please update this game or I will delete it right away thank you develop a response I am so sorry that no real beer comes out of your device you may want to circuit in the sink overnight to unclog the beer nozzle Cheers that is the best response you could ever give men less likely to wear face masks because they're not cool in a sign of weakness boy some college professors during quarantine yesterday my professor gave an entire lecture on mute and didn't look at the 200 plus comments telling him his audio was off nice going professor what color should I paint my wheels for the strip this year look at it it's amazing a foolproof my car why didn't you just take the wheels off they can could have been so much easier huh roses are red why there is no reasoning Florida cop claims Burger King put on his food investigation reveals it was seasoning my wife's calculator wasn't working due to a lack of light so my told her to use her phone this was not what I was expecting yeah you know you have a calculator app on your phone autograft kurt cobain funkopop very rare $800 genuine no lowball offers autographed by who Kurt Cobain Tamara do you have a time machine he's been dead for 25 years I don't know he must have signed it before he died do you want to buy it Funko pop suddenly been around since 98 he died in 94 well guys that is the end of another episode of our slash facepalm if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if you greatly appreciate if you could do so and maybe even share this video to your friends or family members that'd be greatly appreciated as well before you leave though I just want to say I do have a couple of links down below in the description if you want to check them out I've got my social media like my Twitter and my Instagram people to follow me over there to keep updated lenox post and my next uploads be currently appreciated I also have some merch so it'll be the first link down below in the description if you want to grab some cool designs and shirts hats hoodies and even some custom stickers and face masks check it out it'd be awesome if you can do so lastly don't I do have a patreon so big thank you to all my current patreon supporters the names are on the screen you're gonna support me over there you can do so by clicking the link in the description or on the screen yeah be greatly appreciate it I don't expect you to though it's just there if you want to help me to make better quality videos before that said hopefully enjoyed my video and I'll see you again on the next one [Music]
Channel: GioFilms
Views: 393,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/, reddit, funny, comedy, giofilms, emkay, rslash, dark dom, cuestar, soft kore, top reddit, reddit funny, reddit videos, damien, top posts of all time, best posts, reddit readings, r/facepalm, face, palm
Id: LF7zX2XTw_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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